Jamal Parris, the eldest plaintiff in the sexual misconduct suit currently levied against Bishop Eddied Long, New Birth MB Church and LongFellows Academy looks into the camera and send a message directly to the bishop regarding his filed sexual abuse lawsuit. Here is what he had to say to Fox 5 of Atlanta:
On one side there is a church cheering it's leader. On the other there is at least 4 young men who share essentially the same or similar story and clearly outline what seems to be a horrific story of both manipulation, guilt, and confusion which has led to a horribly damaged worldview and memories that cannot be erased.
The following from Atlanta V-103's Wed. AM interview with the Fox News I-Team and lead reporter Dale Russell who also spent over 3 years investigating the BVishop Earl Paulk scandal which yet continues at some level to this day.
Pt. 2:
Pt.3 ~ "Did Anyone AT The Church Know?"
Could this be a shakedown of epic proportions? Or could the bishop have followed the steps of Earl Paulk thinking that he could escape? Let God be the judge but we have nothing to be proud of in this...at all.
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
"Watch This" Pt. 3 ~ Don Lemon, "No Winners"...What Of The Victims?
From GCMWatch.com
CNN host Don Lemon stepped up courageously and revealed his experience of being molested as a child during a recent interview with 3 youth from the embattled New Birth MB Church. The interview is gripping and the silence from the young people speaks volumes. I was moved to tears.
Bishop Long has promised to fight these allegations but the truth cannot be overlooked that something is terribly wrong and as Don states, there can and will be "no winners" as a result of this entire situation. As was stated, with all that is at risk, and the fact that men generally don't talk about such things, yet alone lie about them, does not speak in favor of the Bishop or the church. Further, the actual complaints from the complaintants is not only against the Bishop, but also against the church, the LongFellows Academy and certain named personnel, (Andrew Moman and April McLaughlin) who were said to be facilitators of the Bishops reported actions. Three of the suits along with specific language and charges can be found HERE, HERE and HERE. Reminder they are graphic in some parts and date specific in others.
What Of The Victims
With all of the support shown for the Bishop, I began to wonder would anyone support the victims as seriously and diligently? Under any other circumstance, and under any other condition, the church would be the primary and foremost institution calling for truth, righteousness and justice and demanding that the guilty party be dealt with.
From this situation it is clear that COGIC isn't the only church slow to respond with victims advocacy for clergy sexual misconduct. This seems to be a problem facing the black church in general. In addition, it is clear that there is a conflict over how a church should conduct itself even when the most popular individuals in it are under suspicion of certain public failure. Should the church praise and support it's most popular to the shame and embarrassment of the victim? Or should the church demand that the process proceed swiftly and quickly before the Lord and the council of the church? What should the leader do in the meantime? Fight or step aside?
For certain, the victims need to be healed and the courts cannot do that. The victims here include Eddie Long, but certainly include his wonderful wife, family and the individuals bringing forth the suit. There is deep seeded pain and trouble as a result of these allegations and what the people do in response to them. As I have stated, I hope will ALL that is within me that Bishop is not guilty of any of these dastardly charges, however, even if he is innocent, there are some things torn up that only God can rebuild and there are some commitments that not only New Birth must make, but that the church must make which includes addressing all the issues that have arisen as a result of this tragedy.
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"Watch This"
"Watch This" Pt. 2, What Has the Church Become?
The apostle Of Inclusion
Related Posts:
"Watch This"
"Watch This" Pt. 2, What Has the Church Become?
The apostle Of Inclusion
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Monday, September 27, 2010
The apostle Of Inclusion
The Pearson/Inclusionist Lie: "Usually the people that speak the most vociferously against something, are dealing with it in their own lives."
The Truth:
1- Jesus spoke most vociferously against sin and transgression against God. Was he dealing with it in his own life?
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The Truth:
1- Jesus spoke most vociferously against sin and transgression against God. Was he dealing with it in his own life?
Absolutely NOT!
2 Cor. 5:21 ~ "For he hath made him [to be] sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him."
2- Paul spoke vociferously against sin and the transgression of God and his law. Was he dealing with it in his own life? The apostates of this world want you to believe that, but the truth is the LIGHT, Paul WASN'T a sinner for Christ.
