This is Part 2 of The ACLC Redefining "Love" To Suit The New Apostasy
In what has to be one of the most strange, but expected events that I've witnessed in quite a while from an otherwise predictable religious leader, Minister Louis Farrakhan, the head of the Nation Of Islam, embraced a practice introduced and developed by the late church of Scientology cult founder L. Ron Hubbard called "Auditing".
Not only did Minister Farrakhan endorse the benefits of the practice to the ACLC membership, which are by far and large Christian ministers that have been seduced by the apostasy of ecumenism through the vision of Sun Myung Moon and the ACLC, but he also revealed that he has committed the Nation Of Islam's (NOI's) leadership and membership to the practice by the droves. The following are Minister Farrakhan's sentiments on the subject:
In this statement the Minister not only encourages ALL clergy to obtain and use this practice, he tells how he has already taken over 2000 NOI adherents and leaders through the auditing process in order to provide personal mental and emotional healing. In fact one of his Ministers from Atlanta (Minister Oliver) who is over the southern region of NOI Mosques, seems to use this process like a pain pain pill to instantly provide healing of emotional scars and certain trauma that he believes others are dealing with in the moment.
This is a DREAM come true for the Non-Christian CULT of Scientology, who's founder is responsible for the development and presentation of this ungodly, unbiblical and horrible practice. What L. Ron Hubbard
couldn't do in life through his debunked science of the mind, is now being done in his absence, and fed to the Christian Clergy as a mainstream and acceptable practice by Non-Christian cult leaders to whom Christian clergy have submitted themselves to.
Auditing, What Is It?
Auditing, The Process Transfer Of The Demonic
The practice of "auditing" aka: "processing" as you have seen, is a confessional revealing a person's most intimate thoughts, desires and past experiences to another individual. The individual asking the question is called a "clear" as he/she is supposed to have already overcome many of their psychological difficulties and be in a position to guide the confessor or the "preclear" to the place of mental truth and well-being, by evaluating the electro response of the "E-Meter" which is also known as a "truth meter" as opposed to a "lie detector".
There have been documented cases where the "clear" and "preclear" have had a sexual or intimate relationships as a result of the auditing session. There are also instances where certain questions have been asked to steer emotion and guide a person into believing something that they did not originally or initially believe. Therefore false memories and feelings have been documented as being a part of this process and manipulation. Remember what is said to be a "science" of truth, is nothing more than two cans hooked up to some electrodes, hooked up to a meter. ie: the results are very subjective and information open to all kinds of interpretations.
In many cases there have been murders as a result of these sessions and families have been totally destroyed as a result of what has been confessed through the coercion of the "preclear" into revealing certain information that would have otherwise been kept to themselves. The evaluation of the E-meter results within the church of Scientology go all the way to the head of the organization for further review and "scientific" evaluation. Minister Farrakhan did not address what would be done to the results of the NOI membership auditing.
What minister Farrakhan describes is especially disturbing and problematic. In his example, an 8 year old boy took on the role of a "clear" and led a 86 year old woman into and through this "auditing" confessional. Can you imagine what type of possible perversions, pains, emotional information and trauma that was impressed upon this 8 year old boy psychologically by hearing the intimate confessions of an 86 year old woman??? One would not place a child in this sort of position to either hear or ask questions regarding subject matter such as this....And The Christian Clergy Sit Enthused
Further Minister Farrakhan also leads a non-christian cult and sect of Islam called the Nation Of Islam, which does not believe in the deity of Jesus or that God is either "begotten" or that he "begets". For them, Jesus is not God, he is a mere man, a prophet of God, and one who did not die on the cross for anyone's sins. In addition there is no resurrection in either of these belief systems. In absence of objective biblical truth, it is just a matter of time before ungodly and unbiblical practices will be encouraged, accepted and adopted as standard practices within all member and association churches.
The primary problem is the silence and seduction of the Christian clergy. They have been dumbed down to accept almost anything based on a twisted and unbiblical notion of "love" and "unity" and at the expense of truth.
