What does Zelenskyy mean when he says he wants a "security guarantee"? What would that guarantee do? You need to understand by putting the truth together.
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Upholding The Light Of Jesus In A Dark World
What does Zelenskyy mean when he says he wants a "security guarantee"? What would that guarantee do? You need to understand by putting the truth together.
Steps To Safe Church Certification
Rendition Of Cert.
1- Make the call. (800)730-2990 x802 and ask for a FREE Safe Church Consultation
2- Open your church to evaluation by a Safe Church Councilor
3- Receive the results of the evaluation with recommended changes.
4- Implement the changes or ministry updates within 60 days
5- Receive your "Safe Church Certification" to display within your church or congregation. (updated annually)
6- Receive a FREE Safe Church Quarterly Newsletter designed to provide valuable insights into church related sexual abuse and helpful information on how to reach, minister to, and restore them that have been abused and cause the ministry to make disciples even through pain and turmoil within society.
The best way to prevent abuse, is to PREVENT ABUSE! This is YOUR opportunity to show your congregation, visitors and community how serious you take the creation of an abuse free environment. Individuals who know that your church has received a "Safe Church Certification" are even more confident that your ministry takes the health and wellbeing of its members and visitors with the utmost sincerity and respect.
Call IMBKCAC today and remember...
New from News Nation:
Private Sin: How A Michigan Church Protected Child Molesters
1- Are Federal grants being delivered to organizations who promote DEI and other neo-Marxist policies?
2- Are Federal grants being delivered to organizations who violate the Hyde Amendment in providing federal funds to pay for elective abortions?
(1) better health for women,(2) the preservation of human life,(3) strengthening of the family as the foundational unit of society, and(4) protecting every nation's national sovereignty.
"The Trump Administration is committed to supporting families, promoting women’s health, and protecting children at all stages of life. The United States will pursue these objectives in cooperation with member states in the UN system and through our continued shared ambition for improved health for women and girls. Investing in women’s health and well-being saves lives, allows women and girls more opportunities, and protects the family as the fundamental unit of society."
2 Chron. 7:14 ~ if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
1 Peter 4:17 ~ For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
James 1:20 ~ For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.
Happy New Year from Supt. Harvey Burnett, the Dunamis Word and all of the ministries that feed into the Dunamis Word, to ALL readers and supporters.
May the Lord bless you with all blessings this year and may you see an immediate turnaround for the good in your circumstance.
GOD is yet good and we/you have a lot of work to do.
Special blessings to all my fellow CANCER SURVIVORS!
We are RAPHA strong!!!!
Keep your eyes open, in the Lord's name, things will be accomplished that have never been done before. WE believe God!
California Wildfires
Eaton Canyon
Having begun on Jan. 7th, the fire has burned over 14,117 acres the fire is only at 15% containment. 7,000 structures damaged or destroyed and 2,832 people assigned to the fight.
The Palisades Fire began in the Pacific Palisades area of the city on Jan. 7th. It is at 23,707 acres in size with 11% containment. At least 5,613 structures have been destroyed which includes 426 homes, with at least five people confirmed killed.
The Hurst Fire in Sylmar, northwest of San Fernando, began on Jan. 7th and has burned 799 acres. It is at 89% containment.
It is expected that over 500,000 students within Los Angeles County will continue to be out of school and the expansion of fire due to weather risk extends beyond mid-week.
Is This The Judgement Of God?
The largest question that has arisen within the Christian community has been, "Is this fire the judgment of God?"
To address this issue, I believe that we must first observe the fact that wildfires in the West have long been devastating claiming many homes, acres and lives over the years.
Interestingly enough, in 2023 although there were comparatively more wildfires (55,571), this year presented the least amount of acres burned since 2000. (approximately 2,633,636 acres) In 2024 there were 61,685 wildfires and 8,851,142 acres burned. which is the 2nd lowest total since 2012.
Aug. 8th 2023, on the island paradise of Maui, Hawaii in the city of Lahaina, over 114 people were killed, 2,700 structures destroyed and over 1,000 acres of land burned in a fire of epic proportions which began with high winds and a downed power line. SOURCE
In fact in 2023, I remember that the air quality due to American wildfires and sudden Canadian wildfires, became so bad in the Midwest that we were under air quality alert for quite some time. SOURCE Many people, including myself, suffered from the poor air quality during that time and some continue to suffer from issues encountered during that time even today.
