Monday, February 19, 2018
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Youth SOS. NO More Guns In School!
There are solutions to gun violence in schools but we must take a TEAM approach to address the issues and solve the problem. This is a social, emotional and SPIRITUAL problem which cannot continue to be overlooked.
In this video, I share what I have seen based on my over 17 years of experience as both a public school parent, volunteer, employee, and CSO (Campus Security Officer). We need an intervention, but not the one you may think. Listen and I hope you will see!
The schools are governed by FERPA which is the federal guideline for informational sharing of education and medical records, and HIPAA. Some have said that information cannot be shared regarding students. That is NOT the case. The guidance issued regarding these issue says the following:
"Parents have a right under FERPA to inspect and review these health and medical records because they are “education records” under FERPA. See 34 CFR §§ 99.10 – 99.12. In addition, these records may not be shared with third parties without written parental consent unless the disclosure meets one of the exceptions to FERPA’s general consent requirement. For instance, one of these exceptions allows schools to disclose a student’s health and medical information and other “education records” to teachers and other school officials, without written consent, if these school officials have “legitimate educational interests” in accordance with school policy. See 34 CFR § 99.31(a)(1). Another exception permits the disclosure of education records, without consent, to appropriate parties in connection with an emergency, if knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals. See 34 CFR §§ 99.31(a)(10) and 99.36." ~ Pg.4
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Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Hip Hop, Idolatry & The Church Pt. 28 ~ Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr. & Rastafarianism 101
Many of us have heard of the hip-hop rapper formerly known as Snoop Dogg, currently known as Snoop Lion, originally born as Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr. It seems that Calvin is fast becoming a gospel music artist getting ready to put out a gospel project along with some of the top names in the gospel music industry.
Quite naturally the questions and criticism have swirled all over the internet especially among the Black community as to what's happening.
I'll attempt to address a few of the more nuanced questions and address some issues hopefully from a biblical perspective in this article.
Can Snoop really be a Christian? Secondly, are Christians validating sin by headlining with him?
Well, there are a host of views regarding Calvin and his association with gospel music icons.
We have traditionalists that say,
We have traditionalists that say,
- "there is no way this man is saved."
- "everybody should praise God as everyone will praise him in the end and Snoop is entitled to his praise just like anyone else."
- "I'm happy IF he's saved, but is he really saved? And if so, when did he get saved?"
- "the gospel artists aren't saved anyway so what difference does it make?"
I must confess, I am in the l"moderate", camp on this issue. To claim that the gospel artists aren't saved is a little too steep for me. I personally know some that are. Notwithstanding, I can certainly question many of the motives and condemn some of the presentations rendered purporting to be "gospel". But, I have already placed my thoughts on this blog clearly regarding those issues HERE...Let's deal with Calvin and not them for a minute.
The Current Story Of Calvin:

So far as him turning to gospel, personally, I think it would be good for him and all men if they would come to Christ, however, I know that all men won't. If Calvin does or if he has, that would be good for him and his family. No doubt. I can only pray and root for his conversion if he is not converted, and maybe be an example that he would want to follow on a serious journey to know Jesus.
Nothing but love for Calvin, and although we will examine his theology, I think it's in order for us to look at the church before going too much further...
Nothing but love for Calvin, and although we will examine his theology, I think it's in order for us to look at the church before going too much further...
The Church's Desire For Association
However, what is not so good for the church, is simply parading people in front of it, no matter who they are, as if they are saved, without any evidence of a conversion experience. The church seems to do this with any "star" or secularly popular person that places the name of Jesus on their lips. They seem to get carried away with the idea that famous men and women can accept Christ. But none of that means anything if repentance doesn't precede them. Whether famous or not, without repentance and turning from sin and a sinful lifestyle and expressing saving faith in Jesus, they are still lost in their sins, and that is an issue.