3- The OT Prophets, NT Apostles and all books of the bible speak vociferously against sin, many even naming homosexuality as one of those sins. Are we to assume that both the writers of these books and holy men of God were dealing with "it" in their own lives?
We would be deceived if we didn't already know the truth. This may fit the court of public opinion and human righteousness, but it fails to satisfy the standard of holiness and righteousness of God. We are not deceived with smooth orators and vain words, neither are any of us ashamed to stand against sin, unrighteousness and perversion.
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Thursday, September 23, 2010
Islam, Submission With No Peace Pt. 6
ABC's Good Morning America in effort to "get beyond the rhetoric" and do what I call "sanitize" perceptions toward Islam produced the following snippets called "Faith and Fear: Islam In America" Now the title in itself declares the aim of the program to distinguish the difference between faith and fear as it pertain to Islam, but this "discovery" is something that the American public is to find with the assistance of good ole journalist reporting of course.
Here's the video and I'll discuss a few of the more important and erroneous points presented afterward

Defining Truth And Redefining Islam
First Robin says that the intent of this particular series was to take a "true look at the faith and why there are so many questions about Islam" This segment presents these basic questions premises and makes the following assertions:
There is nothing further from the truth and more fanciful. First, Christians have not responded violently to Islam within America or anyplace else over the globe. The FACT is that the Islamic response to America has been filled and riddled with violence far before 9/11:
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Here's the video and I'll discuss a few of the more important and erroneous points presented afterward
Defining Truth And Redefining Islam
First Robin says that the intent of this particular series was to take a "true look at the faith and why there are so many questions about Islam" This segment presents these basic questions premises and makes the following assertions:
1- Robin, at the beginning of this story, expresses the first FALSE sentiment regarding Islam. She states that Islam has come under suspicion SINCE 9/11 and has been the target of anger and violence within America.
There is nothing further from the truth and more fanciful. First, Christians have not responded violently to Islam within America or anyplace else over the globe. The FACT is that the Islamic response to America has been filled and riddled with violence far before 9/11:
- 1979 Muslim students seize the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and hold 52 Americans hostage for 444 days.
- 1979 U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan was set on fire by Muslim fundamentalists.
- 1982, 37 Americans were taken hostage by Hezbollah in Lebanon last American to be freed from this incident was freed in 1991.
- 1983 at the U.S. Embassy in Beirut the U.S. and French military barracks was bombed by multiple suicide bombers killing 350 people including 241 U.S. Marines.
- 1985 Hezbollah hijacked a TWA jet to Beirut killing a U.S. Navy diver.
- 1988 an Islamic group was responsible for the murder of 259 passengers on board a Pam Am jetliner over Scotland.
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"Watch This" Pt. 2 ~ What Has the Church Become?
All condolence goes out to the remaining family of the person formerly known as Bishop Eddie Long.
(Fox 5 News)
(Fox 5 News)
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010
"Watch This"
Men allege sexual coercion by prominent Atlanta pastor
By the CNN Wire Staff
September 21, 2010 5:45 p.m. EDT
Men file suit against Atlanta-area pastor Eddie Long
One suit alleges Long used his position to coerce sex A Long spokesman denies the allegations
(CNN) -- Two Georgia men have filed suit claiming that prominent Atlanta pastor Eddie Long coerced them into sex. The suits, filed Tuesday in DeKalb County, Georgia, allege that Long used his position as a spiritual authority and bishop to coerce young male members and employees of his New Birth Missionary Baptist Church into sex. Long took one plaintiff, Anthony Flagg, 21, to overnight trips to a half dozen American cities, Flagg's suit alleges.
"Long shared a bedroom and engaged in intimate sexual contact with plaintiff Flagg including kissing, massaging, masturbating of plaintiff Flagg by defendant Long and oral sexual contact," the suit says.
Long spokesman Art Franklin said Tuesday that "we categorically deny the allegations."
