Thank you for visiting this page and May the Lord continue to bless you in the New Year of 2008.
At the end of 2006 many ministries produced a theme for 2007 similar to this, "God will complete HIS work in you in 2007" Many also used Phil. 1:6 as a proof text for this message:
- "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:"
Well, 2007 has come and gone and , BOY were some things completed. Some marriages, ministries, churches, gospel singers and folk just caught down right, COMPLETELY in their sins.
They were done and completed like our respective Thanksgiving Turkeys AND Christmas Hams…sliced, diced, cut open and exposed. The only problem is that many of them DON’T know how exposed their sins actually were.
- Numbers 32:23: "But if ye will not do so, behold ye have sinned against the LORD: and be sure your sin will find you out."
In 2007 the sins of the church have been made public sport for the world to see, mock and criticize. Marriages of individuals who have engaged in national and international public ministry and have even claimed to be on the "Front Line" have been shipwrecked by way of fights, spousal abuse, police reports and some even during regular bible study gatherings as church members were told by their leaders "we’re simply going our separate ways, and we wish each other well".
In 2007, Bishops have battered their spouses and some spouses have retaliated by killing their preacher husbands. In addition of all the heterosexual problems, homosexual ministers such as
In 2007, Bishops have battered their spouses and some spouses have retaliated by killing their preacher husbands. In addition of all the heterosexual problems, homosexual ministers such as
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Rev. Benjamin Reynolds |
Rev. Benjamin Reynolds have promoted and endorsed their homosexuality from the pulpit after years of living a life on the DL (Down Low). He left his church in Colorodo in October
Then there are others such as openly gay Bishop Gene Robinsonwho proclaims that there is another gospel that allows ministers to be homosexual and unashamed.
Yet other homosexual ministers such asthe late Dr. Peter Gomes of Harvard Divinity School have said that he wishes that he could have a debate with St. Augustine (354-430) to straighten out his (St. Augustine’s) view and perception of homosexuality which Gomes felt was the only fault in St Augustine’s historical narratives.
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V. Gene Robinson |
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the late Dr. Peter Gomes |
Then there are others such as openly gay Bishop Gene Robinson
Yet other homosexual ministers such asthe late Dr. Peter Gomes of Harvard Divinity School have said that he wishes that he could have a debate with St. Augustine (354-430) to straighten out his (St. Augustine’s) view and perception of homosexuality which Gomes felt was the only fault in St Augustine’s historical narratives.
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Bishop Blake |
Yes, my fellow COGIC brethern, this is the same Dr. Peter Gomes who is an open and avid homosexual, that at one point and somehow, enchanted our beloved Presiding Bishop, Bishop Charles E. Blake
Now, all of this, is in addition to the fact that many of our gospel music stages have been invaded by "gay blades", sodomites, and what the bible calls "Sons of Belial". Now many of our most beloved gospel music figures live under new suspicion of homosexuality and perverted ills from which they once proudly claimed deliverance.
In 2007 materialistic oriented ministries have begun to come under judgement and a new level of scrutiny for leaving their adherents, broke, in need, and by the way side both physically and mentally. Although, the gov’t has possibly overstepped it’s bound and created an unsanctioned redundancy, the message that God will not allow HIS people to be further abused should come across loud and clear. In 2007 many ministries have stopped preaching the Gospel and calling people to repentance but now have turned unto messages of fame, wealth, social and psychological acceptance and personal empowerment.
Now many of us know the problems even more in-depth than I’ve gone into here. Amazingly enough the real problem is that too many of us have failed to learn from the apparent mistakes, excesses and sins that have been exposed in 2007.
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Juanita Bynum II |
In the City of Detroit, Michigan, every Wednesday, until February 2008, at 5:00 AM… EARLY MORNINGS…BEFORE DAY BREAK… Prophetess Juanita Bynum, who has said that the "Lord has led her", is engaged in morning prayer at the Greater Grace City Of David. Under the watchful approval of Bishop Charles H. Ellis III.
