Various Items Of Interest

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Donnie's Fall Down/Get Up Continued...

Recently, Donnie McClurkin took to the internet to rebuke internet bloggers who "expose" the sins of some of the more popular gospel entertainers, artists and ministers. 

While I will not go into what led to the need for Donnie to take to the internet to rebuke folk on the internet for rebuking folk on the internet, all the while contending that the godly way to speak up on issues would be to "go to" the individual (as opposed to talking about it on the internet) I want to look at the theology behind his statements rather than the personalities he was attempting to defend aka: his fellow gospel entertainment artists. If you would like to hear Donnie for yourself his diatribe and rebuke can be found HERE.

Continuation Of Fall Down/ Get Up Theology

In his retort, Donnie invoked Micah 7:8, which certainly caught my attention (as outside of scripture I could really care less what any of these folk who use the gospel to make a living while presenting shoddy lifestyles do [Donnie excluded as I believe he lives saved])...What I thought was interesting, was that he chose to invoke a part of scripture in which the people (Israel) have gone into sin, been rebuked and judged by God for their sin, and are awaiting their deliverance and ultimate vindication by God for their circumstance. We all know this from basic OT bible study as the "sin cycle". So it is very familiar to many of us. 

What most people do not realize however, is that Donnie appears to build on his "fall into sin/get back up" motif popularized by a former controversial hit "We Fall Down". Donnie uses the scripture in Micah to suggest that a "fall" is tantamount to sin similar to what he did with the song "We Fall Down".

My Response
In response to what I believe was Donnie's misapplication and abuse of scripture, I wrote the following on my Facebook site and our In Defense Of The Faith forum:


Donnie McClurkin absolutely BUTCHERED Micah 7:8 which says this:
"Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me."
Now, according to his suggested interpretation the word "fall" would include falling into sin and shame or the condition of sin. 

Now the context links "sit in darkness" to "fall"...this begs the question...if this is referring to a condition of SIN, then how is it that when we are in this condition that "the Lord" is a "light" unto us? 

Now one can go through some fanciful twists to try to convince us that God is a light or abiding presence even in sin, and it is he that brings us out etc...but look further at the context of the chapter.

Micah was not talking about an individual condition of sin, but about turmoil or national upheaval as a result of sin, in which people and families were suffering due to circumstance and resultant judgement or correction from the Lord, NOT due to ongoing immoral or sinful behavior.
V.9 says, "I will bear the indignation of the LORD, because I have sinned against him, until he plead my cause, and execute judgment for me: he will bring me forth to the light, and I shall behold his righteousness"
Some conclude that because this says "I have sinned" proves that this was about the condition of sin. 

Well the fact is this, as 1 John 1:8 says if we say that "we have no sin" or that the condition of sin has not touched, effected or even controlled our lives, or is not a struggle today, we deceive ourselves greatly...

What Micah acknowledges is the job that sin has done on us (aka Israel) to cause us to suffer as a people, and that we have sinned as a whole, in need of a savior (which points to JESUS our Savior in the text) what is not alluded to is that we have fallen into or regressed into sin as a lifestyle or have been overwhelmed by sinful behavior aka: fallen into sin. 

Donnie builds upon his misapplied "fall down, get back up" narrative in which he took a song in which the message was about a servant falling down before God on behalf of and for strength to continue to serve the people and do the mission of Christ. In Donnie's application it was about saved folk consistently sinning (fall down) and repenting (get back up) to do the "work of the Lord".

In short, Donnie does the Saint, gospel singers, the church and the gospel itself a great disservice and displays why one cannot trust feelings, emotions, crowds or personalities for the direction or truth of God's word and must seek sound discretion and council for light and guidance. 

I only hope that this new generation is not deceived by this seeming continued diet of false gospel interpretives as entertainers seek to cover or minimize their sins that they so abundantly embrace in the name of "nobody's perfect".


Now, can we acknowledge that the scripture was referring to people (Israel) who had egregiously sinned and was suffering as a result of their sin? YES

Can we say that any of this scripture suggests that the believer or people of God could be content to practice sin, and still yet claim the "light of God" (aka: Christ) NO.

In fact to do so would be sacrilege and certainly ungodly and unholy before the Lord. 

The part that I find particularly problematic is Donnie's association of this scripture, which is probably one of the most upbeat parts of Micah, to the condition of the modern "minstrel" who has not only failed, but openly and publicly, cheated, been in homosexual chat-rooms, showed their private parts on the internet, cussed and otherwise played a harlot, and even reverted back to ungodliness in both lifestyle and presentation, all the while yet claiming to be a "servant of God". 

Yes, we ALL have faults...and my picture is in the dictionary under the word, HOWEVER, those of us who are SAVED are not content in simply reverting in and out of sin when it is convenient and demanding others to "accept me anyhow"...No that is manipulation, not scripture. 

A Final Word & Pushback: 

"Pastor, the bible says love COVERETH the multitude of sins and faults" (1 Pet. 4:8 from Prov. 10:12)...

YES, it does say that. However, it does not suggest that believers embrace an effort to encourage the saints to bypass sin or the judgement of sin as wrong. It does not encourage believers to overlook the fact that sin is ungodly and is still something that breaks fellowship and union with Christ. 

The scripture is clear...NOONE can "cover" sins but God. It is also clear that those of us who do "cover sins" are condemned for it:

Prov. 28:13 ~ He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.

Now, one may say that Proverbs is referring to "others" covering the sins of individuals (which Donnie I suppose would be suggesting by refusing to even accept that his colleagues are doing evil and will be judged) but the scripture is sin and simply walk on with cursory repentance is also ungodly and condemned. 

Now, PLEASE, don't give us this, "go to such a one and restore them in the spirit of meekness"...OK, how possible is it for us "ordinary folk" to go to these stars and moguls? They hide their phone numbers, make themselves inaccessible unless they are making money off of us, and REFUSE to listen to anyone rank and file who may have a word from the Lord for they SELECTIVELY hear and don't care to listen to us!

The very nature of their "entertainment status" makes these people off limits and they only listen to their colleagues who sometimes are also ungodly. So unless it is for bloggers, youtubers and others, many of these folk would not hear, and most of the time they claim they don't listen to or read anything on the internet (or at least nothing that criticizes or examines them). So how are they reached? 

THIS is going to them and I hope they can understand that. While many of us could be wrong about our assessments and ultimately our opinions, we all can't be wrong. Everybody ain't stupid neither is everyone deceived into believing that the sins that many of them present and want us to accept are just "seasons in life" that they experience. 

No, these men and women, regardless of how they sing, entertain and or act, and no matter how much money they have, need to be SAVED like everyone else, to the point where they leave and come out of the world too. Anything less simply expands hell and fellowship with the original, now doomed heavenly crooner...the artist and angel formerly known as lucifer, now satan destined for the Lake Of Fire himself!


1 comment:

  1. The first thing I'd like to say is that those singers in homosexual chat rooms, some making babies outside of their marriages, some sluttin' and whorein' around, sending vids and pics of themselves in sexual situations etc, and those otherwise unsaved and ungodly singers and ministers expose THEMSELVES by their own actions. Bloggers can't expose what isn't there. Larry Reid didn't do a thing but reveal to a wider audience the mess that some of these folk think is OK. That is the sad part.


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