In this series I will examine and answer the following questions:
What we can say to begin with is that this is a very controversial subject matter and often the proponents of hip-hop, both outside and within the church, are so committed to it that they would rather continue their love for it, and reverential treatment of its icons, to such an extent that to preach against it automatically evokes anger and disdain. For those of us who are spiritually minded, we automatically equate this type of resistance to the spiritual warfare that we know exists and the strongholds that the world is overtaken by.
Then, there are many churches who have taken the position that in order to be attractive to the community, the church must become a promoter of hip-hop and also become inclusive as to cater to the needs of the hip-hop community and make provisions for the hip hop culture within the church. Therefore much resistance to the message against hip-hop comes from spaghetti-backed ministers who either forgot or never knew the mission of God to the church or community.
Then without doubt, because of the varying degrees of social disparity that we find within the educational system, the criminal justice system and because of the breakdown of the inner city family (the black family in particular) hip hop has made its way to the center of social "normalcy" of American lifestyle, so much until one almost can't pick up a secular magazine without being presented with some sort of message formulated for, by or catering to the hip hop culture.
Exodus 20:3 ~ "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
As simple as the first commandment of God may seem it is often the most violated commandment that that we witness both within and outside of the modern day church. Both Christians and non-Christians are quick to make idols of their favorite preachers, artists, and musicians and fight vehemently for them. While there is certainly nothing wrong with loyalty, there is however something wrong with establishing and promoting idolatry and becoming a conduit for idol worship.

One of the most popular TV shows is called American Idol. The show seriously and sometimes hilariously displays the preoccupation with becoming famous at almost any cost. This is the hook of hip-hop. The promise that hip-hop will somehow make one popular, sexy or more appealing. Unfortunately this has become the position of the modern church as it pertains to hip-hop and the hip-hop culture and agenda and it is having devastating effects on our youth and families. While I don't intend to lay all of the blame for our communities current condition at the feet of hip-hop, the hip-hop culture has not added anything of benefit or to stem the tide of the conditions that we currently face.
What Is Hip-Hop?

As recently as 1997 singer and artist Erykah Badu, who sold 3 million CDs of her 1997 debut and won a Grammy for rhythm and blues album of the year, credited the 5% Nation as an influence. Several of her songs include bits of 5% teachings. Erykah is also expecting her third child out of wedlock by as many men. Andre 3000 is her oldest son's father while rapper D.O.C. is her daughters daddy. The sad part is that at her height she was admired by many Christian women for her seeming strength, boldness and spirituality.