"It is very unfortunate that someone has taken this course of action," he said. "Our law firm will be able to respond once attorneys have had an opportunity to review the lawsuit."
The suits are seeking unspecified amounts of punitive damages from Long on various counts, ranging from negligence to breach of fiduciary duty.
The Link to the original story can be found HERE.
Update: 9/22/2010: Here's Number Three
From: Allvoices.com
A 3rd person has filed suit against Bishop Eddie Long, at the Dekalb County court, accusing him of using his power as pastor and mentor, to seduce him into having sexual relations with him, states CNN.
23 year old Jamal Parish, from the same church, has alleged that Long has been having sexual encounters with him since he was 16 years old and lasted until he was 22, which was last year.
CNN reports that a spokesperson has informed the media that Bishop Long will hold a press conference on Thursday morning to answer these allegations.
Some have been asking if sexual abuse took place, why didn't the young men seek prosecution. The legal age for consensual sex in Georgia, is 17. 2 of 3 accusers say they were 17 and older when the alleged sexual misconduct started, which may be the reason for the civil lawsuits instead.
One, however, is alleged to have been 16 when the sexual escapades started. According to the lawsuit, he reportedly received a Chevy malibu, was taken on lavish trips to the Turks & Caicos and was even put on the church payroll.
Didn't I just say, let the evidence speak for itself. The Lord will reveal all now won't he?
I would like to add that even though there has been speculation for years regarding this, I pray with ALL that is within me that these stories are untrue. This would be a travesty upon the countless children and families that looked to this ministry and to the cause of Christ and the black church in general. There are many lessons that can be learned BUT I hope that learning that one cannot mix sin with righteousness IS NOT one of them.
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By the CNN Wire Staff
September 21, 2010 5:45 p.m. EDT
Men file suit against Atlanta-area pastor Eddie Long
One suit alleges Long used his position to coerce sex A Long spokesman denies the allegations
(CNN) -- Two Georgia men have filed suit claiming that prominent Atlanta pastor Eddie Long coerced them into sex. The suits, filed Tuesday in DeKalb County, Georgia, allege that Long used his position as a spiritual authority and bishop to coerce young male members and employees of his New Birth Missionary Baptist Church into sex. Long took one plaintiff, Anthony Flagg, 21, to overnight trips to a half dozen American cities, Flagg's suit alleges.
"Long shared a bedroom and engaged in intimate sexual contact with plaintiff Flagg including kissing, massaging, masturbating of plaintiff Flagg by defendant Long and oral sexual contact," the suit says.
Long spokesman Art Franklin said Tuesday that "we categorically deny the allegations."
"It is very unfortunate that someone has taken this course of action," he said. "Our law firm will be able to respond once attorneys have had an opportunity to review the lawsuit."
The suits are seeking unspecified amounts of punitive damages from Long on various counts, ranging from negligence to breach of fiduciary duty.
The Link to the original story can be found HERE.
Update: 9/22/2010: Here's Number Three
From: Allvoices.com
A 3rd person has filed suit against Bishop Eddie Long, at the Dekalb County court, accusing him of using his power as pastor and mentor, to seduce him into having sexual relations with him, states CNN.
23 year old Jamal Parish, from the same church, has alleged that Long has been having sexual encounters with him since he was 16 years old and lasted until he was 22, which was last year.
CNN reports that a spokesperson has informed the media that Bishop Long will hold a press conference on Thursday morning to answer these allegations.
Some have been asking if sexual abuse took place, why didn't the young men seek prosecution. The legal age for consensual sex in Georgia, is 17. 2 of 3 accusers say they were 17 and older when the alleged sexual misconduct started, which may be the reason for the civil lawsuits instead.
One, however, is alleged to have been 16 when the sexual escapades started. According to the lawsuit, he reportedly received a Chevy malibu, was taken on lavish trips to the Turks & Caicos and was even put on the church payroll.
Didn't I just say, let the evidence speak for itself. The Lord will reveal all now won't he?
I would like to add that even though there has been speculation for years regarding this, I pray with ALL that is within me that these stories are untrue. This would be a travesty upon the countless children and families that looked to this ministry and to the cause of Christ and the black church in general. There are many lessons that can be learned BUT I hope that learning that one cannot mix sin with righteousness IS NOT one of them.
