In our 2009 article entitled "Hip-Hop, Idolatry & The Church Pt. 2: A Community In Crisis" we alluded to the fact that Beyonce, probably the most popular R& B/Hip Hop artist in modern times, had an alter ego named Sasha Fierce which indeed took over for her at least on stage and through her music.
Well, 9 years later Beyonce recently said:
“Right before I performed for the BET awards, I raised my hands up and it was the first time I felt something else come into me. I knew that was going to be my coming out night at the award show,”....Now, this is exactly what we were talking about in 2009. The full blown demonic possession of Beyonce by a demon who calls himself (because I do not believe this demon is patterned after a female) Sasha Fierce.
Although I believe this demonic presence has been known for ages by other names, such as Artimas, Isis, Oshun and even Hathor, its current resurgence is promoted by Beyonce, along with her devil promoting husband, Jay ("do as thou wilt") Z. These individuals seemed to have resurrected this demon and demonic influence through an ancient African system derived from a mixture of Catholicism and the West African religion of Yoruba.
This mixture is called Santeria. Santeria, which means "Way of the Saints" is a religion developed by slaves which infused religious systems. This religion became extremely popular in places like Cuba and other Latino nations. Although information is scant, because it is a pure oral religion with no written books or records, it is estimated that there are 100 million adherents of this religious system world wide with varying degrees of gods and demonic deities.
Is Santeria Beyonce's Cult Religion?
While Beyonce seems to come from a "Christian" or at least "Christianized" home, it is clear to see that her adult life beliefs are not in accord with any commonly known Christian set of beliefs. Many of the things she says in interviews affirm this and her overall actions and even assessments of her own performance does as well.
Religion Explained
Within Santeria, the manifestation of a god is called an orisha. orishas (of which there can be many) can be perceived in the physical universe by initiates, and the whole community can share in their presence when they possess a priest. The orishas can be perceived through dancing, drumming, speaking to and eating with the spirits. Unlike Yoruba, in Santeria, a woman or a female can be anointed or dubbed a priest and maintain or posses special powers to the degree that the priest has "yielded to" or dedicated themselves to the particular orishas that they serve.

Some of the results of connecting with the orishas, is a changing of countenance, as orishas are said to posses the "head" of the individual, and giving the individual a special ability to dance and or preform beyond a person's prepossession ability. In some cases it is said that the orishas ride their victims (person possessed) like an animal. Wearing white is a symbol of connecting with their orisha.
Within Santeria, animal sacrifice is not only permissible, but necessary. In 1993, the US Supreme Court affirmed the religions right of Santerians to sacrifice in a landmark decision on religious freedom. The court noted:
"The Santeria faith teaches that every individual has a destiny from God, a destiny fulfilled with the aid and energy of the orishas. The basis of the Santeria religion is the nurture of a personal relation with the orishas, and one of the principal forms of devotion is an animal sacrifice. According to Santeria teaching, the orishas are powerful but not immortal. They depend for survival on the sacrifice." ~ Justice Kennedy, 1993
For Beyonce it is clear that Sasha Fierce is not only an alter ego, but an orisha, perceived when Beyonce enters into dance, and according to her own words, "comes into her", to give her special abilities when she dances and performs revealing itself to the world and ultimately receiving worship.
Isaiah 14:12-15 ~ 12-How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13- For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14- I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 15- Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
Jay Z and Beyonce are said to be "ultra private" as it pertains to their home life. The fact is that most people who are involved in a cult where there is ritualistic sacrifice in the United States, would seek to keep their home life extremely private. So the need for "privacy" only seeks to affirm that there may be some practices which Beyonce and her family do not wish to be made known to the public.
Sexual Molestation & Secret Powers?

Recently, the former drummer for Beyonce's all female band, Kimberly Thompson, sought a restraining order against Beyonce claiming that she had subjected to Beyonce's "magic spells of sexual molestation", "magic spells on my lovers", and Beyonce's "Extreme witchcraft Dark magic". On top of all of that Ms. Thompson has stated that Beyonce has also sought to ruin her career, control her finances and even kill her cat. The latter of which also has a spiritual significance as it pertains to the understanding of the cat in Egyptian mythology, or Bastet, being a representative of the guardian of the afterlife or death. So was that a sign that Beyonce has called death upon Ms. Thompson? We will see.
Although Ms. Thompson had an initial restraining order revoked, she has revamped and will again have her day in court OCT. 11th, stay tuned for the update and even greater details on this.
One thing is for sure, there is nothing hidden except for that which will be revealed. (Mk. 4:22) Although the devil wants the worship of God, he will be sadly disappointed, as ALL worship belongs to God. As you will note below, there are churches, who claim to preach the gospel of Jesus while venerating Beyonce. For SURE these fellowships are cursed by God as God does not allow false worship and his truth to coexist. Don't believe me? Let's see what stands in judgement. Well, we already know because we read the end of the book!
Additional Information
BBC: Santeria
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