Various Items Of Interest

Monday, December 23, 2019

Hip-Hop, Idolatry & The Church Pt. 30 ~ Has G Craig Lewis Gone Off The Rails?

Now, I've long known that some of the biblical teaching of G Craig Lewis, is highly suspect as I have pointed out. However, it seems that a false biblical understanding has led to an allegedly lascivious and "movie star" lifestyle for the one who has not only condemned such living, but also claimed that nearly everyone that doesn't agree with him regarding the individual's that he criticizes are devils.

Yes, biblical exposition is "part" of the problem. Telling women to stay home and have babies and quit their jobs and even stay in abusive relationships by telling them to "Duck" when they are being assaulted, is more than enough to choke a horse, but in this case, G Craig's issues, are allegedly well beyond biblical exposition. 

HIS Word HIS Way, Pastor Saiko Woods
Seemingly, what started as an innocuous examination of truth has led to the receipt of multiple testimonies alleging that the conduct of Lewis is anything but biblical, godly or in line with his very own teachings. 

In multiple videos and Facebook posts, Pastor Woods takes the time to meticulously outline and examine the alleged acts of G Craig Lewis revealing a sordid tale of what can only be described as "EX Ministries Gone Wild"!

As for me, I don't have to speak in an "alleged" fashion. My dealings with Mr. Lewis go back to 2009 and memories are anything but fond of his ungodly character and demeanor, and desire to control those around him. In fact, in my opinion, at the time he was much, if not all of the things he was preaching against and about, which is something we did not know until after he was here. Nevertheless, I digress... 

At this point, I can only pray that souls will be restored as a result of the fallout, as it has allegedly already begun both in and out of his church Adamant Believers Council (ABC Church) of Grand Prairie, TX. and his para-ministry, EX Ministries. Hopefully this will not totally negate the valuable work that has been contributed over the years, however, there is no room and or excuse for ABUSE, physical, psychological or spiritual or in any form yet alone within the context of the church. 

One thing is certain, God has the last word in all things and in the end, HE will speak. I believe he is speaking now as NO FLESH will glory in HIS presence! (1 Cor. 1:29)

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Urban Cure's Open Letter To Chick-fil-A

And we, The Dunamis Word, The New Bethel COGIC & I Am My Brother's Keeper Christian Advocacy Council do indeed say AMEN!

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Real Duty Of The Preacher

There are so many demands upon the modern day minister. Often the local pastor is not only the pastor of his church, he is also a community activist/leader, business person, social and political lobbyist, mentor, Councillor, community event coordinator, political liaison and a host of other things...

Life is very complex and the people and situations that ministers serve are very complex as well. 

There is a wrangling to position one's self for service in a place where one can get the most done and reach the most. There is nearly always a reconciliation of what remains, vs. what has left. All of this adds up to pressure to conform, modernize, change and be what the flavor of the world may want. 

It is often easy to forget that the main things are the plain things. Might I remind you of the words of Paul to Timothy, a young Bishop, early in his service to the Lord:

2 Timothy 4:1-5 ~ 1-I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; 2-Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 3-For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4-And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 5-But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

The Charge:

In the scripture, Paul used the word διαμαρτύρομαι (diamarturomai) is a verb which emphasizes a solemn call or sober, sound, and clear declaration in commitment for service. In other words, a "charge" was to be both given and received with singular and serious hearted dedication and commitment.

Out of all the things that Paul could have commanded that Timothy take heed to and perform, the preaching of "the word" was at the top of the list. Interestingly, Paul did not commission the preacher to do anything that did not center around that act.
Paul did not tell Timothy to build large buildings, nor did he tell him to wear fine clothes, nor did he encourage him to seek or find social and political status, nor did he tell him to seek to be known in secular observance or to even seek veneration at the street corner or be known for "spiritual" things. 
However, Paul commissioned, Timothy to PREACH THE WORD. Without doubt, it is this word that was able to save men's souls and make them clan as Jesus said in John. 15:3. After his encounter with the risen Christ, Paul said to the Roman church that he was not "ashamed" of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the "power of God unto salvation" (Rom. 1:16) Prior to this, the Psalmist said that God had exalted his WORD above all his name (138:2), John shores it up by saying it was the WORD that was there in the beginning (Jn. 1:1), and that that WORD was made flesh (Jn. 1:14), dwelt among us and healed us from our sickness, diseases and sins. 


Out of all the things that can be known, I don't think it is not hidden that the church leaders have decided to venerate everything BUT the PREACHING OF THE WORD. Ooh, don't get me wrong...we have some homiletic dynamos...Some people who can tickle the walls with such a silvery tongue and talk all of your troubles away with a spiritually dynamic display of self contrived promises. Their very presence has been said to make some feel better...

I remember years ago, when the late Rev. Ike, was yet alive (who is venerated in many circles today for his lavish, prosperity centered gospel message) a woman said that she was sick. As she gave her testimony of her healing, she explained how she had taken one of his old publications (as his church group had at least a monthly magazine that was published and sold to the members and general public) according to her, all she had to do was rip the magazines apart and spread the loose pages all over her body. When that was done, she declared that her sickness began to leave her body and that she was instantaneously healed of her "illness".

The GOSPEL or the WORD not necessary, except for in an incidental manner, in which the pages "may" have had scriptures written on them. However the focus was that this MAN had done the work...

Yes, that is silly and certainly displays spiritual delusion and manipulation, by a minister who lived enough to promote that one could not "loose, with the stuff he used"...But this charge, as ugly as it was, had nothing to do with God, even if at one time it may have had everything to do with him. 

Some feel that a new position and or title, is the key. It is that title and or position that somehow opens the spiritual gates and lets demons and other human beings know that they have arrived.

I guess what I am saying is that God's mission, work and calling takes diligent observance. It cannot be shrugged off when one experiences a certain amount of disappointment or success. It must be sought with a singular minded acceptance.


With all of that said, we must ask the question again, did God call us to build fancy buildings and be, for a lack of a better description, business men in suits, clergy collars and robes?

Certainly the church must conduct business, but did God call the Bishop, and or minister to commit themselves to be a social media manager, or status or relationship agent? Taking a look at many of our churches that is what one would think. So many smiling faces, encouraging one another to connect with one another, but very little encouragement to connect with God. 


The minister, in may cases, has been seduced by accolade of the world and even more so by accolade of the church. Some only seek the accolade of them in the pews. Being the center of attention is the key for many. Just as satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness, with "fame" and self affirmation, many of the nation's largest and even not so large pulpits have fallen to the scheme of the enemy, and have relegated themselves to being an enemy of God.
For instance, who seeks to consecrate as Bishops them who have raped, pillaged the poor, or lived a life of debauchery, adultery and misfeasance while in office, except those that either love sin or have no sense of duty to preserve the church, or Saints of God?

Who is it that will take a moment to question the safety of the children and fidelity of families by recommending the installation of pedophiles, except they also are those who are full of lies and subversion themselves?

For a person, to take an instance and persuade themselves that their actions are simply right without any guide or guidance from scripture, is a person who has lost any similitude of the importance of the charge of God in ministry and or in HIS church.