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Monday, September 20, 2010
Touch Not!
One of our readers rendered the following question:
To Talk Or Not To Talk?
1- All things must be done in the fear and admonition of the Lord. God is real, HIS people are important (from greatest to least) and they deserve leadership and direction that will help lead them to the cross instead of away from truth. Even though each individual has responsibility for their spiritual condition, leadership can cause people to go astray, suffer and possibly be lost.
Matthew 15:14 ~ "Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
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"I have a question for you what is the boundary that we should not cross when it comes to opposing those who are false teachers and false prophets? I know that 1 Corinthains 5:9-13 tells us to judge those who claim to be save but don't live the life. But many have told me that we shouldn't call out names because we are touching the men of God. But I am a man of God too, and I refuse to sit back and allow this false teachers to preach and teach a lie and cause many to fall into spiritual death. I really need some direction in this area....Can you please help?"
I want to thank Minister Brandon for his question. Please note that this type of question is not new to this site and others who point out specific ridiculousness, sins and heresy of various teachers and supposed preachers within the body of Christ. I want to make a few notes and open it up to all readers (pro or con) for further commentary. I think there are a few different guidelines to remember when doing pointing out sins and heresy in today's church:
To Talk Or Not To Talk?
1- All things must be done in the fear and admonition of the Lord. God is real, HIS people are important (from greatest to least) and they deserve leadership and direction that will help lead them to the cross instead of away from truth. Even though each individual has responsibility for their spiritual condition, leadership can cause people to go astray, suffer and possibly be lost.
Isaiah 9:16 ~ "For the leaders of this people cause [them] to err; and [they that are] led of them [are] destroyed."
Some regard Jesus words as an encouragement to leave those leaders and followers to their own ends:
Matthew 15:14 ~ "Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
However, we must stop and ask the question, does Jesus want people to fall into a ditch? Didn't he do everything he could do to save us from the ditch of sin?. Ie: The words of Jesus weren't fatalistic nor do they encourage leaving the ungodly to their own means nor allowing followers, people who want to do right, to simply be subject to false teachers, teaching and being flat out bamboozled. The path of the Lord must be made plain and laid straight.
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Sunday, September 12, 2010
Let's Get Back To Church...
Hebrews 10:25 ~"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some [is]; but exhorting [one another]: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."
For sure, we're certainly not the largest, nor are we the greatest, but you'll be hard pressed to find any more dedicated to Christ...News WEEK 25 Peoria delivered a pleasant surprise to us:
Why Is This Important?
Materialism and naturalism fails on every hand, is unsatisfying when addressing life's most complicated questions with consistency, and reason is not incompatible with faith...in fact faith is a more reasonable proposition than naturalism on every account. The evidence for God is abundant and the very reason for any existence is found in faith and far exceeds the rationalizations offered by naturalism.
Secondly, God through his institution of the church, offers individuals tangible experiences which cannot simply be discarded as myth or wishful thinking. God through his church continues to change lives for the better. Naturalistic premises offer no such hope or potential for change. In fact the predetermination that bind naturalistic explanations defy any potential individual change other than those genetically or naturalistically predetermined. These facts are supportable.
Thank God for HIS church!
Matt. 16:16-18 ~ "16-And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. 17-And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed [it] unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. 18-And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
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Black Women, The Black Church & The Black Community
Within ethnic and urban communities, the atmosphere of crime and violence has caused many to question and reevaluate the condition of the family and the church. Within the black community in particular there has been recent special attention and focus upon the disparity that exists in the statistical makeup of the modern black family as opposed to it's white or non-ethnic counterpart.
The general assertion of most modern approaches is that crime and violence is escalating and has escalated because of the absence of black men within the community. There are many social pressures that has feed into this understanding. For example, statistics say that black men are still 6.35 times more likely to be in prison than their white counterparts(1) but have improved since claiming that there were more black men in jail than in college(2, 3). In addition, there is yet employment and economic disparity between Black males and their White male counterparts.
