The ministry of Joyce Meyer has been filled with controversy for a number of years. Many claim that she is simply bilking the flock of God in a womanly way. After 80 books, national and international television and radio broadcasts, annual conferences and a host of other ministry marketing schemes, she has got to be hailed as one of the most prolific sellers of the gospel of our time.
Remember this, out of $100 Million raised annually by her organization, only $14 million is spent on humanitarian aid and relief efforts. Although Joyce receives less than .5% of ministry proceeds in salary, the question is raised is the ministry "right sized" in proportion to what it is supposed to do?

The following is an interview recently completed by ABC News's Nightline. Please note the answers to the questions asked and judge biblically whether her expectations are biblically centered. I've enclosed a few excerpts that I thought were interesting:
The Jet
Q: So if Jesus were here he's have a coorporate jet?
Meyer: He might today, maybe they weren't available then so...y'u-know it's like, why can't you look at the good I'm doin'?"..."She is helpin' so many people, y'u-know, we can, we can just allow her that one luxury, because man, she's worked hard for 32 years, she's helped a lot of people, she's given up her privacy...So, it's like; is there no reward for anybody that's doin' what I'm doin? y'u-know do we only have to just suffer and never have anything so people will be happy?"
The Money
Meyer: You see giving, is a major part of the whole Christian dogma...
Q: But do you believe that is someone gives money to the ministries that more will come back to them?
Meyer: Yes. Absolutely.
Aside from the doctrinal errors of Joyce Meyer, which I haven't discussed here, I would like to pose additional questions:
Can a ministry be so commercialized until ministry becomes secondary?
Has God called ministry to be commercialized in this sort of fashion?
Should ministers seek to accomplish and do what Joyce Meyer and other mega-ministry preachers are doing?
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