In the telecasts aired on The Word Network the week of Dec. 24th 2007, Juanita told the over 2,000 participants that attend one of the early morning prayer services to do the following:
- Praise the Lord intensely
- Wait for the anointing to come.
- After the anointing "arrives" call out your name in the atmosphere to attract or draw what you need in the spirit.
2,000 SAINTS...get up before day to hear Juanita Bynum, butcher the scripture with a TOTAL abuse of what the anointing is, teach the creation of metaphysical reality through the power of words and promote the so called "Universal Law Of Attraction"?IN A CHURCH???

What is going on? When will we ever learn?
The "Universal Law Of Attraction" popularized in recent times by Rhonda Byrne in her New York Times best selling book "The Secret", said that the Universal Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the universe. This concept has been reverberated by other authors including Russell Simmons in his book "Do You". Both authors claim that this law is singularly responsible for their success and the success of every "successful" person living today.
Adherents to this law state that your "energy" or "vibrational frequency" will attract others to you that have the same "energy" or "vibrational frequency", therefore bringing people into your lives that will be able to fulfill your desires, dreams and compliment your DESTINY. They propose that negative energy will draw negative energy to itself and positive energy in turn will also draw positive energy to itself. In fact many of this philosophy’s proponents go so far as to say that NOTHING happens to an individual unless it’s drawn to them by their very own "vibration" or "frequency" They even go so far to say that the Bible is in agreement with their concepts in such scriptures as
- Psalms 23:7a-" For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:"
- Mark 11:23-24- "For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. 24Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them"
Consequently, because the lie has been sanitized for a Christian audience, Christians have followed the apostles and disciples of the lie hook, line and sinker, not considering that what Juanita has resorted to is what the bible has called DIVINATION and witchcraft.
What happened to the WORD of God that has instructed:
What happened to the WORD of God that has instructed:
- Deut. 18:9-14- 9-"When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. 10-There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, 11-Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. 12-For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee. 13-Thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy God. 14-For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee, the LORD thy God hath not suffered thee so to do."
Divination is a "foretelling future events, or discovering things secret by the aid of superior beings, or other than human means." It is used in scripture of false systems of ascertaining the divine will. It has been universal in all ages, and all nations alike civilized and savage.
Divination is associated with Spiritism. IN the Bible the word "spiritist" which always appears with "witch." The root of the word in Hebrew is the verb"to know." In modern English "wizard" means someone very wise or inventive, a very clever or skillful person. But in the Bible it is always a forbidden thing, a kind of black magic. This is why most modern versions translate the word as "spiritist," "fortune-teller," or "sorcerer."
For any profit, (PROPHET yet alone PROPHETESS) to encourage individuals to pray, wait for the anointing to come, then call their name in the atmosphere in order to receive what they need; is a doctrine of devils, a seducing spirit and one UNWORTHY of the church of God.
- I John 4:1- "1Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world."
- I Timothy 4:1-2- "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;"
- II Timothy 4:3-4 "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."
- Galations 1:6-9- 6- "I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: 7-Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. 8-But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. 9-As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed."
Part of the commission of the minister is to build up the faith and shore up the firm foundation of the believer:
- Ephes. 4:14-15 "That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; 15But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:"
Who is guarding the hen house? The wolves?
As stated above with leaders seduced by the homosexual right and even in homosexuality themselves, we can see that some are asleep. The eccumenism and inclusion of so many things has been allowed that now even spiritism is allowed in many of our churches. Encouraging the believers is one thing, the acceptance of false doctrine and unbiblical practices and them who promote it is quite another.
To whom will be our allegiance in 2008? Have we learned the lessons of 2007, or must we repeat them until the Body Of Christ suffers more at the hands of mislead and misleading individuals?
DETROIT…You’ve been DIVINED. Will the TRUE people of God PLEASE stand up?
By the way, you may not live in Detroit but YOUR CITY could be N E X T...Lawd Help Us!!!
Nice post. It gives detail, provides some documentation, and is to the point.
