
Monday, March 3, 2025

Down The Rabbit Hole...Why Trump Was RIGHT!

What does Zelenskyy mean when he says he wants a "security guarantee"? What would that guarantee do? You need to understand by putting the truth together. 

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Thursday, January 30, 2025

Is Your Church A "Safe Church"?

Is your church a safe church? Do your current procedures and practices facilitate abuse? Are you a Pastor and or ministry leader that wishes to create a truly safe environment and let your staff and members know that you are serious about creating a place where God is glorified by ministry stewardship and accountability?

Introducing the new I Am My Brother's Keeper Safe Church Program. The Safe Church Program is a program designed to inform members and visitors that your ministry is concerned about abuse enough to take steps to safeguard the environment. 

FACT: According to a 2019 study, 10% of churchgoers stop going to church because they feel that sexual misconduct is not taken seriously or because they did not feel safe or insulated from sexual misconduct. ~ Christian Post 5/2019

A "Safe Church Certification" involves all aspects of the church's interpersonal relationships and ministry operations. In a "Safe Church Certified" church, members and visitors can rest assured that best practices are being implored to create the best possible environment for all individuals from cradle up. 

Steps To Safe Church Certification

Rendition Of Cert.

 1- Make the call. (800)730-2990 x802 and ask for a FREE Safe Church Consultation

2- Open your church to evaluation by a Safe Church Councilor

3- Receive the results of the evaluation with recommended changes.

4- Implement the changes or ministry updates within 60 days

5- Receive your "Safe Church Certification" to display within your church or congregation. (updated annually) 

6- Receive a FREE Safe Church Quarterly Newsletter designed to provide valuable insights into church related sexual abuse and helpful information on how to reach, minister to, and restore them that have been abused and cause the ministry to make disciples even through pain and turmoil within society. 

The best way to prevent abuse, is to PREVENT ABUSE! This is YOUR opportunity to show your congregation, visitors and community how serious you take the creation of an abuse free environment. Individuals who know that your church has received a "Safe Church Certification" are even more confident that your ministry takes the health and wellbeing of its members and visitors with the utmost sincerity and respect.

Call IMBKCAC today and remember...



New from News Nation:

Private Sin: How A Michigan Church Protected Child Molesters

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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

It's A New Day!

With the installation of our new President , Donald Trump, there have been many changes and potential changes already. 

It seems that none of the fears and lies that the liberal elite created and proliferated are appearing...So far, there has been no directive to uproot, our Republic, as the previous administration plans to create an autocracy, as the previous democrat administration did by using the law and the legal system to pursue political enemies plans to allow illegal immigration to change the American landscape...Finally, American leadership has stated the facts that we all observe readily, that there are only TWO genders and those are male and female, and that we will no longer pursue the new version of racism calling it DEI...No more...In fact there has been nothing done, but good governance and a resurgence of respect for America in the world under the Trump directives.

Davos Even Got The Message

Yes, even the WEF (World Economic Forum) got the message that America will no longer
be a willing participant in her own demise. Right now, they know that digital ID's, which were planned to be the new world currency and method of tracking the actions, and movements of everyone in the world, are on hold. Borders are not open, which is another attack against the perpetuators of this open new world order. They now know that the 
"Green New Scam" is DOA (Dead On Arrival) and the desire to reshape the world, as they had planned using covid as a cover, is temporarily, if not permanently, on hold. 

Now, the Saudi, Canadian and Mexican governments know that their time to trample on their "partner" in America through unfair trade policies, abused borders and other practices that harm America and American citizens is over. 

China, who released a less expensive and biased version of AI that has rocked the financial world temporarily, Russia and even Iran, still want to "normalize" relations with the United States because they don't know what to expect from "fear through strength" leadership. Panama realizes that the violation of the treaty on their behalf will no longer be overlooked, because what happens at the Panama Canal harms American citizens...but you heard no such thing from Joe and you wonder why??? 

You see, America can call some shots...not as a bully, but as one who knows her place and value in the world. This concept have been lost on most political leaders democrat and republican over the years. Why? Because all too many of them have sought what it takes to enrich themselves as opposed to doing what it takes to secure the American people. 

Just look at this...

Now that deportations have begun, those hoping for failure of the new American policy have been disappointed because other nations, such as Columbia, who had vowed to not take any of the deportees back, suddenly changed their tune in the middle of the American strength. Why? Because no matter how much coffee or goods they produce, foreign countries need to participate in the American economy more than the America economy needs to participate in theirs.  

DEI and Abortion On Demand Halted

One of the most controversial initiatives undertaken by President Trump has been to reexamine the relationship of Federal Funding to institutions that promote DEI (under cover neo-Marxism) and federally funded abortion. In an announcement that rocked the Federally funded world, President Trump temporarily halted the issuance of certain federal grants that funded organizations. 

Much controversy was made over the nature of the temporary freeze with fearmongers claiming that the world would soon end if the grants don't immediately return.  However, the issue was easily seen...
1- Are Federal grants being delivered to organizations who promote DEI and other neo-Marxist policies? 
2- Are Federal grants being delivered to organizations who violate the Hyde Amendment in providing federal funds to pay for elective abortions?
While most people missed the context of the freeze, it was abundantly clear that America, under Trump, is in the process of clearing house to provide clarity...eliminate DEI which uses "Diversity" as a door opener to teach and promote unequal and unfair treatment in hiring and promotions based on race, and eliminate Federally funded elective abortions.

As of this writing, a Federal Judge has temporarily blocked the temporary freeze, but that will not and in no way stop the examination of organizations receiving or set to receive Federal Grants. With Republicans in control of both House and Senate, and on the same page on this issue, there is great potential that organizations could face permanent ban or lockout of federal funding if they don't realign their values. 