The REAL Question....
"Since these fires have devastated what has otherwise been known as strongholds of liberal thought and lifestyle of the rich, and many of who disdain God and Biblical morality, could these fires possibly be the judgement of God?"
Actors and actresses, the ultra wealthy, and lauded celebrities, ranging from Paris Hilton to the Kardashians, to Mel Gibson and John Legend have been made homeless due to these devastating fires and the battle has only just begun with their insurance companies.
Because many of these individuals hold and promote liberal views, many Christians have sought out to say that these fires prove that God is sick of the ultra wealthy and the ultra liberal views that many of them have embraced.
Now, all of those things are considerations that one can undertake, but are those sentiments Biblical and do they pertain to this case and the results of these fires?
I mean, look, this blog certainly doesn't uphold liberal or open morality and or anti-biblical views. Our readers are strengthened because we uphold the Bible, Biblical inerrancy, and Biblical morality. However, we also speak out against fanaticism, religious or otherwise. We abhor the desire to see anyone suffer, or the desire to see anyone murdered or killed (including political figures) and it be called "the judgement of God"...
The Dunamis Word, certainly doesn't hold the judgement of the ungodly or any experience in which there is loss of life and or material, a badge of honor for us or anyone to flaunt. We don't place God on the platform of a social vigilante. God is God. He is a savior and a true judge and he raises up one and sets down another at his bidding (Ps.75.:7) and in his due time for his own purpose. All them that have embraced evil, will be handled. The whole world is ultimately subject to his will.
With that said, it amazes me to see how many, alleged Christians, can view destruction, loss and suffering of others who have views of morality that they oppose, as an opportunity to point towards and uphold their own self-righteousness, and further use the suffering of other individuals as an opportunity to contend that "God is speaking" and, I suppose, because the wealthy suffer, "God now means business" and we suddenly need to listen more intently.
Reexamination Of Truth
Without a doubt God is not pleased with what we have allowed America to become in the name of "freedom". However, the wealthy and ultra elite are not the only ones to blame for this. It is the common folk, the poor folk and some alleged religious folk, who will pay for those sins and the proliferation of sin in the world as we will discuss.
Yes, we will pay a price as a nation for over 63 million murders of babies through and by abortion. Yes, we will pay a price for the promotion of homosexuality and now the normalization of transsexuality which encourages the mutilation of children. Yes, I could name many sins, that America has embraced, actions, ways and moral positions that are against God and godliness, and totally unworthy of his blessings...However, with all of that said, God's WORD affirms:
Revealing Facts
To be truthful, in our holiness church, yes, the Grand Ole Church herself, I have shared the pulpit with some who believe many more liberal things, even if unspoken, than many of these, now homeless and allegedly "judged celebrities" ("judged" according to some)...Believe me, I don't exclude the fact that God is speaking to many of the celebrities who never though that they would or could ever experience such devastation. I don't doubt that God is using their loss as a tool to cause an examination of life and ultimately repentance, but let's tell the truth. We have men in pulpits within many Christian churches who are pedophiles (now Minor Attracted Persons...a SINNER by any other name...) and others who are serial adulterers, fornicators, undercover homosexuals and more...
I know of individuals, some popular Bishops, who have reached out for help and freedom from homosexuality allegedly on behalf of their "friends" or alleged "associates"... In addition, as I have interviewed and shown over the years, there are some individuals who have never repented of their sins and continue in pulpits and even in leadership using statute of limitations laws as a cover for their sins.
Are their homes being burnt down? Are they homeless as a result of their sin and evil? Does God not wish to judge them, while focusing on entertainers some of whom have more moral views than these pulpit and ministry hypocrites???
I really don't mean to sound harsh, but when God begins to judge, his first judgements will be at the House of God...is that not what the WORD says?
One thing is for sure...when GOD SPEAKS he let's the whole world, and the individuals he is speaking to, know that he is speaking and that he has spoken.
* Noah, spoke for over 100 years warning the people while he built the Ark of God that there was going to be judgement upon the land and the people for their evil and wickedness.
* Although this was not an act of judgement, God spoke to Abram in Mesopotamia, an area filled with idolatry and much demonic influence, but his voice was altogether so clear until Abram changed his life and the life of his family at the voice of God. (Genesis 12) Later, in an act of judgment God spoke clearly again to Abraham regarding the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, even sending angels to pronounce his intents prior to the destruction.
