Genesis 2:21-25 ~ 21-And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; 22-And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. 23-And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.24-Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. 25-And they were both naked, the man and his wife,
and were not ashamed.
Recently NewsOneNow in an online entry entitled "Redefining Beauty: Transgender Women You Should Know" took the opportunity to praise persons who were born male, but whom, at some point, changed their gender from that of a male to a female and now live as women. While that is not new, it did catch me in a peculiar way.
I began to think on a few things that I would like to share in this article as it pertains to where we are as a society and seemingly as a culture on issues of transgenderism, gender bending and sexuality in general.
Gender Fluidity
Gender fluidity, as it is now called, is an expression used to support the sexual perversion of transgenderism. I'll get back to the term but, for a minute, because I am as guilty as the next as using terms and throwing words around, let's stop and define what perversion means for the intent of this article:
Perversion: (Noun)1. the alteration of something from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended. "all great evil is the perversion of a good" synonyms: distortion, misrepresentation, falsification, travesty, misinterpretation, misconstruction, twisting, corruption, subversion, misuse, misapplication, debasement "a twisted perversion of the truth"
2. sexual behavior or desire that is considered abnormal or unacceptable.synonyms: deviance, abnormality;
When I say "perversion" as some may be offended by the term as it pertains to this issue, I do certainly mean something that is not placed in proper context or used as it should or was intended to be. In this case we are speaking of a deviant form of sexual identity, which causes a person to believe. that they were born to be someone else, in particularly the opposite sex, other than who they were or are at birth. This belief, provides validation for some to create their own gender identity based on who they believe, think or feel they should be identified as. Those who were born males, identifiable by male genetalia, can believe, based on their feelings or emotional capacity, that they are actually females born within a man's body and would be better suited to live life as a female. Vice versa with some females, born female, who believe that they are better suited to be men.
Of a certainly I believe that this change and the preceding desire to change genders, or to float back and forth between genders, is unacceptable before God in an ultimate sense in part because it is a defilement of the physical body, or perversion, against how the individual was created. Further, I would contend that as a man (ie: human being) that we have been created in the "image" of God himself implying that in his image there would be no deceit and that man is the only part of God's creation that is created in his image and likeness, therefore enjoins a unique relationship not reducible to relationships of mammals and animals found within nature. In part this would mean that man has an essential nature and his creation was purposeful, not some haphazard existential occurrence to be manipulated and or changed at or by whims or urges, no matter how strong or prevailing those whims and or urges may seem or appear to be.
Let me be clear, for all the critics that immediately use the pejorative "trans-phobia", for anyone who doesn't accept trans-gender perversion. Not only is "trans-phobia" or "trans-phobic" another made up word of the sexual liberal elite, put out in effort to shame and bully their way to attention, like the bogus term "homo-phobic" used by the homosexual advocates to force society into accepting homosexual perversion as normal, for one to speak against transgenderism certainly does not imply that a person hates or dislikes transgender people. That is absurd.
Listen, everyone I know believes that NO MAN or WOMAN should be discriminated against, hated or otherwise harassed, denied employment or housing etc. or treated unfairly for their choice of living as a trans male or trans female or otherwise. Transgender men and women are human beings and due human dignity. However that dignity does not out of hand mean that everyone should be made to bow or be subject to what we believe is a sexually oriented perversion with multiple moral implications. But to the point, to rain down fire on the transgender or the homosexual (which are two different types of people in most cases) is not the object of this article. Though various types of sins have various types of implications and degrees to which life and community is effected, at the end of the day ALL unrighteousness IS sin!
This is where it gets murky and why most preachers are silent on the issue, I believe that the Christian approach in addressing these SINS is far away from a murderous, and beat you down motif that is often displayed by liberal elite media. Although, ALL SIN, which ultimately gender realignment and self mutilation is, even in an attempt to imitate a creation of God, is sin, and that, like any other sin, should be preached and taught against clearly without compromise if our first love and duty is to be faithful to Christ and the fidelity of HIS word.
Let's Approach This In An Alternate Fashion
Let's remove sex and sexuality from the conversation just for a minute. Think. As human beings, religious or not, we judge moral truths regularly don't we? Why do we teach our children the virtue of purity and to stay away from drugs? Is it because the drug dealer has a nasty personality or is it because he/she practises what may be harmful within society? So is to preach against illegal drugs and the proliferation of drugs wrong? Is doing so raining down hatred on the dealer? Practically speaking, why do we encourage loved one's to strive for good things and good associations? Simply put, it is because we recognize that things that are good and positive have a greater chance of leading to fulfillment even if not solely or exclusively identified by a right or a wrong.
So the argument that behavior and lifestyle can't be judged apart from negative feelings and condemnation of the individual is a bogus one and has nothing to do with the argument. One can judge behavior, lifestyle and morality, finding it to be repulsive, and still yet care for the person. In fact to not make a judgment or to affirm evil and wrong doing solidifies the case that one does not really care at all...