The sentiment regarding how we should be careful in our display and associations and promotion of who is saved, is similar to sentiments of Nathan Jones of, as he examined the same issue pertaining to Calvin and other secular artists recently gone gospel. He stated this in an article:
"Immediately claiming them as a Christian and making them a role model to many usually works out badly. They never asked to be paraded as examples of upright Christian morality. But nor should we dismiss their faith out-of-hand because they still swear and smoke weed. We are all fallen and in a process of sanctification to fight our former sinful nature." ~ Nathan Jones "Is Snoop Dogg's new Christian faith for real?" Premiere Christianity
Although the theological point is debateable, I certainly agree with the essence of his statement. These folk did not ask to be gospel role models. It seems that many simply make them icons because of their former lives, fame and popularity.
What makes it worse, is that I don't know of any pastor or church leader that wouldn't be thrilled to have Calvin come to the church and attend a Sunday service. No matter how critical the critics are, and they can be cold on the internet, if Calvin showed up at their church, he could nearly get away with everything that he wanted in the name of hospitality and people falling all over themselves. And don't even mention taking out the checkbook and writing a check....OMG!!! (As the young people say)
Be clear, my opinion is not to say how or why Calvin can't be saved or to even criticize him for making a gospel album. If God can save ME, he can save ANYBODY!!!! My examination is to ask why the church, especially fellow gospel artists and singers, are so enamored with the prospects of collaborating with nearly anyone who "claims" to be a Christian and or saved, and why we as a church like to parade folks who barely know Jesus , if they do, bringing them before the church as if they are some sort of prize? Is it really because they want to spread the :influence" of Christ or is it because they love the world so much, that they must hold onto something, even a piece of anything?
And then, let me take a dig here, some of the critics breathing fire on Calvin, yet themselves claiming to be a Christian, live worse than Calvin did at the height of his "Doggy Style Love" days!!! So some of the criticism of him is way over the top but some of what we have allowed through our favorite ministry leaders and singers is at least equally as egregious and yet many of us turn on the TV to see them service after service and keep them in business doing their dastardly deeds with our money.
I'm certainly not giving Calvin a pass as you will see, but we need to examine ourselves as well because I believe that it has been the church that has helped create and seal the fate of the "Calvins" both in and out of the church. And that is not a good testimony on our behalf.
With that said, let's examine a few issues:
Why Gospel From The Dogg?
Calvin was asked that same question. Here is his answer:
So the answer is clear as to why Calvin is doing a gospel CD. It seems that he always wanted to do one. We can assume that the desire to do this was even during his Dogg and Lion days. So Calvin's desire to do a gospel CD does not seem to be a product of a conversion experience or out of a new found dedication to Christ. It appears to be a long running desire to do something different.
Nothing wrong with that...some do some don't!
Is Calvin Saved?
![]() |
The Late Haile Selassie |
NO. As far as I can tell, Calvin has adopted Rastafarianism as opposed to Christianity. In Rastafarianism, one would hold allegiance to Haile Selassie, the former Ethiopian King, (supposedly a direct descendant of David) as the messiah and reincarnate Christ, and hail him as "The Lion Of Judah" or the object of all praise, worship and affection.
Rastas would believe in Jesus as much as they would contend that Haile Selassie is Jesus himself. Therefore to praise Jesus, in their mind, is to praise Haile Selassie. This is evidenced by the title "Lion" that Calvin adopted into his name.
Calvin owes Rastafarianism for his life changes and sepaks up on what the changes have done for him. As recorded by The Guardian UK Online:
Calvin owes Rastafarianism for his life changes and sepaks up on what the changes have done for him. As recorded by The Guardian UK Online:
"He (Calvin) talks about the other ways Rastafarianism has changed him. "I used to answer hate with hate. Like if you hate me, I hate you more. But now I answer hate with love."
What about your attitude to women? Was there hate in the lyrics of early songs, the bitches and the hos? "Yeah, because I was making music for me, speaking from my perspective. I was taught that a bitch is a ho and a ho was a bitch, so my music represented that, until I got to the point where I wanted to show love and appreciation for the woman."
