Various Items Of Interest

Monday, August 30, 2021

Mandatory Vaccines? The Religious Exemption

One of the most cult like things that I have ever seen, is the current SUGGESTION that business adopt a vaccine mandate for certain  or all employees, and businesses so eager to follow the tyrannical demand. In the medical field, educational field and others, front line employees, after having worked over a year without a vaccine, are being forced to be vaccinated or be fired!!! I recently heard that  even truck drivers, who spend most of their time alone or in the company of very few, are being required to be vaccinated against their wishes, just to drive by themselves. 

What kind of complete GARBAGE is this??? Wasn't it just a short time ago that nurses and front line medical workers, truck drivers and others were being hailed as American's Heroes? 

Many of our medical workers, for example, have already had and recovered from covid and DO NOT need a vaccine according to new and recent studies which contend that the efficacy of durable natural antibodies as a result of covid infection may be more desirable and longer lasting than vaccine inspired antibody response which, according to medical authorities, needs to be boosted and re-boosted in order for an individual to gain the necessary protection from covid. 

Yep, we can back that up...see HERE and HERE

Talking about being SOLD DOWN THE CREEK!!! It is with a CULT LIKE vigor and vim that many employers are "toteing the vaccine media and politically oriented line" of a failed President Joe Biden (who by the way should seriously be IMPEACHED for his abject failure in the Afghanistan withdrawal)
in effort to "keep us safe", and "stop the spread of covid variants" but at the same time are doing the most damage to FREEDOM, income and the ability of Americans to EARN a living and
contribute to society.   

If we are to listen to them, we are just barely existing, all our hospitals are full of people on the brink of death and destruction, and without taking the vaccine, you're not only killing yourself, but killing others, even killing those who have already taken the vaccine, which makes one wonder, then WHAT IS THE VACCINE FOR???

So far as the mandate, what many of these employers do not tell you is that in nearly every case, there is a religious exclusion that can used to avoid vaccine mandates. Before I go further, WE ARE NOT ATTORNEYS or LAWYERS and DO NOT TAKE LEGAL questions. This is NOT legal advice. Please see an attorney and get the advice for yourself, however, all that we will suggest here has been directed by attorneys competent in the field of individual and constitutionally protected rights. But even with that, I cannot guarantee any outcome with the use or implementation of this information.

The RELIGIOUS Exclusion 

Yep! Religious exclusions against vaccination still exist. Though your eager employer may not let on or tell you they do, they must have a procedure to allow you to submit a request for exclusion. 

#1 Follow Their Procedures

In addition, EVERY CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA has a RIGHT of FREEDOM OF RELIGION which, by Constitutional protections cannot be ABRIDGED without due process. Please see both the 1st & 14th Amendments Of The US Constitution

# 2Executive orders and suggestions are NOT due process. We "normally" do not follow Tyrants in rule...but...anyway

FACT: All three current mRNA vaccines were tested and developed using ABORTED FETAL CELL lines. Even the Phizer (whichever one was allegedly approved or not approved by the FDA) was TESTED AND DEVELOPED using ABORTED fetal cell lines. Although none have aborted fetal cells in them, they were TESTED and DEVELOPED using aborted fetal cells. In other words, someone wanted to abort their child, they did and certain of the baby's cells were used for vaccine research, and in particularly, the research for these 3 mRNA vaccine.  

Got Proof? YEP...See HERE, HERE and HERE

#3 True Christians...not Joe Biden christians...but TRUE Christians are not ashamed of the biblical teaching that ALL LIFE is given by God and that men, taking innocent life, are doing nothing more than murdering those whom God has created or allowed to come into existence. We are made by God with and for a purpose and only he can give and take life.

Need To Know... 

Your exclusion is NOT subject to your employer being convinced or or even affirming your belief. Your employer, is not granted the right of examining your faith, to see if you "really" believe what you say. Your employer DOES NOT need a letter from your Bishop, Pastor, nor do they need a doctrinal statement, because YOU the individual, have a right to faith and a right to religious belief that cannot be judged by either your employer or the State and a church organization is not necessary for you to have and exercise religious freedom!

Your employer can only do what the law allows, judge that your belief and your right to your religious freedom and belief is not hindered or hampered by them. 

Yes, they will be belligerent like too may...ask for weekly and even daily testing, as if the vaccine itself guarantees some sort of protections from infection, which NONE do...but until the courts straighten out all the violations of law and oversteps of freedom, implemented by power hungry political executives, and their social and elite minions, we are subject to these measures to preserve our FREEDOMS as we fight for our rights in this world. 

I hope this helps and in case you don't understand, don't call me. First call JESU then call an attorney!

Who can you call if nothing else works???

Call Liberty Counsel and Attorney Harry Mihet 

We certainly don't guarantee outcomes, but at least get in the game and stand for your rights!


8/31/2021 UPDATE:

According to a recent article at Life Site News, the New York Board Of Health decided by FIAT to disallow any and all religious exemptions from the covid 19 vaccines which will affect over 450,000 healthcare workers all over the State. Banning new exemptions and reversing all currently approved ones, the Board Of Health members followed their CULT LIKE, and WORSHIPFUL pro-vax and vax at all costs path regardless of damage and adverse claims of individuals through the VAERS system which is supposed to keep track of vaccine related adverse reactions. 

What will happen? HOPEFULLY this group of vaccine zealots will come back to their senses and realize that the error of their ways, until then I am sure that the matter will go to court and in all likelihood be decided based on the current DECLINING severity of covid 19 and the variants and the constitutionally protected right of religious freedom. Yes, it seems that even if their are more covid infections, there are much lesser deaths and people are coming out of hospitals. Remember, last year elective surgeries were put on hold while only covid patients were in certain hospital spaces and hospitals laid off staff in many places.  

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