Jer. 17:10 ~ I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.
Of a certainty, there is and will be judgement. Further, when the church is delivered to and driven by them who have cursed God with their life and lifestyle, that church is either under judgement because of its continued backsliding, or has totally turned its back on the truth of the word with no or very little hope of return. 

One thing we find in the Old Testament, is a God that would use the enemy to exact judgment as punishment towards God's people. Because of their consistent sins, the people were sometimes delivered to the rule of evil nations and hard taskmasters. 

When leaders, consecrate and appoint ungodly leaders, it is certainly a sign of the judgement of God and the apostasy of the leadership.

Although I can call the name of organizations who have appointed the ungodly to rule, I can also point to organizations who have also appointed the ungodly adulterer, drug user, financial abuser and a list of other characters to rule or exact judgment over God's people as if nothing was ever wrong. 

What the people want and what God wants is often if not exclusively at odds. In other words, God's heart is certainly not the heart of men. SO when the people are satisfied with sin, they have shown God they are not satisfied with HIM. 
Therefore, it is a wonder that God entertains the thoughts and actions of the modern church in any manner. It is that church that continues to choose Barabbas, rather than Jesus!  

When the church has lost its way in the high weeds of flesh, self relevance and worldly acceptance, there is yet a cure and a way out...
Revelation 2:5 ~ Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.
REPENTANCE is in order! It is that ability to assess one's failure, and realign one's self with the true vision of Christ that is in order. As John preached, "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand"!

When the world views the church as a bunch of people with the same ungodliness and practices of sin that it has, the candlestick has been removed. There is no light by which men can see truth and God.

When secular rappers can come into the church, make millions, and make no commitment to Christ, the candlestick has been removed. No matter how many crowds there may be or how much the edifice may have cost...if God is not there, and if the integrity of the calling of God is lost, then there is nothing redemptive, nothing salvific, and if there is nothing to save, what are we really doing?

So the call is really to them who believe that they have been called...REPENT...HUMBLE YOURSELF and commit to the REAL charge of brooding over the word of God, seeking it daily and in all things for guidance and spiritual direction. 

The REAL DUTY or obligation of the preacher, is to preserve HIS church, through the faithful preaching and unfettered teaching of the WORD of God. No godly, called minister of the gospel has a higher duty or obligation than to stand in the holy place of God and deliver HIS council to the people. It is that council that saves the lost from their sins, heals the sick of their diseases, comforts the downtrodden, and builds up the Kingdom of God. That is how families are changed, sons are saved and daughters brought back home.
A charge to keep I have,
A God to glorify,
A never-dying soul to save,
And fit it for the sky.
To serve the present age,
My calling to fulfill:
Oh, may it all my pow’rs engage
To do my Master’s will!
Arm me with jealous care,
As in Thy sight to live;
And O Thy servant, Lord, prepare
A strict account to give!
Help me to watch and pray,
And on Thyself rely,
Assured, if I my trust betray,
I shall forever die.
1762 as inspired by Charles Wesley from Lev. 8:35...

I'm prepared to keep my charge. How about you?


Saturday, September 21, 2019

MAGA: TI, "When Was America Great"?

The political climate of America is so sick right now, I hardly know where to begin. We have political candidates asserting that the Constitution of the United States needs to be done away with...We have whole news organizations (CNN) dedicating all of their time to liberal left political ideology and propaganda, we have leaders promising monthly check for all Americans and then calling themselves "mathematicians" and, on top of all that, we have a President who announces America's political and social and even military positions by Twitter of all things...

Then, we have REVOLT! An event supposedly organized by Blacks, funded by Whites, (AT&T, probably doesn't have more Black stockholders than White ones for sure)  This was a forum seemingly heard all around the world featuring an assortment of Black liberals and conservatives. Some more popular than others to make public statements about the divide in the Black community over White Supremacy, American nationalism, and social justice and equality. 

In an exchange that seemingly got all the juices flowing renowned rap start TI also know as TIP on some occasions (whenever that alter ego kicks in to deal with certain things) asked Candice Owens, who has been accused of being a "Trump supporter" like many of us who have come off the democrat plantation to think for ourselves, "When was America Great?" as if to ask since President Trump is saying "Make America Great Again", what period of time would he be referring to?

Now, this is tricky because most people look for an era or a period of time in which America was "Great" for everybody within America. However, no such fiction exists. I would also say, if it doesn't exist within America, it certainly doesn't exist in any other country or nation on this earth, because all nations are filled with troubling past and history. So the utopia DOES NOT exist. However, TI in his zeal to flesh out sentiment against Trump was adamant to know how is America going to be MAGA and when was it ever MAGA to begin with which I believe is liberalism run amuck. 

Though Candace was a little taken back by the response of the audience and the treatment she received, immediately I had an answer for TI without question that I wish I could have said it right there on the stage. What amazes me is the very fact that Black folk could gather under a White owned and controlled corporate banner, AT&T, receive a stage to boost personal popularity and success, and deride White folk for being racist and White Supremacists, was clear fodder simply waiting to be devoured...but more than that, every one of those fine Black people on stage had come through a process in life where their very material success was directly connected to not only their personal efforts, but the efforts of White people from all parts of the country and even the world. I'll speak more on this as this is what I said:

"Now in this so called "REVOLT SUMMIT" sponsored by ATT through PDiddy (ATT need to save Direct TV instead of doing summits) TI asked, "during what period was America great?" As if this was some great startling moment...Candace Owens drove a message, but what she should have said was this...

"America was great when your Black behind got that first $500,000 check and took it to the bank and when you bought your first Bentley or first multi-million dollar home! America was great when you look at your bank account and set all your TI bills to autopay and don't have to miss a thang!!!! America was/is great when YOUR material success was delivered to you not just by Blacks, because truth is we don't pay a lot for music, but by the WHITE folk that promote you, and give you a chance to be this rich and successful mogul that you "said" that you are on this stage.

For you to question when America was/is Great and how it is great, is to question yourself, everything you do, and everything you have become or think you are because no single community has done for you what you think you've done for yourself.

To ask the question is like a 2 month old baby standing on his mother's lap and slapping her in the face and claiming, "you don't know what to do with a baby"...that baby hasn't done a thing for himself...somebody else has contributed to everything he is, has, and does and only displays ignorance and arrogance with the accusation.

Since you like to smoke...smoke that da nub!"

Don't put me on the REVOLT would proly be a real REVOLT!!!!"

The critic asserts that TI and others are somehow self-made people and that Whites aren't responsible for their material success. However, even if the most conservative numbers are used, it is White folk, by far and large that are responsible for financially supporting TI and many other Black artists. The music industry itself is supported and owned by companies controlled mostly by White individuals. Then consider publishing and distribution. This is nearly exclusively White controlled and owned. 

In other words, without green dollars delivered by White people, we would not hear of TI and many other Black artists. He and many of them would have a work a day job just like the rest of us. In addition, many of our leading artists realize that there are more talented individuals out there, but they received some type of break or opportunity themselves and in many cases, those breaks were given by White people and or organizations. 