Geneva Consensus Declaration Rejoined

Founded in 2020 the Declaration asserted that a healthy nation began with a healthy family and at heart, a healthy women. This family building declaration offeres 4 main components:
(1) better health for women,
(2) the preservation of human life,
(3) strengthening of the family as the foundational unit of society, and
(4) protecting every nation's national sovereignty.
On Jan. 28th 2021 former President Joe Biden removed the United States from her preeminent position of the Geneva Consensus Declaration which was as demonstrated above, a statement by multiple nations to rebuild the family and ultimately nations of the world, by providing better healthcare alternatives for women and minimizing abortion. It seems that many nations realize that they cannot kill their babies and still survive. Not only did Joe cause the United States to exit the consensus, but he also attempted to destroy it altogether by seeking other nations to not participate and even withdraw their support from the declaration itself.


On Jan 24th 2025 under our new Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, and at the direction of President Trump, America proudly rejoined this declaration and consensus stating the following:
"The Trump Administration is committed to supporting families, promoting women’s health, and protecting children at all stages of life. The United States will pursue these objectives in cooperation with member states in the UN system and through our continued shared ambition for improved health for women and girls. Investing in women’s health and well-being saves lives, allows women and girls more opportunities, and protects the family as the fundamental unit of society."
Spiritual Insight & Conclusion:

Although Al Sharpton of the National Action Network, an organization that has gladly and proudly received Trump funding in times past, especially when he supported Democrat causes, has called for a national boycott against organizations that have dumped their DEI policies, more and more Americans have become aware that such policies are only novel methods to teach racism and neo-Marxism, when coupled along with CRT (Critical Race Theory) which teaches that racism is inextricably woven into the fabric of American society and that can only be changed by uprooting the entire American system.  

The problem is that the neo-Marxist efforts of DEI and CRT is infused with a truth. Diversity is good and can make American better. However, it is more influenced with a deadly lie, that the only way to defeat racism is to be a racist and lead with hatred. Neither of these goals and values are desirable and neither can build a nation. It can only destroy a people and eventually the world.   

It seems that America just may extend it's time of grace and mercy in the sight of God by renewing her determination to affirm the sanctity of life and eliminate harmful policies that are eroding her peace and sinking her soul. 

Not to liken him to Prophet Jonah, but President Trump, by his moves to restore the heart of American society may have caused us to receive an extension of the ultimate time of judgement upon our society. Remember, Nineveh was given 40 days. However at repentance and turning was given an additional 150 years and faced destruction only after they returned back to their sins of idolatry. 

American can't possibly think that she can escape the judgement of God. She has aborted more than 65 million babies when it is estimated that less than 1% of those were of medical necessity, she has endorsed and paraded the sexual immorality of homosexuality and transsexual mutilation without any regard to moral ethics or concern for the impacts upon society. These are only some of the things that America has endorsed and place the weight of her efforts behind politically. How can she escape judgement?
2 Chron. 7:14 if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 
This scripture was delivered to Israel as it pertained to her judgement. All she had to do is turn, deliver herself to God and God would show up. American needs God to show up, but she needs to TURN unto him and forsake her wicked and evil ways. 

But what of the church? 
1 Peter 4:17For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? 
For her lack of submission to God, the church will be judged first and judged heavily and in my opinion, as the church goes, so goes the nation. The church has embraced abortion through silence and in some cases overtly, scolded our President on the invasion of the United States through illegal immigration and allowed her leaders to spew out hate in the name of righteousness...but they have no knowledge that man's righteousness doesn't mean that God's righteousness is being done.
James 1:20For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.
As I hear many, alleged church people rail at at a Trump Presidency even calling him a "devil", I begin to wonder do they know what or who "the devil" really is? It is a devil that promotes sexual immorality and lowers the "image of God" to that of animals and even kills God's creation. 

This lets me know how badly we need repentance and just how close we are to real judgement. We can only hope and pray for a successful Presidency and for our nation to turn from evil and all forms of hate from the pulpit to the front door. 


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Monday, January 13, 2025

HAPPY NEW YEAR...Celebrities Homeless...Is This The Judgement Of God???

Happy New Year from Supt. Harvey Burnett, the Dunamis Word and all of the ministries that feed into the Dunamis Word, to ALL readers and supporters. 

May the Lord bless you with all blessings this year and may you see an immediate turnaround for the good in your circumstance. 

GOD is yet good and we/you have a lot of work to do. 

Special blessings to all my fellow CANCER SURVIVORS! 

We are RAPHA strong!!!!

Keep your eyes open, in the Lord's name, things will be accomplished that have never been done before. WE believe God!

California Wildfires

Already, in 2025, the Southern California wildfires have taken everyone's attention. In addition to the loss of life (currently at 24 individuals at the time of this writing, with 16 persons missing) and amount and type of land that has been burned, has taken everyone by surprise.

The latest stats are as follows:

Eaton Canyon 
Having begun on Jan. 7th, the fire has burned over 14,117 acres the fire is only at 15% containment. 7,000 structures damaged or destroyed and 2,832 people assigned to the fight. 

The Palisades Fire began in the Pacific Palisades area of the city on Jan. 7th. It is at 23,707 acres in size with 11% containment. At least 5,613 structures have been destroyed which includes 426 homes, with at least five people confirmed killed.
The Hurst Fire in Sylmar, northwest of San Fernando, began on Jan. 7th and has burned 799 acres. It is at 89% containment.

It is expected that over 500,000 students within Los Angeles County will continue to be out of school and the expansion of fire due to weather risk extends beyond mid-week. 

Is This The Judgement Of God? 

The largest question that has arisen within the Christian community has been, "Is this fire the judgment of God?"

To address this issue, I believe that we must first observe the fact that wildfires in the West have long been devastating claiming many homes, acres and lives over the years.


Interestingly enough, in 2023 although there were comparatively more wildfires (55,571), this year presented the least amount of acres burned since 2000. (approximately 2,633,636 acres) In 2024 there were 61,685 wildfires and 8,851,142 acres burned. which is the 2nd lowest total since 2012. 

