There are so many demands upon the modern day minister. Often the local pastor is not only the pastor of his church, he is also a community activist/leader, business person, social and political lobbyist, mentor, Councillor, community event coordinator, political liaison and a host of other things...

Life is very complex and the people and situations that ministers serve are very complex as well.
There is a wrangling to position one's self for service in a place where one can get the most done and reach the most. There is nearly always a reconciliation of what remains, vs. what has left. All of this adds up to pressure to conform, modernize, change and be what the flavor of the world may want.
It is often easy to forget that the main things are the plain things. Might I remind you of the words of Paul to Timothy, a young Bishop, early in his service to the Lord:
2 Timothy 4:1-5 ~ 1-I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; 2-Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 3-For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4-And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 5-But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
The Charge:
In the scripture, Paul used the word διαμαρτύρομαι (diamarturomai) is a verb which emphasizes a solemn call or sober, sound, and clear declaration in commitment for service. In other words, a "charge" was to be both given and received with singular and serious hearted dedication and commitment.
Out of all the things that Paul could have commanded that Timothy take heed to and perform, the preaching of "the word" was at the top of the list. Interestingly, Paul did not commission the preacher to do anything that did not center around that act.
Paul did not tell Timothy to build large buildings, nor did he tell him to wear fine clothes, nor did he encourage him to seek or find social and political status, nor did he tell him to seek to be known in secular observance or to even seek veneration at the street corner or be known for "spiritual" things.
However, Paul commissioned, Timothy to PREACH THE WORD. Without doubt, it is this word that was able to save men's souls and make them clan as Jesus said in John. 15:3. After his encounter with the risen Christ, Paul said to the Roman church that he was not "ashamed" of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the "power of God unto salvation" (Rom. 1:16) Prior to this, the Psalmist said that God had exalted his WORD above all his name (138:2), John shores it up by saying it was the WORD that was there in the beginning (Jn. 1:1), and that that WORD was made flesh (Jn. 1:14), dwelt among us and healed us from our sickness, diseases and sins.
Out of all the things that can be known, I don't think it is not hidden that the church leaders have decided to venerate everything BUT the PREACHING OF THE WORD. Ooh, don't get me wrong...we have some homiletic dynamos...Some people who can tickle the walls with such a silvery tongue and talk all of your troubles away with a spiritually dynamic display of self contrived promises. Their very presence has been said to make some feel better...
I remember years ago, when the late Rev. Ike, was yet alive (who is venerated in many circles today for his lavish, prosperity centered gospel message) a woman said that she was sick. As she gave her testimony of her healing, she explained how she had taken one of his old publications (as his church group had at least a monthly magazine that was published and sold to the members and general public) according to her, all she had to do was rip the magazines apart and spread the loose pages all over her body. When that was done, she declared that her sickness began to leave her body and that she was instantaneously healed of her "illness".
The GOSPEL or the WORD not necessary, except for in an incidental manner, in which the pages "may" have had scriptures written on them. However the focus was that this MAN had done the work...
Yes, that is silly and certainly displays spiritual delusion and manipulation, by a minister who lived enough to promote that one could not "loose, with the stuff he used"...But this charge, as ugly as it was, had nothing to do with God, even if at one time it may have had everything to do with him.
Some feel that a new position and or title, is the key. It is that title and or position that somehow opens the spiritual gates and lets demons and other human beings know that they have arrived.
I guess what I am saying is that God's mission, work and calling takes diligent observance. It cannot be shrugged off when one experiences a certain amount of disappointment or success. It must be sought with a singular minded acceptance.
With all of that said, we must ask the question again, did God call us to build fancy buildings and be, for a lack of a better description, business men in suits, clergy collars and robes?
Certainly the church must conduct business, but did God call the Bishop, and or minister to commit themselves to be a social media manager, or status or relationship agent? Taking a look at many of our churches that is what one would think. So many smiling faces, encouraging one another to connect with one another, but very little encouragement to connect with God.