What is the message...Like Killer Mike said of the era or reconstruction, America is GREAT when we all learn to work along with one another!

America WAS great and various periods of time during American history and I agree we need to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN as a whole, but if it never arrives, I KNOW I would not enjoy the success that I do enjoy in any other country in the world...No COMMUNISM did not afford, neither will it afford me this opportunity to speak freely and hold and share my personal beliefs and values. Neither is only one race of people responsible for any of my material success...So yes, lets MAGA!!!!


The Probability Problem Of Suffering Addressed

Some contend that because suffering exists, God doesn't exist. Then some say that even if one could say that God and suffering can exist, that it is more unlikely that God exists because there would be no good reason for suffering and evil to exist if God exists.

Yes, arguments along these lines make some great and fanciful leaps into a chasm of knowledge and understanding that baffles me, but the assumption yet exist that man is the center of the universe and that all things revolve around what he knows, as opposed to what God knows.

Here is a recent video produced by Reasonable Faith that addresses this alleged conundrum of the Christian faith:

Black Hebrew Israelite: Sorry, but HOMEY Don't Play Dat!

I recently undertook the opportunity to place a quip in our In Defense Of The Faith, Facebook forum regarding the Black Hebrew Israelites. Now to be fair, all of them claiming to be Black Hebrews do not hold to or mind the same thing, which makes it even more difficult to speak to them, however, there are some basics, or wide spread beliefs held in common by many of them. Some of those beliefs include a misunderstanding or even false belief of the nature of God through Jesus. ie: Some of them believe Jesus "became" God over time, similar to how I have pointed out in past articles that Creflo Dollar also teaches. Yes, this is heresy and certainly not what the bible teaches, but we see men and women all over the country sometimes  more committed to a man with false beliefs and doctrine,  than committed to the truth and fidelity of scripture. Sad but yet true. 

Before I get to far sidetracked, let me get to the original article:


It occurs to me that if the Black folk who claim to be the "true" Israelites are the true Israelites, according to the story we have in the bible from Exodus onward, they, the Black Hebrew Israelites are nearly some of the most obstinate, hard hearted and stiff-necked people that ever lived on the face of this Earth.

God gives them commands and tells them what to do, they refuse...

God sends Moses up to the mountain for 40 days, comes back, and thousands, close to the mountain are partying, committing fornication and adultery and all kinds of lasciviousness...

When they do get to the Land of Promise, A fella named Achan steals the Gold from a man's house and holds it under his tent bringing a curse on the whole tribe of Israel, his family and his household...

They kill every prophet that tells the truth...

They refuse to listen to the Prophets telling them that God was going to judge them and rebel and are dispersed among the nations for their rebellion...

OK, you claim that your Blackness is God's Blackness...YET you don't really believe in THE believe in A Messiah,, you're rejecting that Jesus IS both GOD and MAN and is more than a "name" but God himself amongst us...

Yet you want me/us to believe that because you think we should live by the Law (which is yet another impossibility) and that you supposedly "preach truth", downplaying who Jesus was and the veracity of his atonement on the cross, REVERTING US BACK TO 4,000 year old ancient moral codes and values that you are professing truth...

Let's just say that you are correct...How do you get around your ancestral angst? How do you separate yourself from the recorded sins and disobedience which caused you (your Black ancestors) to loose relationship with God?

Then, you "say" you're not Catholic, but venerate the books that all Catholics do called the Apocrypha. Now you say you believe in those books because they were mentioned in the Bible...Only guess what? At least 20 OTHER BOOKS were mentioned in the Bible too...The book of Nathan the Prophet, The book of Shemiah the Prophet, The Acts of Solomon, and The Story of Prophet Ido to name a few. Are we to say that God failed to communicate to us because we lost these books, or that the Bible is somehow incomplete?



Monday, September 16, 2019

Tufick REPENTS From The Material Gimmick Trap...HALLELUJAH!!!

Now, one can say what they wish to say about Pastor Benny (Tufick) Hinn, but I believe this man has repented. How and why? The signs are present. He wants to remove, eliminate, disassociate and otherwise correct his mistakes and obvious error of associating material wealth and prosperity with a give to get scheme.

 The critic asserts that he is only trying to expand his wealth. OK, let's see how that goes, but I will say this, he is CORRECT in speaking about the pressure that he came under as it pertains to offering and gimmicks to give...THAT is exactly how too many do it...

In many cases Preachers are expected to immediately after a message, raise and offering. I HAVE REFUSED such practice and WILL NOT engage in such. Not because I don't believe in giving...I simply don't believe in manipulation and preachers and ministries doing that kind of practice are manipulating the people at a time when their spirits are open and they are not thinking rationally...
How may mortgage payments, water bills and electric bills have ended up in the hands of some fancy car driving minister and or Bishop who wouldn't spend a SECOND on helping you when you are in trouble???
NO MORE...Like Susan Powter said years ago in her health and fitness commercials, STOP THE MADNESS!!!!

Thank you Pastor Benny for taking the lead and coming out and back to the cross. I am certainly with you in that mission and on that journey!

Monday, September 9, 2019

Tufick "Benny" Hinn...The Gospel, Miracles & Prosperity Is "Not For Sale"

It what is a startling turn of events, it seems that long time televangelist, Tufick Hinn, better known as "Benny Hinn" has had a turnabout of his own encouragements of wealth enhancement or prosperity preaching and teaching. In a segment blazing on the internet Tufick declares his own personal disdain with doctrines and teaching that imply that monetary gifts can buy or purchase god's favor.

"The Gospel is not for sale. Miracles are not for sale. Prosperity is not for sale"

Already, Benny's commentary is garnering all kinds of critique, from those who declare his insincerity. From televangelists rising to "rebuke" Benny because they are afraid that their shoddy house of "prosperity manipulation" will be effected, to people just suspicious of Benny's motives, thoughts are all across the board.

Hear Tufick for yourself in this video:

Of course, one would know that the televangelism and media elite, who nearly solely make their livings off of "fleecing" the TV faithful, have plenty to say about Tufick's "repentance" and turning from the prosperity trap of the "give to get" scheme...

Hear Bishop George Bloomer's response. Remember, this is the same George Bloomer that recovered the "blood money" of his former illegal drug trade to begin his church. (That is according to his own testimony, not mine)

A Dunamis Word On The Issue

One thing is for sure, the words of Tufick Hinn and anything else he says regarding his former misguided teachings (and the teachings are misguided, no matter how much Bloomer or anyone else trues to string scriptures together to support his practice) are bound to set the televangelist and money abuse church crowd on their ears.

The problem is simple. There is NO SCRIPTURE that teaches either explicitly or implicitly, that any person should have to PAY for a miracle or a blessing.

Please understand this, a person may act in faith. One may "consecrate" an amount of money or anything else, as a petition for the blessing of the Lord. Some do this through "fasting and prayer", to specifically seek the Lord for purpose or clarity on an issue or multiple issues. We must admit that money cannot be excluded from that purpose as well, however, to manipulate the circumstance, by asserting that an amount of money, manipulates or constrains God to "do something" is and has always been no more than slight of hand.