Liberal News, Society & Feelings As A Scientific Measure
I must admit, I was amazed at the lengths that these men have gone to to make themselves look like women and even more amazed at the denigration that others promoting them have laid on womanhood to affirm the illusion.
I mean look at it, you have Bruce Jenner being named "women of the year" because he claims to be a

woman and has changed his name to "Caitlyn" and began to mutilate his body...Are you serious??? This is an AFFRONT and a slap in the face to all REAL WOMEN, who were not only born as women but who also live as a woman, no matter their sexual proclivity. How can a man be a woman of the year and the women's rights advocates , while breathing down fire and brimstone on nearly everyone including men in particular, for unequal and unfair treatment in society, remain silent when a man, pretending to be a woman, because he "FEELS LIKE" a woman is said to be more woman than she???
What does it mean to "feel like" a woman? It is beyond the capacity for a man to "feel like" a woman just like it is beyond the capacity for a woman to "feel like" a man. It is an OXYMORONIC statement. It is unintelligible. Where is this set of "feelings" that make a woman a woman or a man a man? How can this set of "feelings" be transferred across genders and specifically unique biological patterns? Are we to believe that the basis of identity or person-hood is "feeling"? To we have to "feel like" a person in order to be one? If so, then how are our "feelings" judged and by what measuring stick or method is a feeling to be adjudicated to be that of a woman and that of a man and how are they distinguishable from one another?
Is our gender determined by what we are inclined or drawn to or find physically attractive? Is it by the colors we like or by the clothes that we like? Are these things the outworking of "feelings" that make us who we are are individuals and human beings, specifically men and women?
What I am pointing to is that sentiments along these lines are purely and only figments of a persons imagination. They are thoughts that are self contrived...No matter how much one IMITATES anyone else, those who imitate a thing NEVER becomes the thing they imitate.
We have a society that on one hand says that all is rooted in empiricism, and factual evidences, but on the other hand accepts as facts, and creates moral illusions based on undefinable and totally unchartable elements such as "feelings", making whole cases allegedly rooted in science for their actions, and responses to moral value propositions.
NewsOne's False Assumption Of A Homogeneous Black Community
Secondly, I can't believe that liberals like NewsOne haven't taken the time to understand that it is agendas like theirs (ultra liberal ones) that have made President Donald Trump as popular as he is and even helped to place him in office. I mean they, and others like them, are the one's constantly complaining about Trump leadership and what they believe he represents, but at the same time, don't realize that they have alienated themselves from individuals such as myself because of the views and values that they promote.
To wonder why the door is open for Donald Trump, who has many immoral behaviors, is to avoid the fact that he simultaneously praises and upholds institutions that have moral substance and steers away from institutions such as Planned Parenthood, that have damaged and undermined the Black community for years. If political and social liberals want to close the door on Donald Trump, then GO BACK to sound parochial values and values that arise from the community of faith instead of adopting and promoting organizations that want to destroy parochial values and redefine faith and family life.
See, it occurs to me that what most liberals assume, is that we, Black people, will support liberal causes and sexual deviance if it is connected to a claim of "discrimination". I suppose that is supposed to be the "hot button" to unite Blacks in the cause of fighting for sexual perversion. The truth is that most Black folk, at least the ones I know, don't hold the sentiment that sexual perversion, or the way that one has sex, or identifies sexually, to be on par with racial discrimination. In fact we are sickened by the mere continued association of the two. Be clear:
Your SIN has nothing to do with the color of my SKIN!
Gender Fluidity...An Unscientific Notion & Concept
After all the song and dance and the brainwashing from the brainwashed liberal camp regarding the fluidity of gender and the non static nature of sexual attraction etc, we KNOW that every individual on earth simply exercises their right to live how they like to live and love how they chose to love. Every person picks and chooses who and how they relate sexually and one can have a strong inclination to do something but that does not mean that whatever the inclination they have is right, appropriate or acceptable. As stated, feelings are deceptive and are not meant to lead our lives in all things. That's what we understand in adult life as we mature isn't it? One should not be led by mere "feelings" alone unless there is good and substantive reason to do so.
It short, it seems that liberal news organizations such as News One and others that serve the Black community are relentlessly attempting to move the consciousness of the Black community away from a foundation of moral principles by encouraging and even promoting practices and images that are not morally centered and or rooted in solid and proven morally stable values. Thus the article itself, "Redefining Beauty" as if we did not know what beauty was until men, who chose to live as a women, changed their lifestyles to reflect their perversion.
Where is the WOMEN'S RIGHTS GROUPS? Why do they not respond to this sort of continuous INSULT directed towards women who were born women by birth?
To News One, WE recognized BEAUTY long before men decided that they wanted to live as a woman and change and contort their bodies in effort to look like one. That BEAUTY was found in a REAL woman (or man for that matter) that God created. The creation of God was ultimately without shame!
