Various Items Of Interest

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Bishop Robert Sanders IL. 3rd COGIC ~ LYA

Regrettably, I must stop to say farewell to a Spiritual Father, not to mention one of the greatest gospel preachers I have ever known, to whom I am indeed grateful to have served with here on earth.

My service to God through this Bishop and the church extends back some 29 years to a time when he was known as Superintendent Sanders and I as Elder Burnett. We've seen the best of days and the worst of days together. Having honest and open conversation about the church, scandal, personal failure, personal victory, and most of all the word of God and the power of God which is able to heal and make alive. 

Bishop Sanders, as you already knew, I Love You Always!

I am praying for the hearts and minds of the family, all my sisters and brothers, and all of the Saints of Il. 3rd Jurisdiction COGIC. On earth, we are indeed at a loss. Rest well around the throne Bishop, we will have a real reunion soon!


  1. Hey Rev. Hadnt been here in a while, but according to Earl Carter, the great bishop here was a whoremonger. Apparently he fathered a few children outside his marriage. It appeared his outside kids showed up at his funeral. This is not a good look for a bishop Rev. I know people say Earl Carter can't be trusted. But I see no reason he had to lie about this. He may not have the best approach, but it seems there is some truth to what he's saying. I'm beginning to wonder about the character of many in COGIC leadership.

    1. Well, as one who knew the Bishop personally and professionally, I can say that Earl is inaccurate to the degree which he reports and is an excellent (or poor) gossiper if nothing else.

      Yes, the Bishop "allegedly" fathered a child over 22 (or so) years ago for which he paid child support monthly and as agreed. I have seen the record and can vouch for that and spoken to the "mother" (Ms. Ollison) regarding it. In fact she wanted more than she agreed to (I'll go no further at this point)

      However, to say the term "whoremonger" is a far cry from reality. He was CERTAINLY not that. A man who "allegedly" sinned? YES. A whoremonger? NO.

      Now, Carter is what he is...a man that was making money, preaching nearly everywhere in COGIC (although I never saw him at either of Bishop's churches, and I have preached at both on multiple occasion) and when he was making money, everything was right as rain...when the money dried up...everyone is a whore or whoremonger at least according to him. His initial fight was noteworthy, but he soon joined the ranks of the jilted hater and hypocrite. So his "reason" to say what he says centers around money and relevance as much as anything else.

      COGIC is not perfect certainly. I have over 100 articles on this site alone referencing that fact. But if one thinks that independent or other denominational churches fare better overall, I would say that one has smelled the bitter tea of hate and the one who gets the attention nearly always gets the most hate.

      I prefer to remain within the organization and invoke and promote change and reform. So far, though slow, my strategy has worked. When I began this blog, we had no ministerial check system, no background checks or any training on sexual harassment or anything. Now, EVERY leader must engage training and be screened. Those are not all that needs to be done, but the movement is in the right direction.

      My aim is to get to the next chapter and I guess we can wait to see what Carter's and other critic's background yields in the time of his demise...believe me, we are all approaching that way sooner or later.

  2. Let me ask you a question. If Earl Carter is lying, why doesn't COGIC charge him with defamation? He has said a lot about many in COGIC leadership. Even Carter himself pose the same question. What scriptural precedent are the Leaders using to support their silence the thing Earl Carter is saying. I know a lot say about Carter he is bitter, but according to Carter he's exposing that which is unlike God, in the name of HOLINESS. Personally I have no dog in this fight because I'm not COGIC. It is beginning to look like what Carter is saying may be true that Silence is Consent. I hear you about Bishop Sanders, but Scriptures teaches a bishop should be blameless, though not perfect. You said his child out of wedlock is an allegation. If so, he should have never paid child support. I know he was your mentor Rev. But only Christ is our Savior.