Now, Bishop Bloomer, asserts that people have been healed as a result of committing a certain amount of money in certain circumstances. However, can we consider that the money had nothing to do with the healing, and that faith, trust and belief in God did? Some say, in that case, use money as a "point of contact" as Oral Roberts and Sr. Kenneth Hagan so abundantly taught in the hay day of their heresy...But what if money, or anything material, had nothing to do with it? What if it were simply God doing what he does in response to prayer and petition?

Recreation Of Idols
"Just as the nation of ancient Israel, this generation has followed idols and quickly makes idols out of nearly any and everything within its reach."
Some of the same one's claiming to Love God and claiming to have a ministry (at least on TV) to call all men to repentance, are breathing condemnation on Tifick for turning from his false doctrine and teaching of associating monetary and material wealth and wealth transfer with the blessings of God. One would think that these would be happy when anyone repents from their sin, and especially sins such as this which has damaged so many and promoted some of the worst and most spurious teachings in the name of "God" on earth. I would ask is there no room for Tufick to change? Can God not deliver him from sin and false doctrine?

I no more hold my breath for him than I do for anyone that says they want change and are willing to repent.

Hopefully,  ALL of the rest of the televangelists and "entertainment" preachers will follow suit. Instead of trying to string together a theology, to keep themselves on the air, to attain popularity and make people believe that they are special, I pray that they too will repent from "fleecing the flock" and causing shame within the body of Christ.

From Gulf Stream airplanes, to Bentleys; from fashioned, tailored suits, red bottom shoes and all kinds of excess...I ti my prayer that those that hold any of those things as signs of the "arrival" of ministry and God's favor, would have a shaking in their souls and open themselves up to experience the true nature and power of God that is present upon men and women in the deepest impoverishment and in the deepest chasm of the soul and spirit.

The anointing is not birthed in luxury. It is always birthed in difficulty and adversity. i would hope that all of these multi-millionaire so called "preachers" and "teachers" would remember the words of Jesus regarding HIS house...

Mt. 21:13 ~ And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
(from Is. 56:7)

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Sunday, August 11, 2019

The Character Of God Examined Pt. 1

Many biblical critics assert their criticisms as if the world had not begun to "think" until they had an idea.

One of the ideas circulated by the new atheists, which have the same old ideas, claimed to be new, circulated by new or different people, is that God is so full of murderous ways that he cannot possibly be God.

A commentor named "Kellz", who at one time pretended to be R. Kelly on this blog , falls right in line with the new atheist song of "God is not moral" and that "God is a megalomaniac" because when he "they" read scripture all they see is death, destruction, rape of women and murder of innocent adults and children. But is any of that true? 

Are The Arguments Persuasive Against God's Character?

Slavery ~
1- Beat your servant just don't kill him (Exodus 21:20-21)
2- Perpetual servanthood breaking up family Exodus 21:2-6

Rape ~
1- Women taken in battle: Deut 20:10 & 21:10 (are they only sexual objects?)
2- Deut 22, raped woman must marry the man, (is this actually a restoration of power and authority?)
3- Judges 21 (the critic claims this is the repeated rape of women)

Child Murder ~
1- Jepthah, & Judges 11:29-40
2- Midianite boys were killed while girls were kept alive (to be raped) [Numbers 31]
3- God kills the man that would not strike the prophet, (1 Kings 20:35-36)
4- The Kids "Bald Head" joke. was this mere innocence condemned by killing youth?

In tranquility: "dash the children against the stones" Psalms 137:9 (Was this a prophetic look at how the enemies of Israel would feel about killing Israel in God's judgement against Israel or an incitement to evil?)

Let's take a look at these and other more popular criticisms and handle them. At the end of the day what we will see is a loving and all wise God who is not only love and mercy, but also justice, judgement and truth.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

DIVAS Of Ministry, Bigger Than The God Of Ministry

First of all, I would NEVER ask a woman this confused to come to minister to folk who need help and were waiting for a spiritual breakthrough. An effective minister has to be saved, Holy Ghost filled and mentally stable, but aside from all that, why is it that the DIVAS of modern ministry are so much bigger than the God of modern ministry?

These folk ain't carin' 'bout the Kingdom of God! 

To be clear, DIVAS come in the form of both men and women. Believe that. We have men, that "talk" against the world and it's excesses, and demand excesses themselves to the highest degree. See, when folk don't value God, they compromise, begin to feel a sense of self-exaltation and "think" they they are the best thing on the block since sliced bread. 

NO...I don't care...I will NEVER have another one that demands a special car, a special price range of hotels, a cash deposit upfront, and that can't fit into the program that we are conducting...NEVER AGAIN!!! 

I had one that wanted to talk about "expenses" when I saved them hundreds of dollars to drive myself hundreds of miles to the event, used no hotel services, paid for my own meals, and had no minimum fee or honorarium. Whatever they could afford, I received without complaint.

Maybe we need to be like Bynum and her team and act ungodly, and un-saintly. It seems that some folk understand and appeal to that rather than those who take less, make no demands and walk humbly and in the power and inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Some take advantage of that silence and humility, but their reward will be found. God has a long memory and is JUST of all things! 

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Why Has The Western Church "White-Washed" Biblical History?

It may simply be a "sociological" phenomenon. The desire for a culture, any culture, to make the imagery and moral codes of historical, heroic figures their own. To identify themselves with the best and most heroic figures and acts in order to associate themselves with positive and virtuous ideals and ideology.

Is that the case with Western Christianity? Why has the influence and even inclusion of Black people in the bible, in significant roles I might add, been either reduced or overlooked in biblical discussions and studies? Then what of the contribution of African Christians and apologists during the early post Apostolic era? Why has their imagery also suffered from this "white-washing" motif? 

"The White Jesus. The God Of The White Man's Religion, Christianity"

One of the chants that have been reverberated over and over, quite in error, by groups such as The Nation Of Islam, and the Black Hebrew Israelites, and others who have held to Black Nationalism and Black Separatism, has been that the Bible and Christianity in general is the "White Man's Religion" and Jesus is a "White man's God".
In short the story goes like this:
The White man, took Black man both from his home (Africa), and his religion (Islam ~ at least in most cases) and stripped him of his cultural identity and re-indoctrinated him to believe in White superiority (aka: Christianity) and in the White man's god (aka: Jesus) and did this all as a control mechanism.
But the question is how did this "White man's religion" become a "White man's religion" and the Jewish Jesus become a White European in the minds of many?  

Author Forrest G Wood states this:
"Graphic portrayals of Christ had to be “as far removed as possible from anything that could suggest darkness or blackness.” The result was a Renaissance image of Christ that recorded his transmogrification from Semitic to Aryan, his dark hair and beard evolving into “the color of sunshine” and his dark eyes magically taking on the “color of the sky” from which he descended and to which he returned." ~  Forrest G. Wood, The Arrogance of Faith: Christianity and Race in America from the Colonial Era to the Twentieth Century (New York: Knopf, 1990), pg. 51.
So it seems that the evolution of the European Jesus and his association to a Eurocentric religion, where a cultural virtues were aligned with biblical values, was more of a sociological event than a biblical or religious or even migrational truth. 

