
Thursday, October 31, 2024

The Dirty Man. A Call To Action With Abuse Survivor Queen GerVaise Guyton Pt. 1, 2 & 3

My original post, "The Dirty Man...Is Not Hidden, Can't Stop God & Will Be Judged", featured author Queen GerVaise Sarah Guyton and how she survived sexual abuse at the hands of a predator, still yet in the pulpit in Harvey, IL. 

I would like to say, that it is on record that this man confessed to his deeds, saying that he didn't know what he did was wrong. Although this is hardly believable, it does show the extent and depth to which demons and devils in pulpits across the land will go to perpetuate their sexual perversion and deceive the masses. 

My church, COGIC, has come a long way in requiring Pastor's & various ministerial staff to obtain sexual harassment training and background checks, but still has miles yet to go as it pertains to the creation of a truly Safe Church environment as promoted by I Am My Brother's Keeper Christian Advocacy Council, this blog and my personal work in ministry within this church.

To Date The Church Of God In Christ Has

Hearing the experience of Ms. Guyton will open your eyes to the urgency of greater accountability within our church and the Christian church in general, and create a greater sense of urgency for victims advocacy. In my opinion, the predatory crimes of these pulpit criminals is a pandemic of epic proportions within our church and must be addressed. 

Although this is election year, and the church is currently "in prayer" for the success of our Holy Convocation, I sincerely believe that GOD is speaking clearly that we must better protect and serve his little ones and the innocent and those who have suffered amongst us. I really don't care for church politics, especially when I see none willing to make a public and open stand for the innocent and most vulnerable and those who have suffered abuse at the hands of predators that we have licensed at one time or another. 

YES...we're back at it and we're making as much noise as we can.

This post features part 1 and 2 of a recent interview done with Queen GerVaise. May the lord grant you strength and courage to stand along with us and a growing number across the country is saying, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and WE MUST SERVE THE HURTING!

Pt. 1

Pt. 2

Pt. 3


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