Various Items Of Interest

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Black Hebrew Israelite: Sorry, but HOMEY Don't Play Dat!

I recently undertook the opportunity to place a quip in our In Defense Of The Faith, Facebook forum regarding the Black Hebrew Israelites. Now to be fair, all of them claiming to be Black Hebrews do not hold to or mind the same thing, which makes it even more difficult to speak to them, however, there are some basics, or wide spread beliefs held in common by many of them. Some of those beliefs include a misunderstanding or even false belief of the nature of God through Jesus. ie: Some of them believe Jesus "became" God over time, similar to how I have pointed out in past articles that Creflo Dollar also teaches. Yes, this is heresy and certainly not what the bible teaches, but we see men and women all over the country sometimes  more committed to a man with false beliefs and doctrine,  than committed to the truth and fidelity of scripture. Sad but yet true. 

Before I get to far sidetracked, let me get to the original article:


It occurs to me that if the Black folk who claim to be the "true" Israelites are the true Israelites, according to the story we have in the bible from Exodus onward, they, the Black Hebrew Israelites are nearly some of the most obstinate, hard hearted and stiff-necked people that ever lived on the face of this Earth.

God gives them commands and tells them what to do, they refuse...

God sends Moses up to the mountain for 40 days, comes back, and thousands, close to the mountain are partying, committing fornication and adultery and all kinds of lasciviousness...

When they do get to the Land of Promise, A fella named Achan steals the Gold from a man's house and holds it under his tent bringing a curse on the whole tribe of Israel, his family and his household...

They kill every prophet that tells the truth...

They refuse to listen to the Prophets telling them that God was going to judge them and rebel and are dispersed among the nations for their rebellion...

OK, you claim that your Blackness is God's Blackness...YET you don't really believe in THE believe in A Messiah,, you're rejecting that Jesus IS both GOD and MAN and is more than a "name" but God himself amongst us...

Yet you want me/us to believe that because you think we should live by the Law (which is yet another impossibility) and that you supposedly "preach truth", downplaying who Jesus was and the veracity of his atonement on the cross, REVERTING US BACK TO 4,000 year old ancient moral codes and values that you are professing truth...

Let's just say that you are correct...How do you get around your ancestral angst? How do you separate yourself from the recorded sins and disobedience which caused you (your Black ancestors) to loose relationship with God?

Then, you "say" you're not Catholic, but venerate the books that all Catholics do called the Apocrypha. Now you say you believe in those books because they were mentioned in the Bible...Only guess what? At least 20 OTHER BOOKS were mentioned in the Bible too...The book of Nathan the Prophet, The book of Shemiah the Prophet, The Acts of Solomon, and The Story of Prophet Ido to name a few. Are we to say that God failed to communicate to us because we lost these books, or that the Bible is somehow incomplete?



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