1. That black people are the original people of the planet earth.
2. That black people are the fathers and mothers of civilization.
3. That the science of Supreme Mathematics is the key to understanding man's relationship to the universe.
4. Islam is a natural way of life, not a religion.
5. That education should be fashioned to enable us to be self sufficient as a people.
6. That each one should teach one according to their knowledge.
7. That the blackman is god and his proper name is ALLAH. Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, Head.
8. That our children are our link to the future and they must be nurtured, respected, loved, protected and educated.
9. That the unified black family is the vital building block of the nation.
Contrary to popular knowledge, hip-hop has also established it's own "ministry" and has set forth that it is seeking to be more than music could or would ever be or become. In fact, one of its leading proponents, KRS ONE (formerly Lawrence Krisna Parker) the founder of the Temple Of Hip-Hop, which is a hip-hop preservation society, has declared
"hip hop is not just the music, it is a lifestyle" ~KRS ONE
To make the transition to the business and political end of hip-hop one must notice one of the most vocal proponents and promoters of hip-hop in modern America. He is the 51 year old Russell Simmons, founder of multiple businesses including Def Jam Records and Entertainment which gave rise to comedians such as Chris Rock and serious promotion to others such as Martin Lawrence and the late Bernie Mack through the Def Jam Comedy Show. Mr. Simmons is also the founder of the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network which meets annually to discuss the direction of hip-hop and it's mission towards the youth and the community in general. Mr. Simmons recently declared:
Mr. Simmons has taken the advantage of the opportunity to point out that "muscleflex", by stating that the election of President Barack Obama was due to the hip-hop community and the emerging consciousness promoted by Eckhart Tolle and other mystical teachers. The words of Mr. Simmons:

- "The vision of the hip-hop generation and its young people is in full and glorious effect. While many older Americans marched and struggled so hard so Senator Obama could run for President of the United States never dared believe in his candidacy's real potential, young people particularly the hip-hop community, had faith and their imagination became our reality. The election of Barack Obama, a resounding progressive voice, is a clear reflection of hip-hop politics. It's a reflection of the 35 Million who downloaded Eckhart Tolle's "A New Earth" and all the other popular books espousing this new emerging consciousness." (Hip Hop Weekly Edwards Media Vol. 3 Issue 24 Pg. 26)
The Source Magazine which claims to be the "bible of hip-hop" declared very similar:
- "But it was the youth vote- the hip-hop vote- that clearly made a difference in this election"..."He(President Obama) is a product of the hip-hop generation. While not necessarily "hood" in the street sense of the word, Obama has worked for and organized the "hood". Even as he claims to love and appreciate some hip-hop he has spoken out against its more explicit and offensive lyrics" ~ (L. Londell McMillan The Source Magazine December 2008 Issue #228, pg. 55)
What is telling about these statements is that hip-hop is claiming individuals merely because they are "close" in proximity to hip-hop. For these reasons and others, it should be obvious that hip-hop is not merely a music style, lyric or rhythm. It is a social culture that defines, motivates and shapes hearts dreams and aspirations. It is also a direct attempt to inculturate our youth permeating and redefining all norms of society.
Further, it is even more interesting to note that individuals such as Mr. Simmons and his brother affectionately called Rev. Run founder of the rap group Run DMC do not allow their children to listen to hip-hop music in their presence.
Should there be any wonder why not even those making money from hip hop don't allow their children to listen to it?
- This Hiphop Declaration of Peace guides Hiphop Kulture toward freedom from violence, and establishes advice and protection for the existence and development of the international Hiphop community. Through the principles of this Hiphop Declaration of Peace we, Hiphop Kulture, establish a foundation of Health, Love, Awareness, Wealth, peace and prosperity for ourselves, our children and their children's children, forever. For the clarification of Hiphop's meaning and purpose, or when the intention of Hiphop is questioned, or when disputes between parties arise concerning Hiphop; Hiphoppas shall have access to the advice of this document, The Hiphop Declaration of Peace, as guidance, advice and protection.
The declaration of hip-hop states that IT should be consulted to clarify the meaning and intent of hip-hop when there are questions or disputes. Due to the crime violence, murders and "beefs" that we see among the hip-hop community it's obvious that not all "hiphoppas" ascribe to this declaration which we will touch on later in this series.
The Hip-Hop Temple & It's Message
The Temple of hip hop describes its beliefs and practices as "independent collective consciousness". What the temple has successfully done is replace independent consciousness with consciousnesses dependent upon it for direction and acceptance. Under Principle One, the elements (body) of hip-hop are:
- Breakin,
Graffiti Art,
Street Fashion,
Street Language,
Street Knowledge and
Street Entrepreneurialism
- STREET KNOWLEDGE: (The study and application of ancestral wisdom). Commonly refers to the basic common sense and accumulated wisdom of inner-city families. It consists of techniques, phrases, codes and terms used to survive within the inner-cities. It involves the ability to reason soundly with or without the ideas or validation of the traditional academic mainstream. Street Knowledge is the accumulation of Hip Hop’s cultural self-awareness
Additional principles are outlined as follows:
- *Sixth Principle
- Hiphop Kulture honors no relationship, person, event, act or otherwise wherein the preservation and further development of Hiphop's culture, principles and elements are not considered or respected. Hiphop Kulture does not participate in activities that clearly destroy or alter its ability to productively and peacefully exist. Hiphoppas are encouraged to initiate and participate in fair trade and honesty in all negotiations and transactions.
