Various Items Of Interest

Saturday, August 3, 2019

DIVAS Of Ministry, Bigger Than The God Of Ministry

First of all, I would NEVER ask a woman this confused to come to minister to folk who need help and were waiting for a spiritual breakthrough. An effective minister has to be saved, Holy Ghost filled and mentally stable, but aside from all that, why is it that the DIVAS of modern ministry are so much bigger than the God of modern ministry?

These folk ain't carin' 'bout the Kingdom of God! 

To be clear, DIVAS come in the form of both men and women. Believe that. We have men, that "talk" against the world and it's excesses, and demand excesses themselves to the highest degree. See, when folk don't value God, they compromise, begin to feel a sense of self-exaltation and "think" they they are the best thing on the block since sliced bread. 

NO...I don't care...I will NEVER have another one that demands a special car, a special price range of hotels, a cash deposit upfront, and that can't fit into the program that we are conducting...NEVER AGAIN!!! 

I had one that wanted to talk about "expenses" when I saved them hundreds of dollars to drive myself hundreds of miles to the event, used no hotel services, paid for my own meals, and had no minimum fee or honorarium. Whatever they could afford, I received without complaint.

Maybe we need to be like Bynum and her team and act ungodly, and un-saintly. It seems that some folk understand and appeal to that rather than those who take less, make no demands and walk humbly and in the power and inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Some take advantage of that silence and humility, but their reward will be found. God has a long memory and is JUST of all things! 


  1. Hey Rev...

    I noted Juanita Bynum was a main speaker at this year's AIM Conference. As far as I can tell Juanita has done some very very shady things that really show this woman lack lifestyle. I know for a fact a friend of mine whose wife is a Muslim, said she waited hours to get in the building to hear Juanita speak. When Juanita presented herself at the pulpit, she told the audience God told her not to speak that night and sent the audience home.

    Personally, I think she fits the Biblical description as one who through COVETEOUSNESS uses feigned and swelling words of vanity to make merchandise of her sheeple. I believe the Bible so accurately describes her as one who promises LIBERTY, BUT she herself is a servant of corruption, bought in BONDAGE.

    So why she often gets invited to speak at some of these COGIC conferences is beyond me.

  2. She is a money maker. Plain and simple. At the height of her exploits, a night with her on the program could make a conference in excess of $200,000 to $300,000. People flock to support her because they believe she has something to say from the Lord. sending folk home is NOT of the Lord. Think, did Jesus send the folk home empty? What she struggles with, in my opinion, is mental illness. For are not as concerned about her mental condition, as they are about $$$ as in making the budget and crowds to create a sense of relevance.

    Basically Juanita was having issues, when I started this blog and was one of my main subjects then. All these years later she is engaging and having similar problems and issues and none of the "big league preachers" are trying to help.

    1. Rev...I agree. I really believe this woman suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It's a shame the COGIC has to resort to this type tactic, all for $$$. I'm sorry, I just can't allow my strong conviction about this go unnoticed. The LORD ensued real judgment against Israel, and if those in COGIC continue to disobey Him, He will enforce judgment against them as well! This is HORRIBLE!

    2. True! Now, i remember when Rod Parsley used to have her and Jakes and others. They wanted her to make budget at their events. She was basically a ministry money maker. in my opinion a pulpit prostitute. Just as confused as always, but used. I believe that is what messed her up. That along with a sense of self importance and relevance. Somehow, she did not think (at least so it appears) that she would be relevant just being a humble servant of God. Like they do now days, she proclaimed herself to be a "general" and one that heard from the Lord so closely, that God spoke to her directly about what he was going to "do in the Earth"...used scripture to back up her assertions...just waaaaaaayyyy out there.

      This is a probably a very nice person who needs mental counseling. The church, especially those leaders who have contributed to her condition, should be held accountable. They killed her!

    3. And you know what Rev... Juanita is not totally innocent in this matter either.

    4. I certainly agree. It's like the woman in Acts 16:16 who had brought her handlers much money by her divination. When she was straightened out and the demons cast out, it was those men who vowed to kill Paul.

      They certainly did not want their money machine to stop popping put cash. This is what I feel about both the handlers and Juanita...she has enjoyed her elitism and attention and they have enjoyed the recognition and money.

  3. Pastor Barnett what are your thoughts on the ministry of Cindy Trimm? I backed out of a book study a year ago because I didn't agree on her doctrinal position on repentance not being a requirement for salvation. I was really disturbed by a Youtube video I watched.

    1. I don't know about what Cindy Trimm teaches specifically, and I have never head her teach on salvation, but from what you said, she sounds like her doctrine is unbiblical. There are many who teach this universal, no repentance necessary, brand of salvation basing it on Jesus work saving the "whole world". To them his act of salvation does not necessarily need to be acknowledged through repentance and faith.

      Now, on the other end of the spectrum, the doctrine of election as taught by some today would state that the sacrifice of Jesus was only for the "elect" or those predetermined to be saved and that his blood was not wasted or shed for anyone who would not receive him and not for the sinner who does not repent. It's kind of a backwards looking argument and one that I don;t believe is supported by scripture either, because election is not based on predeterminism, however, the future is not "open" as the late Dr. Swinborne suggested either (aka: that God only know the "logical" future or actions of a person)

      So this can be rather complex, but Trimm is clearly in error.


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