I further explained that I wasn't going to be the one to give homosexuals the opportunity to twist the minds of MY children or the children in our churches through "silent endorsement" while sodomites and lesbians sing, parade and perform without the correction and rebuke of the Lord through sound leadership and biblical exposition.
Silent Endorsement? - Y'u-know, that's the type of endorsement given without words. The type of endorsement that allows our Sainted Bishops, Mothers, Pastors, Ministers, and Evangelists to sit and watch the "gay exchanges" that take place among their musicians, choirs and church leaders while sitting and saying NOTHING.
All too often when many Christian leaders say that they do "feel led" to say something, it's usually things like "God said let the wheat and tare grow together." That type of endorsement is similar to what the military uses..."Don't ask, don't tell."
If this type of "silent endorsement" from the church continues and if Barack Obama is elected, (Especially now that he has our beloved Kennedy Family endorsement)

Yep, you read it right. I said BARACK OBAMA. Just in case you didn't know, read the following idealistic commentary regarding gay and homosexual rights that our dear Senator plans to confer upon the nation if elected:
"I am not willing to have the state deny American citizens a civil union that confers equivalent rights on such basic matters as hospital visitation or health insurance coverage simply because the people they love are of the same sex – nor am I willing to accept a reading of the Bible that considers an obscure line in Romans to be more defining of Christianity than the sermon on the mount." ~ Sen. Barack H. Obama
Now, the POLITICIAN has reinterpreted the Bible calling Romans 1:24-28 "an obscure line"... FYI, here's what that "obscure line" says:
Further, President elect Obama plans to change the actuarial basis of risk assessment currently used by insurance companies. From his statement and many others, he has postured himself to assume not only political leadership of the nation but also spiritual leadership and direction of the church if elected. All done to fit his worldview of "gay-inclusion." ~ CHANGE? NO WE CAN'T!
In Mt. 2:13-19 we read a little of the story of Herod the Great (73Bc-4BC) FYI- He was a wicked and mentally ill King of Judea from about 40 BC - 4BC his very name means HERO. He was appointed Procurator of Judea by Roman Emperor Julius Caesar in 47 BC. He was made "King of Judea" by the Roman Senate at the suggestion of Roman Emperor Marc Antony and later confirmed by Roman Emperor Octavian after the battle of Actium. He married 10 women and killed most of the Hasmonaean royal family (of which he was a member) and virtually any Jew that opposed his government. He even proceeded to kill even his dearly beloved wife Mariamne of the Hasmonaean line and his two sons she had borne him. By these acts of bloodshed, and especially by his love and imitation of Roman customs and institutions and by the burdensome taxes imposed upon his subjects, he so alienated the Jews that he was unable to regain their favour while living even though he mastered a splendid restoration of the Jewish temple and other acts of munificence.
In Matthew 2 we see Herod as one who would "seek the child (Jesus) to destroy him" (v.13) and one who ordered the murder of Jewish children under the age of 2 when the wise men didn't come back to him (v.16)
It's obvious that Herod WAS NOT the King of the Jews although he gladly assumed that leadership. Powerful people (people drunk with their power) do what people in power do...self indulge and follow their emotions. We already know that Barack will resist the church and fight ON BEHALF OF the gay agenda if elected, but what makes this profound is that Planned Parenthood also gives Sen. Barack Obama a 100% rating...
- Since 1973 in the African-American community 203,695 people have died of AIDS
- Since 1973 in the African-American community 1,638,350 people have died of CANCER
- Since 1973 in the African-American community 2,266,789 people have died of HEART DISEASE
- Since 1973 in the African-American community 13,000,000 (13 MILLION) people or (BABIES) HAVE BEEN KILLED under the guise of abortion aka a woman's right to choose.
It would seem that modern success is at the expense of our children, and their destruction and abuse is the order of the day. I'm glad that Jesus had a much better understanding of the future and what it would take to please God:
Mark 10:14-16~ "But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them."
Black children in particular are being sought for destruction and unfortunately our babies are unable to fend for themselves but they are vital to the future survival of America and the African-American ethnicity in particular.
Seekin' "Mo-Money", Being Driven by Their Purpose, Runnin' After Their Destiny, and Falling Hook, Line & Sinker For Gay Singers, Uninformed Preachers and False Prophets(esseses- whatever!)
Herod thought that if he painted a beautiful enough picture that he would gain the peoples confidence, love and eventual respect. He built a temple so grand that years after his death that Jews had forgotten about his overt sins and magnified the work of his hands and were enamoured so much that they repeatedly called the temple Herod's Temple. They even were upset that Jesus foretold of the Temple's destruction and even analogized the superiority of HIS Temple (body) to that built by the hands of men (Mt. 24:1-3, Mk. 13:1-2, Mt. 26:61-62, John 2:18-21)
Ephes. 5:15-18~ "See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;"
The church has become enamoured and seemingly drunken by it's ability to grow in popularity, expand in worldly attachments and commitments, commercialize in functionality and add sheer numbers by direct mail, TV and media positioning and popular marketing strategies. All of this has been done at the expense of preaching the TRUE Gospel. Well, to drive the point home, even my church, The Grand Ole Church Of God In Christ, has become subject to this. (By the way, I ain't leavin' you'll have to kick me out if you really want me to go) A large Jurisdiction recently opened it's doors to Barack Obama and his campaign on the back of political promises and popularity while many of my fellow Brethern and Sistern sat SILENTLY giving endorsement to all of what you've read on this page.
No I don't think that Barack Obama is the Anti-Christ or Herod "reincarnated" or whatever post-modern thought would lead individuals to believe. I am hoping that those of us who are spiritual would see the greater problems that are looming and know what we are really dealing with.Although, the "domino effect" of poor education, poverty, social injustice, drug addiction, and economic and racial disparity has certainly ravaged our communities, there yet remains no substitute or excuse for responsible behavior and most importantly, a sincere commitment to God and dedication to HIS word NOT political leaders.
What we're talking about is influence. Who's influence shall we be under as we seek to ask God for a deliverance for HIS church and the people of our communities? Will it be the influence of Man or the influence of the True and Living God?
Galations 3:1a~ "O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth,..."
Galations 5:7-9~ "Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth? This persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you. A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump"
Yes I agree, this is CHANGE, but can we as a church say YES WE CAN to this mess? Maybe we should all ask Pastor Donnie M. before we attempt to say anything. I'm sure he'll tell us the truth.
Personally, I'll follow the late, great, and Sainted Bishop C.H. Mason on this one and ONLY say YES LORD!
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