- *Seventh Principle
- The essence of Hiphop is beyond entertainment: The elements of Hiphop Kulture may be traded for money, honor, power, respect, food, shelter, information and other resources; however, Hiphop and its culture cannot be bought, nor is it for sale. It (Hiphop) cannot be transferred or exchanged by or to anyone for any compensation at any time or at any place. Hiphop is not a product. Hiphop is the priceless principle of our self-empowerment.
- *Eighth Principle
- Companies, corporations, non and not-for-profit organizations, as well as individuals and groups that are clearly benefiting from the use, interpretation and/or exploitation of the term Hiphop, (i.e. Hip Hop, hip-hop,) and the expressions and terminologies of Hiphop, (i.e. Hip Hop, hip-hop,) are encouraged to commission and/or employ a full-time or part-time certified Hiphop Kultural Specialist to interpret and answer sensitive cultural questions regarding the principles and proper presentations of Hiphop’s elements and culture; relative to businesses, individuals, organizations, communities, cities, as well as other countries.
Hip -hop has defined the following things for us:
- Hip-hop is more than music, it is a culture and a complete world view
- Hip-hop is a godless worldview in which man is replaced and exalted to the status of God
- Many of the major artists within hip-hop belong to anti-God religious groups and use the music of hip hop to promote their anti-Christ messages.
- Hip-hop does not respect anyone or any institution who does not seek to preserve hip-hop nor promote it's principles.
- When all things are considered we can safely say that hip-hop is an atheistic religion in practice and a humanistic worldview in philosophy.
It can't go without noting that we have many churches who are now catering to the hip-hop crowd, not by preaching the truth but by compromising the holiness of God, claiming that they are reaching the masses and replacing ineffective religion with a new spiritual fervor.
We will also look at what we must do as a church to help liberate our youth from the destruction underneath the surface of the hip-hop culture.
Praise the LORD!
ReplyDeletePastor Burnett,
Awesome research! To GOD be all the glory! Hip-Hop was one of the idols/habits that GOD delivered me from that I vividly remember before my total conversion in the winter of 1996. All of a sudden I lost the "taste and desire" of Hip Hop. GOD took the desire away from me. I will never forget that my love for this music suddenly and without my asking...DIED! I never bought another Hip-Hop CD after that ever again(1996). It was the next winter that GOD divinely met me and called me out of darkness into HIS marvelous light! This musis, Hip-Hop is definitely anti-christ and a music of death!
I want to ask your permission before I comment any further. The SPIRIT has given me insights on Exodus 32 that applies to Hip-Hop being the equivalent of the "molten calf" of Exodus 32:4. The black churches that want Hip-Hop to appeal to the youth do not realize that they are following other gods. So as a prophetic confirmation to your assessment on the spiritual source is Egypt! The Black American experience from slavery to jim crowe to civil rights to present has been religiously and historically portrayed as similar to the Israelites bondage and deliverance from Egypt. Just as the Israelites turned their backs on GOD(apostasy), so has the majority of black America and the black church included. We have always been a spiritual people but now the majority of us and even in the black church are following the WRONG spirit, not the HOLY SPIRIT!
I have so much more to say, but I will email this directly to you for your review.
ReplyDeleteYour assessments are right on point. Unlike it's predasessor, soul music and rhythm and blues, this music has been anointed into a strong brand of resurgent egyptology and mysticism. That's the danger. One thinks, "ooh, I just like the beats" and they without their knowledge also get the "spirit" that goes along with it.
I have seen and talked to more people who have confessed that this music, when listened to as we sometimes had a history of doing, (loud and bangin') get in a totally different state of mind. Combine that with the urging of other individuals to "do wrong" it's a no win situation for many of our youth.
Studies have even proven that music has an effect on psychology. There are alpha states that occur during music presentations which open the mind for suggestion and when this garbage is played all kinds of things filter into the mind right along with it.
Now the problem is that the church believes that this music style can be redeemed. The facts are that hip-hop has made a conscious decision and DOES NOT want redemption. Unntil it's tenents, goals and ultimate purpose changes, the church is silly to think that we can redeem it. That's why we got these so called "gangsta rappers" and others who live raggedy lives, fight at the awards ceremonies sometimes worse than the secular hip-hop artists.