Aug. 8th 2023, on the island paradise of Maui, Hawaii in the city of Lahaina, over 114 people were killed, 2,700 structures destroyed and over 1,000 acres of land burned in a fire of epic proportions which began with high winds and a downed power line. SOURCE 

In fact in 2023, I remember that the air quality due to American wildfires and sudden Canadian wildfires, became so bad in the Midwest that we were under air quality alert for quite some time. SOURCE Many people, including myself, suffered from the poor air quality during that time and some continue to suffer from issues encountered during that time even today.  

The REAL Question....

"Since these fires have devastated what has otherwise been known as strongholds of liberal thought and lifestyle of the rich, and many of who disdain God and Biblical morality, could these fires possibly be the judgement of God?"

In all of this, over 130,000 people and over 30 Hollywood and entertainment celebrities and their families, have been forced to evacuate their homes, devastated by what is now known as the Southern California wildfires. 

Actors and actresses, the ultra wealthy, and lauded celebrities, ranging from Paris Hilton to the Kardashians, to Mel Gibson and John Legend have been made homeless due to these devastating fires and the battle has only just begun with their insurance companies. 

Because many of these individuals hold and promote liberal views, many Christians have sought out to say that these fires prove that God is sick of the ultra wealthy and the ultra liberal views that many of them have embraced. 

Now, all of those things are considerations that one can undertake, but are those sentiments Biblical and do they pertain to this case and the results of these fires? 

I mean, look, this blog certainly doesn't uphold liberal or open morality and or anti-biblical views. Our readers are strengthened because we uphold the Bible, Biblical inerrancy, and Biblical morality.  However, we also speak out against fanaticism, religious or otherwise. We abhor the desire to see anyone suffer, or the desire to see anyone murdered or killed (including political figures) and it be called "the judgement of God"...

The Dunamis Word, certainly doesn't hold the judgement of the ungodly or any experience in which there is loss of life and or material, a badge of honor for us or anyone to flaunt. We don't place God on the platform of a social vigilante. God is God. He is a savior and a true judge and he raises up one and sets down another at his bidding (Ps.75.:7) and in his due time for his own purpose. All them that have embraced evil, will be handled. The whole world is ultimately subject to his will. 

With that said, it amazes me to see how many, alleged Christians, can view destruction, loss and suffering of others who have views of morality that they oppose, as an opportunity to point towards and uphold their own self-righteousness, and further use the suffering of other individuals as an opportunity to contend that "God is speaking" and, I suppose, because the wealthy suffer, "God now means business" and we suddenly need to listen more intently.

Reexamination Of Truth

Without a doubt God is not pleased with what we have allowed America to become in the name of "freedom". However, the wealthy and ultra elite are not the only ones to blame for this. It is the common folk, the poor folk and some alleged religious folk, who will pay for those sins and the proliferation of sin in the world as we will discuss. 

Yes, we will pay a price as a nation for over 63 million murders of babies through and by abortion. Yes, we will pay a price for the promotion of homosexuality and now the normalization of transsexuality which encourages the mutilation of children. Yes, I could name many sins, that America has embraced, actions, ways and moral positions that are against God and godliness, and totally unworthy of his blessings...However, with all of that said, God's WORD affirms:

Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel? ~ Ezek. 33:11

While Ezekiel stops short of saying or speaking about the possessions of the wicked being destroyed, we can safely say that this verse illuminates the nature and character of God as it pertains to the loss of anyone, due to wickedness or evil. The greatest gift is that those who are evil or wicked will turn to God and repent from their evil. However, many are so attached to their evil and the material by which their evil is upheld, that they do not turn to God and refuse to submit themselves to God and that is the real tragedy. 

The problem is that too many of us (alleged Christians) assume that these celebrities are not saved, or do not have favor with God, simply because they are celebrities. Believe me...I believe that every tree will bear or show it's own fruit, but there can be a real problem viewing people through a human lens of righteousness, rather than through a Biblical lens of righteousness, which we are required to do. 

Revealing Facts

To be truthful, in our holiness church, yes, the Grand Ole Church herself, I have shared the pulpit with some who believe many more liberal things, even if unspoken, than many of these, now homeless and allegedly "judged celebrities" ("judged" according to some)...Believe me, I don't exclude the fact that God is speaking to many of the celebrities who never though that they would or could ever experience such devastation. I don't doubt that God is using their loss as a tool to cause an examination of life and ultimately repentance, but let's tell the truth. We have men in pulpits within many Christian churches who are pedophiles (now Minor Attracted Persons...a SINNER by any other name...) and others who are serial adulterers, fornicators, undercover homosexuals and more...

I know of individuals, some popular Bishops, who have reached out for help and freedom from homosexuality allegedly on behalf of their "friends" or alleged "associates"... In addition, as I have interviewed and shown over the years, there are some individuals who have never repented of their sins and continue in pulpits and even in leadership using statute of limitations laws as a cover for their sins.   

Are their homes being burnt down? Are they homeless as a result of their sin and evil? Does God not wish to judge them, while focusing on entertainers some of whom have more moral views than these pulpit and ministry hypocrites???

I really don't mean to sound harsh, but when God begins to judge, his first judgements will be at the House of that not what the WORD says?

For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? ~ 1 Pet. 4:17

Our obedience to the Gospel will be tested. Our faithfulness and fidelity to God is the primary focus of our Lord and savior before he sets the world straight for her sins. 

God's Judgement Offers Clarity Of Voice

One thing is for sure...when GOD SPEAKS he let's the whole world, and the individuals he is speaking to, know that he is speaking and that he has spoken. 

* Noah, spoke for over 100 years warning the people while he built the Ark of God that there was going to be judgement upon the land and the people for their evil and wickedness. 

* Although this was not an act of judgement, God spoke to Abram in Mesopotamia, an area filled with idolatry and much demonic influence, but his voice was altogether so clear until Abram changed his life and the life of his family at the voice of God. (Genesis 12) Later, in an act of judgment  God spoke clearly again to Abraham regarding the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, even sending angels to pronounce his intents prior to the destruction. 