Why Christian Don't Need The Lie Of Auditing Or Scientology
Since none of the Christians at the Prayer Breakfast took the time to preach truth to the the Minister regarding his statements, I decided that I would do so here, so that at least one can have an understanding of objective truth from which to evaluate the Minister's statements and encouragements into this ungodly practice.
What we have in Jesus is far superior to Scientology or the practice of auditing, without manipulation or opening ourselves up to false memories or ungodly situations. Within the Christian worldview there is only one person that stands between men and God and that is Jesus himself:
The church was commissioned to confess faults to one another and pray for one another, and even lift one another, but deep emotional intimacy and attachment beyond that was not called for by Christ:
The burdens that the church is to bear are burdens contending for the righteousness of the individual. (Gal. 6:1-2) More to the point of what Minister Farrakhan found within the auditing program...there was a change of behavior and lifting that he felt that auditing gave him and those that had been audited. All of those he presented felt as if weight had been lifted off of them and they wanted to share what had been done to liberate them. Now this is AMAZING, because what he confessed without knowing it is that the nature of sin, invading him manifesting itself as emotional pain and bondage WAS NOT addressed through his religion and religious effort. This is EXACTLY what Jesus has come to set us free and make us free from:
This is what the Clergy could have said in response to Minister Farrakhan's encouragements. In the living JESUS the Christian already has what we need for complete healing and satisfaction of the soul. Every Muslim should try HIM and understand HIM, not merely as a man, but as God, and submit to his Lordship, for he lives today!
These two articles, have not been easy to write. Some of the individuals I've referenced I know personally. So this is not done to gain popularity nor is it done to gain friends. It is done however to stand in the TRUTH of Christ and in defense of the faith once delivered to ALL Saints. (Jude 3)
Although I am certainly not a Muslim or a follower of the NOI, I also have a great affinity for the people within this religion. I respect Minister Louis Farrakhan as one of the countries foremost historians and social activists. He has an outstanding legacy of such. I look at him as a earthly fatherly figure with all due respect. Although he only teaches a certain portion of Jesus currently, I greatly fear that what he is doing and leading the NOI into is only further away from the TRUE Jesus, the cross of Christ and further into apostasy and anti-Christ belief.
Whether one likes it or not, the NOI is an important part of the Black community. The Black community is under significant attack, socially, politically, economically and in all other ways. What the Minister is espousing appears to be contrary to basic NOI belief and practice and it makes me wonder will the Nation Of Islam be again split as a result of the decision to embrace Scientology? Will they continue to use this method as a way to manipulate certain beliefs within the organization itself? Either way, auditing is a damaging practice and one that should be discouraged whether one is a Christian or a non-Christian.
At any rate it's time for the real church to stand up and preach the TRUTH of Christ to this lost and dying world. He is the only one that can lift the burdens of guilt, fear and worry and loss associated with the death of a loved one, for it is HE that ultimately has ALL power. Not Muhammad, Elijah Muhammad and certainly not Sun Myung Moon...ONLY JESUS!
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Minister Louis Farrakhan Receiving Presentation From Il. 3rd Jurisd. COGIC Adm. Asst. T. L. Barrett |
Not only did Minister Farrakhan endorse the benefits of the practice to the ACLC membership, which are by far and large Christian ministers that have been seduced by the apostasy of ecumenism through the vision of Sun Myung Moon and the ACLC, but he also revealed that he has committed the Nation Of Islam's (NOI's) leadership and membership to the practice by the droves. The following are Minister Farrakhan's sentiments on the subject:
"If you trust me, I will never knowingly mislead any human being, but I want to share this with you, and I want the leaders first, just to see it, maybe we'll come back in a week or two and I'll share with you or let you see a video of how this is done. And when you see it, just look at it, think about it, and then look inside yourself, and your church. Because there are people in your church, if they get this technology, they can turn right around in the church, and begin helping to relieve members of the church of some of the grief and sorrow over death and...things that happen in life as a natural consequence of living. ...."and if you will experience it...we had the largest auditing session of over 2000 people. We took a whole hotel, a ballroom, several of 'em, and to see people, being relieved...One child was 8 years old, and he had this technology, and he was talking to a woman, 86 and bringing out her burdens, and helping her to deal with it." ~ Minister Louis Farrakhan ACLC Prayer Breakfast 5/17/2011
In this statement the Minister not only encourages ALL clergy to obtain and use this practice, he tells how he has already taken over 2000 NOI adherents and leaders through the auditing process in order to provide personal mental and emotional healing. In fact one of his Ministers from Atlanta (Minister Oliver) who is over the southern region of NOI Mosques, seems to use this process like a pain pain pill to instantly provide healing of emotional scars and certain trauma that he believes others are dealing with in the moment.
