
Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Analysis Of The Book Of Enoch...A FREE Live Event

What does the Book Of Enoch have to say about "The Watchers", "The Luminaries", God, Heaven and the End Times? Have you ever wondered why the Book Of Enoch is NOT included within what we know as "scripture" either by Judaism or Christianity? This broadcast will seek to give an orderly, simple and understandable analysis of the Book Of Enoch and some of the good things it brings to light as well as some of the problems that it poses. Bring your notebook...this is bound to be a good one.

Click the picture for the link to the LIVE EVENT on OCT. 17th, 2024 at 7:00PM CST


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Monday, September 30, 2024

Defeating Cancer...A Facebook Live Event Nov. 1st 2024

Join me for my 1st annual Facebook Live Event, DEFEATING CANCER, as I celebrate how God allowed me to overcome this dreaded disease. Just 15 minutes a day for 25 days for encouragement for those diagnosed and for the strength of family, loved ones and fiends of those who suffer. Send me your questions and comments regarding your situation so that I may prayerfully address them  during this valuable and life changing event.

Click the picture for the Live Event.




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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Juanita II...24 Years Later, Strikes Again. Lord Help Us

I began this blog years ago, exactly August 25th, 2007 with an article "Get Right Church And Let's Go Home", At the time the ridiculousness and tom-foolery, of Juanita Bynum and her estranged former husband Thomas Weeks was at an all time and exceptionally funky high. It was just simply messy and totally ridiculous to witness. 

Shortly after her marriage to Thomas Weeks dissolved, Juanita showed up at her birthday celebration in a wedding gown, with a sword declaring that she had been changed. She even changed her name to "Juanita Bynum II" and Essence Magazine featured her as she displayed what I feel was a mental or nervous breakdown. I document that in my article, "The Lunacy Continues". Believe me, I felt and still feel sad for her and pray for her because I know that she was a victim and survivor of abuse. She abused herself, her husband and he abused her as well. What she experienced was horrible, but the fact that nobody in her circle called her into accountability for her actions is sad.

So, for 17 years, through this blog and other venues, I have seen and called out what can only be labeled a TRAGEDY, now called Juanita Bynum II, and witnessed what I can only say has been her serious decline and spiritual demise. Believe me, this is NOT a joke and I don't take it in a laughing matter...(except for the sword part...they would have got the message if she started hacking folk up in Jesus name...LOL)

A 24 year Look Back

It was not so when I first experienced Juanita's ministry at one of Bishop G E Patterson's last "Soul Winner's Conferences" It was exactly Oct. 6, 2000 when I heard Juanita. At the time she claimed to have nearly died on the way to the conference. Here is a portion of that video that proves....I was one in the number... First one crying and all that...

In the second video...I am at the altar, (same place) receiving from the Lord. as I was the first one in this conference to make it to the altar that day, I remember it well, and one of the last to leave...I was indeed blessed!

At that time...nearly 24 years ago to the date...Juanita was into holiness heavily...To listen to her, she was certainly committed to the bible, and the righteousness of God and moved in the spirit of God as much as she was able. Although she still couldn't sing, she seemed to have a commitment to God although her prophecies were highly most of them that are on stage at that level...

24 Years Ago, Until TODAY

Whatever was left of the original Juanita Bynum has gone completely off the rails...Watch this:

In this snippet, which I am trying to determine where to find the original...Juanita II presents a new emerging heresy that I will term as "the satan blessing doctrine"...As you can hear, Dr. Bynum now claims that satan, not only "prophesied" to Eve in the Garden of Eden, but showed her how to expand her capacity, or enhanced her, so that she can be used of God and a better benefit to humanity...

This is about THE MOST RIDICULOUS THING I HAVE EVER HEARD, aside from the complete, backwards doctrine of inclusion embraced by the late Carlton Pearson and the "Homosexual Acceptance Doctrine" embraced, promoted and lived by OC Allen of Atlanta, GA. One thing is for sure...NONE of the aforementioned are TRUE biblical doctrines and each and every person who is seduced into believing such things, have embraced "another Gospel" and will be "accursed" because of it. 

"8-But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. 9-As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed."
Gal. 1:8-9

Taking This HERESY Apart

Although I can only review the premise she presented in this very short clip, it is chalk full of error...

First, Juanita claims that satan is an agent of God, engaged in "prophesy"...Now, I would think that even the devil would be insulted with that notion. Why? He is far too ambitious to just be a prophet. He loves himself and wants to be worshiped too much to simply be a "prophet"

In addition, what kind of prophecy could he possibly deliver? When Jesus was rebuking the Pharisees for their sin of self exaltation, Jesus said he was a "MURDERER", "DOES NOT STAND IN THE TRUTH" a "LIAR", "THE FATHER OF LIES" and that there is "NO TRUTH IN HIM"...