White Christian teachers and preachers such as the late Billy Graham, noted relentlessly that Christianity was NOT a White man's religion, neither was it a Black man's religion, but a religion of ALL men, and that there was no cultural advantage/disadvantage to any race in accepting Christ or in repentance.

However, what some teachers did was severely reduce and downplay the influence of Blacks and Black culture from the biblical narrative itself. in the many places where Blacks or African countries and cultures are mentioned, they are nearly always downplayed when the teaching is positive and hailed when the teaching is negative. 

For instance...When I was in theology school, our Old Testament Survey professor taught a message on Moses wife, Zipporah without the mention in any form that Zipporah was or could have been a Black woman and that the reason that Moses sister Miriam and Aaron did not like her, or mocked and criticized her, was because she was Black. (Num. 12:1) 

Now, part of this stems from the fanciful conjecture that  Moses had 2 wives as opposed to 1, and that Miriam and Aaron were simply criticizing the one. However, there is no reason to think or believe that Moses had 2 wives from the text. There is reason however to believe that Zipporah, was not only a Midianite (Jethro or Reuel's  daughter) but was also a fine dark skinned woman of possibly Cushite (Kushite) or as the KJV says "Ethiopian" descent. Either of which would have led a faithful historian to conclude that the woman had African ancestry or heritage and therefore was a Black woman by heritage. 

Conversely, in Exodus 18, Jethro (aka: Reuel), Zipporah's father, being a Midianite, who by virtue of his lineage also had a historical Black heritage, was responsible for helping Moses to effectively organize his duties as a chief Judge to adjudicate the grievances of the People under God's direction. 

In other words, the first theocratic form of governance that the bible points to was, in part, organized by Blacks and people of color. 

This is hardly a narrative that anyone within Christianity preaches or teaches today. In fact it is often held that churches organized by Blacks are somewhat disorderly while churches organized by Whites are generally more orderly. (which is a completely different article) But the point is clear, Black people and positive Black culture over time, and even within the biblical narrative, has been downplayed or ignored and even cursorily stepped over in many instances. 

Very little effort has been given to pointing out the praise or positive contribution of Blacks within the pages of biblical writ and I personally believe this has led to the confusion, alienation and even anger of millions of Black people over time to conclude that they have no or very little positive place or history within the world and ultimately society itself.

Teach It In Schools. The Bible IS Black History

Most shocking to many is that Black people's place and history within the bible is certain and in many instances if not most, very positive. For instance, it was a Black man, from an African territory of Cyrene, that helped bear the cross of Jesus during the crucifixion. (Mk. 15:21, Lk. 23:26) That is certainly not coincidental. 

There is much more that can be said on this topic, but please watch this interview with Dr. Theron Williams. I believe you will find it eye-opening.    

Sunday, July 21, 2019

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Donnie's Fall Down/Get Up Continued...

Recently, Donnie McClurkin took to the internet to rebuke internet bloggers who "expose" the sins of some of the more popular gospel entertainers, artists and ministers. 

While I will not go into what led to the need for Donnie to take to the internet to rebuke folk on the internet for rebuking folk on the internet, all the while contending that the godly way to speak up on issues would be to "go to" the individual (as opposed to talking about it on the internet) I want to look at the theology behind his statements rather than the personalities he was attempting to defend aka: his fellow gospel entertainment artists. If you would like to hear Donnie for yourself his diatribe and rebuke can be found HERE.

Continuation Of Fall Down/ Get Up Theology

In his retort, Donnie invoked Micah 7:8, which certainly caught my attention (as outside of scripture I could really care less what any of these folk who use the gospel to make a living while presenting shoddy lifestyles do [Donnie excluded as I believe he lives saved])...What I thought was interesting, was that he chose to invoke a part of scripture in which the people (Israel) have gone into sin, been rebuked and judged by God for their sin, and are awaiting their deliverance and ultimate vindication by God for their circumstance. We all know this from basic OT bible study as the "sin cycle". So it is very familiar to many of us. 

What most people do not realize however, is that Donnie appears to build on his "fall into sin/get back up" motif popularized by a former controversial hit "We Fall Down". Donnie uses the scripture in Micah to suggest that a "fall" is tantamount to sin similar to what he did with the song "We Fall Down".

My Response
In response to what I believe was Donnie's misapplication and abuse of scripture, I wrote the following on my Facebook site and our In Defense Of The Faith forum:


Donnie McClurkin absolutely BUTCHERED Micah 7:8 which says this:
"Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me."
Now, according to his suggested interpretation the word "fall" would include falling into sin and shame or the condition of sin. 

Now the context links "sit in darkness" to "fall"...this begs the question...if this is referring to a condition of SIN, then how is it that when we are in this condition that "the Lord" is a "light" unto us? 

Now one can go through some fanciful twists to try to convince us that God is a light or abiding presence even in sin, and it is he that brings us out etc...but look further at the context of the chapter.

Micah was not talking about an individual condition of sin, but about turmoil or national upheaval as a result of sin, in which people and families were suffering due to circumstance and resultant judgement or correction from the Lord, NOT due to ongoing immoral or sinful behavior.
V.9 says, "I will bear the indignation of the LORD, because I have sinned against him, until he plead my cause, and execute judgment for me: he will bring me forth to the light, and I shall behold his righteousness"
Some conclude that because this says "I have sinned" proves that this was about the condition of sin. 

Well the fact is this, as 1 John 1:8 says if we say that "we have no sin" or that the condition of sin has not touched, effected or even controlled our lives, or is not a struggle today, we deceive ourselves greatly...

What Micah acknowledges is the job that sin has done on us (aka Israel) to cause us to suffer as a people, and that we have sinned as a whole, in need of a savior (which points to JESUS our Savior in the text) what is not alluded to is that we have fallen into or regressed into sin as a lifestyle or have been overwhelmed by sinful behavior aka: fallen into sin. 

Donnie builds upon his misapplied "fall down, get back up" narrative in which he took a song in which the message was about a servant falling down before God on behalf of and for strength to continue to serve the people and do the mission of Christ. In Donnie's application it was about saved folk consistently sinning (fall down) and repenting (get back up) to do the "work of the Lord".

In short, Donnie does the Saint, gospel singers, the church and the gospel itself a great disservice and displays why one cannot trust feelings, emotions, crowds or personalities for the direction or truth of God's word and must seek sound discretion and council for light and guidance. 

I only hope that this new generation is not deceived by this seeming continued diet of false gospel interpretives as entertainers seek to cover or minimize their sins that they so abundantly embrace in the name of "nobody's perfect".


Now, can we acknowledge that the scripture was referring to people (Israel) who had egregiously sinned and was suffering as a result of their sin? YES

Can we say that any of this scripture suggests that the believer or people of God could be content to practice sin, and still yet claim the "light of God" (aka: Christ) NO.

In fact to do so would be sacrilege and certainly ungodly and unholy before the Lord. 

