
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Was Attorney Eric Guster Attacked By Black Conservatives?

This is a video regarding a Race in America dealing with 1st Lady Michelle Obama's recent comments and the overall condition of race relations and community policing. Attorney Eric Guster is claiming that he was attacked by "ultra right wing conservatives". Is that the case?

Take a look at this and comment if you care to. I certainly have my opinions which I will be glad to share.

First, one question: Why do White people interpret the commentary of Black people regarding these issues as "angry"? I'd like to know...

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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Is There An "Elephant" In The Christian Church Regarding Social Justice & Race Equality?

Bishop T D Jakes speaks on justice and equality and the silence of the modern church as it pertains to issues based on race and equality.

The only problems as I see it is, that the MEGA church, has certainly been silent. New Bethel (the church I founded and pastor, which is a comparatively small church) has preached a spiritual, and salient message for years regarding these very important issues, including the issue of Black on Black crime, and how to address it and overcome it in our communities...through all of this, I have heard very little to nothing from the modern commercialized TV church. I guess when folk like Jamaal Bryant start speaking up, that is a signal that it is apripos to say something about the issues....

A friend of mine, who pastors a predominately White congregation, told me that if he preached a message of social justice and equality that his tithe income would suffer and his business revenues would decrease...That there were just certain topics that were not good for revenues. To me that is the most sad testament of the condition of the modern church. We value our revenues, more than we value truth, justice and liberation. 

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Religion vs. Spirituality...As The World Sees It....

This segment of "The View" deals with an ever changing dynamic of the interpretation of man's spiritual self. Though the point of view espoused here is nothing new upon the pages of history, it is still interesting to see how the carnal mind continues to reinterpret truth in effort to appeal to human sensibilities, reaffirming the path of moral relativism, as the mode and method of truth.

The question that should be asked of Raven, Toni, and others, is IF the path of truth is only based on "spirituality" and the new Christian buzz word saying of "relationship" (as Toni states) then how is truth identified, and upon what basis can anything be said to be true?

John 14:6 ~ Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

The problem is this, many people can do a lot of things and still call themselves "spiritual". Even witches and flat out devil worshipers can be said to be "spiritual". And, "relationship" does not satisfy anything either. In fact 'relationship" suggests having an "understanding", which may or may not be based on true and ethical standards. All paths to spirituality and relationship cannot be correct? If the words of Jesus are true, then the path that he has established is the ONLY and exclusive and acceptable path of both truth and relationship.

Since the criticism was that of Christianity, I believe the biggest problem here is the problem of the life of a person as it relates to TRUTH. People are comfortable with anything that does not challenge their life and lifestyle. Call it what you want to, but to be content to live in a self made fantasy, and a world in which one creates and defines their own truth is a sick proposition. One can call that anything but an evolution.

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