This article is dedicated to all those in the church who are caught or contemplating some sort of extramarital relationship. I know there are many, so don't try to front. There are some principles of whoredom that are consistent. I call them Ho Rules. They are designed to let you know that no matter how things may appear to serve you right now, sexual immorality has an immense cost and toll on a person for a number of years. In some cases it may never be overcome. The aim of this post is to help you avoid the predictable pitfalls of sexual immorality, especially in the church. There is some humor, but please don't miss the message.
Note: to the GODLY WOMEN, some of you may have been what I point out here, but because of Jesus you are no longer what you were. Thank God and we honor that and let you know that you are precious, valuable and needed now like never before! Teach these men how to identify these things because too many of us really don't know. (I sorry but I placed her picture on the other side of the page, it was too close to mine) Let's proceed:
Proverbs 6:26
"For by means of a WHORISH WOMAN [a man is brought] to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life."

Thursday April 29th, Queen Oprah presented the the story of
Rielle "The Psychopath" Hunter, who was, for a time, the mistress of Senator, and then Presidential Candidate, John Edwards.
"I'm conservative that way. I believe in truth. You must live a life of integrity and get all your ducts in a row before you step out."
"I'm a person very much committed to the truth"
On a show that was revealing and personal, I couldn't help but think to myself, "This woman is CRAZY as 2 left shoes on a double clubbed right foot" Rielle tried to paint the picture of her normalcy, her humanity, her realness, her values, her conservatism as IF they were anything close to reality. She tried to explain her sex tape with a married man that she intended to be found...she tried to explain her bond with another woman's husband, which she has no regrets about hurting. Believe me John is in no way exempt and is much worse than this psychologically messed up woman in my opinion, but she the one doing the talking and blaming everyone but herself.
What she did successfully was reveal that she is suffering from deep psychological problems, an intimate fixation and the whole nine, which from all evidence, she suffered from before she met former Senator and Presidential candidate John Edwards. Rielle suffers from more than an overdose of overt selfishness, and sleepy, calculating stupidity that will bite and sting for life if one is caught in her site.
Ho Rule 1: The ho always wants others to believe that she is a good person and a person who wouldn't hurt or damage anything or anyone.
This is a sham and the ho knows it is a sham. It is a lie to make her feel better about herself and her actions which she knows she wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of. Proverbs 4 and 5 are clear. The ho is destructive and ready to destroy on every hand. Her intents are no good and she will take you to hell. Her words are good and smooth, just like Rielle's, but they are full of deceit. If you didn't know, now you know!
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