This is a DREAM come true for the Non-Christian CULT of Scientology, who's founder is responsible for the development and presentation of this ungodly, unbiblical and horrible practice. What L. Ron Hubbard
couldn't do in life through his debunked science of the mind, is now being done in his absence, and fed to the Christian Clergy as a mainstream and acceptable practice by Non-Christian cult leaders to whom Christian clergy have submitted themselves to.
Auditing, What Is It?
The secret of what auditing does is revealed within scientology at level OT III (Operating Thetan Level 3), some very strange & fiercely guarded secrets are imparted upon worthy members who have paid enough money to advance to such a level. According to Scientology belief, the evil alien ruler Xenu killed millions of aliens (Thetans) from around the universe by kidnapping them, bringing them to earth in golden DC-8 “space-planes”, stacking them around volcanoes & blowing them up by dropping “h-bombs” into the volcanoes. Scientologists believe the souls of these aliens (these souls are "Body Thetans") were captured, brainwashed & released; they then attached themselves to our ancestors (and according to Scientology’s belief in Thetan immortality, they also attached to us during “past lives”) & cause many of our mental & physical ills to this day. Auditing is said to “clear” us of these Body Thetans as well as the “mental implants” they supposedly impose on our minds.
The following video will display of the process of auditingAuditing, The Process Transfer Of The Demonic
The practice of "auditing" aka: "processing" as you have seen, is a confessional revealing a person's most intimate thoughts, desires and past experiences to another individual. The individual asking the question is called a "clear" as he/she is supposed to have already overcome many of their psychological difficulties and be in a position to guide the confessor or the "preclear" to the place of mental truth and well-being, by evaluating the electro response of the "E-Meter" which is also known as a "truth meter" as opposed to a "lie detector".
The questions and the amount of time spent on the questions are totally up to the "clear" or the one asking the questions. The time frame is open and includes current or past events. Therefore, the "preclear" is forced into telling the truth and revealing certain parts of themselves that the "clear" may or may not be able to handle. In fact it is often the case that the "clear" cannot handle the information, and thus the problem with auditing is revealed...
There have been documented cases where the "clear" and "preclear" have had a sexual or intimate relationships as a result of the auditing session. There are also instances where certain questions have been asked to steer emotion and guide a person into believing something that they did not originally or initially believe. Therefore false memories and feelings have been documented as being a part of this process and manipulation. Remember what is said to be a "science" of truth, is nothing more than two cans hooked up to some electrodes, hooked up to a meter. ie: the results are very subjective and information open to all kinds of interpretations.
In many cases there have been murders as a result of these sessions and families have been totally destroyed as a result of what has been confessed through the coercion of the "preclear" into revealing certain information that would have otherwise been kept to themselves. The evaluation of the E-meter results within the church of Scientology go all the way to the head of the organization for further review and "scientific" evaluation. Minister Farrakhan did not address what would be done to the results of the NOI membership auditing.
What minister Farrakhan describes is especially disturbing and problematic. In his example, an 8 year old boy took on the role of a "clear" and led a 86 year old woman into and through this "auditing" confessional. Can you imagine what type of possible perversions, pains, emotional information and trauma that was impressed upon this 8 year old boy psychologically by hearing the intimate confessions of an 86 year old woman??? One would not place a child in this sort of position to either hear or ask questions regarding subject matter such as this.
As I said, I wasn't surprised at the fact that Minister Farrakhan took the time to present this to the ACLC. The ACLC founder is a non-Christian cult leader and the basic premise of the ACLC is a non-biblical one. So the stage is set for anything to be both presented and accepted in the name of "love" and "unity".