Calvin, aka: Snoop Lion, displayed his new found faith and a claim that he was the "reincarnation of Bob Marley". Bob Marley was claimed to be one of the greatest evangelists of Rastafarianism using his musical talents to spread the word and praise of Halie Selassie. This is what the "Lion" told the Guardian UK:
"It's not hard to guess what upset many Rastafarians. The title Reincarnated refers to Snoop's statement that he is the reincarnation of Bob Marley. Does he really believe that? He looks me in the eyes and raps.
"'Bob Marley reincarnated, pupils dilated, emancipated, concentrated, debated, rated many times, you defy how I made it? Huh?' It is me."
I don't know it then, but he's quoting It Blows My Mind, a song he wrote in 2007."
Since 2007 Calvin has placed this thought that he was a reincarnated Bob Marley in the air. So I believe that it should be fairly clear, that Calvin is not necessarily valuing or spelling out a conversion experience to the Jesus of the bible as much as he is hailing his allegiance to Halie Selassie, the Rastafarian lord and king.
Now, in a land of freedom, Calvin has the right to worship whom he pleases. However, we have the right to examine his confession of faith and make a clear distinction between it and the biblical Christ that we serve.
Nothing New...Same Old Rastafarian Story
Lauryn too was singing songs and collaborating with traditional popular Black gospel artists. They were singing odes that the church thought was to Jesus and about Jesus, but Lauren was actually expressing her praise to Haile Selassie.
The Rastas do not believe in commitments, contracts or paying taxes so it seems. Lauryn Hill, like some others, did a stint in jail due to tax evasion. Calvin has already said that his wife simply has to understand him and his job and take the good and the bad that comes along with it. It was clear that this was "street man code" for, "don't say nothing 'bout me having sex with these ho's, otherwise we got issues" What was a divorce in 2004, eventually led to a renewal in 2008 in the Broadus marriage.
What Of The Thirsty Gospel Artists?
YES, some of then are THIRSTY and you can tell. It's the same one's who live on the edge of salvation and the world that continue to embrace the world trying to make the world acceptable within the church. However, over the years I believe my view on this has evolved somewhat. I want to point this out...
Only God can cast out the devil...If Calvin has a devil, who should he be around? Certainly the Saints or those with the power of God to cast the devil out and bring him to salvation! If Calvin is in error, he should be around the Saints that have the truth to correct error.
That is the question in my opinion. Is the contract of the gospel artist so great that the faith of gospel artists mean nothing? I have asked that question in The Sale Of The Psalmist article as well, and don't intend to retrace over old ground, but we need to examine some issues to see where and who our allegiance is to as people of God, musicians and gospel artists. We continue to do and act more and more like the world and less and less like the bible. But the question still remains:
Calvin, keep hanging around. I hope that one day, a REAL Saint will grab you and cast out that ganga smokin; Halie Selassie loving demon, that you embrace, 'cause it's GOT to go in order for me to purchase a CD!!! For Sheezy on that one!!!!
Additional Reading:
The Guardian UK : Snoop Dogg Interview
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Monday, February 5, 2018
Michigan State & Sexual Abuse...Inexcusable!
From I Am My Brother Keeper Christian Advocacy Council on Facebook:
Noone has anything against Tom Izzo or Mike Dantonio. They are great coaches and probably human beings...HOWEVER, Izzo can't take the position that all his focus and concern is now on "the victims" of Michigan State' Larry Nassar probe when he had at least 3 players who were said to have raped and even beat a woman (women) and at least 2 of them that ADMIT that they did it.
Dantonio allegedly had many more players than Izzo, but stood up at a news conference and denied any offences by his players.
So far as Izzo's players, according to what the players ADMITTED, they, had sex with a female student to which she claimed and reported that they threatened her life (rape) and she reported it immediately and Izzo and the now resigned athletic director knew of it and did nothing.
Izzo is pictured here with former player and coach Travis Walton who allegedly beat a woman brutally and sexually assaulted her after their relationship (if any) crossed certain lines.
