Various Items Of Interest

Monday, December 23, 2019

Hip-Hop, Idolatry & The Church Pt. 30 ~ Has G Craig Lewis Gone Off The Rails?

Now, I've long known that some of the biblical teaching of G Craig Lewis, is highly suspect as I have pointed out. However, it seems that a false biblical understanding has led to an allegedly lascivious and "movie star" lifestyle for the one who has not only condemned such living, but also claimed that nearly everyone that doesn't agree with him regarding the individual's that he criticizes are devils.

Yes, biblical exposition is "part" of the problem. Telling women to stay home and have babies and quit their jobs and even stay in abusive relationships by telling them to "Duck" when they are being assaulted, is more than enough to choke a horse, but in this case, G Craig's issues, are allegedly well beyond biblical exposition. 

HIS Word HIS Way, Pastor Saiko Woods
Seemingly, what started as an innocuous examination of truth has led to the receipt of multiple testimonies alleging that the conduct of Lewis is anything but biblical, godly or in line with his very own teachings. 

In multiple videos and Facebook posts, Pastor Woods takes the time to meticulously outline and examine the alleged acts of G Craig Lewis revealing a sordid tale of what can only be described as "EX Ministries Gone Wild"!

As for me, I don't have to speak in an "alleged" fashion. My dealings with Mr. Lewis go back to 2009 and memories are anything but fond of his ungodly character and demeanor, and desire to control those around him. In fact, in my opinion, at the time he was much, if not all of the things he was preaching against and about, which is something we did not know until after he was here. Nevertheless, I digress... 

At this point, I can only pray that souls will be restored as a result of the fallout, as it has allegedly already begun both in and out of his church Adamant Believers Council (ABC Church) of Grand Prairie, TX. and his para-ministry, EX Ministries. Hopefully this will not totally negate the valuable work that has been contributed over the years, however, there is no room and or excuse for ABUSE, physical, psychological or spiritual or in any form yet alone within the context of the church. 

One thing is certain, God has the last word in all things and in the end, HE will speak. I believe he is speaking now as NO FLESH will glory in HIS presence! (1 Cor. 1:29)


  1. I enjoyed much of his commentary on the music industry. The church has become the training ground for the industry, going as far as inviting people like Kanye, who needs to be under a real, Holy Ghost pastor not impressed by his celebrity. However, over the years, Lewis got out of balance with his teaching. Sadly, Seiko Woods (A problematic teacher, too), pulled the wool off of the body of Christ about Lewis. The fallout will be catastrophic in the church. Lewis needs an accountability team to get him back to biblical teaching and not traffic so much in conspiracy theory.

    1. That is certainly true in all respects. When providing "correction" , I think we have to be careful about a couple of things...first. how we do what we do and secondly, the people left hanging and discouraged as a result of what has been exposed.

      Personally, it is obvious that G Craig is a not only a extreme fundamentalist, but an extreme literalist and doesn't know biblical doctrines and or history too well. Like too many, he is also a sensationalist, because sensationalism sells. I believe part of this is because of his lack of system of accountability. Now that leads into the greater issue and that is a matter of lifestyle. Evidently he is not saved or doesn't live as such.

      We've known that for years. He teaches against being a "rockstar" so to speak, but expects churches to treat him as one when he travels, demanding first class seats on planes and even wants the air miles you accumulate...bunch of GARBAGE. And that is just some of the personal issues as allegedly he was carrying on affairs as well.

    2. I read anecdotes about the rockstar treatment Lewis expects, going as far as having bodyguards escort him to his engagements.


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