* When God judged Egypt through Moses, this was not done in secret. God commissioned Moses to speak on his behalf and promised that when Moses spoke and raised the rod, he, God, would respond and be faithful to uphold his word and actions. (Ex.3)
* God spoke so clearly that Israel heard his voice in the wilderness and saw his acts and understood his displeasure when they sinned.
* When God Judged the enemies of Israel, he spoke clearly allowing the people to know that it was he, GOD, doing the judgement. Do you remember Nebuchadnezzar and his ultimate confession that Daniel placed within his narrative in the 1st person? (Dan. 4:36)
* How about David when he was judged by God? Was Nathan silent and did David not know that God was not pleased with his actions and acts before judgement was carried out? (2 Sam. 12)
Now, one could say that warnings have been sent to Hollywood, and that the elite and their works have been revealed and their sins are calling for the reprisal of God. I would certainly agree and do not disagree. The true church has been proactive in speaking to the elite and telling them that their sins and what they promote is certainly before God. They have been preached to and many of them, as well as many ordinary "work a day" Americans, have heard and rejected the truth. However, is their experience, and what we are seeing, a "judgement"? Or is this an opportunity to pause, consider one's ways, dump immorality, repent and be saved???
A Precursor To REAL Judgement And Utter Destruction
What I contend in this article is that what we are witnessing is the precursor to the actual and real judgement that God will bring upon this nation for her sins and evil. God will bring judgement at an appointed time, just like he brought judgement upon Israel for her sins and evil at HIS appointed time.
We need to understand that there is no amount of wealth or material existence that will save anyone from HIS judgement and ultimate accounting and reconciliation of all things. Lavish living, is not the key or the problem...the love of the world is the issue. (1 Jn. 2:15)
The belief that money exempts one from suffering or that the wealth and accolade of the world somehow places one above others, is called pride and the very look or appearance of pride God hates and ultimately judges. (Prov. 6:16) Why? Because this type of pride (which has little to do with being happy for material success) suggests and even states explicitly that God is not essential to personal success and being subject to HIM is something either unnecessary or something that a human can dole out according to their will, not HIS. Therefore man exalts himself above God and creates moral relevance that suits himself and is not subject to God in any manner.
Further Scriptural Insight
Apostle Peter says some very interesting things about the judgement of God along with Paul to Timothy and Paul to the church at Thessalonica.
In 2 Peter 3:10-13 Peter says:
Drawing from Zephaniah 1:14-15, Peter associated God's ultimate judgement with "The Day Of The Lord" which comes suddenly, quickly and without warning, "as a thief in the night". Peter does not exclude any pre-judgements that God may make to correct evil and reconcile any wrongs, but here Peter deals with final judgement or the "end of the word".
As Zephaniah suggests, this "Great Day" will not be something seen or witnessed on CNN, FOX, MSNBC or any other television network, radio service or internet or other social media site. When his judgement arrives, it will arrive with a sound and inexplicable and unstoppable actions, along with heat and fire that will change the very nature of existence itself beyond repair.
Jesus builds upon this in Matthew 24:26-44 by stating that the everyone would know and see or experience HIS coming, (v.27) and that the church should simply "be ready" (v.44) for the day of the Lord and that when we don't expect that he will come, for whatever reason, he will be there.(v.44)
In Revelation 16:13-14 John presents a vision of demonic and lieing spirits that proceed from the mouths of the dragon, the beast and the false prophet, in effort to convince humanity to fight against God as he comes visibly, to the world on that "Great day" or the day of judgement.
After the judgement of God, there will be no human will to rebuild or hope that one can escape. When God makes his judgement, not only will every wrong be accounted for, but death and hell will ultimately be cast into the Lake of Fire forever and there will be noone to oppose the will of God.
When The REAL and FINAL Judgment of God comes, it will be inescapable.
The fires we now witness are a reminder of what judgement will do, what it will be like and what hell is...These fires are a reminder and an encouragement for humanity to get it right, in light of what hell is and what it will ultimately mean to all them who forsake God...As property is being lost, most of which is beyond repair, hell is also the place of total loss and abandonment, the place where their is no hope and the place where material possessions or worldly comforts cannot save, protect, heal and or set one free.
Even so come Lord Jesus!
National Centers For Environmental Information, Annual 2024 Wildfires Report
What does Zelenskyy mean when he says he wants a "security guarantee"? What would that guarantee do? You need to understand by put...