Walton of course denies all complaints saying that he was never "charged" with sexual assault and that he had a consensual relationship with the accuser.
Once again, all this happened under Izzo. Of course Izzo was not responsible, but he did NOTHING for victims then...
So WHY NOW? Why claim that silence is to benefit and in honor of the victims, when there has been nothing but silence towards the perpetrators of the crime?
Mike Dantonio is the same. A score of Michigan State players allegedly abused and gang-raped women on campus. Yes, GANG-RAPED! They were never suspended, scholarships never rescinded, and they continued on while their victims lives were altered and changed. In one case a young lady KILLED HERSELF, committed suicide because of the stigma, shame and maltreatment from the University.
This is SHAMEFUL and DEPLORABLE behavior and I cannot believe that there is any concern for victims when the criminals and alleged assailants were NEVER dealt with, suspended, handled or corrected.
This is the problem I have with Michigan St. For people to claim that they are so concerned about victims, there was NO concern when the victims were allegedly being crated by their players and those who were in their circles.
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Saturday, February 3, 2018
Hip Hop, Idolatry & The Church Pt. 27 ~ Super Bowl & The New Gospel
Now here's something that you don't see everyday Chauncey...
What's that Edgar?
Well, here it is:
What's that Edgar?
Well, here it is:
.@SnoopDogg x @RealRanceAllen performed "Blessing Me Again" during the #SuperBowlGospel Celebration. 🙌 See more tonight on BET at 11/10c.— BET (@BET) February 3, 2018
No, I'll let you talk on this one. I've done 26 parts to this series and said enough.
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Thursday, February 1, 2018
The Self-Authenticating Witness Of The Spirit Of God
Among questions I receive are those seeking direction from individuals pondering issues pertaining to how one knows or perceives God's presence in the world and how one comes to salvation.
While there are some poignant theological differences and debate in this area within Christian circles, I don't know of anyone who doesn't believe that salvation is a work of God wrought or performed in the life of the believer. In other words, under most constructs, Christians would contend that salvation is not a mere product of intellect, or arguments rooted in evidentialism. However, one could make the case that in many instances intellect, arguments and evidence play a significant role in the entire process of salvation and certainly spiritual growth.
Reaffirming many of the primary principles within teachings such as those of Henry Dodwell (1700-1784) and Alvin Plantinga, Dr. William L Craig points to what is called the "self-authenticating witness of God's Spirit" in the life of the believer, in the following statement:
"Therefore when a person refuses to come to Christ, it is never just because of lack of evidence or because of intellectual difficulties: at root, he refuses to come because he willingly ignores and rejects the drawing of God's Spirit on his heart. No one in the final analysis really fails to become a Christian because of lack of arguments; he fails to become a Christian because he loves darkness rather than light and wants nothing to do with God. But anyone who responds to the drawing of God's Spirit with and open mind and an open heart can know with assurance that Christianity is true, because God's Spirit will convict him that it is. Jesus said, "My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me: if any man's will is to do his will he shall know whether the teaching is from God or whether I am speaking on my own authority." (John 7:16-17 RSV) Jesus affirms that if anyone is truly seeking God then he will know that Jesus teaching is truly from God."
Dr. William L Craig & Pastor H. Burnett
So then for the unbeliever as well as for the believer, it is the testimony of God's Spirit that ultimately assures him of the truth of Christianity. The unbeliever who is truly seeking God will be convinced of the truth of the Christian message." {Craig, William L. Reasonable faith Christian Truth and Apologetics Third Edition 2008 Pg. 47}
In my opinion this is certainly true. I don't know of anyone who came to Christ initially because an argument, whatever that argument was. [I don't consider the Gospel to be an argument. It is the preached word of God and as such the Good News. Not an argument in the sense that I am proposing here] I know of no argument that is so absolutely compelling or overwhelming that one has to be saved on the basis of it. I don't know of too many individuals who's intellectual assent, no matter how steep, was the sole or singular motivating factor in accepting Christ for salvation.