Why Thank you Melvin. I appreciate the kind words and encouragements. I'm still trying to figure out how to make this look nicer but I appreciate the thoughts.
ReplyDeleteHave A Happy New Year!
Pastor Burnett
God Bless you Supt. Burnett
ReplyDeleteI would like to encourage you to keep preaching the truth of God's Word without apology or compromise. While many preachers in our denomination continue to endorse the Bynum's, Week's and others who run in that circle, it is an encouragement to see a Supt. contend for the faith instead of trying to be part of the crowd seeking promotion within the ranks of this church. Many of the pastors in Cogic have dropped the ball but their still is a remanant that is contended for the faith. It also is good to see your defense of the Cogic, which has taken unfair hits on various blogs by individuals who do not believe in what we believe. But I still say our denomination is the flagship of pentacostalism and our doctrine lines up with the bible.
God Bless
Curtis Terry
Thank you for your encouragements Brother Terry.
ReplyDeleteYou raise some very interesting points and you are RIGHT. Too many of our leaders are spineless, when it comes to making a stand for righteousness and the world has judged us as defunct and lethargic when it comes to standing for real truth within our communities and pulpits.
As long as we open our pulpits and wallets to these characters and don't call them to repentance, we've done the world the biggest injustice possible and believe me, God will exact HIS righteous judgement upon us.
It's a shame that we've allowed certain individuals to make profit at our expense, and feed their garbage to the children of God while too many of our leaders seek fame, popularity, positions, and titles...
I could say much more, but I'll be good.
Please be no stranger and post again anytime. Thanks and God bless!
Supt. H. Burnett,
ReplyDeleteStay on the wall brother! No compromise or apologies will ever be needed when our hearts and minds are set on the word.
Many blessings to you and yours in the New Year.
Thank you very much for being a MAN of God, most importantly being a MAN. It is a shame and a disgrace the way these leaders bend and waiver just for notoriety, popularity and pieces of paper that is not worth the paper it is printed on.
ReplyDeleteDon't you find, as a leader, that many people are spiritually blind?
Being born and raised in the church (COGIC to be exact) I was always told that the Holy Ghost was a keeper and would reveal to you and would keep you from wrong and wrong doing.
If that be the case that means we have lots of people claiming the Holy Ghost that don't have it.
Brothers Mark and MarvelousMarQ,
ReplyDeleteALL I can say is
Juanita Bynum does operate under the influence of "a seducing spirit". This type of teaching/doctrine is of the devil. It places the individual in control of their life and destiny. Which is the same temptation to sin that the Devil used to seduce Eve in Eden. These false teachers are consistently telling their hearers that there is "something more" in the "Spirit" that hath been with held from thee and I have the answer to how you can find it. It is fleshly in its origin and set on fire with the flames of hell. The scripture says we have ALREADY been given every thing we need that pertains to this life and godliness. We habe the Holy Spirit, The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Love of GOD the Father. Pray that this influence through Juanita (who calles herself a prophetess) and many others, most of whom are men is defeated by the Truth of the word of GOD. Light dispel darkness.
ReplyDeleteWhile I really appreciate your write up, I have to ask, at what point are we to speak or do as Christ said with regards to "ask anything, in my name..." and "I will take what is of mine and declare it to you...?" I know we are not to ask for the only purpose of pleasing our flesh, but according to God's will we are to pray. But as I said, at what point have we left the teachings of Jesus himself that encourages the believers to ask, etc...? I understand the context in which Christ said what he said, and it is applicable with regards to a believer's needs.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I am beginning to think that once a person become skeptical and critical, if not checked, everything and everyone becomes subject, even the most sincere saints who are truely trying to live for the Lord and do His will. While I am not endorsing Bynum, neither am I saying I agree w/ your comments either...but from a fleshly standpoint, it was a good read.
Mr. James~ I honestly can say that I DON'T understand what you're saying...I won't say "trying to say" because you said what you said and it really makes no sense to me.
