Various Items Of Interest

Monday, September 9, 2019

Tufick "Benny" Hinn...The Gospel, Miracles & Prosperity Is "Not For Sale"

It what is a startling turn of events, it seems that long time televangelist, Tufick Hinn, better known as "Benny Hinn" has had a turnabout of his own encouragements of wealth enhancement or prosperity preaching and teaching. In a segment blazing on the internet Tufick declares his own personal disdain with doctrines and teaching that imply that monetary gifts can buy or purchase god's favor.

"The Gospel is not for sale. Miracles are not for sale. Prosperity is not for sale"

Already, Benny's commentary is garnering all kinds of critique, from those who declare his insincerity. From televangelists rising to "rebuke" Benny because they are afraid that their shoddy house of "prosperity manipulation" will be effected, to people just suspicious of Benny's motives, thoughts are all across the board.

Hear Tufick for yourself in this video:

Of course, one would know that the televangelism and media elite, who nearly solely make their livings off of "fleecing" the TV faithful, have plenty to say about Tufick's "repentance" and turning from the prosperity trap of the "give to get" scheme...

Hear Bishop George Bloomer's response. Remember, this is the same George Bloomer that recovered the "blood money" of his former illegal drug trade to begin his church. (That is according to his own testimony, not mine)

A Dunamis Word On The Issue

One thing is for sure, the words of Tufick Hinn and anything else he says regarding his former misguided teachings (and the teachings are misguided, no matter how much Bloomer or anyone else trues to string scriptures together to support his practice) are bound to set the televangelist and money abuse church crowd on their ears.

The problem is simple. There is NO SCRIPTURE that teaches either explicitly or implicitly, that any person should have to PAY for a miracle or a blessing.

Please understand this, a person may act in faith. One may "consecrate" an amount of money or anything else, as a petition for the blessing of the Lord. Some do this through "fasting and prayer", to specifically seek the Lord for purpose or clarity on an issue or multiple issues. We must admit that money cannot be excluded from that purpose as well, however, to manipulate the circumstance, by asserting that an amount of money, manipulates or constrains God to "do something" is and has always been no more than slight of hand.

Now, Bishop Bloomer, asserts that people have been healed as a result of committing a certain amount of money in certain circumstances. However, can we consider that the money had nothing to do with the healing, and that faith, trust and belief in God did? Some say, in that case, use money as a "point of contact" as Oral Roberts and Sr. Kenneth Hagan so abundantly taught in the hay day of their heresy...But what if money, or anything material, had nothing to do with it? What if it were simply God doing what he does in response to prayer and petition?

Recreation Of Idols
"Just as the nation of ancient Israel, this generation has followed idols and quickly makes idols out of nearly any and everything within its reach."
Some of the same one's claiming to Love God and claiming to have a ministry (at least on TV) to call all men to repentance, are breathing condemnation on Tifick for turning from his false doctrine and teaching of associating monetary and material wealth and wealth transfer with the blessings of God. One would think that these would be happy when anyone repents from their sin, and especially sins such as this which has damaged so many and promoted some of the worst and most spurious teachings in the name of "God" on earth. I would ask is there no room for Tufick to change? Can God not deliver him from sin and false doctrine?

I no more hold my breath for him than I do for anyone that says they want change and are willing to repent.

Hopefully,  ALL of the rest of the televangelists and "entertainment" preachers will follow suit. Instead of trying to string together a theology, to keep themselves on the air, to attain popularity and make people believe that they are special, I pray that they too will repent from "fleecing the flock" and causing shame within the body of Christ.

From Gulf Stream airplanes, to Bentleys; from fashioned, tailored suits, red bottom shoes and all kinds of excess...I ti my prayer that those that hold any of those things as signs of the "arrival" of ministry and God's favor, would have a shaking in their souls and open themselves up to experience the true nature and power of God that is present upon men and women in the deepest impoverishment and in the deepest chasm of the soul and spirit.

The anointing is not birthed in luxury. It is always birthed in difficulty and adversity. i would hope that all of these multi-millionaire so called "preachers" and "teachers" would remember the words of Jesus regarding HIS house...

Mt. 21:13 ~ And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
(from Is. 56:7)

1 comment:

  1. Hello there, Pastor Harvey. God bless you. As you know, History records the behavior of mankind, and mankind has always found something to complain about. They smile in your face, when all the time they want to take your place. Many so called Christians leave nothing for the devil to do, because they stand so ready to devour each other. So sad it is, indeed. One thing I believe we must consider is the fact that none of us have made it to Heaven, yet. For some time, now I have followed the ministry of Pastor "Benny", even traveled to sing in his choir when he came to our area. No, I am not saying Pastor "Benny" has not made some mistakes, and there were not times when I backed up. However, I must say there were times when I have been severely blessed by his ministry, he is a generous and gracious preacher and I have not lost my respect for him. He is a very gracious man and a Godly man. But, like many others, he too was attacked by the enemy. Tell me, who has not been. I know of none. When it comes to poverty, I personally believe poverty is a curse. Jesus came that we may have life, and that more abundantly. There is nothing filled with life and abundance when it comes to being poor. I believe if folk would follow the scriptures as written, poverty would be eliminated. These things I learned from Pastor "Benny", and I am most thankful. Furthermore, I believe even in ministry too many folk are putting in motion the behavior of "The Turtle and The Hare", they talk a good talk, and it appears they are doing the right things when it comes to their words, but their behavior shows something different just as the Rabbit appeared to be alongside the Turtle, but the Rabbit was so sure of his skill, he played around, and that's how he lost the race. Well, I just wanted to make those few comments. May the saving Grace of Jesus Christ of Nazareth be with us all. amen.


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