Various Items Of Interest

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Bishop Dr. Yvette Flunder. Could God Have Possibly Spoken This?

Recently, internet host Larry Reid interviewed "Bishop" Yvette Flunder in a show entitled "Church In The Closet" in which "Bishop" Flunder took the time to set forth her insights into sexuality in the church, the veracity of scripture, and even took the time to explain why she ultimately embraced lesbianism even going so far as to establish a gay affirming, Pan-African church and organization (Fellowship Of Affirming Ministries) which she currently oversees as Presiding Bishop.

I am sorry, but like many of her liberal gay affirming counterparts, her interview was a receptacle of unbelief, deception, liberalism and plain misapplication and erroneous interpretation of scripture. 

In this article, I will examine a few of the more poignant assertions of Dr. Flunder and in a previous article I will examine some of the more indepth scriptural arguments that she made against the bible and traditional biblical Christianity

Association With COGIC

Although many people knew about Dr. Flunder's past relationship with COGIC and that she was a "Grand Ole Church girl", daughter of a Bishop leader with ties back to the founders of the church, and the niece of Bishop W.W. Hamilton, what many did not know is the process of her separation from the Grand Ole Church and what her aspirations were in doing so.

To the point, in the interview Dr. Flunder outlines 3 areas that were problematic for her in COGIC. 1- Her view of social involvement, as the church was not adequately engaged in social intervention. 2 - Her view of women's ministry opportunities, as the church did not and does not Ordain women to "Eldership" or to the Bishoporic, and 3 - Her struggle with her lesbian "orientation". Dr. Flunder explained how God freed her so that she could show "integrity" in her walk with Christ as I will explain next... 

New Revelation ~ "That's your issue, not mine"

Dr. Flunder wanted to make it plain that initially she was not embracing her "orientation" of lesbianism. Claiming to have been married to a gay male church associate before her subsequent 30 plus year "marriage" to her lesbian spouse, she said that she was an avid seeker of the Lord regarding her condition and contended that she wanted what she though was her her freedom from same sex attraction, at least until God spoke to her. According to Dr. Flunder, one day, after seeking God through fasting and prayer regarding her homosexual bent, she "nearly" heard an audible voice of God tell her, "That's your issue, not mine" was at that point that she felt she was freed from having to comply and or conform to the church's understanding of sexuality and could live in "integrity", coming out of the closet embracing her lesbianism. 

In other words, God affirmed to her that her lesbianism was NOT an issue, and neither was it a problem to God in her pursuit of a spiritually right relationship with God or personal pursuits within the Christian community. 

Progressive Revelation

Well, needless to say, Dr. Flunder does not believe the canon of scripture is closed. In fact, Dr. Flunder views the words of Paul and his teaching quite dubiously (no wonder) She flat out accredits the "That's your issue, not mine" as God's affirmation that homosexuality ( and I would suppose sexual impurity) doesn't matter. Either way she does not believe that biblical revelation is the final authority. Subsequently, according to her, any individual can have and receive additional revelation on the same par as biblical writ as a result.

To support my conclusion, her teaching is rather clear on the issue. From the FOAM website

"I am often asked to clarify my relationship to the Bible, or the gathered group of books, stories, experiences, songs and promises that make up our most common canon. I read and reflect on our Bible daily. I also believe we can receive revelation for our time beyond what the writers of the Bible imagined possible."
She goes on to further note:

"...So are we, writing living evolving theology for those who will come after us. I believe we know the God of the Bible, and we can trust the God beyond the Bible. No book can hold the greatness and full revelation of God."
Now I must say that this is slick. Without saying as much, she says that the bible does not hold the information that we need to have a "full revelation" of God, and that the revelation contained within the bible is culturally commensurate (relative) rather than final and authoritative (objective) This is highly problematic, but is aligned with the gay advocacy view of Christian belief.

The Morality of Harm

Amazingly, Dr. Flunder says that sexual ethics and all ethics should be fueled by morality of harm. Now this is a complex argument rooted in headonism which basically says, "if it hurts, its bad, and if it feels good, and doesn't hurt nobody then it is good". Now, I have tackled in more than a few articles on this blog. However, it amazes me that she takes that view. Why? because of her desire for social activism. Many people loose their lives because they aren't hurting anyone...I mean look at it...a drug addict, doing drugs in their home, certainly can't be hurting anyone right? Yet, people die from drugs and drug overdoses everyday. According to the The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) nearly 130 people die of opioid drug abuse by itself in America. Worldwide nearly 250,000 lives are lost annually to illegal drug use. In these cases, who was harmed? Before death the families. During death the individuals and after death society as a whole. I only use this example to say that the morality of harm argument always falls flat on its face is not a moral standard to judge whether something is right or wrong by any means. There must be a better, more objective standard.