* When God judged Egypt through Moses, this was not done in secret. God commissioned Moses to speak on his behalf and promised that when Moses spoke and raised the rod, he, God, would respond and be faithful to uphold his word and actions. (Ex.3)

* God spoke so clearly that Israel heard his voice in the wilderness and saw his acts and understood his displeasure when they sinned. 

* When God Judged the enemies of Israel, he spoke clearly allowing the people to know that it was he, GOD, doing the judgement. Do you remember Nebuchadnezzar and his ultimate confession that Daniel placed within his narrative in the 1st person? (Dan. 4:36)

* How about David when he was judged by God? Was Nathan silent and did David not know that God was not pleased with his actions and acts before judgement was carried out? (2 Sam. 12)

Now, one could say that warnings have been sent to Hollywood, and that the elite and their works have been revealed and their sins are calling for the reprisal of God. I would certainly agree and do not disagree. The true church has been proactive in speaking to the elite and telling them that their sins and what they promote is certainly before God. They have been preached to and many of them, as well as many ordinary "work a day" Americans, have heard and rejected the truth. However, is their experience, and what we are seeing, a "judgement"? Or is this an opportunity to pause, consider one's ways, dump immorality, repent and be saved???

A Precursor To REAL Judgement And Utter Destruction

What I contend in this article is that what we are witnessing is the precursor to the actual and real judgement that God will bring upon this nation for her sins and evil. God will bring judgement at an appointed time, just like he brought judgement upon Israel for her sins and evil at HIS appointed time. 

We need to understand that there is no amount of wealth or material existence that will save anyone from HIS judgement and ultimate accounting and reconciliation of all things. Lavish living, is not the key or the problem...the love of the world is the issue. (1 Jn. 2:15)

The belief that money exempts one from suffering or that the wealth and accolade of the world somehow places one above others, is called pride and the very look or appearance of pride God hates and ultimately judges. (Prov. 6:16) Why? Because this type of pride (which has little to do with being happy for material success)  suggests and even states explicitly that God is not essential to personal success and being subject to HIM is something either unnecessary or something that a human can dole out according to their will, not HIS. Therefore man exalts himself above God and creates moral relevance that suits himself and is not subject to God in any manner. 

Further Scriptural Insight

Apostle Peter says some very interesting things about the judgement of God along with Paul to Timothy and Paul to the church at Thessalonica. 

In 2 Peter 3:10-13 Peter says:

10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. 11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, 12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? 13Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

Drawing from Zephaniah 1:14-15, Peter associated God's ultimate judgement with "The Day Of The Lord" which comes suddenly, quickly and without warning, "as a thief in the night". Peter does not exclude any pre-judgements that God may make to correct evil and reconcile any wrongs, but here Peter deals with final judgement or the "end of the word".

As Zephaniah suggests, this "Great Day" will not be something seen or witnessed on CNN, FOX, MSNBC or any other television network, radio service or internet or other social media site. When his judgement arrives, it will arrive with a sound and inexplicable and unstoppable actions, along with heat and fire that will change the very nature of existence itself beyond repair.

Jesus builds upon this in Matthew 24:26-44 by stating that the everyone would know and see or experience HIS coming, (v.27) and that the church should simply "be ready" (v.44) for the day of the Lord and that when we don't expect that he will come, for whatever reason, he will be there.(v.44)

In Revelation 16:13-14 John presents a vision of demonic and lieing spirits that proceed from the mouths of the dragon, the beast and the false prophet, in effort to convince humanity to fight against God as he comes visibly, to the world on that "Great day" or the day of judgement.  

After the judgement of God, there will be no human will to rebuild or hope that one can escape. When God makes his judgement, not only will every wrong be accounted for, but death and hell will ultimately be cast into the Lake of Fire forever and there will be noone to oppose the will of God.    

When The REAL and FINAL Judgment of God comes, it will be inescapable. 

The fires we now witness are a reminder of what judgement will do, what it will be like and what hell is...These fires are a reminder and an encouragement for humanity to get it right, in light of what hell is and what it will ultimately mean to all them who forsake God...As property is being lost, most of which is beyond repair, hell is also the place of total loss and abandonment, the place where their is no hope and the place where material possessions or worldly comforts cannot save, protect, heal and or set one free. 


Even so come Lord Jesus!


National Centers For Environmental Information, Annual 2024 Wildfires Report    

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Monday, November 25, 2024

We Pray For Bishop T D Jakes


I would like those readers of the Dunamis Word Blog to know that we join in prayer for Bishop T D Jakes and his family. 

It seems on Sunday November 24th that Bishop Jakes suffered a health incident at the end of his message. 

Just as we were not amused when President Elect Trump was nearly assassinated, we are not amused by any of these happenings. 

Happily breaking from many, I have posted the following on Facebook:

"We are praying for Bishop Jakes and his family 
Just like we found it abhorrent that anyone would cheer for an assassination attempt on a former, now President Elect Trump, I find it abhorrent that anyone would cheerlead for tragedy of any kind on Bishop TD Jakes. 
This is a sad display of our hearts weakness and inconsistency as we are to be known above all things, by our love! 
Whatever God allows, he allows for his own purpose, not our amusement.

This man is a father, grandfather, servant of the community and world and deserves due respect, no matter doctrinal disagreements or personal flaws or disputes anyone may have with or against him. 
As a cancer survivor, I wish no evil upon anyone and certainly won't gloat over the physical circumstance anyone may experience. 
Blessings, speedy recovery and even greater commitment to end time harvest be upon Bishop. In Jesus name!

Supt. Harvey Burnett"

Whatever one may think, noone at the Dunamis Word is happy for or giddy over tragedy or illness. We always reserve the right to argue doctrine, lifestyle and other issues as they pertain to Biblical morality, as we should do, but we do so without animosity and are humble in light of what God allows considering that this could be any one of us at any given moment. 