The modern black church in America (churches that have traditionally served the needs of the African-American community, individual and family, even through the "Jim Crow" era) consists predominately of women. Not surprisingly, due to multiple social realities, this is also a reflection of the cultural and social makeup of many modern urban and ethnic communities. Because of this, many claim that the absence of the black male has contributed to and even been the cause of the disparity that is being witnessed and moral and social decay that we have both observed and experienced at street level.
Black Women Aren't The Problem
Is there another more elusive and ominous problem that has occurred and been revealed within Black America, or is what we are witnessing simply an anomaly?
I pose that the problems facing the Black community and family are problems that have more to do with moral strength and substance emanating from the church, than it has to do with the consistency or makeup of the family, who lives in the neighborhood, or the absence of any particular family member.
Now, don't get me wrong, I believe that strong, healthy families, with an active and present father, can be the strength of the community and the church, but beyond absent individuals, there are right moral choices, decisions and a God who can more than make up for any deficit that anyone has.
Grandparents and foster-parents are raising successful children. Single men and women are doing the same. Certainly, I believe God's intention is for a family to be a family consisting of many parts and each part in it's place, however families have been raised successfully before by single woman and will continue to be successfully done in the future. What is the church making of its opportunity to reach and teach this generation and how is the church supporting the community? Are we bringing our young black mothers and fathers to right and morally correct decisions, or are we serving our own needs with an each for himself mentality? In other words, a body occupying a position or place WILL NOT stop some of the ridiculous decision making that we are seeing and have seen from many of our ethnic and Black communities.
There are some fathers that are in the home which are functional alcoholics or addicts, that do not contribute to the moral growth or benefit of the family. Simply occupying a position won't cut the muster, male or female. However, being what God has called one to be will satisfy all needs and create resounding strength.
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Thursday, September 9, 2010
Islam, Submission With No Peace Pt. 5
"Burn Baby Burn!"
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Acts 19:14-20 ~ "14- And there were seven sons of [one] Sceva, a Jew, [and] chief of the priests, which did so. 15- And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye? 16- And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. 17- And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified. 18- And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds. 19- Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all [men]: and they counted the price of them, and found [it] fifty thousand [pieces] of silver. 20- So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.
Pastor Terry Jones of Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, FL. has called for a Quran burning service to take place this Saturday Sept. 11th 2010 and has come under fire by everyone from the Pope to the President himself.
The top General in the war on terror in Afghanistan, Gen. David Patraeus, believes that the actions of the Pastor will incite an Islamic uprising against the soldiers on the ground. Still, others such as conservative Sean Hannity further believe that this effort will not only endanger the troops, but will also be a waste of effort, lumping the "good" Muslims in together with "radical" Muslims, insulting all, and creating larger problems and anti-Islamic hysteria.
Pastor Jones, not having any regard for the Quran as being a "holy book", or at least a book inspired by the true and living God, concludes that the Quran, at best, is simply good fuel for a bonfire and seems is using his proposed actions as tool and negotiating piece and wedge to offset a planned Mosque proposed to be built close to the World Trade Center site or what we call "Ground Zero".
One thing that has been consistent is that the media suggests that since the Pastor only has "fewer than 50 members" in his congregation that his voice is not worth listening to, but yet they listen. FYI the number of followers of a pastor or leader has has NOTHING to do with their authenticity and use of and by God. God does not speak or use leaders "more" because they amass a crowd. Neither is a greater or more sizeable crowd an indicator that the leader has more dynamic insights than others. Some of America's most dynamic and powerful leaders have had small congregations. In addition, not every leader resides in areas where they can attract large followings; are these leaders less significant, less profound or less important because of where they live? It was the heretic gnostic Cerenthus who was able to amass a large crowd and congregation while preaching a false gospel and a false Christ during the apostolic age. Apostle John confronted Cerenthus regarding his heresy and knew of it, but that did not dissuade followers. The number of followers in no way validates nether does it invalidate the voice of the servant of God nor the message.
Should the book be burned?
(See the end of the article for updates)
(See the end of the article for updates)
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