"You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies."
~ John 8:44

Second, Juanita claims that because Eve, along with Adam, believed the devil and fell into sin and disobedience, that she is somehow "blessed" with a "gross" capacity of knowledge, as the devil said she would be, and because of this, she is better fit to birth the "savior" into the world (womanhood vicariously) So, in essence, satan, not God, is responsible for the lineage of Jesus into the world, and is responsible for blessing women to come into their greater self. 

Once again, this is a woefully RIDICULOUS notion that is unbelievable to hear from anyone reading the Bible with a modicum of understanding of the nature of satan and the nature of God more importantly.  

What is equally as bad is that she says this to what appears to be a packed house of women who are charged up and eager to hear this false doctrine. I mean, talking about baptizing people in ignorance and doctrines of this short clip, that is exactly what you have...spiritual seductions, false doctrine and doctrines of demons and devils in just that quip...

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;"
~ 1 Tim. 4:1

Needless to say, Juanita has embraced, not only false doctrine and teaching, but seducing spirits and teachings directly from the camps of devils and demons. Yes, there are many other false doctrines and demonic utterances outside of this and these circles, but the potential to lead so many astray is so high that it is unbelievable. 

For those who are Junita Bynum fans, PLEASE call her into account for her false teachings. Direct her to this blog and its contents. Please advise her that there is no higher authority than the bible itself and what she is saying will not only lead folk astray, but will also promote satan, and exalts him to the places that he wants to be...God...bringing deliverance to the world through and by rebellion and sin. This is a false doctrine and is fit for the Lake of Fire that has been prepared for the devil and all those that follow and believe him. Disobedience is still sin. Disobedience is an affront to God and God will not bless the disobedient. May the Lord help Juanita to REPENT of her apparent evil. 


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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The DIRTY MAN...Is Not Hidden, Can't Stop God & Will Be Judged

As I look back, I see that having embarked on the ministry of sexual abuse was very timely and continues to be life changing and eye opening. 

It seems that the message was certainly not overlooked. God gave me a message that would sit right at the dinner table with many of the most vile abusers. I receive information, many times after the fact, of what was done and the impact of my work in helping to bring attention to the issue of church related abuse, and healing of those who survived. I am proud, in Christ, to say, THANK YOU JESUS for the opportunity to serve in this capacity! 

While the young lady, whom I will bring focus to in this post, and I have never crossed paths in the City of Chicago, interestingly, her abuser and myself did. Unfortunately, we served in the same Jurisdiction, and at least on one occasion, even ate at the same table. As I reflect, God sent me to the right place at the right time with the right message. My last interaction in that jurisdiction, I was invited to this predator's church in the guise of a Jurisdiction function. I am proud to say, that I told my former Bishop, the Late Bishop Robert Sanders of Il. 3rd Jurisdiction, that I REFUSED to step foot in a known predator/pedophile's church. Although Bishop Sanders has gone on to his eternal reward, to this day, I haven't step foot in, not darkened the door of that church.  

Now, you can say what you will...doesn't matter to me...nobody has paid my bills but me/us and to God be the glory!!! I wish that as a church we could make such a bold stance to put these sexual abusers out of business. Yes, they are everywhere, in every denomination and seemingly around every corner. Yes, they need to be in church...I would say on their face getting delivered, but they do not need pulpits, and no matter how vocally acrobatic they can be, they need to SIT DOWN and get saved and stop their abuse and molestation and REPAIR the damage that they have done by abusing, misusing and mishandling God's children. It is NOT a "special gift", as pedophile, serial abuser and demon filled Evangelist Tony Levya once said...He abused and sex trafficked over some 700 boys in his ungodly lifetime. It is a damnable, despicable, pathetic sin worthy of the deepest and lowest parts of hell, and those who do not wish to part from their sins, can't go there fast enough in my opinion. 

OK...I got that out...let's get on to the real story at hand...

In 2020, GerVaise Sarah Guyton, at one time, the alleged God-daughter of this particular pedophile freak minister, whom she calls "DIRTY MAN" and "DDM Sr" and titled her book after, was thankfully able to enter into her deliverance and expose the sins of this rejected and clearly unrepentant minister.

In an explicit and no holds barred manner, Mrs. Guyton reveals the truth and goes in depth to the nitty-gritty of the rape and molestation that she experienced and into the depts of the sins that she survived. In this book, "DIRTY MAN A MEMOIR OF HEALING AND DELIVERANCE FROM SEXUAL ABUSE" Mrs. Guyton uncovers this serial pedophile minister who preys on young girls, seeking to defile them, while telling them he is "teaching them" how to have sex and be a good young lady for their future husbands. 

One may say...why isn't this person in jail? While he did go to jail for other offenses, these offenses somehow escaped the statute of limitations in Illinois somehow and he was acquitted of the charges similar to the other alleged pedophile, abusive Bishop I have featured both on this blog and in various related podcasts. Click HERE for the links to that information. 