May the Lord help and bless the Jakes family and The Potter's House congregation. 



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Sunday, November 24, 2024

1916 Project...Full Movie

 Many teach that 1619's environment of slavery was the worst thing that happened to Black people in history. While we all agree that slavery was and is horribly evil, an equally as horrible evil has been the abortion industry. 

Not only have over 13 million Black children been murdered as a result of it, but it seems that our nation has been seduced into believing that abortion is an acceptable method of birth control and has nothing to do with racism and everything to do with "healthcare" which is the biggest lie in all of human history. 

As I have outlined HERE, given the same time frame of 400 years, deaths of Black people due to abortion outpaces the rate of death of Black people during the transatlantic slave era. The greatest evil is to oppress and even destroy a people and make them think that oppression is good for them. While I know where the TRUE preachers are on this agenda...The FAKE ones are silent, only interested in collecting offerings, and living their best life now...SMH!!!


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Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Sexually Abused Within The Context Of The Church? We'd Love To Hear Your Story

All abuse is devastating. Church related abuse is especially excruciating due to the fact that not only have boundaries been crossed through the act of abuse, but very nature of the abuse itself undermines confidence and understandings regarding the nature of God.

Are you a sexual abuse survivor, or do you know of someone walking through this path? Please know that there is HOPE and HELP. Many have found that sharing their story is therapeutic. We would like to hear how you survived. 

Please complete this confidential contact form at I Am My Brother's Keeper Christian Advocacy Council. If necessary and if requested someone will reach out to you for prayer and as always a confidential interaction. 


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A Rebuke In Truth, Or A Lie In Racism???

At the time TRUMP In, Favor Granted & The Black Church's Continued Confusion was written I DID NOT know about the firestorm that Donnie Swaggart had started over COGIC Presiding Bishop J Drew Sheard's open endorsement of Kamala Harris, nor was I aware of THE RESPONSE of certain COGIC members, calling themselves "Young Leaders Of The Church Of God In Christ" {I didn't know that there was such a group in our church} nor the Board Of Bishop's response which I find was more palatable than the "Young Leaders" response. 

There are reasons for my ignorance in general...for starters, I have enough to do without following the latest church news and secondly, I am NOT on J. Drew or Christian church watch and really and sincerely wish everyone I know well. See, I have my own mind and am willing to follow the dictates of it without the influence of church leaders or church leadership, and I already knew that Kamala was a horrible choice for President based on what has transpired the last 4 years since she has been in office. 

Prior to election, I did see that Kamala's last stop was GEI COGIC in Detroit and it seems
the pulpit, representing all of COGIC, was open to her to make one last appeal to not only the Church Of God in Christ, but the Black church in general.  

Needless to say, I AM GLAD KAMALA LOST and that Donald Trump's re-assent was and is a good thing no matter what some of the most liberal and dedicated to the democrat political party thinks. The good news is that she received prayer, and she needed it. So our Bishop did get a chance to pray for her. The bad news is that the issue was conflated out of context. 

Truth Be Told...

My opinion...I LOVE Bishop J Drew, and he has a right to endorse whatever political candidate that he chooses. In fact, every American has a right to endorse whomever they wish to endorse and that should be done in the best possible spirit and personal best interest...While I never would have let her engage or embrace my pulpit, just as I would have not allowed Donald to either, because of J Drew's position as the leader of the entire COGIC, made this an even greater issue. 

We must admit, no one of us is perfect. Certainly our young leader's letter wasn't perfect and I will deal with that in a minute...But let's look at what was said in criticism of our church and church leader:

Elder Donnie said this:

“The statement I’m about to make, I’m going to be called a racist, and I will be called every name under the sun, but somebody needs to stand up and speak to the Black Church. When the largest African American Pentecostal denomination, when that leader stood up and said I endorse that woman, he was saying, I endorse murder, I endorse homosexuality, I endorse lesbianism, I endorse transgenderism, I endorse every evil that Hell could prosper or bring up to [be] right"...“That’s wrong, folks. And the Black Church votes predominantly for the party that is anti-God. What’s going on here? What’s going on?”


Kamala endorsed and represented a party that otherwise endorsed all of the above without regret or remorse, at least prior to the election. Who can say that the Democrat party did not and does not endorse:

Abortion (murder)

Yes, that is what the Democrat party endorsed at least until the election. Who knows what they will endorse now that they are in such a realignment...but NONE of those points are even arguable. 

Secondly, Elder Donnie says that the Black church predominately votes for the party that believes in and endorses those things calling them a "party that is anti-God"


The Democrat Party removed "God" from their party platform years ago to become more "inclusive" of people who either didn't believe in God or that had beliefs other than those found within Christianity. The removal of God isn't the "anti-Christian" part...the endorsement of ideals and values that are antithetical to Christian belief and matters of faith is the problem. THOSE ENDORSEMENTS ARE anti-Christian.

Further, election data shows that nearly 80% of Black men continued to vote for the party, while nearly 90% of Black women did the same. Although 2024 represented the largest dissent of the Black vote away from the Democrat party, THANKFULLY SO...the fact is that by the numbers, Blacks, led by the Black church, continued to support a political party who has endorsed all of those things mentioned and more, and which has been ineffective in helping the Black community and or solving and even addressing our problems. 

So Exactly What Did Donnie Say That Was WRONG or in ERROR???

Be clear and let's get real...Donnie received his criticism because he was a WHITE MAN and because he pushed back against our Black Presiding Bishop, Bishop J Drew Sheard. 

In his defense...Bishop J Drew Sheard is one of the nicest, most godly men that you or I will ever meet in this life. He is a good and humble servant of the Lord and sincere about his work of leading the church, his family and love of God. That doesn't make him right about his endorsement of Kamala, nor his previous thoughts about the Mormon church and COGIC's relationship with her (at one time) but please don't confuse his politics or zeal with what I believe is his heart. Everyone is subject to mistakes and our Bishop is no more or less subject to mistakes than any man.  