Further Minister Farrakhan also leads a non-christian cult and sect of Islam called the Nation Of Islam, which does not believe in the deity of Jesus or that God is either "begotten" or that he "begets". For them, Jesus is not God, he is a mere man, a prophet of God, and one who did not die on the cross for anyone's sins. In addition there is no resurrection in either of these belief systems. In absence of objective biblical truth, it is just a matter of time before ungodly and unbiblical practices will be encouraged, accepted and adopted as standard practices within all member and association churches.
The primary problem is the silence and seduction of the Christian clergy. They have been dumbed down to accept almost anything based on a twisted and unbiblical notion of "love" and "unity" and at the expense of truth.
Why Christian Don't Need The Lie Of Auditing Or Scientology
Since none of the Christians at the Prayer Breakfast took the time to preach truth to the the Minister regarding his statements, I decided that I would do so here, so that at least one can have an understanding of objective truth from which to evaluate the Minister's statements and encouragements into this ungodly practice.
What we have in Jesus is far superior to Scientology or the practice of auditing, without manipulation or opening ourselves up to false memories or ungodly situations. Within the Christian worldview there is only one person that stands between men and God and that is Jesus himself:
1 Timothy 2:5 ~ "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;"
John 14:6 ~ "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
Within Christianity confession of sin was not to be made to people in order to be free of sin. Confession was to be made to God for healing and freedom:
1 John 1:9-10 ~ "9-If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10-If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us."
The church was commissioned to confess faults to one another and pray for one another, and even lift one another, but deep emotional intimacy and attachment beyond that was not called for by Christ:
James 5:16 ~ "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."
Within Christianity, all burdens are to be cast upon Jesus himself, because HE is not only familiar with our suffering as having touched humanity, HE is the only one who can bear our burdens:
1 Peter 5:7 ~ "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you"
Heb. 4:14-16 ~ "14-Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. 15-For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. 16-Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."
The burdens that the church is to bear are burdens contending for the righteousness of the individual. (Gal. 6:1-2) More to the point of what Minister Farrakhan found within the auditing program...there was a change of behavior and lifting that he felt that auditing gave him and those that had been audited. All of those he presented felt as if weight had been lifted off of them and they wanted to share what had been done to liberate them. Now this is AMAZING, because what he confessed without knowing it is that the nature of sin, invading him manifesting itself as emotional pain and bondage WAS NOT addressed through his religion and religious effort. This is EXACTLY what Jesus has come to set us free and make us free from:
Matthew 11:28-30 ~"28-Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29-Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30-For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.":
This is what the Clergy could have said in response to Minister Farrakhan's encouragements. In the living JESUS the Christian already has what we need for complete healing and satisfaction of the soul. Every Muslim should try HIM and understand HIM, not merely as a man, but as God, and submit to his Lordship, for he lives today!
These two articles, have not been easy to write. Some of the individuals I've referenced I know personally. So this is not done to gain popularity nor is it done to gain friends. It is done however to stand in the TRUTH of Christ and in defense of the faith once delivered to ALL Saints. (Jude 3)
Although I am certainly not a Muslim or a follower of the NOI, I also have a great affinity for the people within this religion. I respect Minister Louis Farrakhan as one of the countries foremost historians and social activists. He has an outstanding legacy of such. I look at him as a earthly fatherly figure with all due respect. Although he only teaches a certain portion of Jesus currently, I greatly fear that what he is doing and leading the NOI into is only further away from the TRUE Jesus, the cross of Christ and further into apostasy and anti-Christ belief.
Whether one likes it or not, the NOI is an important part of the Black community. The Black community is under significant attack, socially, politically, economically and in all other ways. What the Minister is espousing appears to be contrary to basic NOI belief and practice and it makes me wonder will the Nation Of Islam be again split as a result of the decision to embrace Scientology? Will they continue to use this method as a way to manipulate certain beliefs within the organization itself? Either way, auditing is a damaging practice and one that should be discouraged whether one is a Christian or a non-Christian.
At any rate it's time for the real church to stand up and preach the TRUTH of Christ to this lost and dying world. He is the only one that can lift the burdens of guilt, fear and worry and loss associated with the death of a loved one, for it is HE that ultimately has ALL power. Not Muhammad, Elijah Muhammad and certainly not Sun Myung Moon...ONLY JESUS!