The amazing thing to me is that after having advocated for survivors of this terrible sin for years, and seen offenders exposed and judged by God, is that some offenders somehow yet believe that they will escape judgement. They believe that their acts of abuse will never be rehearsed. In other words, they are PULPIT ATHEISTS, who DO NOT BELIEVE GOD, nor do they believe that God's word is true, and that he will stand for the least of them, his children! These fakes seek to present themselves as heroes for one reason or another, but are really the scum scraped off the bottom of commercial garbage heaps. 

Some say, "you don't sound like a preacher of redemption"...maybe not...but they didn't sound or look like preachers of redemption when they were raping, abusing, sexually violating and defiling these young ladies and boys now did they??? None of them, including the defiled, illiterate, ungodly and demonically bound parents, and church folk who knew the whole story, but stopped nothing, failed to sound the alarm, and supported these abusers neither sounded or acted like anyone "of redemption" did they???

We seem to offer more excuses for inaction, and tend to resist them bringing deliverance and re-abuse those who have survived these horrific acts of Godless men and in some cases women.  

Victim's Advocacy Is Not Dead

While we get ready for yet another election in COGIC, I do need to remind you, that even though I know of no candidate who has undertaken a serious look at victim's advocacy, or taken serious action  in support of survivors of church related abuse and sexual abuse, VICTIM'S ADVOCACY IS NOT DEAD YET!

What we will see from this blog, as long as it continues, is continued advocacy for those who have been hurt and abused and continued support for those who have suffered and survived this sin straight from the pit of hell. 

Families, sons, daughters, wives and husbands need freedom from what sexual abuse and molestation has done to them. It has shaped some ideals that seem inescapable, some passions that seem to be to great to overcome and some depression that seems to be too low to move through from day to do...All I would say and continue to say is LOOK UP...because your REDEMPTION DRAWS NEAR!!!!

God WILL make a way for you. He will and can take the seemingly destroyed pieces that you have received, and build the most glorious place of refuge for you and your family...GOD CAN...AND GOD WILL!

Closing Prayer:

FATHER, I pray for all them that read this and participate in this blog, that you will strengthen them by your power and might. I pray that you will heal the pain of the soul that some have experienced with your stripes of redemption, and that you will lift hearts above and through the sin of abuse, rape and molestation and help these survivors find higher and greater hopes, aspirations and abundant life...I pray that you will activate the gifts of those holding, receiving and ministering to those who have been hurt, suffered and drained from these egregious sins. I pray that like a mighty  DUNAMIS wind you would use us to charge, energize and call souls back to life and let them live free as never before! Replace despair with hope, strength, love and isolation with vibrant community. Let them know that God's children are blessed...that God's children shall be blessed and strengthened and God's children are in your hands, and you are a very present help and healer in this time of need...Heal them, love them, care for them, and raise them up again...and blaze a bright path of freedom and we enter into a new day filled with joy, laughter, freedom and PARAISE...We will be careful, to give you ALL praise, for YOU are the author and finisher of our faith and in you we are never alone. To you, all praise and honor. 


Heal SOMEBODY today!!!


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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Has "Equity" Been Redefined By The Liberal Left, Before Our Eyes?

In every generation words evolve to take on a slightly different meaning and purpose. From biblical historical linguistic studies one can readily see this sort of evolution in word usage development. Thus the plight of the biblical expositor is to not only make sure of the "sitz-im-Leben" or the context and the historical setting, but also to shore up the correct meaning of words in the particular generation discussed and clarify the usage of terms associated with that setting. Failure to do so could result in historical synchronism, in which meanings of words specific to one generation, are either inadvertently or deliberately smuggled into another generation to create a completely different story than was originally intended.

There are words that we currently use in society that have experienced this same sort of "evolution". One such word is "equity".

What Is "EQUITY" And What Does It Mean?

As we will see below, one of the definitions of equity, is simply fairness in treatment. For example: If there is a job to be done requiring a hammer, and hammers are being distributed, one should be distributed to all those doing the job. To provide hammers to only them who appear to need a hammer is not equitable. Distributing hammers to only those who the supervisors want on site is also not equitable. This is where the train seems to come off the rails as I will explain.

Liberal Left Redefinition

For quite some time the term "equity" has seemingly been a theme song of the liberal political and social left. The word, as it is used today in political and social settings, is undergirded by theories of racial disparity and the inescapable boogeyman of "systemic racism" and in particular "white supremacy". When the liberal elite use the term "equity" in modern times, they are all but saying that America is unfair because of racism and her racist history. It is this history that has cemented outcomes in everything that is based on racism (white supremacy in particular) and the only way to be fair, is to assure the same outcomes in everything to everyone because racism has placed insurmountable obstacles, even if invisible, in front of whole groups of individuals therefore making every effort inequitable.