The part that I find particularly problematic is Donnie's association of this scripture, which is probably one of the most upbeat parts of Micah, to the condition of the modern "minstrel" who has not only failed, but openly and publicly, cheated, been in homosexual chat-rooms, showed their private parts on the internet, cussed and otherwise played a harlot, and even reverted back to ungodliness in both lifestyle and presentation, all the while yet claiming to be a "servant of God". 

Yes, we ALL have faults...and my picture is in the dictionary under the word, HOWEVER, those of us who are SAVED are not content in simply reverting in and out of sin when it is convenient and demanding others to "accept me anyhow"...No that is manipulation, not scripture. 

A Final Word & Pushback: 

"Pastor, the bible says love COVERETH the multitude of sins and faults" (1 Pet. 4:8 from Prov. 10:12)...

YES, it does say that. However, it does not suggest that believers embrace an effort to encourage the saints to bypass sin or the judgement of sin as wrong. It does not encourage believers to overlook the fact that sin is ungodly and is still something that breaks fellowship and union with Christ. 

The scripture is clear...NOONE can "cover" sins but God. It is also clear that those of us who do "cover sins" are condemned for it:

Prov. 28:13 ~ He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.

Now, one may say that Proverbs is referring to "others" covering the sins of individuals (which Donnie I suppose would be suggesting by refusing to even accept that his colleagues are doing evil and will be judged) but the scripture is sin and simply walk on with cursory repentance is also ungodly and condemned. 

Now, PLEASE, don't give us this, "go to such a one and restore them in the spirit of meekness"...OK, how possible is it for us "ordinary folk" to go to these stars and moguls? They hide their phone numbers, make themselves inaccessible unless they are making money off of us, and REFUSE to listen to anyone rank and file who may have a word from the Lord for they SELECTIVELY hear and don't care to listen to us!

The very nature of their "entertainment status" makes these people off limits and they only listen to their colleagues who sometimes are also ungodly. So unless it is for bloggers, youtubers and others, many of these folk would not hear, and most of the time they claim they don't listen to or read anything on the internet (or at least nothing that criticizes or examines them). So how are they reached? 

THIS is going to them and I hope they can understand that. While many of us could be wrong about our assessments and ultimately our opinions, we all can't be wrong. Everybody ain't stupid neither is everyone deceived into believing that the sins that many of them present and want us to accept are just "seasons in life" that they experience. 

No, these men and women, regardless of how they sing, entertain and or act, and no matter how much money they have, need to be SAVED like everyone else, to the point where they leave and come out of the world too. Anything less simply expands hell and fellowship with the original, now doomed heavenly crooner...the artist and angel formerly known as lucifer, now satan destined for the Lake Of Fire himself!


Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Value Of A Good Lineage & Succession

“Far be it from me to speak adversely of any of these clergy who, in succession from the apostles, confect by their sacred word the Body of Christ and through whose efforts also it is that we are Christians”
~ JEROME (Letters 14:8 [A.D. 396]).

The early church valued what came to be known as "Apostolic Succession". In other words it was important to know not only what was being said, but who was saying it.  Who a leader studied under or what they had received from leadership during the process was important. 
Upon reflection, although I did not have a natural or paternal father that was saved, nor a step-father who was saved, however God gave me a whole host of replacements that have contributed to me both spiritually and naturally and that have not only helped shape me in ministry, but also in Christian character. 
It is these men who have given me a "charge", similar to the one Paul gave Timothy. 
Although I consider myself to still be learning, I am glad that over the years, I have had some pretty influential individuals speak into my life who have a clear line of decendency in Christian circles. 
Like Elisha, I am saddened because my "father's" have departed and seemingly left me...BUT God through them and in other even more direct ways has equipped me for this journey and the duties that he wants me to accomplish. 
Although I am certainly not alone, I am happy for the path that God has taken me and who knows, but God, what the future holds and where it may lead. one thing is certain, there is a sure purpose to all things and I am glad to be in the middle of it!
Truly BLESSED!!!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Bishop Robert Sanders IL. 3rd COGIC ~ LYA

Regrettably, I must stop to say farewell to a Spiritual Father, not to mention one of the greatest gospel preachers I have ever known, to whom I am indeed grateful to have served with here on earth.

My service to God through this Bishop and the church extends back some 29 years to a time when he was known as Superintendent Sanders and I as Elder Burnett. We've seen the best of days and the worst of days together. Having honest and open conversation about the church, scandal, personal failure, personal victory, and most of all the word of God and the power of God which is able to heal and make alive. 

Bishop Sanders, as you already knew, I Love You Always!

I am praying for the hearts and minds of the family, all my sisters and brothers, and all of the Saints of Il. 3rd Jurisdiction COGIC. On earth, we are indeed at a loss. Rest well around the throne Bishop, we will have a real reunion soon!

Bishop Dr. Yvette Flunder. Could God Have Possibly Spoken This?

Recently, internet host Larry Reid interviewed "Bishop" Yvette Flunder in a show entitled "Church In The Closet" in which "Bishop" Flunder took the time to set forth her insights into sexuality in the church, the veracity of scripture, and even took the time to explain why she ultimately embraced lesbianism even going so far as to establish a gay affirming, Pan-African church and organization (Fellowship Of Affirming Ministries) which she currently oversees as Presiding Bishop.

I am sorry, but like many of her liberal gay affirming counterparts, her interview was a receptacle of unbelief, deception, liberalism and plain misapplication and erroneous interpretation of scripture. 

In this article, I will examine a few of the more poignant assertions of Dr. Flunder and in a previous article I will examine some of the more indepth scriptural arguments that she made against the bible and traditional biblical Christianity

Association With COGIC

Although many people knew about Dr. Flunder's past relationship with COGIC and that she was a "Grand Ole Church girl", daughter of a Bishop leader with ties back to the founders of the church, and the niece of Bishop W.W. Hamilton, what many did not know is the process of her separation from the Grand Ole Church and what her aspirations were in doing so.

To the point, in the interview Dr. Flunder outlines 3 areas that were problematic for her in COGIC. 1- Her view of social involvement, as the church was not adequately engaged in social intervention. 2 - Her view of women's ministry opportunities, as the church did not and does not Ordain women to "Eldership" or to the Bishoporic, and 3 - Her struggle with her lesbian "orientation". Dr. Flunder explained how God freed her so that she could show "integrity" in her walk with Christ as I will explain next... 

New Revelation ~ "That's your issue, not mine"

Dr. Flunder wanted to make it plain that initially she was not embracing her "orientation" of lesbianism. Claiming to have been married to a gay male church associate before her subsequent 30 plus year "marriage" to her lesbian spouse, she said that she was an avid seeker of the Lord regarding her condition and contended that she wanted what she though was her her freedom from same sex attraction, at least until God spoke to her. According to Dr. Flunder, one day, after seeking God through fasting and prayer regarding her homosexual bent, she "nearly" heard an audible voice of God tell her, "That's your issue, not mine" was at that point that she felt she was freed from having to comply and or conform to the church's understanding of sexuality and could live in "integrity", coming out of the closet embracing her lesbianism. 