Now, some say, "what do you intend to point out in the article?"..."you've written that he is a heretic anyway"...
ReplyDeleteOK, when compared to Christianity his religion is heretical...even within Islam itself the Minister adopts a heretical position expecially as it pertains to "Khalifa",
With that said, his organization has an influence in America in many ways. In addition there are some good people that are a part of his group. I hate to see more trouble added to what there already is, especially when so many people are in the line of fire...
The practice of scientology WILL NOT help the condition of our community nor those within the NOI itself. To sit back in an unconcerned manner simply because he doesn't believe in the deity and supremacy of Jesus Christ is an unbiblical sentiment in my opinion...
We'll certainly keep preaching teh truth, but I think within the NOI, the ministers should hold him accountable.
Well, I guess all that is in addition to the fact that the Christian Ministers who have aligned themselves with the ACLC are also eating this us as if it has some benefits for Christians.
ReplyDeleteThat's got to be the primary problem here...those that should know the truth are far to eager to accept the LIE that auditing is, simply because the Minister endorses it...that's sad!
I didn't heard about this information. This is new information for me. Great article. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThis adm. asst. involved in this, has his bishop or anyone from Memphis reprimanded him for this?
ReplyDeleteL. Ron Hubbard was mentored by Jack Parson. Parson mentor was no other than Aleister Crowley. Parson and Hubbard practice all types of sex magick called Babalon Working invoking demons. Parson bottom line was Satanist, that came up with Scientology to get paid, but the higher you go up in it the more you realize it is demonic.
ReplyDeleteWith Farrakhan, he is quietly somewhat of a mystic, good example of this Farrakhan stating he has been taking up in UFO or Mother Plane was given visions.
He is part of this great ecumencial movement that is sweeping this country. Farrakhan has also spoken at several conferences that Carlton Pearson had. Outstanding article Elder. Very insightful, I have to save this one in a folder.
Thanks for confirming the ac connection,now it all makes sense wow..!!the right information brings you into truth.
DeleteThanks for confirming the ac connection,now it all makes sense wow..!!the right information brings you into truth.
DeleteAs the word says: will wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived---I'm surprised that Islam apparently doesn't offer some other technique. Evidently, he needed to look outside Islam to get this need met...and poorly met at that...Looks like if you're looking for something, you need to look in the right place, if youre religion is insufficient.
ReplyDeleteI know of several churches who allow Farrakhan in their pulpits; but forget the legacy of this man, look at the vile heresies you open your congregation up to....I really never knew much about scientology, but at least I've gotten a glimpse of it from this article; talk about damnable stuff and doctrines of demons. Underlying premise is that man can save his soul through confession or interaction with others--auditing or whatever---all lies--this is also a reason that people need to be careful at church or whereever, just telling all their sins and what they did and who they used to be--there is a danger in that; the word says that some sins are a shame to even speak of...
I am very disappointed with our black clergy wanting to embrace Sun Yung Moon and Farrakhan. Anyone in that room with a little bit of discernment would have seen that these are dangerous men.
ReplyDeleteNow, I hope I have come across clearly, ecumenism can be a good thing, however, most of teh time ecumenism revolves around dropping truth at the dooor step...
ReplyDeleteie: Within my community the NOI has offered to support my outreach...that is quite a surprise and blessing...Surprise because i don't compromise truth. A blessing because they realize that the message I have and my efforts are reaching individuals and they want an opportunity to support that...
Now, is that wrong???
How could it be when Christians I've called to support and go forth together in the same manner duck and dodge???
ie: if the church won't do it, then others will stand because they see the benefiits to the community...
So what do you do when there is no "payback" for support and God allows hose that don't believe as you do to support your efforts for Christ??? Someone needs to think...
Pastor H. Burnett
The problem is when we either change or compromise what we believe in order to allow this type of fellowship...
ReplyDeleteReach out with everyone, but don't adopt your view of Christ to the view of others from other organizations etc...