With That Said...

I would like to say that the Black Pentecostal church has never really gotten past some of the things that occurred during the Black Codes and Jim Crow era...

The facts are that laws and sentiments during those times and that era were such that Blacks and Whites did not and could not legally fellowship even in religious settings. 

This began the advent of Camp-meeting...Camp-meeting was created to take fellowship outside of the City, into the woods under open air tents where Blacks and Whites would not come under the scrutiny of the police and the good ole White establishment and separatist leaders. Meanwhile in the City, Black folk were not allowed to fellowship with Whites and certainly there would be no "laying on" of hands...

Many of the early White leaders within Pentecostalism were either practicing or former KKK leaders. These were not byproducts of religion, but byproducts of the State, laws and customs prevalent in the day. We all know that one of the primary leaders of what was called the Azusa Street Revival, WJ Seymour, had to sit outside of the classroom of former KKK leader Charles F Parham, to hear the message of Holy Ghost Baptism prior to him receiving the outpour of the Holy Spirit while ministering in California...Parham's views  weren't a product of religion...his views and the views of many of his peers, were a product of socially and culturally acceptable norms of the day and time even continuing unfortunately after their alleged conversion experiences. 

The "young COGIC leaders" in their letter of rebuke (of an Elder by the way) claim that this relationship rooted in racial segregation was an erroneous biblical interpretation claiming that the Black church was born because of it:

"The Black church is a byproduct of a nation that refused to acknowledge the inherent value of Black lives. It was birthed in an era that actively rejected the sound doctrine of Christ, replacing it with doctrines that upheld segregation and inequality"

That is just a patently false statement! In fact it wreaks of the Marxism of the now defunct Black Lives Matter movement and as such should be wholly rejected.

There was no biblical doctrine or manufactured theology that upheld segregation at any time. Yes, there were certainly people who abused scripture, as they do today, to uphold their beliefs and even cover their sins, but they also abused natural science to do so as well, some even claiming that women were less smart because they had smaller heads and therefore smaller brains for example. Perversions of truth are accepted in nearly every generation. Biblical perversions are no less. 

Racism was a cultural belief with its roots in materialism, naturalism and cultural acceptance and practice. Darwin's belief that there were "favored races" was the root of his theory of evolution which was extant and generally accepted as a cultural norm and the epitome of science. The eugenics of abortion policy was rooted in these separatist beliefs and made Blacks the target of extermination by Margaret Sanger's "Negro Project", the outgrowth of which has been embraced by the democrat party all with very little pushback
from young or old COGIC leaders or the Black church in general. In fact the Black church has, by her silence, allowed the abortion industry, promoted by the democrat party, to whittle down our numbers and representation to oblivious levels. 

America engaged a Civil War because the growing ideal and value that Black lives mattered and those sentiments were inspired by Biblical moral values. While it has taken something to actualize that value, aka: the value of freedom and equality, the fact is that biblical doctrines and beliefs were and are what inspired positive change in this country and it is biblical scriptures that have been used to lift people to freedom and equality and not the other way around.

Contrary to the "Young COGIC Leaders" claims it was Biblical doctrines that encouraged White segregationists and supremacists to LEAVE their views of racism and segregation and embrace the unity and brotherhood of all men regardless of color...It was Christian and Biblical principles that were and still are the root of the fight against racism both among Whites and Blacks and the interpretation of scripture that continues to help folk understand and bypass cultural norms in favor of scriptural truth and equality and unity of all men. 

YES, The 1912 Pentecostal Separation

Culture and culturally commensurate ideals and values, as well as State and local laws affirming segregation would lead Bishop Flowers and the Assembly of God (mostly White Pentecostal congregations led by White ministers, most ordained and commissioned by CH Mason) to split from the Church Of God In Christ which was led by Black leaders, as stated, primarily Bishop CH Mason.
Contrary to what the "young Black COGIC leaders" contend, segregation and racism IS NOT the reason that the Black church exists...GOD is the reason for our existence, not a twisted or corrupted form of biblical interpretation. 

Very Sensitive

To have presented such a "lofty" case that makes the assertion that the "world" and happenings in it are so beneath the mission of us within COGIC, we obviously were earthly offended cannot stand criticism. Primarily, in this case, it is because the critics as we see them, are White. 

That leads to another observation that these young leaders are accusing Elder Donnie of IDOLOTRY while doing the same...This is really sickening...It seems that in order to be considered a respected "Black political leader" in most instances, one has to embrace the worst, most evil and vile social positioning, at least so it seems. Like Obama, who was welcomed into COGIC circles, Kamala endorsed all of the things Elder Donnie mentioned, but the young leaders and old leaders by far and large, said nothing about those things, and as stated, and appear to assert that we are one some ethereal plane above everything that matters in this world. That is ridiculous. Elections matter. Kamala was there because these things matter. They matter to every individual, the community and the church. 


Clearly, the Biden/Harris administration jacked up our country for all of us, spiritual or not, in just a short period of time and given more time would have jacked us all up even worse, not to mention endless wars and over 300,000 MISSING children of illegal immigration...but not a word on any of those things from these "young COGIC leaders"....

This is ridiculous. Where are our moral values and desire to allow the Bible to speak to our values, and POLITICS, instead of the culture speaking to our values with the "go along get along" mentality??? 

I would agree...IDOLOTRY is an issue...It is the IDOLOTRY of defending or attacking a person based on race and not based on truth. Bishop J Drew is eloquent and doesn't need me or anyone else speaking to defend him...he is capable...but in our zeal, I wonder do these young leaders think that it is a good thing to defend what isn't biblically defensible??? 

Well, I guess one could say, that Donnie attacked "us" first...that he rebuked our leading Elder...OK...that is an argument that can be undertaken...But one cannot deny the substance of what he was saying...The Black Church, has embraced some of the most liberal and idolatrous positions on subjects, and politics has not been a good for us. We have endorsed and embraced some of the worst political ideology in the name of embracing and loving people and that has not worked out well for our yet suffering communities and yet suffering people and yet overburdened churches. 

