He kicked them in the face and they came....
He kicked them in the stomach, and they still came...
He slammed supposed broken legs on the altar and yet they still came...
He told them that the Lord was telling him to kick some Holy Ghost sense into their spirits and they still came...
Who is this man of spiritual influence? Who was this man with tats, piercings, studs, rings and a punk-rock preaching persona? Who was this man who reportedly called the dead back to life through Internet pod casts? He had control and domination over as many as 10,000 individuals at a time, some even traveling from all over the country just to be a part of the services. Some came from various parts of the world, to be seduced, kicked, mesmerized and ultimately lied to and mishandled in the name of Christ?
He was the Evangelist of supposedly, one of the greatest revivals of modern times. In the lines and vein of Toronto, and Brownsville. Reportedly, there were reminisces of Azusa and a feeling of Holy Ghost empowerment when "Bam!" was said and people hit the floor "slain" under the power.
Well, here we are again. It was Todd "The Boy Wonder" Bentley. The healer, evangelist, pastor, vessel of "God" working wonders on the people of God. Thank God that not only do the righteous recognize that God judges false prophets & false teachers as my good friend and brother Elder D.L.Foster at GCM Watch points out, but the righteous also recognize that God allows individuals to become overwhelmed and victimized by the same false impressions and misdirections by which they victimize others.
In the days of gold dust, gold fillings in decaying teeth, and angel hair and feathers, it becomes burdensome and disturbing to see people so readily duped at the sight of what they think could be a move of God. This displays at least two things:
1- The desperation of the people to remove themselves from their current condition of sin and burden and
2- The eagerness of false prophets, preachers and teachers to separate those people from God and bring them unto themselves along with as much money as is possible.
Fresh Fire Ministries Aug. 12th 2008 public release ~ " It is with considerable sadness then, that we must temper the jubilation we know you all feel with the sobering news that Todd and Shonnah Bentley are presently experiencing significant friction in their relationship and are currently separated. We want to affirm that there has been no sexual immorality on the part of either Todd or Shonnah, nor has there ever been. Undoubtedly the pressures and the burden of the Outpouring, which approaches 144 days on August 23rd, have helped to create an atmosphere of fatigue and stress that has exacerbated existing issues in their relationship."
Fresh Fire Ministries Aug. 17th 2008 public release ~ "We wish to acknowledge, however, that since our last statement from the Fresh Fire Board of Directors, [5 days ago] we have discovered new information revealing that Todd Bentley has entered into an unhealthy relationship on an emotional level with a female member of his staff. In light of this new information and in consultation with his leaders and advisors, Todd Bentley has agreed to step down from his position on the Board of Directors and to refrain from all public ministry for a season to receive counsel in his personal life."It took 5 days for additional information to come to light and now we see that there was an"unhealthy relationship on an emotional level" that has caused Todd to take advice and step down "for a season to receive counsel in his personal life." What is especially interesting about this is that "significant friction" which had led to separation was seemingly OK and no "counsel" was apparently necessary as long as it was only a divorce that loomed on the horizon. I suppose that now it is plausible to blame the Lord for our marital failures within ministry and that now ministers can just blame God, get by, collect the next offering and pass GO.
For those critical of Pentecostalism I would like to affirm that Pentecostalism is certainly not to blame for this fiasco. The Pentecostal message witnessing that the Spirit of the Lord is both active and moving in God's church and the world today, has nothing to do with the sins that we have witnessed under the guise of Pentecostalism. I am unequivocally a Pentecostal believer and minister for over 27 years, who has given my life to the study and objective exegesis of the word of God and readily find the tenets of Pentecostalism objectively rooted within the biblical narrative and most certainly biblically defensible. I have both witnessed and experienced the miracle working power of the Holy Ghost within my personal life, family and the lives of other that I serve. Pentecostalism or Christianity for that matter is not the issue.
The real issue and cause of what we are witnessing is sin bound in the hearts of individuals causing them to fake, pretend, and take advantage of weak minds. In the modern church, evangelism is no longer hand to hand and heart to heart. Currently evangelism is mass and target marketed through Television, book sales, CD sales, DVD sales, ticket sales, fashion shows and a whole host of other modern techniques. Currently the desire for material wealth such as luxurious houses, cars, and material wealth are at all time premiums and morality is an expendable commodity as long as associations and relationships can be maximized and leveraged for the best possible personal advantages.