However, there is ample testimony from people, even former atheists such as C.S. Lewis and Lee Strobel, who were not saved by the evidences of Christianity, but drawn by the power of the Spirit of the Lord to salvation through the self-authenticating witness of God's Spirit. In other words, faith, for these men and I would venture to say the majority of Christians, was not and is not merely a matter of the head, it is a matter of the heart. It is that tug on the reigns of the heart by God that defines and often boggles the mind and or intellect, which leads to salvation. In theological terms this could be called regeneration.
That Which Is Seen
Now, if this is true, that it is not the church, the individuals in the church or anything else associated with the church that either causes one to accept or reject God, then each individual is truly accountable for their own response to God. No matter the situation, it is not one's family, family history or upbringing that can be fully blamed for how the individual responds to the Spirit of God.
Now, if this is true, that it is not the church, the individuals in the church or anything else associated with the church that either causes one to accept or reject God, then each individual is truly accountable for their own response to God. No matter the situation, it is not one's family, family history or upbringing that can be fully blamed for how the individual responds to the Spirit of God.
I'm sure that we have all witnessed individuals raised in the church, given great teaching or nurturing, but who have turned from all of that to lifestyles of sin, and shame. On the other hand, and please don't get me wrong, some situations are more conducive to salvation than others...So realizing that there are situations in which persons are driven away from or drawn to the church is not the whole question here, however, at the end of the day, every person is responsible for their own response to God and either their acceptance of union with him or their rejection of HIS grace, mercy and ultimately forgiveness.
The facts are these: It was not Jesus who failed. It was not God who came up short or who mishandled issues. It was the individual(s) some known as part of the church or maybe institutions associated with the church or maybe other parochial institutions claiming to be built upon "biblical and Christian principles" who may have failed.
From an individual standpoint, although we may not always intellectually comprehend or apprehend God, invariably it is flesh that always fails and not HIM nor his Spirit that woos us. But even in that failure of the flesh in no way negates or stops the self-authenticating witness of the Spirit" from speaking and revealing the glory of God to each and every individual, from those that reject him to those that will receive him.
Ps. 19:1 ~ To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
His works and majesty can be perceived by all. His mystery is known to all the universe. In response the impetus of all scientific study and discovery is an attempt to comprehend his works. The unfortunate part is that many of them engaged in the study of pursuing the understanding of his works (science) because they (the works of God through creation) are seen, are oblivious to and rejecting of the wooing of HIS Spirit, even though the only reason that they are curious is because of the works they see. The works of God are HIS works and not the works of a man or some blind force. They are the evidence of his manifest presence.
Consequences Of "The Light"
At the end of the day, an individual is where they are, believing what they believe and doing what they do, because they WANT to. Not because they are fatalistically determined to be in the spiritual condition that they are.
John 3:19 ~ And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

Drug addicts are similar as well. The illicit and illegal use of drugs, such as opioids, which have
Then there is the adulterer, molester and those who commit sexual sin. Usually these individuals go from a stage of personal, private, hidden and even recreational pursuit of sin, to a stage of addiction or life changing actions which causes multiplied grief, heartache and confusion sometimes for generations enveloped some whole communities within America, has proven to be virulently destructive. According to a recent NBC Nightly News report, one particular city in West Virginia, with a population of 3200 persons, received over 20 million pain pills by prescription over the last 10 years. I believe drug use along these lines, are not so much a display of illness as it is a display of a heart and mind desperate in seeking to relieve itself from the burden of sin. Relief being illusive the sin nature of man finds it much more easy to embrace more sin as a remedy instead of embracing the light.
Sin ADDS to itself until in the end, it is out of control. The rejection of light and ultimately truth always leads to greater darkness.