One more thing, I saw Donnie McClurkin addressing this issue and claiming that he had already "forgiven" Donnie Swaggart...Well, you don't need to forgive him Elder McClurkin...THE GIFT AND CALLING OF GOD IS WITHOUT REPENTANCE!!! (Rom.11:29) As far as I know, Elder Swaggart isn't making an apology to you or asking you to forgive him for speaking the truth...Sorry...That is not how it works!!!

Young COGIC Leaders, I appreciate your zeal. I don't know what General Assembly rule adopted your formulation, but I wish that EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU had the same zeal for NATIONAL VICTIM'S ADVOCACY in this church as you have for standing for....What were you standing for????



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Sunday, November 17, 2024

Pastor's Call For National Victim's Advocacy Associates

"Church leadership, the lawsuit says, failed to properly screen associated church leaders for criminal and sexual misconduct. They also failed to institute a system in which victims could file formal complaints
against abusive church members.

This was from an article in 2020 that exposed the sexual abuse of a COGIC Pastor(s) in New York. Everyone loves to sound courageous. We are seeking servants of Christ who are looking to do more than sound good. We are not seeking individuals who believe sexual abuse within the church is a matter of "family", or that resolution of the issues should be  "kept it in house". We are seeking them who wish to make a stand for the hurting and ultimately make a difference.



Supt. Harvey Burnett
IMBKCAC Founder/Director
Pastor Harvey Burnett is currently calling for volunteers to be a part of a national movement in support of survivors of church related sexual abuse.

"It is time to take victim's advocacy to another level and do all that we can to heal the hurting and hold those responsible accountable." 

I Am My Brother's Keeper Christian Advocacy Council is seeking saved, spiritually mature and committed men and women (minimum 24 years of age) interested in sexual abuse prevention within the context of the church and in presenting appropriate and proper ministry towards those who have been victimized or suffered church related abuse to assist in helping individuals regain their faith and a sense of normalcy.

LOCATION: We are seeking to create an advocates network of individuals across the country who care about the plight of survivors and who will aid in this cause. 

ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Individuals must be able to pass a background check and sign an NDA (Confidentiality Agreement) due to exchange of sensitive, private and proprietary information. 



CALL: (800)730-2990 x 802


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Sunday, November 10, 2024

TRUMP In, Favor Granted & The Black Church's Continued Confusion

But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.
Psalms 75:7

The 2024 Presidential election garnered the shock and awe and outright surprise of any election since Donald Trump outposted electoral votes against Hillary Clinton in 2016. 

In 2016, Hillary Clinton took the popular vote by over 2 million votes, but not in the most valuable electoral count States. Therefore, Trump's win of 304 electoral votes was considered anomalous or a matter of the "luck of the draw" and of course, (according to the conspiracy theorists) manipulated by Russia, which, along with a false dossier, paid for and promoted by the Clinton Campaign, (even though they KNEW it was fake and full of false information) fostered what is known as the "Russia Collusion Hoax" further sparking democrat and media hatred of Donald Trump and everything Trump related. 

Similar to 2016 and both the 2008 and 2012 elections, Presidential candidates (Barack Obama) appealed to the Black church and found plenty of leaders who were excited to promote the nation's first Black President and enthused finding it "prestigious" that candidates would seek and solicit their attention. After all, it was the Black church, overseeing an ever dwindling Black population, due to the ravages of abortion policy and many other social ills, who were the "gatekeepers" of the Black community. The proposed key was/is, that if enough Black pastors and leaders can all speak a certain way about the issues that they can best convince their members that certain things are important or certain things are real and ultimately feel better about supporting certain agenda.

The Church Seduced By Political Secularism   

This secular seduction of the church has not ceased and is something that persists no matter what the issue is...As stated, the church wholesale endorsed Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and more recently Kamala Harris. All three of those candidates built their Presidential platforms on issues that the alleged church stood against. Remember, Barack would go on to be the President with the full and complete blessing of the Black church while being the champion for homosexual normalization and advancement through "marriage equality". Obama's abortion policy was no better. He would do what he had done in Illinois going on to promote late term abortion and demand no support for the fetus in the event of a botched abortion in which the fetus is alive. We remember, "No Ways Tired" Hillary would continue to promote the same things adding transexual normalization and of course, more recently, Kamala Harris, although stating that she didn't promote or endorse late term abortion, would chose a radical running mate, Governor Tim Walz, who blatantly lied denying that he had already endorsed late term abortion by promoting and signing a law upholding such ungodliness in his state Minnesota, under the lie and assertion of providing "women's healthcare". 

ALL of these candidates, promoting some of the worst policies for the Black community, would receive the endorsement of the Black church and popular Black church leaders simply because they were part of the Democratic party and certainly the churches had to fall in line. 


Against all odds, Donald Trump managed to not only win the 2024 election by electoral count, but this time, even against the blatant media attack against him and support for the Democrat candidate, went on to win also by popular vote in an historic landslide. In nearly every venue, including every so called "battleground state" President Trump TROUNCED Kamala Harris crumbling the so called "blue wall" that Democrats had identified as being an essential part Presidential election hopes. Trump would draw nearly 1 out of every 3 Black voters (both male and female) and almost 20% of the Black male vote alone. What's more is that nearly half of all Hispanic voters added their vote for Trump as well, leaving Black women as the primary voting block for Kamala, with liberal pundits claiming that Democrat White women were racist by not supporting a "Black female" Presidential candidate. In other words, they felt that everyone, especially those of their party, should continue "identity politics", disregarding candidate quality, policy or what the country has become over the last 3 years since Harris, through Biden, has been in power. 

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Thursday, November 7, 2024

The COGIC 116th Annual Holy Convocation ~ Bishop Amere S. May Says, "It's A Dangerous Job"!!!