I haven't seen or read too many Black people, political, religious or not, who undertake the discussion of this issue publicly and outside of politically liberal circles. But it seems that many Black leaders, especially political leaders, have taken on a determination to redefine the word and term "equity" for popularity, social acceptance and political gain.

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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Bishop Michael Brooks Concert Of Commemoration


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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Abortion Outpaces The Transatlantic Slave Trade As A Leading Killer Of Black People

Corrected Info:

Slavery was and will remain one of the most horrific events in world and American history.

What if I told you that given the current rate of abortion, and the same amount of time, that the rate of Black humans killed due to abortion will eclipse and has outpaced that of even the Transatlantic Chattel Slave trade? 
In just 51 years, over 25,672,154 Black children have died by legalized abortion. Less than 1.5% of the total deaths of 63 million babies have been due to rape, incest or "medical necessity". This reflects approximately 62,055,000 total lives lost for reasons other than rape, incest or "medical necessity".

Who will fight for the innocent? 


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Monday, July 22, 2024

Bishop Michael Brooks & Commissioned with a Praise Break Tribute by V. Keys

Recently, the producer and arranger behind many of Commissioned's most memorable songs, BISHOP MICHAEL BROOKS, has found his place in the heavenly musician's core. I'll be back later this week, with my thoughts on and when I first met Dr. Brooks. For now, we commemorate the memory of one of  if not the greatest musicians ever. 

I first posted this V.Keys Tribute in a 2017 post:

I certainly enjoyed this, but this brother trying to take my spot!!!!

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Friday, July 19, 2024

Corey Comperatore A Life Of Purpose. A Life Of Sacrifice.

I published this article at our Facebook thread, "In Defense Of The Faith". Little did I know that Ms. Joy Behar would continue to display her ultimate lack of knowledge and common sense by stating that it was inappropriate for President Trump to be happy that God saved him, while at the same time a man, Corey Comperatore, had lost his life at the rally. 

Unfortunately, I did not know this man. However, I am encouraged to see that there yet exists, other men like him. While others have attempted to say something regarding this, and most have refused to directly address it, I thought it was timely to directly address the issue in light of the great and good God that we serve. 

Judge it as you may, but this is what I know:


At the fatal and life changing Trump rally in Butler, PA. a life was taken and a
life was spared.

Some find it hard to celebrate a spared life in light of the life which was taken.
God is Sovereign

While I don't purport to know "why" God does what he does, one thing I do know is that God is sovereign, which means he has all power in his hand and can do whatever he wishes to do, whenever and however he chooses, and his "choice" is always right.

Of such righteousness is the taking of the life of Corey Comperatore by an evil, demonically inspired, shooter on July 13th at approximately 6:11PM est.

The fact is that unlike existence under a purely materialistic paradigm, not only did Mr. Comperatore's life have meaning and purpose, but his death also had meaning and purpose too.

His very family surname "Comperatore" is "derived from the Latin word 'comperare' means 'to buy or to procure'. It signifies someone who is skilled in purchasing or acquiring goods."
I find that interesting in light of the fact that he died to save the life of his family. Mr. Comperatore placed his life in harms way to save his family. In other words he "bought" and purchased the life of his family, not just incidentally, but purposefully and skillfully.

Bring It Home

Mr Comperatore was a father, in a time when fatherhood has been dragged, misunderstood and dumbed down by a society who is confused and has lost respect for what fatherhood means. I believe this criticism of fatherhood is purposeful. Why? Because God has revealed himself to the world as "Father" and one who is above all in love, care and concern for his children, and ultimately his bride aka the Saints or Church.

Further, God has sacrificed his life...given himself and placed himself between us and hell and the ultimate death. Christ has skillfully, and purposefully rendered a sacrifice rooted in love, enduring the shame and death of the cross to demonstrate his love and compassion for us.

Mr. Comperatore's death was used by a sovereign God to remind us purposefully of what a GOOD and LOVING Father does for his children and family. God used this man...I don't know why him and why at that demonstrate to the world...a different system of values and concerns, that are far superior to those of materialism and values contained within a purely materialistic paradigm.

Mr. Comperatore's life not only had purpose, but his death had purpose ultimately pointing us all back to the God who has given all and everything to save us, by standing in the way of the ultimate death of eternal separation from God due to sin.

However...this man, like all of us who place our faith in the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus, will RISE AGAIN, to life and a fulfillment of our hope in Christ Jesus. So, for whatever reason, God chose to use this man as an ultimate example and reminder of the nature and acts of Christ on the cross. Was he special? Certainly no more special than you or I, but was used purposefully, specially, and ultimately by GOD and God alone.

Like the sniper's bullet missed taking the life of our President, the sniper had no power to take life, give life or extend life. Only God had that power and he allowed with all purpose, this life to go before us.

I REJOICE in the fact that GOD...not a sniper, nor governmental agency is in control!!!