Ie: Jesus is GOD in an uncompromising fashion and the proof is steeply scriptural that he not only received worship, but he did the actions of God (remitting sin and raising the dead and controlling the elements etc) He had the names of God, he received the appelations reserved only for God, He referred to himself as the "I Am" of Exodus 3 (Jn. 8:58) and the disciples understood him as Lord and God (Jn. 20:28) etc...He was not merely a man nor a prophet according to scripture...Those thuings and the resurrection are without compromise...
Now, ecumenism says, let those things down (and more) to make all and everyone feel comfortable and accepted and that's where ecumenism crosses the line...When truth is compromised. To have an ecumenical gathering is certainly acceptable, but TRUTH is not to be checked at the door.
Dont mean to hijack, but if any of you knew Bishop Alfred Knight he passed away a couple days ago.
ReplyDeleteI am yet concerned about this and the effect on the people involved.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I have heard so far, they have established a regional system whereby an auditor is appointed to a particular region to provide the necessary sessions for individual and family members etc. This is not a good thing and I don't see much good coming out of it, especially when there is no Holy Ghost restraint or guidance.
Many of you have family and friends that are a part of the NOI. Pray for them that they won't be affected negatively by this ungodly practice.
What we are witnessing in our trance like states is... (and the oddity of NOI & CoS's union lends terrifying weight to the statement i will now make) ...the construction of the Fourth Reich. If you look at the movements that spawned the Nazi Party and compare them the political processes (organization of people is by definition political)taking place via the consolidation of religious and occult groups you will find striking similarities. The Nazis as a political party emerged from secret occult societies (Thule Society ex.)that taught every tenet of Hitler's ideology. Some of these groups disappeared as they simply became new elements of the Nazi Gov. In Germany, like we see here, these groups were only allies against a common object of hatred = the Jew. NOI & CoS seemingly have nothing in common but a lust for power and a hatred for Jews (we know Farrakahn hates them, what are you willing to bet the straight-laced, conservativish CoS hates them too given the image projected by those sewage peddlers in Hollywood that are often of the Hebraic persuasion). This hellish union has a Nazi parallel. The SA & SS, and they were so at odds that once Nazi power had been thoroughly established many SA members were murdered in the "Night of the Long Knives". As we are witnessing the rise of the 4th Reich it is possible to identify some of the likely players. SeaOrg is the creme de la creme, the elite forces--the SS Command. A global force, headquartered in International Waters, subject to no nation's jurisdiction as it manipulates and maneuvers its brainwashed, global membership from offshore (really a legal nightmare). CoS Auditors are the rank and file SS set to make sure every mind is CLEAR for the new program, and set to report EVERYTHING to a centralized hierarchy. The NOI is the SA, the grunts...make no mistake about it, CoS controls the relationship and NOI will be purged like the Nazi SA once the regime is in place. The persons that control this process are the same fascist white nazis the CIA imported during WWII. Denver Int'l Airport runway design, or the San Diego Naval Barracks, or the Staten Island Hospital logo and design. The buildings and the runways are shaped like swastika and the the hospital logo is identical to the SS runes that adorned Nazi SS lapels (like two lightning bolts). Nazi Germany was not defeated, it was taken underground and is now ready to try total enslavement of humanity all over again and this NOI/CoS deal should strike the fear of G-d into every person who has eyes and ears. But don't take my word for it, educate yourself. If you know the past well enough, you can see the future......and things will get a lot worse before redemption. The rantings that may now seem so hollow will hopefully comfort you in that as we witness hell on earth for the second time in a century...i can also say that this is the last chance these bastards are going to get and it ends very badly for them. Don't succumb to the hypnotism of popular culture, read history critically--peace and love to all creation. Real lasting peace/ redemption for humanity is just about here, but the road to get there will not be easily traveled....
ReplyDeleteSITE OWNER: if it's possible, you should allow anonymous comments so as not to facilitate the further consolidation and centralization of communications. Don't strengthen the panopticon, if you can help it, respectfully. In J.Edgar Hoover wildest fantasies even he could not envision a system whereby persons voluntarily create dossiers on themselves that are more thorough than anything the FBI could produce (referring to Facebook). Add this to google's penchant for data collection and continuing consolidation of technologies like OpenID that links all our communications to one master account, and the groundwork for totalitarianism is already in place just waiting for a tyrant