ReplyDeleteAll I can can ask is do you see ANYWHERE in the Bible where ANY character was encouraged to "call their name out" so they could receive anything from God? Do you see ANYWHERE in the WORD where the people of God were told to work themselves up before they received something from God?
It's not a matter of being critical, it's a matter of common sense and spiritual living according to the WORD (which is common sense to me)
I think the better question is how does it serve the church and the Pastor to let this "MESS" which it is MESS, run rampant in the church?
Remember, we're talking about a person who only a few months ago said (outta HER OWN MOUTH) She is not a regular preacher or leader like the rest of us...She said she was a cut above Me, You, and evey Minister, Pastor, Bishop or Leader who currently serves the body of Christ...That was her testimony!
So there are many problems here, and I'm afraid that you either don't get it or you're confusing issues...Please clarify it, if for noone else but me.
Thanks and God bless.
I too was a bit baffled at James' comments.
ReplyDeleteNevertheless, Supt Burnett as you said this is a far weighter matter than just "criticism".
Many religious people dont realize they are so heavily influenced by postmodernist ideology, that they superimpose worldly knowledge over the clear precepts and concepts of the scripture. In doing so, they will never have a Kingdom perspective.
GCMWatch~ Thank you. That was powerful. I thought for a minute that I had missed something in the translation(LOL)
ReplyDeleteI am so glad there are those voices in the wilderness that are contending for faith. Not the mystical, flesh-pleasing, extra-biblical practices which are so popular now, but the simple, clear message from scripture.
ReplyDeleteBrothers like you, GCM, Melvin, Indpendent Conservative and Primitive Jesus have personally confirmed a lot of things I suspected, and opened my eyes to a whole lot more!
A personal "big thanks" to the lot of you!!
It takes real men to do this.
Again, let me state that I do not endorse Sis. Bynum in any way. However, it seems to me that people are being very critical of her and the way she ministers. I feel like this, was there not a "breakthrough" after the Israelites walked around the wall of Jericho and shouted? Did not the priests go first, after armed men, sounding the trumpets? And were not the instructions to the Israelites was for them to shout at a certain point, then after that the walls would fall (JOshua 6)? Was that not symbolic of 'preparing the way'...although the ark (the presence)was already with them? Is that not symbolic for contemporary believers?
ReplyDeleteI mean, personally, the name I would shout if I were at Bynum's meeting would be Jesus, not my own. Yes, I agree that, based on what you've stated, this "tactic" to attract what one needs in the spirit is a bit off, but can anyone honestly say that in their growth/process of maturity that they have interpreted/understood or preached on point in all matters of experience? There was a time in my own life when "name it and claim it" was a mantra per-sey. But after I grew up a bit and realized I was totally self-centered in all that mess, I began to pray, asking for God's will to be done, however still proclaiming God's promises that He has spoken. So then, if I praise God first, and thank Him for his promise of health and protection(Psalm 103), am I operating under the spirit of divination? It is quite possible that THAT is what she meant in her heart, but just said it in a manner that could possibly be misconstrued.
Also, based upon the definition of "divination" you used in your post, no where does it apply to Bynum. The three points you listed as her "instructions" have nothing to do with her "foretelling" or having assistance from superior beings. So then this goes back to my point on the first post. Sometimes we will read into something that really isn't there. But since we view it with an overtly critical eye, we find what we want to find and our discoveries become results of biased pursuits.
I hope I made myself a little clearer this time around. I'm sorry for the initial poorly constructed post...(as though this one fairs any better--LOL).
James~ Thanks for coming back to comment. First of all, don’t worry about offering “professional” comments, I’m not a “professional” blogger whatever that is. (LOL) I did need clarification because I didn’t understand what you were saying. This is America and everyone is entitled to an opinion and I appreciate yours and you are welcome to comment on this or any other blog I do.
ReplyDeleteWith that said, I gotta deal with your comments for a minute. If I could offer this: so far as Jericho and Joshua are concerned, what Juanita did, and others like her do, HAS NOTHING to do with a biblical account in any way. You improperly contrast her “mess” to the TRUTH of scripture. What she’s doing is called psycho-manipulation. How we know that it’s not a word from the Lord is that the word she gives VIOLATES the Bible and is contradictory to scripture.