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Thursday, July 18, 2024

A Look At The "Gospel" Ministry Of Mike Todd

There are many voices within Christianity claiming to represent the message of Christ. There are some that are heretical and teach a totally different Jesus and a false Christ. On the Dunamis word, by history, we have documented many of those so called "teachers" and them engaged in such charlatanism...

However, there is a new generation of alleged Christian leaders, or those who lead within Christian circles that present their message in a controversial style and format, but who, at the end of the day, endeavor to speak truth.

What and who is Pastor Mike Todd and is he one of those persons? 

I can honestly say that I have not followed, neither am I a follower of Mike Todd nor his church, Transformation Church. I do not know his history, other than he is a musician and a music producer, and was a significant part of the music ministry for the late Dr. Myles Munroe. I do not have an axe to grind and nobody is calling me telling me how bad Pastor Todd is or giving me "dirt" on the Pastor. In recent years, my attempt has been to stay from controversial "church-isms" of the day. Why? Because all the garbage that is being presented today, in the name of  "Christ", is far too time consuming and I simply don't have enough time nor the energy to keep up with the TRASH-men and women who pose and present the issues within the Body of Christ.

As I see Todd, I see some commendable things. A young family man, husband, father, one involved in not only his church, but also his community, a bit edgy in ministry (I haven't kept up with his messages) but at the same time I couldn't help but hear how this young man, according to many, is/was gay or at least gay affirming, preached inappropriate messages and was just plainly a misrepresentation of Christ in the pulpit. Now, that is what is commonly said in some circles, and as I stated, I ain't looking for details and information. 

Yes, I have seen the clips of teachings associated with his message "Relationship Goals" in which Pastor Todd opined over God's creation of man. In a portion of that message, Pastor Todd suggested that two genders (male and female) were not enough within humanity, further suggesting that there possibly should have been an "in between option" to gender identity. While Pastor Todd presented this in the context of stating that our personal opinion makes no difference to the rules and ruler of the Kingdom of God, he does this while continuously waffling over the issue even saying that if he had been a part of the creation of man, he would possibly have suggested that God do it differently.

Now, as if that weren't enough, he goes on to say that he understood how, in his words, “freakin' unfair” it is to "feel something everyday of your life, and it not line up with the God you love", suggesting that the feelings or love of the homosexual towards the same sex, or feelings of the transsexual being trapped within the wrong body, is some sort of torture from God towards humanity.

Yes, his opinions on this are certainly ridiculous notions to say the least when analyzed. His suggestions are not only heretical, but also fall in line with modern culture which asserts that God is not as "righteous" as man, in this case he (Pastor Todd), has become in our years of existence. The very notion that mankind could have potentially created itself better than the creator, or that man is more understanding and merciful towards his own plight, with no recognition of the impact of sin upon humanity itself, is not only arrogant, but is silly, and at best really stupid. I mean, if anything, that message, or at least the analogies drawn in that part of the message were either a complete mistake, or rooted in spurious doctrine and even false doctrine or notions of God and his nature, which Pastor Todd has gone on to attempt to defend without deference to the life changing power of God in the spirit and the life and lifestyle of those who place their trust, hope and life within him and actually repent from sin. However, with all that said, Pastor Todd is only human and subject to mistakes like all of us. Maybe his assertions in that are a mistake or based on a flawed interpretation of scripture. 

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Monday, July 15, 2024

TRUMP: ONE Picture Says It All

THIS is the man I want fighting for and with me 
as I go out and fight in this world everyday! 



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Saturday, July 13, 2024

How Are You BLACK And Praise An Assassination Attempt?

If ANYBODY should decry assassination and murder, it should be Black people. All the murder that we have faced historically and what we are currently doing to each other in the streets, we should be among the first to DECRY any kind of violence. 


UNBELIEVEABLE!!!! I and WE stand with President TRUMP and the USA!!!!

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Tuesday, July 9, 2024

DECEIVED: COGIC and the Shane Perry Implosion

As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. ~ Gal 1:9 (KJV)

When a church cannot discern the message of Christ from the message of "motivation", it should be concerned. 

So it is with the message of alleged pastor and retiree Shane Perry within the Grand Ole church. Dr. Perry, as he is known, took the time to not only announce his retirement, but to say that he hasn't believed in the bible for a number of years and hasn't preached JESUS for over 10 years.

Perry's claim is that the bible is flawed, full of contradictions and Jesus is like any other person of antiquity, and some of the bible is good just like other religious books are good in some places. 

Is this the gospel? Then, what's more, how did he infiltrate the church?...I am sure, more than a few pastors are calling him right now, saying, "Man, we praying for you DOC"..."Doc"...what kind of DOCTOR destroys the object of faith and uses the church, because we are so hungry for such attention, to enter in and help influence people one way or another?