In other words, God affirmed to her that her lesbianism was NOT an issue, and neither was it a problem to God in her pursuit of a spiritually right relationship with God or personal pursuits within the Christian community. 

Progressive Revelation

Well, needless to say, Dr. Flunder does not believe the canon of scripture is closed. In fact, Dr. Flunder views the words of Paul and his teaching quite dubiously (no wonder) She flat out accredits the "That's your issue, not mine" as God's affirmation that homosexuality ( and I would suppose sexual impurity) doesn't matter. Either way she does not believe that biblical revelation is the final authority. Subsequently, according to her, any individual can have and receive additional revelation on the same par as biblical writ as a result.

To support my conclusion, her teaching is rather clear on the issue. From the FOAM website

"I am often asked to clarify my relationship to the Bible, or the gathered group of books, stories, experiences, songs and promises that make up our most common canon. I read and reflect on our Bible daily. I also believe we can receive revelation for our time beyond what the writers of the Bible imagined possible."
She goes on to further note:

"...So are we, writing living evolving theology for those who will come after us. I believe we know the God of the Bible, and we can trust the God beyond the Bible. No book can hold the greatness and full revelation of God."
Now I must say that this is slick. Without saying as much, she says that the bible does not hold the information that we need to have a "full revelation" of God, and that the revelation contained within the bible is culturally commensurate (relative) rather than final and authoritative (objective) This is highly problematic, but is aligned with the gay advocacy view of Christian belief.

The Morality of Harm

Amazingly, Dr. Flunder says that sexual ethics and all ethics should be fueled by morality of harm. Now this is a complex argument rooted in headonism which basically says, "if it hurts, its bad, and if it feels good, and doesn't hurt nobody then it is good". Now, I have tackled in more than a few articles on this blog. However, it amazes me that she takes that view. Why? because of her desire for social activism. Many people loose their lives because they aren't hurting anyone...I mean look at it...a drug addict, doing drugs in their home, certainly can't be hurting anyone right? Yet, people die from drugs and drug overdoses everyday. According to the The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) nearly 130 people die of opioid drug abuse by itself in America. Worldwide nearly 250,000 lives are lost annually to illegal drug use. In these cases, who was harmed? Before death the families. During death the individuals and after death society as a whole. I only use this example to say that the morality of harm argument always falls flat on its face is not a moral standard to judge whether something is right or wrong by any means. There must be a better, more objective standard.

Nevertheless, Dr. Flunder follows the LGBT playbook, claiming that "harm" should be the guideline for all sexual and non-sexual ethics as well. ie: if there is no "harm" then it should be allowable. What of the over 50,000 men that die annually of AIDS over 90 to 95% of them having contracted the disease through homosexual or MSM sex? Another question, how could this lead to self love that she claims is an essential part of a person's character and being?

Homosexual Promiscuity

At a point in the interview, recognizing that the homosexual lifestyle could be and has been a promiscuous one, but Dr. Flunder shifts the blame for this response to the culture for not accepting homosexuality (calling it a "wilderness experience" and even "repression" that leads to "obsession) and causing them (homosexuals) to live closeted lifestyles, embracing closeted values, ideals and behaviors which have damaged countless lives and communities.  

How Does A Homosexual Live Holy?

For Dr. Flunder and her followers and a growing number of individuals Christianity is certainly not incompatible with homosexuality or a homosexual lifestyle. in fact, if you listen closely enough they claimed to be "blessed" to be able to experience same gender LUST, which is certainly a deception of the enemy. 

This contrast or polarization was the quintessential question that was left unanswered in this program. No matter the rationalization or the good deeds toward humanity, there was no answer or bridge between homosexuality and holiness at least on a scriptural basis. This link or acceptance is described by Flunder a purely human construct. 

A Dunamis Word On The Issues

Towards the end of Dr. Flunder's segment, she told a story that had been circulating for some time now. How a group of "leaders" were preparing themselves for a trip to a certain place in South Africa that allowed grown men to have sex with children as young as 14 years old and how every "leader" was complicit and eager to go to this venue to express their sexual appetite and explore their pedophilia as a sort of earned reward for the ministerial work that they had done. 

We have never heard a definitive list of who these men were. Then others speculate why was Flunder in the crowd and why, knowing that she was there asking questions as a sort of news reporter, the men were they so eager to pronounce the debauchery and evil that they were planning? I wonder that too...who were these men, and how did she just happen to be among them and why were they so eager to explain themselves to her? 

While speculation persists regarding these events and their truthfulness and accuracy, without a doubt, we can say that the true and real life influence of the church has been damaged by the hypocritical leadership and the hypocritical lives that have been created and produced. As a body of believers, we should acknowledge the problems produced by inconsistency of heart, mind and soul and by what appears to be a surrender by too many to live ungodly and embrace sin. 

Look at it, on one hand we (the church) has endorsed holiness and what is right, while we have practiced and even made allowances for sins that we "like" and or "favor". Dr. Flunder herself, singing a song, "Thank you" which I have sang many times, was yet struggling and even realizing that she was a lesbian while on a stage, singing that very song...but yet the stage was open to her to make history. 

Yes, the church has helped the DL community within its walls thrive in its shame, because it has used for entertainment, and amusement, produced and acted out by many of the same individuals that embrace and live in homosexuality, instead of ministering to them and helping them out of the darkness of sexual perversion. I mean look at it, when bishop or pastor hardprick is on film having sex or flaunting his new lover, whether straight or gay, that is not exactly a clarion call to others to leave their perversion. This sort of lack of integrity, has led to countless fornication, adulteries and babies and in some cases whole families either by bigamy or out of wedlock all together and the destruction of whole congregations or at a minimum their hopes and dreams. 

For certain JUDGEMENT will begin at the house of God. From the Inquisition on to slavery and every injustice between, during and after, to those who have lived in excess, using people for change, to those who have abused, raped, molested and have NOT repented or done their first works over, they will not escape and their action and deeds will be reconciled by God. 

In that Great and Terrible day there will be no escape and all the defiled will remain as such, as well as the clean until the reconciliation is past. I see Dr. Flunder's statements are being more than just statements affirming homosexuality. I see her statements as a barometer for the church, that allows us to examine just how far we will go for peace, relevance and a sense of community. 

in a writing such as this, I must remind every homosexual that the unpardonable sin has not been committed by their actions, but like EVERY sexual perversion, homosexuality IS a sin that should be rejected, repented of, and turned away from. One does not receive freedom by turning away from truth. one receives freedom by embracing it no matter how much it may initially hurt. 

We will all leave this life with a wound. Thank God that HE can heal all our wounds, sicknesses and diseases, no matter how deep they are or may become. 

There is HOPE and that hope is found within HIM who is able to make you a NEW CREATURE! 


Next Article:

The Biblical Marriage

Dr. Flunder consistently says that people do not want a biblical marriage pointing out the OT and various laws and customs which we would reject in modern times. However, is Dr. Flunder correct in her assertion? We will examine that in the followup to this article.        