The key here is that the Light is seen and amply available, but men find it too challenging to draw themselves away from darkness. Why so challenging? The acceptance of light has a consequence and that consequence is that darkness, which pervades every fiber of this creation, is rejected and at that point a new path must be taken because the Light has come! Therefore to accept the Light of Jesus means to reject the thought patterns, systems, and social and spiritual norms that men have embraced to comfort themselves in darkness.
The critic asserts, how then is this "self-authenticating witness of the Spirit" any different from a Mormon's "burning in the bosom" or a Hindu's state of "nirvana" or Buddhist moment of enlightenment?
First, I believe that it may be a mistake to attempt to de-authenticate the experience of them claiming to have had one. There are many experiences, but not all of them lead to the Lord or HIS throne. John was aware of this as he encourages the believer to "not believe" every spirit, but to "try the spirits, whether they be of God". (1 John 4:1). The experience is to be "tried" or weighed or judged as to its authenticity and is always subject to Christ. In measuring that, one can tell whether the experience points to Christ or points away from him by adding another measure whereby men can be saved or blessed. Therefore the experience itself is also self-authenticating.
Secondly, the best witnesses to this are those who have converted from those systems to Christianity or those who have "found" Christ. As stated, other experiences certainly may have occurred, but there should be no assumption that those alternate experiences and the experience of Christianity and the exercise of faith are the same or even equivalent. The messages are certainly not the same, so why would anyone expect the experiences themselves to be the same? Those who come from non-Christian systems of belief will be the first to assert that the witness of the Holy Spirit upon and in their lives is wholly different than anything received under former systems or channels of belief. So these are distinctions that make all the difference.
Secondly, the best witnesses to this are those who have converted from those systems to Christianity or those who have "found" Christ. As stated, other experiences certainly may have occurred, but there should be no assumption that those alternate experiences and the experience of Christianity and the exercise of faith are the same or even equivalent. The messages are certainly not the same, so why would anyone expect the experiences themselves to be the same? Those who come from non-Christian systems of belief will be the first to assert that the witness of the Holy Spirit upon and in their lives is wholly different than anything received under former systems or channels of belief. So these are distinctions that make all the difference.
Next the critic would assert, then why aren't all saved since the self authenticating witness of the Holy Spirit is so unique?
Because something is unique does not mean that all people yield or avail themselves to it. First, do all people desire the same thing? For example, Tesla has a good and some say the world's best electric car. Their new version has a multi-thousand preorders. However, do all individuals stop driving their current cars and start driving Tesla? Does everyone want a Tesla because it is "unique"? Just because someone can do something, does it mean that they always do? Free will is the issue and the key here. Everyone has it and can exercise it as they see fit. Once again, the exercise of free will to reject the self-authenticating witness of the Spirit does not diminish or negate the role, majesty or uniqueness of the Spirit in the process.
Because something is unique does not mean that all people yield or avail themselves to it. First, do all people desire the same thing? For example, Tesla has a good and some say the world's best electric car. Their new version has a multi-thousand preorders. However, do all individuals stop driving their current cars and start driving Tesla? Does everyone want a Tesla because it is "unique"? Just because someone can do something, does it mean that they always do? Free will is the issue and the key here. Everyone has it and can exercise it as they see fit. Once again, the exercise of free will to reject the self-authenticating witness of the Spirit does not diminish or negate the role, majesty or uniqueness of the Spirit in the process.
The self-authenticating witness of the Spirit has been played out throughout the Bible. From something as simple as a man named Moses going up to see a bush that burned with fire, and coming down the deliverer of a nation (Exodus 3), to Pilate as Jesus stood before him asking "what is truth" (John 18:38) to Paul preaching so convincingly that Agrippa, says "you almost persuade me to become a Christian" (Acts 26:28)...The Spirit of God has been and will always be active because HE is God.
One will not be able to leave this world and certainly not the presence of God without having been presented with compelling evidence of the self-authenticating witness of the Spirit...Argument or no argument, intellectual fulfillment or none, God speaks and HIS sheep do hear him!
John 10: 27 ~ My sheep hear my voice, and I know them,
and they follow me:
and they follow me:
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