Watch the video and hear this backslidden minister for himself:

We should deal with our desire to be "entertained" as well. Many folk made Perry their favorite preacher because he is a White man, sounding and delivering a message like he was a Black preacher. A person reported to me that everyone in a certain Jurisdiction would stand around saying, "Preach White Boy!" as if they were enthused by his skin color and ability to act. 


The WOLVES are devouring the sheep and the shepherds are asleep...lulled into a stupor by this pied piper. We have allowed a person who doesn't even venerate the object of our faith, according to that persons own words, and welcomed him and his "knock-off" and K-Mart blue light special discount message to infiltrate the church...This man has preached a NON CHRIST centered gospel by his own words and we have eaten it up. Further, we can't wrap our minds around the fact that this man was NEVER saved, but just a pretender getting what he could get while the getting was good...Now we have folk confused. some even defending him and his actions yet calling him, the "anointed" of God that should not be touched...

I am almost willing to guarantee that someone, some pastor or Bishop, even after hearing his complete story and rejection of Christ, will open their pulpit and Jurisdiction to him in the name of "love" and "mercy" part, because they are also in the same vein of Perry, unbelievers in the pulpit!


This is my last post on this man unless he repents and finds Jesus, because he is not my idol and just another sinner that needs to be saved, but this is sad for the church, many congregations and believers holding on, and many leaders. 


Next, we will also deal with our continued falling away, displayed by our new reception of the Greek system of Sororities, Fraternities and secret societies in our youth meetings and AIM Convention. Once we (COGIC) were a stalwart against such evil and could distinguish a gospel message from a motivational message of this new generation speaker, but we have lost all discernment. Preachers and magicians such as this, are no longer afraid of COGIC pulpits and we have no discernment. LORD HELP US TURN!

1-Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks; 2-I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: 3-And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name's sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted. 4-Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. 5-Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. 6-But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. 7-He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.
Rev. 2:1-7 (KJV)


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Friday, July 5, 2024

The No "Jesus" Message From The Atheist In The Pulpit

"For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it hath no stalk: the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up." ~ Hosea 8:7

Not long ago I was engaged in a conversation in which I told someone that some of the people they rely on and who preach to them every Sunday only do so because of the ability to make money and earn a living and that they don't necessarily do it because they "believe" in what they are doing. Yes, some folk preaching about God, don't believe in the God they preach!

Yes, I understand that is shocking to some, but just look at what you are seeing. You are witnessing, and have been witnessing for quite some time, ministers, preachers and leaders, not just falling into sin and repenting, but actually wholesale living alternate lives and realities. 

Men fail. People fail. However, there is yet no failure in God!

Over some 14 years ago, along with many, I witnessed the ministry of Shane Perry. Shane was a White preacher who had and rehearsed all the sayings of whooping Pentecostal preacher...right down to his vocal inflections, preaching performances, entertainment and seemingly subject knowledge. In fact, Shane knew, and still knows, how to reproduce the gospel sound and make folk within Charismatic and Pentecostal circles, seem that they are hearing directly from the throne-room of God.

What The Problem Is???

Well, if that were all there was to it, everything would be good, but y-know that ain't it...recently, and I have no idea what sparked what, Shane took the time to not only announce his retirement, but to also briefly explain why. (Now, I will leave out all the Larry Reid beef etc...because I have no clue what was, or is between them and why they are cussing each other out on the internet...So, no story here on that)...However, I would like to examine what Shane, or Dr. Perry,. states in his video...Watch this: 

"They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us." ~ 1 John 2:19

Now, Dr. Perry declares that he is not a "traditional Christian" for many, many years, and has been a "Universal believer" or what we call a believer in Universalism, that was trapped in the traditional

environment...He says he does not quote a lot about Jesus, and does not believe that Jesus is the "only way" to salvation nor does he believe the Bible fully because it has so many errors, mistakes and he knows this because he has studied Hebrew and Greek to assist him in coming to those conclusions. 

Even though he joined the South African ministry of Alph Lukau, allegedly, the greatest and most accurate prophet he has even seen, none of that could stop and or change him from his path of apostasy and now, incessant cussin' and whatever else he has undertaken since and in his retirement. 

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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Misquoting Who? Another Ehrman Fantasy Rebuffed Out Of The Gate

New Testament Historian and alleged biblical scholar, Dr. Bart Ehrman, Professor of NT studies at UNC has forged a career and padded his bank account significantly calling into question the entire Biblical narrative of both Old and New Testaments. To be frank, he should be the main person on his knees thanking Jesus and the God of the Bible, because he has made his living solely off of God and his work as recorded within scripture. Ironically, he owes God everything he currently enjoys!

His books are best sellers and referenced by many atheists and Christians. His publisher allows him to promote his works through multiple video casts and podcasts aimed at not only driving sales, but creating interest and stirring as much controversy as possible so he can come in hot and be in the forefront of Biblical and scholarly discussions.