  3. Well, for one, Carter has been sued for defamation LOST in court and has been given cease and desist orders over various things. However, he has freedom of speech even if the speech is not what someone wants to hear. What should everybody do, sue him all at once? No, the best thing to do is what they are doing, IGNORE him. The point has been made. He has been in jail for trespassing, been in court crying that he has no money and that Bishop Blake hurt his feelings, and a host of other embarrassing situations all from his mouth. He said Blake was gay, to which he LOST in court and presented NO proof of his allegation etc.

    So far as Sanders, look, it's easy to blame a dead man for everything. Any coward can do that. Believe me, Bishop Sanders was NOT a problem or a sore spot to COGIC. I know a lot more about the situation with the ONE alleged child than most and spoke directly and at length to Bishop about it and nearly everything related to it.

    Interesting thing is that the mother of this ALLEGED love child, has never produced anything with her picture attached. If you know what she looks like, I do too, and I have spoken directly to her.

    She claims it was a "fling" and describes herself as a person who, along with other associates, laid in wait for ministers and sought to service them in hotels and various places...As stated Brother, I have SPOKEN directly to the source and I will only say so much on this, but I am not speculating...Now, this young man, who is a good young man by all accounts, "may" be Bishop's son. There is no substantive proof to that but many say resemblance is the key...I don't know...Yes, Bishop DID pay a certain amount of money REGULARLY as some form of either child support, or an agreed upon contribution and the woman has NEVER taken him to court, but was highly upset when the young man came of age and the payments stopped. This was no secret and Bishop's late wife, Mother Sanders, who knew Ms. Ollison (the lady's name) and her son and did not have a negative relationship with her or him.

    Carter "seems" to be capitalizing off of lack of information regarding this issue. But if this is proof of COGIC's internal corrupt character, this is a bad example. Bishop loved kids, was not a molester, did not steal money, and was otherwise a mentor and character builder...

    Could he have done these things? YES. there is that possibility.
    Do I believe him to be guilty of moral turpitude or Clergy misconduct? NO I do not.

    Should he be venerated as a Bishop if this is true? That is a good question for discussion and I am sure opinions fly all over the place. However, I know many PEOPLE, not just Bishops that have messed up, either financially, morally or in matters such as this and are yet continuing today. Their acceptance is certainly no standard for what is right, but as I said, that would make a good biblical discussion.

    Sometimes all things are simply not as though they appear. At least on the surface.

  4. Another note on Carter...when carter first presented his question, he was on point. He was right to ask the question of Bishop Blake. However, Bishop Blake answered. Carter did not like his response and continued. Then added personal attacks...that's where I got off the train.

    Now, he is fueled by some ultra-right wing(ers) either COGIC "lovers" or "haters" (really an interesting mix, some that love COGIC like God walks in COGIC churches only and some that hate anything and everything that has to do with COGIC are all together with Carter) and he is catering to his base. His message however, has fallen upon deaf ears and he is really not a mention in any circle and or setting of which I am aware or apprised of.

    In other words, folk could care less about what he is saying and IF he is true about somebody, it seems that his overall character and past has defused his own attack. he has sabotaged himself.

    If his aim was to call COGIC clergy to repentance and reform, he has missed to altogether and made himself ineffective in that mission or cause. If this is a truth on Bishop, it is only a partial one in which the whole story has not been told. Carter has spoken to noone except extremists. I have spoken to the chief parties involved and come away with a much different take than he. But I digress!

  5. Matthew ch.7 vs 1..JUDGE NOT THAT YE BE JUDGED...Now where is your honor for the Bishop..

    1. Bishop who? Carter?...Either way reciting TRUTH is not simply is the way it is. To say Carter is wrong is certainly not judgement, and if it is, it is according to scripture and not my righteousness.

      So understand what judgement means before you come here attempting to "rebuke' for it, because you have no clue of what scripture says about such topic. Your recourse on it is evidence enough.


  6. Bishop Robert Sanders Was A Great Man Of God, He Was My Uncle Bishop Aaron Townsend Jurisdictional Prelate.
    Im Not With COGIC anymore
    But Im With UCOGIC
    But I Still Visit COGIC Churches


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