The 116th Annual Holy Convocation Of the Church Of God In Christ is well underway in Memphis, TN. 

While my schedule did not permit me to attend, a significant portion of my message made it to Memphis in the Wednesday midday session through one Bishop Amere S. May Sr. of Charlotte, NC.

Bishop seems to have spoken on my behalf, seeking to warn the church yet again, that there should be NO MORE COVERUPS as it pertains to pulpit crimes and pastoral criminals.


To be clear, as a long time member and Elder within this church, I am not excited about anyone not willing to face the issues that deal with the quality of life and health and wellbeing of our church and heal them that are hurting within our church. So this message, and specifically this portion of the message and other surrounding parts of it, was timely and a breath of fresh air for me personally.

The Dirty Man. A Call To Action With Abuse Survivor Queen GerVaise Guyton

A Pastoral Call To Action For COGIC Victim's Advocacy / Queen GerVaise Guyton Interview Pt. 4 

The Dirty Man. A Call To Action With Abuse Survivor Queen GerVaise Guyton Pt. 5

The Dirty Man. A Call To Action With Abuse Survivor Queen GerVaise Guyton Pt. 6

The Dirty Man. A Call To Action With Abuse Survivor Queen GerVaise Guyton Pt. 7

As Bishop May said, the foundation of our church is impeccable. In my opinion, it is Biblically clandestine...However, we have been invaded and effected by a culture that is willing to look the part, but not willing to be the part...In other words, we have adopted many aspects of "a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof".

I understand that sounds harsh and please don't get me wrong, as there are millions of blessed and real Saints and Pastoral leaders within this church all around the world that will spend their life's breath and more to perpetuate Biblical righteousness and true holiness.  The problem is that within Christianity in general, we are inundated with pseudo-spiritual leaders and others committed to the world and the culture of the world greater than their commitment to Christ and righteousness. 

I hope at the 116th Holy Convocation of the Grand Ole Church that we can gain the courage to move forward with TRUE Victim's Advocacy and relinquish ourselves of the fear that aligning ourselves with them abused and hurt, creates some sort of atmosphere of guilt. That is a RIDICULOUS notion! If we should do nothing else, we should heal the hurting without reluctance, or consideration for our own self-preservation.  


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Thursday, October 31, 2024

Pastoral Call To Action For COGIC Victim's Advocacy/ Queen GerVaise Guyton Interview Pt. 4

For quite a few years, I have advocated and continue to advocate for a process of Victim's Advocacy within what I think could be the greatest Church on Earth, the Church Of God In Christ. 

Yes, basic processes have changed. A new system to educate leaders on sexual harassment and a requirement for universal background checks...however, NONE of those things address any sort of ministry to the hurting or towards those who have been victimized by pulpit and pastoral imposters, posing as angels of light within our church.

What is the problem?

Maybe it is implication of guilt...Maybe the church doesn't want to be on the hook for any more money than what they have delivered through NDA and what liberal news now calls "hush money agreements" ...The fact is the church currently spends money to investigate and even defend predators of sexual abuse within the church. In teh Dirty Man interviews, we find that the church used the money given to it to defend and help known sexual predators. Then we find that all too often, policies and practices are set forth that help the alleged CRIMINAL instead of addressing and helping the victims of these sexually perverted ministers of debauchery and shame. This MUST CEASE...and SOMEONE must be bold enough to call the church into account. 

Still Essential: 

NEW Policy, designed to help those who have been victimized...embraced, endorsed and approved within and by General Assembly. Sounds simple??? Well, the General Assembly consists of some of the offender class individuals. Bishops, Pastors and Elders making decisions on what policies the church should and will embrace. Needless to say that police policing themselves rarely works out positively or in favor of the public. The same is true of leaders, even Bishops who must hold one another accountable and Pastoral friends and associates of those people allegedly doing the same. In other words, until the QUID-PRO-QUO system is broken, change will only be incremental if any at all. 

This is why popular leaders within the church must get serious and openly address the condition of our church in this area and the need to be the church that we talk and sing about. It will take bold leadership making a stand, endorsing what we should endorse and moving forward leading the church into a new destiny. It is a contradiction, to say that we love God and cannot find conscience enough to defend and heal those who have been cut open and nearly, if not, destroyed within our midst. 

A Change Of Mindset:

Years ago, I was part of a local COGIC association of churches, when a particular pastor was found to have impregnated a 12 year old girl that was a member of his church. One of the Pastor's of that group said, "Well at least she was a daughter of the church and not outside of the church"...In his mind, although he realized the wrong, which ultimately destroyed what was left of that pastor's family and church, the commenting Pastor assumed that the sin was somehow made better because the victim had been raised in the church...Needless to say, I left that group, never came back and to this day, have no fellowship with them that hold such shallow ideology on the subject. 

It is a complete offense to God and what we could readily and easily call an abomination, to use and abuse anyone in the context of the church or otherwise, but to be a pulpit predator is extremely beyond the pale of anything considered moral. We should have an accountability to ALL people, but an even greater duty to them who are of the household of faith. (Gal.6:10)

As long as we believe that victimization is an "acceptable" part of our experience even to the smallest degree, nothing will change...Unfortunately, church politics will continue without a word of change being delivered on the subject. Men and women, will continue to step into their "destiny"...receive their "blessing" and flow under some form of anointing AND RAISE MONEY, all while overlooking the things that will forge us a path to heaven.  Serving those who have been victimized and preventing evil from spreading within the context of our churches should be of high priority, but seems to be of lesser importance than the "show" or display of church. 

Will the REAL LEADERS OF OUR CHURCH MAKE A STAND? Let's see. I really and sincerely want to see this.

CHALLENGE: For those willing to join this very spiritual battle to promote a revolutionary change within this church and be a part of a seed change within the Christian church in general, call us at (800)730-2990 x802


Supt. Harvey Burnett
New Bethel COGIC
I Am My Brother's Keeper Christian Advocacy Council


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