Yep, that's right...gospel folk gettin' in fights at awards ceremonies...what were they? Christian hip-hop artists...TOTAL shame.
I finally got that CD too. I'll send it out Monday. Thank God(LOL)
God bless.
Hello there!!
ReplyDeleteThis is interesting....
I haven't seen any blogs presenting it this way.
Thanks for putting the time in to present this!
Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
WOW! I agree and appreciate the laundry list of why the church and church folk (Christians) should be against hip-hop music. However, what the church is doing is taking that unclean thing and trying to make it clean. For example, hip-hop= holy hip-hop (I hate the mention of that title). Gospel rapper is another one. Surely, the Lord is not pleased with this whatsoever. Mind you, I'm in the age group that grew up on hip-hop, however, when the Lord saved me, he delivered me from the world. I didn't grow up in the church, only across the street from the church. I never would have imagined that what I got delivered from, would one day meet me in the place where my salvation and deliverance took place. Talk about crazy! I know too many Christians who are so tangled with the world and its system, that they believe that its okay to listen to rap, hip-hop, and any other secular music. How is GOD glorified and highly lifted up in this music? Oh, because they say GOD, maybe an occassional Jesus that makes it Holy. Come on people, give me a break. I was watching this so-called gospel station on tv this weekend. This young man goes by the name of Rebel, who happens to be a Christian rapper (wink, wink). He's connected to that group that say that they are rapping about Christ but still sleep with hi-hop. Anyhoo... So, here I am 37 years old watching this as I'm amazed at how people allow their children to follow someone who calls themselves a rebel, plus his pants had skeletons on them. Talk about demonic. Everything he did or said emulated the hip-hop/rap culture. The dances he did. His mannerism. I'm so turned off by the church and its inclusion of this mess in the body of Christ that I often wonder, where are the real leaders?
ReplyDeleteLastly, I tell people all of time, go to a person who serves a false god or a dead god and you will see how true and real they are about their beliefs. They will not add (the world belief system) one thing about Buddha, Allah, or any other false deity. If you want to join these cults, guess what, you will follow the rules without wavering. You ask three muslims about Allah and they will tell you the same thing. You ask three Christians about the Bible, you will get three different answers. Why? Don't we serve the true and living GOD? How were the people in the OT able to live Holy when they didn't have the Holy Spirit in them (the Holy Spirit only came upon them to do a work), but we do (those who have it) but we can't say no to anything except Biblical principles. Lord help us!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for stopping by. You have an excellent site with much information. I do have something that I would like to speak with you about.
God bless.
ReplyDeleteYOU ARE TOTALLY CORRECT! At least that's my humble opinion and thoughts on the issue.
People simply don't want to give up the world and they also have underestimated the spirit of destruction that hip-hop culture presents.
I will also go into detail about redeeming the hip-hop culture in the next promises to be eye opening as well.
Thanks and God bless.
Great info. Thanks Pastor!
ReplyDeleteHip Hop culture is infused with a spirit of violence and anarchy. They claim to be speaking "their truth" but its the voice of demons which have lured thousands of young people into their deaths.
ReplyDeleteThanks Pastor B. This should be a documentary.
I have a few of the dvds that Ex Ministries has produced about this subject, and they are awesome. I strongly encourage people to buy them if this is an issue they need further info about.
Jim, Edmonton
Thank God for all of the men sent by God that know the truth and will not compromise,men like you,G.craige and others that are stedfast,, unmoveable, always abounding in the word,work, and Spirit of God.These are days of overwhelming deception, many have little or no spiritual perception nor discernment,they are decieved,ignorant, blind and so willing to fight the truth.Hip-Hop is one of the many Satanic sources of deception working today and many calling themselves Christians [preachers included]are subject to these deceptions and will attempt to discredit and destroy those that are in the truth,of the truth,know the truth and have the truth in them.Keep telling the truth,those of us that know the truth are with you.
