Steps To Safe Church Certification
Rendition Of Cert.
1- Make the call. (800)730-2990 x802 and ask for a FREE Safe Church Consultation
2- Open your church to evaluation by a Safe Church Councilor
3- Receive the results of the evaluation with recommended changes.
4- Implement the changes or ministry updates within 60 days
5- Receive your "Safe Church Certification" to display within your church or congregation. (updated annually)
6- Receive a FREE Safe Church Quarterly Newsletter designed to provide valuable insights into church related sexual abuse and helpful information on how to reach, minister to, and restore them that have been abused and cause the ministry to make disciples even through pain and turmoil within society.
The best way to prevent abuse, is to PREVENT ABUSE! This is YOUR opportunity to show your congregation, visitors and community how serious you take the creation of an abuse free environment. Individuals who know that your church has received a "Safe Church Certification" are even more confident that your ministry takes the health and wellbeing of its members and visitors with the utmost sincerity and respect.
Call IMBKCAC today and remember...
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Private Sin: How A Michigan Church Protected Child Molesters
Here they go...."We follow the Bible, we don't need none of this!"....YEA RIGHT!!!! If you follow the Bible, sexual abuse in the context of the church wouldn't happen...IT DOES! In EVERY church regardless of denomination....SEXUAL ABUSE OCCURS.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, any church or ministry "following the Bible" would certainly encourage 3rd party review. Making the ministry accountable and examining functions, operations and relationships and receiving guidance to avoid abuse in all its forms is only appropriate and for those who have experienced abuse, just what is necessary to reintegrate back within congregational worship.
Stop all these LIES about being so much of a spiritual giant, or so "anointed" that these things can't and don't happen...THEY DO!
So try again...Get it right...serve the people and make it make sense in light of all the abusive situations that have and are occurring.