In other words, the church is not about what one can do for HIM, it's about what HE can do for ME. The Todd Bentleys of the world have tapped into that vein to keep nonsensical ministries and false doctrines proliferating among churches and ministries that desire to be known by men rather than to be known of God. This has led the Bentleys of the world to say the most absurd things and still be able to draw insurmountably large crowds. The Bentleys of the world are able to drive and live as multimillionaires while the average income of their membership and followers are below $20,000 per year. This has led the Bentleys of the world to the conclusion that personal responsibility and dedication to the God of the bible, neatly placed on podiums (if at all), is secondary to the personality, charisma, and "sweetness" of the person bringing the message.
Nadab and Abihu placed their censer on the altar. Some have said that the sin of Nadab and Abihu was that they were drunk and intoxicated while trying to serve. Certainly they were carried away and intoxicated by their sins. I hold to a more literal view of this scripture. Nadab and Abihu placed a type of "fire" that was familiar to them on the altar of God against the command of God. What they placed before God was man made and filled with the elements of flesh. What they rendered at the altar I'm sure they thought of as being "Fresh", but it was old news to God and unacceptable in his sight.
Without additional warning God sent a REAL Fire from heaven and consumed the flesh of sin, while leaving the clothing in tact as an ash tray to carry out the remains of those who thought they could offer God what they wanted to offer HIM. Are we surprised to find that God is not entertained or enthused by our shows and displays that we want to render to him in his name? God is an awesome God and one worthy of respect to the highest.
To all those that hold out that Todd Bentley is just under attack from the enemy, you should know that Todd Bentley is under attack form himself and sin which he has not been delivered from. One thing is for sure, God doesn't kick his people into submission or punch them in the stomach or slap them in the face when they come for healing and bleeding on the inside. You can offer that "Strange Fire" if you wish, but I'll be like Apostle John when he found that he was in the same bath house with Gnostic Ceninthus..."I'm outta here, lest lightening strike and I am destroyed all together with this charlatan" ~ Revised Burnett version of an actual event-2008
As for me and my house...We shall serve the Lord!
Thank you again for speaking up for the truth with wisdom.
ReplyDeleteIt shows how bad the world needs God, but they fall for those that call themsevles of God. The Devil plays on those that are in need.
So we need to expose those that deceive the innocent.
I would be glad to add your blog to my blogroll, if that is ok with you.
God bless those that speak the truth.
Nice post! I'm not 100% Pentecostal anymore, yet I agree with what you're saying here. Most times, differences in beliefs are not vital to the salvation message. But when someone is preaching things in direct opposition to God's Word...then one has to wonder. I like the ending paraphrased verse, I had never heard that story before. I'll have to look it up, thank you for the point of view!
ReplyDeleteHey Pastor Burnett,
ReplyDeleteWow!!! I hadn't even heard about this one but it doesn't surprise me at all. Jesus foretold of a time like this and Paul speaks of this in IITimothy 4:3 - "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."
The whole time I'm reading the article I kept hearing that verse of scripture in my head particularly "itching ears" which to me basically says why people are flocking to these false preachers, teachers, prophets, fake (oops that's right they call them faith ) healers and the like. They would rather believe a lie rather than the truth. We as the body of Christ have got to wake up and stand up for Holiness for God's Word declares none but the Righteous Shall see God!!!
Praise God ! Thank you for allowing God to use you once more to enlighten me as to yet another area to keep before the Lord in prayer!!! Keep Fighting the Good Fight of Faith !
In His Service Always,
Sis. Alicia
Beckrl~ Yes that would be fine to add me. I'll be over to check out your site soon, but it's nice to meet you this way.
ReplyDeleteLorikate~ I agree with you. We need to grow and know that all that God has for us is not about US. Sometimes we feel a sense of pride as if we're better than others because of what we experience spirituially etc. The hear of man is the problem that only the gospel truth can overcome.
Alicia~ Lova ya much! You still my East coast coordinator, I ain't forgot(LOL)
God bless.