ReplyDeletePastor Harvey! Its your guy in Charlotte Min. Kevin! I'm really looking forward to this blog. I'll be honest; because i was born in the 80's and came up in the 90's i was a huge hip hop head! Spiritual growth has allowed me to see how rap as an entity is detrimental to the black community but society as a whole. What I'm interested in gettin to is the aspect of Christian Hip Hop as it relates to the church. I am not and am pretty sure I will never really be a fan of christian hip hop but since i've moved to charlotte i see its really popular here with the young christians. Matter of fact I got to church woth some guys i know personally are truly on fire for the Lord but are christian rap artist that have done several recordings themselves? I know I may be getting ahead of you Pastor but I'm anxious to get to that. I would have them check this out but I really think they'd be offended by the series since they themselves are artists!
ReplyDeleteBrother Walt,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your encouragement. I appreciate your prayers.
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by and reading the info. you said this:
"What I'm interested in gettin to is the aspect of Christian Hip Hop as it relates to the church."
That's coming right up my friend, please stay tuned. How's the weather in Minnesota?
God bless.
Hi Pastor Burnet. How are you? This is Khalid. I like how you summed up the beliefs of the many 5 percent Hip Hop artists. This is such an ungodly cult being pumped in many hip hop songs and parents need to be aware of this. I like how you outlined there beliefs.
ReplyDeleteI was just wondering how you came to the conclusion that Hip Hop has an agenda. Do you mean Hip Hop itself or the people in Hip Hop?
Don't get me wrong I am not trying to nullify the damage that many Hip Hop artist are causing to our youth. I am just wondering about your choice of words. Or maybe I am just getting caught up in semantics.
(By the way I read you articles on reformed theology. Loved it.)
ReplyDeleteThanks for commenting on this article. I've been doing fine and hope u r too...You asked:
"I was just wondering how you came to the conclusion that Hip Hop has an agenda. Do you mean Hip Hop itself or the people in Hip Hop?
That's a good question. I'll answer by stating that I believe that hip-hop and its "promoters" cannot be seperated. ie: hip-hop only exists because it's being promoted by the individuals within it. The individuals could exist without hip-hop, but not the other way around...
I would say that based on those thoughts that it would be correct to say that "hip-hop has an agenda" as hip-hop only moves in response to those who have promoted and defined it.
Those in the industry have defined it in every aspect and individuals who try to redefine it are not considered to be "true" to hip-hop. For example, hip-hop has its own religion (ie: Temple Of hip-hop ~ One can say that's only a radical element but yet it lays claim to hip-hop and is respected among hip-hoppas for doing so)There are statements of faith, (aka street knowledge) political agenda, and social methods and methodology.
To deny this and place everything on "music only" is to deny the many statements by hip-hop promoters who currently claim that "hip hop is not just the music, it's a lifestyle" ~ KRS ONE.
Thanks and that's a good question for additional consideration and I'm sure there's other good people who have a varying opinion. If they are reading I would like to hear a layout of their argument so I could consider it.
By the way, I've got some additional articles coming soon on Christian apologetics and various types of things so, thanks for reading and I hope they're a blessing to you.
you should think about doing a video on all this information, it could be documentary style.
ReplyDeleteI used to come to this blog a while back good to see that you are keeping the
ReplyDeleteThanks for the compliment and please keep me in your prayers.
Pastor Burnett, I appreciate your stand for holiness and the Word of God. It is refreshing to still have holiness preachers and teachers in this land on unholiness. I took a peek at and it states if you want info to write to them. Intersting that their poisionous doctrine is not listed on their own site. That is very telling.
ReplyDeleteBlessing, Eld. Carl
Can I have ur e-mail adress?I've been asking myself many questions about that for a long time.Would u excuse me for my poor English I am french speaking.I just feel I need to talk to tou about a lot of things I feel it in my heart.Please contact me. I know that the Lord is calling me into the music ministry but I gotta make somethinbg clear before I get into it.
ReplyDeleteI can be emailed at
Thanks and GOd bless.