Various Items Of Interest

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Value Of A Good Lineage & Succession

“Far be it from me to speak adversely of any of these clergy who, in succession from the apostles, confect by their sacred word the Body of Christ and through whose efforts also it is that we are Christians”
~ JEROME (Letters 14:8 [A.D. 396]).

The early church valued what came to be known as "Apostolic Succession". In other words it was important to know not only what was being said, but who was saying it.  Who a leader studied under or what they had received from leadership during the process was important. 
Upon reflection, although I did not have a natural or paternal father that was saved, nor a step-father who was saved, however God gave me a whole host of replacements that have contributed to me both spiritually and naturally and that have not only helped shape me in ministry, but also in Christian character. 
It is these men who have given me a "charge", similar to the one Paul gave Timothy. 
Although I consider myself to still be learning, I am glad that over the years, I have had some pretty influential individuals speak into my life who have a clear line of decendency in Christian circles. 
Like Elisha, I am saddened because my "father's" have departed and seemingly left me...BUT God through them and in other even more direct ways has equipped me for this journey and the duties that he wants me to accomplish. 
Although I am certainly not alone, I am happy for the path that God has taken me and who knows, but God, what the future holds and where it may lead. one thing is certain, there is a sure purpose to all things and I am glad to be in the middle of it!
Truly BLESSED!!!!

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