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The Right To Live. The Ultimate Human Right. A Dunamis Word On The Issue

Over the years I have written multiple articles on abortion and abortion rights, examining the issue in light of both biblical truth and societal results.

In my article "Abortion Issues And Myths" I outline the fact that since Roe v Wade  
became law in 1972 Americans have aborted an estimated 50 million babies and nearly an average of 1,400 children per day within the Black community alone. Not only has this decimated America from a Human values standpoint, it has also done the same from an economic cost as well. For example, although the Black community comprises only 13% of the US population, in 2014 Black women accounted for 36% of all abortions. Other statistics clearly point out that Black Americans are no longer the leading minority in the US by number, and strong arguments can be made that this is due to high abortion rates and low birth rate among Black families. From an economic standpoint, this suggests that wealth within the Black community in particular and ultimately within America is not being replaced at adequate levels to sustain the community. I think a brief look at most of our urban epicenters around the country bears out ample support for that argument on many different levels.

The Right To Live. The Ultimate Human Right

The arguments supporting abortion as an institution are nothing new. The arguments often confuse issues of human rights with issues of quality of life. For sure, the right of every human being to live, exist or have a right to life, is the #1 HUMAN RIGHT'S issue in the world. However, no liberal human rights organizations will undertake this argument, therefore displaying their absurd hypocrisy as human rights organizations. Where is the voice of the HRC, or GSLEN in the HUMAN RIGHT of human being to live and exist? Their voices DO NOT exist on the issue because they (the so called human rights organizations) are and have always been FAKE NEWS!

Resurging & Failing Arguments For Abortion

Seeing, feeling and hearing that the writing is on the wall, signaling the end or at least "modification" of abortion within America, the left has renewed the fight to kill babies under the law by mingling their arguments with chants of "women's rights", "women's health", a "woman's right of self-determination of her own body" and has further renewed the assumption that "no one wants a rapist's baby" or a "baby of incest". The fact is that the prior statements don't apply to the argument as they are "quality of life arguments" as opposed to "human rights" arguments as they have been applied by pro-abortionists (as I will explain later in this writing) The latter statements or sentiment is not accurate and further diminishes life. The truth is that it is estimated that less than 1.5% of all abortions are due to rape and or incest. So to use rape and incest as a "reason" for abortion is not only a spurious and dubious argument, it simply cannot be supported by the factual data that exists.

Simultaneously, the abortion argument has not changed as many of the same individuals who encourage it remain silent about late term and partial birth abortion which is a more visible forms of abortion that provide ample evidence that a human being is actually killed during the abortion process and through a process that has been ratified as being "legal", but yet barbaric and murderous.

A Dunamis Word

In recent days I undertook to speak out on the issue on Facebook yet once again. Here is what I said:

"JER. 1:5 - Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations."
I will go more in depth on this but I was awaken early to share this tidbit of info. on the subject of life and abortion which has recently come front and center in this nation once again.
It seems to me that there are some things that everyone agrees on. That life is valuable, freedom should be upheld, a woman should have control over her own body and that the innocent and those who can't help themselves should be defended and protected from death.
The problem appears to be the application and point at which our values and closely held beliefs come into effect or play.
For example, is a fetus a part of his or her mother's body or a separate individual even if not so physically? At what point does that fetus posses human rights? Do the rights of a fetus include the right to live and if so when or at what point? 
The Importance of Worldview 
For sure the answer to these questions are more than mere matters of opinion. They center around what one believes about life and existence itself. So what one believes about what life is and why there is life informs one's opinions on this issue. 
For example, if one believes that all existence is purely material, and there is no greater or higher purpose for human existence, one might claim that life is defined as being on the same par as animal life or even plant life with only physiological differences, and devoid of any essential purpose other than what it (the life) chooses to exercise. While there are many problems with this view, which I may point out, notions such as these sre rooted in existentialism. At the core of this rationalization of life is a materialistically centered reconciliation of existence with little to no acknowledgement of transcendent purpose, goals, values or higher existence. 
On the other hand, if one's worldview is more biblically informed one may embrace concepts of a spiritual and essential nature of man, individualism and mankind. 
For instance, in God's call to the ancient prophet Jeremiah HE outlines that before Jeremiah was "formed" in the womb, God knew him. At the very least this indicates that Jeremiah was an individual prior to his formulation... 
A Little Science 
While there is yet great debate within the medical community over when conception actually occurs, there is little to no debate that when an Ovum is fertilized by a sperm, all the DNA and other information necessary to create a human being is passed along. In other words, the process of a sperm implanting an Ovum by itself does not right away produce a fully developed human begin, however at that moment the developmental process aka: formulation, has begun. 
Back To The Point 
God's call to Jeremiah indicated that Jeremiah was not only a material being but also "something" that could be "known". Language of this sort indicates that apart from material creation Jeremiah had a substance about himself that could be "known" or reconciled in an intellectual manner.  
This "substance" that can be "known" is what is called "spirit or soul". This is similar to the concept if "ensoulment" in which it is said that man "possesses" a soul or spirit.  
While the bible does not teach "ensoulment" in the sense that man has a compartment within him that is spirit or soul, it does however teach that man, in his totality, is a soulish being or what is termed as a "living soul". This is described in Genesis 1 in the following 7th verse: 
"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul" 
Man in his entirety consisted of not only material (dust of the ground) but also spirit (living soul). Transducianism is the teaching that since the creation of man as a "living soul", every being subsequently produced by men are also of the same composition and or nature. 
Without a doubt we are influenced by our worldview. 
In the case of life the choice is clear. Either one believes that a fetus is a sub par form of life undeserving of an opportunity to live and is devoid of human rights or one believes that prior to even formulation of a body that each being is an individual deserving of human rights, is full of purpose and not merely an accident or cosmic configuration of material pieces. 
Abortion is a material process with no consideration given to spirit, soul, purpose or intention. At heart, abortion and it's premise is not about women's health, neither is is a healthcare issue. It is about quality of life and an individual's or being's right to life under what I believe is a properly informed worldview. 
Therefore, to restrict abortion is not a prohibition of any human right. A woman's right of choice is in no wise inhibited, any more than a driver's right of way while driving is inhibited by a pedestrian walking.  
When placed in proper context a woman's ability to nurture life is one of the greatest gifts given to mankind. 
If contextualized in a battle of epic spiritual proportions, one can see why a strategy to kill or inhibit "living souls" from existence has nearly always existed especially since the destruction or subversion of the image of God within man is the goal of man's arch-enemy, satan.  
So for the Christian, the notion of abortion and abortion rights is much more than about a law, civil rights, or some ethereal right enshrined or conferred upon individuals through law or societal norms. It is a fight for souls, values and human rights. Those rights include the human right of a pregnant woman to make a choice about her being, and also the human right of a baby to live and grow.  
I think it is time to set the record straight not only regarding abortion, but regarding life itself and the very reason we exist as humans.  
Pastor Harvey Burnett 
The Dunamis Word
New Bethel COGIC 
I Am My Brother's Keeper Christian Advocacy Council 
In Defense Of The Faith 
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