In a videocast promoting his book "Misquoting Jesus" Dr. Ehrman claims that the doctrine and teaching of the "Virgin Birth" was an error promoted by only 2 gospel writers (Matthew & Luke), was not known as being of any importance by NT authors, primarily Paul, and was essentially a later development within the text and in particularly the gospel narratives themselves. He claims that Matthew Chapters 1 & 2 and even Luke 1& 2 were probably inauthentic later insertions to the text to affirm certain theological beliefs regarding Jesus origin over time.

Ehrman, who I have consistently named and given my annual "Anti-Christ Advocate Award" because of the complete fantasies by which he endorses and subsequently dupes the public. He is certainly a "learned" scholar. However, his aim is to deconvert individuals from Christianity, and cause those students, who pay to be in his classes, to doubt their faith and I suppose, become little Ehrmans and go out doing the same for as many Christians as they meet...

For starters, I wouldn't pay this devil a dime to sit in his classes. I would not advise any parent to subject their child to his style of Biblical illiteracy...yes I said "illiteracy"...To expound...Dr. Ehrman, who no doubt, believes what he says, is blind as the devil as it pertains to TRUTH, which can be known with certainty. satan too, knows a lot more than we do as humans, but he is blind and illiterate. While this is not the point of this article, Dr. Ehrman would claim that historical truth cannot be known with certainty, and that supernatural truth can never be established from historical narratives and as history, and as such, any supernatural events, can only, at best, be a matter of faith, which is subjective and less stable and reliable than truths that derive from non supernatural causes...(Yes, that is another article that I can do later) ...These, of course, are my words, but would be an accurate assessment of Ehrnman's basic propositions in Biblical or historic Christian truth in particular.

With all of that said, and I hope you can see that I clearly and plainly disagree with much of what Dr. Ehrman asserts and contends, and certainly his moral rationale of his alleged work, I have however, bought, paid for, and read a couple of his books including the awful, "Misquoting Jesus". Certainly, in order to examine his work and offer commentary, I have to research his work and make sure that I am representing his positions accurately. I certainly wouldn't want to lie on him like he lies on God!
So far as Jesus being "misquoted" and Christianity not promoting the message of Christ, for sure, if we, as Christians, don't know what Jesus said, Dr Ehrman certainly doesn't know... How could he claim to know that something,... anything,... was "misquoted" unless he has the original or is able to work things back to the original? Then who gave him the original, or by what "magic" does he conjure up substantive truths that have escaped Christianity, and the minds of Christians for over 2,000 years but have suddenly come down to him? In other words, everyone in the world and history, were simply of lesser intelligence and ability until he came on the scene...Too bad he was born too late, he could have certainly "corrected" Paul, the Apostles and even Jesus himself and then we would all know the truth for sure!!! What arrogance and utter nonsense in the name of a "friendly" Professor, or someone dedicated to "knowledge". We see the exact same approach of satan (aka the serpent) as he presented his own set of truth to Eve in the Garden. it was satan that was telling the truth while God, by not telling the complete truth, was also telling a lie. Ehrman, moves in the path of "his father"...

I'll leave that alone, but PLEASE!!!!

Nevertheless, Dr Ehrman deals with the concept of "the virgin birth" in his December 2023 video below. Of course, he has the inside track on why Matthew was wrong, why Isaiah 7:14 was a misinterpretation based on a misapplied Greek word and mistranslation from the LXX, and why Mary was not a virgin when Jesus was conceived as Christians believe.

Thankfully, I have already done some of the heavy lifting on the issue and have preserved my thoughts and what I believe is the correct Biblical teaching on the issue in 3 podcasts also below that I did in 2017. Although Dr Ehrman offers no new information in this interview, making it necessary to update or clarify my position, he does give me fodder to expand and build upon the information I present which I will do in a future writing and podcast.

I hope you enjoy these presentations. Even Dr. Ehrman's...I think lies such as those he presents, should be examined in light of the TRUTH that we know and have received from holy scripture.

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Saturday, May 11, 2024

Praise THROUGH It All ~ My Story

 Only a 25 minute broadcast. For Some reason the download is longer. 

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Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sunday AM Exhortations ~ Supt. H Burnett

 How do YOU see men? 

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Thursday, January 4, 2024

LIVE: Right Now...Let's Talk About This...


Click HERE for the Live and Rebroadcast of this vital show. 

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Wednesday, December 27, 2023


Sorry, you want to know what I think about Bishop T D Jakes???

1- He's not God and is subject to error. He ERRORED when he suggested that Ruth & Naomi were borderline Lesbians, and that Jonathan and David were nearly homosexual men. Both were egregious misrepresentations of scripture, but I have heard equally as bad representations from many of his critics...

2- In my opinion Bishop has diminished his mission of being a Gospel Preacher in favor of business and liberally centered social justice and the pursuit of dynamic innovative theory. (I write on this in my upcoming book, so stay tuned)

3- Because of #2 above, Bishop has driven himself extremely too close to the world in associations which creates an automatic friction against sin and evil which he should not be following. 