Nevertheless, Dr. Flunder follows the LGBT playbook, claiming that "harm" should be the guideline for all sexual and non-sexual ethics as well. ie: if there is no "harm" then it should be allowable. What of the over 50,000 men that die annually of AIDS over 90 to 95% of them having contracted the disease through homosexual or MSM sex? Another question, how could this lead to self love that she claims is an essential part of a person's character and being?

Homosexual Promiscuity

At a point in the interview, recognizing that the homosexual lifestyle could be and has been a promiscuous one, but Dr. Flunder shifts the blame for this response to the culture for not accepting homosexuality (calling it a "wilderness experience" and even "repression" that leads to "obsession) and causing them (homosexuals) to live closeted lifestyles, embracing closeted values, ideals and behaviors which have damaged countless lives and communities.  

How Does A Homosexual Live Holy?

For Dr. Flunder and her followers and a growing number of individuals Christianity is certainly not incompatible with homosexuality or a homosexual lifestyle. in fact, if you listen closely enough they claimed to be "blessed" to be able to experience same gender LUST, which is certainly a deception of the enemy. 

This contrast or polarization was the quintessential question that was left unanswered in this program. No matter the rationalization or the good deeds toward humanity, there was no answer or bridge between homosexuality and holiness at least on a scriptural basis. This link or acceptance is described by Flunder a purely human construct. 

A Dunamis Word On The Issues

Towards the end of Dr. Flunder's segment, she told a story that had been circulating for some time now. How a group of "leaders" were preparing themselves for a trip to a certain place in South Africa that allowed grown men to have sex with children as young as 14 years old and how every "leader" was complicit and eager to go to this venue to express their sexual appetite and explore their pedophilia as a sort of earned reward for the ministerial work that they had done. 

We have never heard a definitive list of who these men were. Then others speculate why was Flunder in the crowd and why, knowing that she was there asking questions as a sort of news reporter, the men were they so eager to pronounce the debauchery and evil that they were planning? I wonder that too...who were these men, and how did she just happen to be among them and why were they so eager to explain themselves to her? 

While speculation persists regarding these events and their truthfulness and accuracy, without a doubt, we can say that the true and real life influence of the church has been damaged by the hypocritical leadership and the hypocritical lives that have been created and produced. As a body of believers, we should acknowledge the problems produced by inconsistency of heart, mind and soul and by what appears to be a surrender by too many to live ungodly and embrace sin. 

Look at it, on one hand we (the church) has endorsed holiness and what is right, while we have practiced and even made allowances for sins that we "like" and or "favor". Dr. Flunder herself, singing a song, "Thank you" which I have sang many times, was yet struggling and even realizing that she was a lesbian while on a stage, singing that very song...but yet the stage was open to her to make history. 

Yes, the church has helped the DL community within its walls thrive in its shame, because it has used for entertainment, and amusement, produced and acted out by many of the same individuals that embrace and live in homosexuality, instead of ministering to them and helping them out of the darkness of sexual perversion. I mean look at it, when bishop or pastor hardprick is on film having sex or flaunting his new lover, whether straight or gay, that is not exactly a clarion call to others to leave their perversion. This sort of lack of integrity, has led to countless fornication, adulteries and babies and in some cases whole families either by bigamy or out of wedlock all together and the destruction of whole congregations or at a minimum their hopes and dreams. 

For certain JUDGEMENT will begin at the house of God. From the Inquisition on to slavery and every injustice between, during and after, to those who have lived in excess, using people for change, to those who have abused, raped, molested and have NOT repented or done their first works over, they will not escape and their action and deeds will be reconciled by God. 

In that Great and Terrible day there will be no escape and all the defiled will remain as such, as well as the clean until the reconciliation is past. I see Dr. Flunder's statements are being more than just statements affirming homosexuality. I see her statements as a barometer for the church, that allows us to examine just how far we will go for peace, relevance and a sense of community. 

in a writing such as this, I must remind every homosexual that the unpardonable sin has not been committed by their actions, but like EVERY sexual perversion, homosexuality IS a sin that should be rejected, repented of, and turned away from. One does not receive freedom by turning away from truth. one receives freedom by embracing it no matter how much it may initially hurt. 

We will all leave this life with a wound. Thank God that HE can heal all our wounds, sicknesses and diseases, no matter how deep they are or may become. 

There is HOPE and that hope is found within HIM who is able to make you a NEW CREATURE! 


Next Article:

The Biblical Marriage

Dr. Flunder consistently says that people do not want a biblical marriage pointing out the OT and various laws and customs which we would reject in modern times. However, is Dr. Flunder correct in her assertion? We will examine that in the followup to this article.        

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