The Church & Its Relationship To Liberal Society
With all that I have said if the church is to make any difference it must first...CLEAN HOUSE! Our boarders are corrupt within the community of faith...With the acceptance of gay pastors and so called bishops and teachers that teach that one doesn't even need Jesus to be saved, and followers of those who believe such, there is a lot of work to do within the church.
Too many of our churches and church leaders are not people of standard as they would like to believe that they are. They are however, people looking to stand where they can be popular, embracing liberalism if it pays the bills and allows excess...As long as they can be in the crowd, receive housing and other over-allowances, and appear on TV to ask for jets, the people of faith won't make too much noise, because they are afraid of loosing their thunder to appeal to the people that they have trained and even assisted in liberalism, to embrace their brand of immorality...
Does The Church Need Perfection In Order To Correct Or Call Into Accountability???
NOPE...and under the definition of IMPERFECT, you will probably see my picture!!!! However, recognizing our imperfections does not make the case that one should accept all things and especially things that are contrary to scripture and scriptural teaching as if it (scripture) is nothing and as if it (living in sin and ungodliness) is OK. If the truth hurts the deliverer or the bearer of it, so be it. It just hurts...however that does not change the nature of truth. It is STILL truth no matter who is wrong!!!!
Listing Of Popular The Transgender-Men...
With that said, let me just look at a few of these MEN who now live as women that NewsOne Now praised...No insults, but the fact is, no matter how female like, these men are, or no matter how many surgeries they have had, no matter how much money they have thrown at making themselves look like a woman, EACH ONE will stand before God one day as the MAN that they were born as. They yet have the chromosomal makeup of a man no matter how many drugs have altered that process or function. They are only maintaining an appearance as a woman by artificial means and one day they will revert to the man that they are.
Let's take a look, and parents, tell your children (both boys and girls) to BE CAREFUL for obvious reasons, because one never knows in today's society who was actually born as what:
Laverne Cox (Roderick L. Cox):
According to Laverne Cox "always felt herself to be female, not really seeing a difference between boys and girls. She was often taunted and harassed mercilessly for being feminine, though she was able to hold onto her love for the arts."
"I begged my mother to put me into dance classes and finally, in third grade, she did,” Cox said years later in a Times magazine interview. “Tap and jazz but not ballet. She thought ballet was too gay … Throughout all of that, I was very feminine and I was really bullied, majorly bullied. There was this side of me that was this over-achiever that loved learning.”
has written a book entitled "Redefining Realness: My Path to Womanhood, Identity, Love & So Much More" who according to Piers Morgan, "was certainly born a boy, and has a real birth name of "Charles" does everything but admit that HE was born a male even going so far as to say that he was born as a BABY not a man or a woman...What???

Made his claim to fame and claimed to be among the "Real Housewives of Atlanta" reality show, (which I am not sure ever aired with him in the cast) and "Star" which is another wide open mess of a show currently airing on Fox.
Isis King, (Darrell Walls)

says that she was "born in the wrong body" a contestant on America's Next Top Model, and most certainly promoted by Tyra Banks in her effort to do what she can do to normalize homosexuality and transgenderism.
TS Madison, (Madison Hinton)
Probably one of the most vulgar and perverted transgender men, produces adult transgender films through his company Raw Dawgg Entertainment. While the term "Rawdogg" means to have sex without a condom, this transgender man claims to not only be a strong advocate for transgenderism but also one that stands for sexual health and against STD's such as HIV and AIDS.
A Final Word
Failure to tell the truth will lead all of these men and others like them to hell. It is our obligation and duty as persons of faith to continue to stand for truth and right at all times. No, we don't have a mind trip to place people on. Ours is not to overwhelm anyone with guilt. Ours is simply to preach and teach a gospel that will lift burdens and save from sins...Sins similar to the ones that JESUS saved us from by the shedding of his blood.
Sin and deception is not an easy thing. satan is ready to deceive the world and has done his job at making the world follow him in perverting the creation of God in the minds of countless millions. Without TRUTH there will be no redemption. It is the God of mercy that allows every sinner a chance to consider their ways and prepare for the ultimate reality of life.
Whether one is a man or a woman, the only Christ will satisfy the longing of the heart to be accepted and understood. What we have and will miss as human beings, God has not missed and he is more than ready to take over and love and lead as only he can. If you are struggling with an overwhelming feeling that your gender is incorrect, God certainly understands. Seeking Christ will make the difference and HE is still able to save the soul and move it away from the perversion of same sex attraction and self mutilation.
Call I Am My Brother's Keeper Christian Advocacy Council if you're been used and abused and feel boxed in as a result of this inordinate desire at (800)728-0352. We want you to be free and equally as importantly want you to know that we stand with you to the healing of body and soul in Christ Jesus! No matter the LIE of the state or the profession of psychology or psychiatry, you can be FREE of sexual sin and perversion. Like any other sin, Christ can make you free.
John 8:36 ~If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
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