4- Some say he's a gay, pedophile. I DO NOT agree and find no proof or evidence of such. This reminds me of mean spirited evil, and the nature of such an allegation should not be taken lightly and is disturbing considering the lack of effort to display truth, however...I digress...

5- Some will say because he has Oneness roots he has a doctrinal problem...I say his doctrinal problem is no more than  John MacArthur's Calvinist, cessationist view and those that follow such false teachings...they are all one in the same and different or varying degrees of error. Yes, I believe cessationism is a DOCTRINE OF DEVILS too!, yet I hear almost noone talking about that at all or doing conferences on the subject, although that would be very easy to do with such false narratives from such allegedly astute individuals..

6- I don't give any credibility to anyone of the world who wants to bring judgement upon someone in the church. They may be correct, but I believe anyone sincere will show their face and not hide behind internet anonymity especially in an age where people take and display videos of rocks, trees and themselves so easily...

With all that said, he may be guilty, and his excuse that if he were guilty all he would have to do is repent, is a fictitious sham...and we can talk about that in the comments, is over the top and many say, telling. 

Ultimately, time and GOD will tell...but there is no GOSSIP about it here, and if you want to know the FACTS written about Bishop T D Jakes on this blog over the years, start HERE otherwise, this is not a "tell all" blog and I DO NOT engage in gossip just to be talking and I am not looking for inside information nor trying to create a narrative from someone close to events...PLEASE...I don't have the time or attention...


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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Critical Illness. PROTECT You And Your Family Today


Critical Illness is real. Often when a Pastoral leader receives an adverse diagnosis, or has a bout or life threatening ordeal, the first level of understanding is often denial. After all we're taught, and many of us believe, that God will "protect" his servants from all sickness, and certainly that he will "heal" his anointed. 

But what happens when YOU must walk through the "valley of the shadow" of death and experience your own mortality?  

In Philippians 2, Paul references Epaphroditus, who was a faithful ministerial servant along with himself, who suffered sickness "close to death"(v.27), along with himself. In other words, the will and service of God did not insulate this man of God nor Paul from suffering illness and serious sickness. 

In light of that, why would we think that any of us are insulated or should be insulated from sickness and illness such as cancer, heart attack and stroke?  Further, why do we think that our recitation of the scripture, in absolute terms, cures us by prayers and laying on of hands with 100% healing 100% of the time? Ooh yes, we have FAITH in God and sickness doesn't shake that, but we are human too and all of us will leave this Earth with some sort of scar (sickness and disease).

Questions: How many great leaders did we lose to covid? How many have we lost to stroke, cancer, or heart attack over the years?

For example, prostate cancer is the #2 killer of Black men and does not discriminate between sinners and church folk in general. Heart attack and stroke are similar. Heart disease is the #1 killer of both men and women. Women from ages 20 to 39 suffer heart attack at higher numbers and rates than men according to current statistics. Fact is, these illnesses and diseases happen equally to both church and non-church folk, and more and more evidence is arising that occurrence of these things are associated with diet and lifestyle.   

Of course, in most cases, life insurance covers loss of life. But have you considered, how many people survived heart attack, stroke and cancer, but had to seek care that insurance did not cover? How about them with family histories of such chronic and critical illnesses, or genetic markers? This is why critical and chronic illness coverage is essential and could and should be obtained BEFORE these illnesses strike. 

What time is it? TIME TO GET OUR HOUSES IN ORDER because although we have no right of demand on this life, we are not going anywhere until GOD is finished with us. 

Dunamis Insurance has designed a Pastoral Critical Illness plan that will serve your need at nearly any age without regard to denomination nor church structure. Call DUNAMIS TODAY for a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL no obligation consultation at (800)730-2990 x801 or email at 

Remember, DUNAMIS offers powerful solutions!

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Friday, December 15, 2023

FREE Podcast Episodes Still Available

Will be upgrading, expanding and releasing new material in 2024, but AWESOME podcasts are still available. Check them out and become more equipped TODAY! 

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Monday, November 13, 2023

Special Reverence To General Board Member Sedgwick Daniels

The last announcement of the 115th Annual Holy Convocation of the Church Of God In Christ, was a very heavy one indeed...

With all honor and respect, Supt. Harvey Burnett, The Dunamis Word & the Saints and Friends Of The New Bethel COGIC yield in humble reverence to the transitioning into glory of Church Of God In Christ General Board Member/ Pastor and Christian leader, Bishop Sedgwick Daniels.  

An extraordinary Servant of Christ, we will certainly miss his "COGIC Minute" and we all thank God that we were blessed to share and his his ministry gift. May the Lord forever bless the memory of The Right Reverend Bishop Sedgwick Daniels.

Please Enjoy This Special Video:

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