Various Items Of Interest

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Black Lives Matter On MTV's Decoded

Now, I have already noted what I believe about the Black Lives Matter organization and some of its core principles. I clearly explain my position HERE and HERE. So it is clear, I don't accept and never will accept the relative moral values that the BLM organization embraces nor the disintegration of the traditional family that the organization promotes. 

With that said, I want to be clear in asserting that much of the social justice message promoted by the BLM organization and further what could be known as a social justice element promoted by the movement, is something that is true and has much place within our society, pointing out some harsh inequities and realities based on race and classism that have occurred both over time and within modern day society. 

In short, there is a distinction between the organization and the message that the organization presents to a degree. eg: Just because the organization is atrocious in its values of family and parochialism, does not mean that it is automatically wrong about many mainline social justice elements that it espouses. As stated, I will never agree with the organizational values of family, but I will and do agree that, until recently, Black lives were expendable in the hands of many social institutions, especially the criminal justice system, commissioned to protect all Americans.

Many Black people, such as myself, would often see and experience similar injustices happening to both White and Black people, but somehow Black individuals would invariably never see "justice" or "equity" in similar or the same situations. In fact, I don't think that we have ever seen a policemen kill a White parent at point blank range with a child in the back seat of car, or I have never heard of a White man being killed by the police in open daylight because he was selling cigarettes for $2 a piece. What's worse, is I've never heard anyone try to defend the actions of authorities simply because the people that they killed were Black and somehow deserving of the treatment. 

In short, anyone saying that there is nothing wrong with those incidents, or that Blacks deserve what they got because they are "more prone" to crime are just flat out IDIOTS, and individuals who only add to racism by their stereotypical attitudes.

MTV Decoded

even though I resent a segment from them here, I also have no special concern for MTV either. They have not promoted or done anything that attracts me or helps me build upon my spirituality or Christianity in general, however they did a segment on their "Decoded" show that has made its rounds and I believe their assessment is spot on!

With this said, know that there is a difference between the BLM organization and the BLM social justice effort. Decoded addresses most of the contentious arguments to the contrary and, personally, I'm glad they did. But remember...EVEN IN THE WOMB, Black Lives Matter!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You know me REV, and my analytical way of thinking...but I'm gonna go in a little hard on this one.

    Her response to those who asks "but what about black on black crime?" is ABSURD! She said the question "assume the BLACK community isn't concerned about gun violence". The question is not about the BLACK COMMUNITY concern about GUN VIOLENCE, it's about BLACK LIVE MATTERS concerns about BLACK on BLACK Crime.

    For her to then go on to talk about "Cease Fire" in Chicago, a GROUP that doesn't get half the media attention as BLM, is RICICULOUS. BLM gets heavy exposure, and almost everything shown about them, are their aggressive protests at rallies, and their disruptive appearance in our communities after law enforcement had been "acquitted" by the justice SYSTEM.

    SORRY NO NEED TO hijack off of "CEASE FIRE in Chicago", and their DOCUMENTARY called the "INTERRUPTERS". You got groups like CEASEFIRE in Chicago and the "300 Men March" folks in Baltimore who actively protest against STUPID gun violence BLACK on BLACK. BLACK Live Matters could certainly learn a lot from CEASE FIRE and the Baltimore Men, because BLM has not shown it cares at all about BLACK on BLACK CRIME. They have been called out for this here -
    She goes on even to say "BLACK on Black" crime isn't even a thing." ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

    For her to say Black Lives Matter is concerned about the lack of consequences of the Black lives taken at the hands of the police is SIMPLY MADNESS. She goes on in her snobbish little way to interject the difference between indictment and a conviction. If BLM are concerned about the lack of consequences, seems to me their presence should target around the courthouses where these "judgment" are rendered, not marching down the streets of our communities causing destruction and fear for many of the innocent Black people (women and children) who live there. Dr. King marched in protest, and appealed to the lawmakers of the land. And even while protesting PEACEFULLY, many black folks (men and women) were brutalized by the hands of law enforcement.

    Doesn't matter the defense of the woman, these BLM THUGS are agent provocateurs. And I for ONE am NOT SUPRISED AT ALL, the demonic MTV granted her a platform to SPEW this JUICE! I could go on about many of her other fallacies in her video. She ONLY becomes defensive using typical rhetoric.

    The ONLY solution for "RACISM" is the CROSS. Our call as Christians should be to evangelize the WHOLE world with ONLY MESSAGE HE GIVES that can SAVE THEM.


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