Various Items Of Interest

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Supported 100% To Abuse. The Demonic "Full Body" Anointing

"We support him 100%. We love our Pastor, and support him 100%"

To me, it is no wonder that the world did not consider the church as "essential" since the beginning of the covid 19 pandemic. Why? Simply put, the modern church has served itself in a gluttonous fashion and attached itself to the very things that God condemns. 

See the Entire SHAMEFUL Deposition Below

Money grabs, power grabs and excuses for and in support of sexual excess, sins and abuse. These things have taken over the identity of the modern church. It has become worse, in many instances, than secular places of employment and businesses. 

According to his own testimony in the attached deposition (below) and his description of what is called a "full body anointing", seemingly on women only, defrocked Pastor Lewis Clemmons is certainly a representative of all of the excesses and sins that cause the world to think of the church and the modern day minister as UN-essential. 

According to testimony (also below) of at least 2 victims that came foreword, Clemmons is said to have began grooming a victim at 15 years of age. As if that weren't bad enough, he also had the audacity to place scripture in the mix and use it as a justification for his actions, praying over genitals that he had defiled, and a demanding abortions to cover sins and then, to top it all off, deny his actions through preaching and by blaming his victims. These are some of the things that pastor/apostle/bishop Clemmons was not only accused of doing, but also found guilty of doing by a court of law. 

It took the WORLD to ban this preacher from being a spiritual leader ever again, and a $500,000 judgment against him. The WORLD showed more integrity than his "fans" within the church that seek to rally around the preacher perceiving him to be "under attack".   

If this had been left up to the church, we would still be dancing around issues of "love" and confusion, minimizing the needs of those victimized, claiming that the "pastor needs help too." Which certainly he does...but our focus would be off...we would continue to condemn the victims as trouble makers, while praising the predator, who both used and abused his liberty and destroyed lives more than $500,000 or any amount of money can restore. 

This is why I Am My Brothers Keeper Christian Advocacy Council (IMBKCAC.ORG) yet exists and continues its mission IN SUPPORT of those victimized by churches and charlatans such as this. Please join us in this ongoing fight by contributing to our cause to help us continue to reach and minister to victims of sexual abuse in COGIC and all over the country and in every denomination. 


See: WTVM News Report    

Abuse SURVIVOR: Ms. Lequita Jackson

Abuse SURVIVOR Ms. Lakisha Smith Describes "The Body Anointing"

Lewis Clemmons & The Entire SHAMEFUL Deposition

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