I am simply amazed that people continue to flock to false, money grabbing, satanically inspired charlatans like Bentley (for the record, I would place Hinn, Copeland, Hagin, Murdoch, Tilton, Popoff, Price, White, etc. etc. into this group of accursed) and his ilk! When you consider that we have the Lord's Word available to us, and most of us are able to read His Word, what excuses do we have when we give into this garbage???
ReplyDeleteNo doubt there are weak minded people, who are ill and clearly suffering, that are more susceptible to this type of "magic", but I'm convinced the majority are there to "scratch" their itching ears (or live out that life long obsession of mooing like a cow - a la Hagin)
Well, stay tuned for Bentley to re-appear as a life coach, along with a best selling novel (Emma, Bam Bam and Me) and a promo spot on Larry King. Seems to be the path these types follow....God Forgive us all. We are without excuse!
Praying for you,
Jim from Edmonton
ReplyDeleteI've often wondered, which one is worse. The one who is leading, or the one that is the follower and even advocate of the garbage that these pretenders set forth.
There was a lady who had come to our church. We are pretty simple but Christ centered and powerful congregation. She left the church supposedly because we didn't have a choir.
She went to another church where the pastor lives without integrity and a host of things go on. Her son was eventually raped by the minister of music and the pastor was sleeping around with "you name it and he'd claim it" . Do you not know that she advocated for that pastor and ministr even after her child was molested and she was made aware of the pastor's infidelity? I mean she fought hard to save their rep. recently she supposedly caught the pastor in a compromising situation and left the church.
To me, her actions are both sick and tragic. So I pose the question which one is worse, the leader who leads them into this mess or the follower who promotes it through giving, faithful attendance and advocacy?
Jim~ "Well, stay tuned for Bentley to re-appear as a life coach, along with a best selling novel (Emma, Bam Bam and Me) and a promo spot on Larry King."
THAT was a good one...You know some sort of TV spot is gonna come out of it...total Jezebelous.
Pastor Burnett
ReplyDeleteHow do you fill about Bishop Blake speaking at the Interfaith Gathering at the Democratic National Convention. I myself see it as compromise but I just wondering your take.
Terry~ "How do you fill about Bishop Blake speaking at the Interfaith Gathering at the Democratic National Convention."
ReplyDelete[I would like to know what's being addressed before I make a determination as to Bishop Blake's involvement. If he's asked to speak the word, that's one thing and he is a preacher, so ultimately that's good. However if he's asked to endorse or promote, that's another thing. Is he endorsing by his presence? Let's see how it plays out.
This is what I was able to find about the DNC and the particular gathering:
"To kick-off Convention week in a spirit of unity, the DNCC, in conjunction with the Democratic Party's Faith in Action (FIA) Initiative, will host an interfaith gathering on Sunday, August 24th, beginning at 2:00 PM at the Wells Fargo Theater located in the Colorado Convention Center.
This is the first time a celebration of this nature has been part of a Democratic National Convention and is symbolic of the Party's desire to bring multiple communities together under its "big tent." The gathering will include clergy of different faiths, Party leaders, elected officials and local community leaders. Speakers and musical guests will be announced later this summer. The event will be open to the public.
This has been in the works for a while. [More...]
The FIA initiative, founded in 2005 by Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Governor Howard Dean and Convention CEO Daughtry, focuses on ways for the Democratic Party to work with communities of faith to work together to promote the common good." Courtesy Talk Left
[Now there could be greater problems as Barack wants to change the nature of the church interractions with the homosexual community and community in general. There will be many other ministers there also of many organizations, so if we paint one, we must paint them all. They may deserve it but then again they may not. Let's keep our ears open.
Thanks for the heads up on this one.]
Some churches just play around too much. The ministry is all about bringing the lost to Christ. However, there are those who just love to play games with people. Which proves that these scam artist are not really sold out to God, but to demonic spirits. Some churches are more like social clubs. " Let's go out for a night out on the town. " Not to witness, but to party. How disgraceful that is instead of them winning the world to Christ the world has won them to the powers of darkness.
ReplyDeleteIn His Service,
Pastor Clifton L.Connelly