Various Items Of Interest

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Dr. Peter McCullough Reveals How Reducing Hospitalization & Death Are Not Medical Establishment Priorities

The TRUTH behind the handling of covid 19 is becoming more clear everyday.  Finally medical professionals themselves, actually involved in treating patients, are speaking out and telling the other part of what had been previously hidden from us. The TRUTH that reducing hospitalizations and vicariously death was NEVER the goal and aim of the medical establishment in treating the covid 19 virus.

Dr. Peter McCullough reveals much of what the Spirit Of The Lord had been giving to me as HERE  I explain that not only was covid created in a laboratory environment, but was also a biological attack upon the world, which is an ever evolving narrative.

Many of us, who were just not comfortable with covid 19, its treatment or anything related to vaccine, are now finding that our concerns are well justified, from not only how the vaccines were created (through and by the use of aborted fetal cells) to the application of vaccine, forced and mandated in many cases. 

The doctor reveals the group fear and the seeming blindness of the medical establishment (FCA, CDC & NIH) to follow never before seen protocols and storylines regarding covid 19 and their utter denial and refusal to follow treatment paths that prevent and treat the disease early and reduce mortality.  

Please listen as I believe that this information will totally change how you see this virus and the handling of it. 



  1. Anyone who didn't question why there were no medical treatments for this disease early on and why everything that did come up, such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermetcin were rejected and downplayed was asleep.

    They took already approved drugs down by using LIES and spurious accounts allegedly from doctors themselves, only to find out that they were wrong. I believe THEY are guilty for the deaths of the more than 600,000 in America and for more than that around around the world.

    I have never seen the medical profession, along with the media, so eager to mislead the public on an issue. It was inspired by the devil himself. the one who deceives and is able to deceive the whole world, EXCEPT for the elect of God.

    Say what one wishes, but I was and am certainly NOT deceived in any means by what I am seeing and what the LORD is revealing to me. I am glad to have come across the work of Dr. McCollough and look forward to hearing more.

  2. Supt. Burnett, thank you so much for this truth and confirmation from Dr. MCCOULLOUGH.


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