The minister, in may cases, has been seduced by accolade of the world and even more so by accolade of the church. Some only seek the accolade of them in the pews. Being the center of attention is the key for many. Just as satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness, with "fame" and self affirmation, many of the nation's largest and even not so large pulpits have fallen to the scheme of the enemy, and have relegated themselves to being an enemy of God.
For instance, who seeks to consecrate as Bishops them who have raped, pillaged the poor, or lived a life of debauchery, adultery and misfeasance while in office, except those that either love sin or have no sense of duty to preserve the church, or Saints of God?
Who is it that will take a moment to question the safety of the children and fidelity of families by recommending the installation of pedophiles, except they also are those who are full of lies and subversion themselves?
For a person, to take an instance and persuade themselves that their actions are simply right without any guide or guidance from scripture, is a person who has lost any similitude of the importance of the charge of God in ministry and or in HIS church.
Jer. 17:10 ~ I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.
Of a certainty, there is and will be judgement. Further, when the church is delivered to and driven by them who have cursed God with their life and lifestyle, that church is either under judgement because of its continued backsliding, or has totally turned its back on the truth of the word with no or very little hope of return.
One thing we find in the Old Testament, is a God that would use the enemy to exact judgment as punishment towards God's people. Because of their consistent sins, the people were sometimes delivered to the rule of evil nations and hard taskmasters.
When leaders, consecrate and appoint ungodly leaders, it is certainly a sign of the judgement of God and the apostasy of the leadership.
Although I can call the name of organizations who have appointed the ungodly to rule, I can also point to organizations who have also appointed the ungodly adulterer, drug user, financial abuser and a list of other characters to rule or exact judgment over God's people as if nothing was ever wrong.
What the people want and what God wants is often if not exclusively at odds. In other words, God's heart is certainly not the heart of men. SO when the people are satisfied with sin, they have shown God they are not satisfied with HIM.
Therefore, it is a wonder that God entertains the thoughts and actions of the modern church in any manner. It is that church that continues to choose Barabbas, rather than Jesus!
When the church has lost its way in the high weeds of flesh, self relevance and worldly acceptance, there is yet a cure and a way out...
Revelation 2:5 ~ Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.
REPENTANCE is in order! It is that ability to assess one's failure, and realign one's self with the true vision of Christ that is in order. As John preached, "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand"!
When the world views the church as a bunch of people with the same ungodliness and practices of sin that it has, the candlestick has been removed. There is no light by which men can see truth and God.
When secular rappers can come into the church, make millions, and make no commitment to Christ, the candlestick has been removed. No matter how many crowds there may be or how much the edifice may have cost...if God is not there, and if the integrity of the calling of God is lost, then there is nothing redemptive, nothing salvific, and if there is nothing to save, what are we really doing?
So the call is really to them who believe that they have been called...REPENT...HUMBLE YOURSELF and commit to the REAL charge of brooding over the word of God, seeking it daily and in all things for guidance and spiritual direction.
The REAL DUTY or obligation of the preacher, is to preserve HIS church, through the faithful preaching and unfettered teaching of the WORD of God. No godly, called minister of the gospel has a higher duty or obligation than to stand in the holy place of God and deliver HIS council to the people. It is that council that saves the lost from their sins, heals the sick of their diseases, comforts the downtrodden, and builds up the Kingdom of God. That is how families are changed, sons are saved and daughters brought back home.
A charge to keep I have,
A God to glorify,
A never-dying soul to save,
And fit it for the sky.
To serve the present age,
My calling to fulfill:
Oh, may it all my pow’rs engage
To do my Master’s will!
Arm me with jealous care,
As in Thy sight to live;
And O Thy servant, Lord, prepare
A strict account to give!
Help me to watch and pray,
And on Thyself rely,
Assured, if I my trust betray,
I shall forever die.
1762 as inspired by Charles Wesley from Lev. 8:35...
I'm prepared to keep my charge. How about you?