I understand that you feel that what she’s trying to do is help the people exercise their faith, but Biblical faith IS NOT a trick, routine or formula and is not to be excerised outside of a biblical context for spiritual gain or edification. To clarify and hopefully assist you as you reconcile this, Faith is how the Saint lives (Rom. 1:17, Gal. 3:11& Heb. 10:38) not what a person stands, jumps screams or yells in. This is the problem, what she encouraged is a non-biblical and ungodly practice based on her brand of "subjective" knowledge.
Neither you or I can speak for her intents. We can only speak for what she said and what happened. Everything MUST line up with the Bible BEFORE either of us can agree to it, that is, if we Believe the bible to be the only, infallible, written WORD of God. Some practices may be unfamiliar to us and therefore we and need to gain understanding before we can agree with them. Then yet other practices are totally unbiblical. Her encouragements were and are totally unbiblical and cannot be reconciled with a biblical account.
You said that she doesn’t meet the definition of divination as spelled out here. She does, and I offer the following three points to prove such: 1- Juanita “foretells” that people will receive what they want or need if they do what she says, 2- God is a means to an end and NOT the end itself, That’s unbiblical. God is NOT our cosmic Bell-hop; 3- She seduces people with evident false doctrine and proliferates the message to further blind others.
This meets the definition of DIVINER, sorcerer, or witch as spelled out on this page. Now, you don’t have to agree with me, but those of us who are saved (and I'm assuming that you are) should at least agree with scripture and the consistent message it offers against the ungodly and unbiblical practices that I’ve outlined.
So what I’m saying has nothing to do with a critical slant or interpretive, it has to do with right and wrong from ANY preacher, minister or servant of God. Juanita did this openly and so we talk about it openly through the measuring stick of God’s WORD.
ReplyDeleteThis is good work! I appreciate the effort you put into this post!
ReplyDeleteWe are having a discussion on my site regarding the Gift of Tongues. I would like to invite you to take part in the discussion. I promise you that no-one will disrespect you or your views. It's located here;
Thanks Brother!
Philly~ Thanks for the invite. I'll be over, and I promise NOT to disrespect anyone with opposing views either(LOL) Anyway, thanks and God bless.
ReplyDeleteBrother Burnett,
ReplyDeleteIf interested, I recently did a posting on the issue with AIDS and how one can go about dealing with it. I'd like to get an actual discussion on the issue....and If willing, I'd like to get your feedback on the issue on the post and was hoping you'd be willing to comment on ways that one can go about it.
Again, only if you're interested....but I'd love to have you there...
To: Elder Burnett,
ReplyDeleteGreetings in Jesus' Name and THANK YOU for not being ashamed for speaking truth. As concerning the "so-called" prophetess Bynum-Weeks, (I often wondered why she would not drop her madien name and take on his) the recent interview on BET television between Bishop Weeks and the network revealed the truth concerning the "marriage" and the real reason why Bynum married Weeks in the first place. Being a former Detroiter during the days when nobody knew of a Prophetess Bynum and the "Seeking God for 7 days which turned out to be just like the current "show" at Greater Grace (what ever happened to the Spirit of Discerenment?) and lasted for a month, or the last time when "Prophetess" was at The Masonic Temple in Downtown Detroit and she left with $750,000 dollars of poor Detroiters money, is it any wonder that God is now exposing these "so-called" men and women of God for the theives that they are. It is one of the many reasons that I as a church elder have left Detroit for better places to do the work of Jesus and preach the TRUE gospel of Jesus Christ which can be found in Matthew 6:33. Keep up the good work Elder Burnett and God bless you!
WOW! It's like that?...
ReplyDeleteMt.6:33~"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
I HEARD THAT 4-REAL! Thank you for the encouragement. I may need your help so send me an email when you can. God bless!