Hypocrisy Watch
The current President of the Human Rights campaign (HRC),
Joe Solmonese, has announced that he will not renew his contract and sill step aside when his contract expires in March 31st, 2012.
"HRC has never been stronger and after nearly seven years, this is the right moment for me to move on,”...“As I explore new professional possibilities, I plan on continuing to pour my heart and soul into improving the lives of members of our community – from battling proposed marriage amendments to creating more equitable workplaces to ensuring the President Obama is reelected for a second term.”
There are a list of candidates that are being reviewed for the position all of them either gay or lesbian.
I wonder, since "equality" is supposedly the message of the HRC will it live up to its talk? Will they hire a straight or non-gay male or female to lead them? My bet is that they WON'T! Not because a qualified, non-gay, candidate doesn't exist, but because they will only cater to homosexuals in employment and only include homosexuals in decision making and in the direction of the HRC, while claiming that heterosexuals are discriminating against them.
We all know that President Obama's claim is that the goal of his Presidency and the HRC is to end "Discrimination". He stated just as much on Oct. 1st 2011 to the HRC as you can see for yourself
Speculation has it that Lesbian activist
Cathy Woolard is primed for the post. Othes say it will go to someone else within the gay community. All I can say is that with all this talk of "non-discrimination" and "equality" it sure seems like a good time for someone to put their money where their mouth has been.
Below is Solmonese's last dinner with the President. I have added annotation so that you won't miss any of the overt and subtle misstatements that are made.
Now, remember
in 2009, while many of us thought that funding of our troops was the only issue, and was wondering why it was taking so long to pass a bill to fund them? Solmonese reveals that he was proud that there was a "little attachment" that he didn't think anyone would say anything about nor fight...
This is gay advocacy...their way at ALL COSTS and at the expense of all else and all others!
In addition to his Million dollar mansion with his husband/wife Jed Hastings, here are a few additional facts about Joe:
- He previously was chief executive officer of EMILY's (Early Money Is Like Yeast) List.
- He has also worked for numerous campaigns and in government positions.
- He began his career as an aide in the office of Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis.
- He also developed the Political Opportunity Program for state and local candidates to ensure a stream of viable, electable women candidates.
Out of about 8.7 million estimated gay adults within the US, whatever Joe has done, hasn't been enough to make gays give up the cash in the amounts that gay advocacy groups would like to see it given up. Here are the current estimates of giving from gays to gay advocacy groups such as the HRC:
- Only 3.4% (280,984 persons) of the LGBT community donated greater than $35 to LGBT causes in 2009. That was roughly about 280,984 persons.
- Only .2% (14,748 persons) of the LGBT community donated greater than $1,000 to LGBT causes in 2009.
- This leaves 96.5% (8.4 million persons) that don't contribute to LGBT causes.
(Source: The Williams Institute LGB Population Estimates, MAP Analysis)
The gay advocacy is politically connected and they are pressing more political buttons than ever to maneuver and manipulate both the law and the court of public opinion. It is time for the church to engage in a serious battle of cultural apologetics to place a full orbed, healthy and biblical perspective on these issues.
2 Thess. 2:7 ~ "For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way."
Part of our mission as believers, until the rapture, is to STAND in the way in effort to prevent lawlessness, so that souls can be saved and harvested into the kingdom. Preaching to the 4 walls and trying to convince others over the internet about some broke and perverted theological system plays into the hands of the homo-advocate. Then the rank hypocrisy of leaders such as Eddie Long and others have dealt the church a significant blow. Then others that refuse to be a part of uprooting cultural conformity are another part of the problem and not the solution.
Will the REAL Saints, PLEASE stand up?
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