Various Items Of Interest

Thursday, January 4, 2018

David Koresh & The ABC Special

I wrote this particular article on our In Defense Of The Faith page on Facebook after watching ABC's recent special on 25 years after Waco and David Koresh.

Feel free to join our In Defense Of The Faith Group. the kingdom awaits. Here is what i wrote:

David was certainly a false prophet and a false Christ. he exuded all the signs. 

One of the arguments that he used was that even Jesus himself was the leader of a "cult". Therefore he had credibility. One of the reporters agreed saying that all religions are "cults".

The fact is that both statements are false!

Christianity is not a cultic neither is it based on cultic tenets.

According to the Cult Education Institute, the following could be signs of a cult or a cult leader:
1- Absolute authoritarianism without meaningful accountability.
2- No tolerance for questions or critical inquiry. 
3- No meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget, expenses such as an independently audited financial statement. 
4- Unreasonable fear about the outside world, such as impending catastrophe, evil conspiracies and persecutions. 
5- There is no legitimate reason to leave, former followers are always wrong in leaving, negative or even evil. 
6- Former members often relate the same stories of abuse and reflect a similar pattern of grievances. 
7- There are records, books, news articles, or television programs that document the abuses of the group/leader. 
8- Followers feel they can never be "good enough". 
9- The group/leader is always right. 
10- The group/leader is the exclusive means of knowing "truth" or receiving validation, no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible.
NONE of these things represent or exemplify Christianity or Jesus in any way. For example Jesus invited both the initiated and uninitiated to examine him, hear his words, and discover who he was critically.

The Apostles understood that the faith was not something done in secret and Pal claimed that even the world knew about them (Acts 26:26) On the contrary, cults are filled with secrecy and secret rites. Those things simply do not exist within correctly practiced Christianity.

So far as the primary figure...Jesus demonstrates who he was and is by his works, acts and deeds. He never beat his followers (although he beat the thieves out of the temple) and he never played mind-games, nor was he a pedophile like Koresh.

Now, speaking of the last part, many people such as Alex Jones and others pointed out the problem of government intrusion in Waco, claiming that the government was wrong...HOWEVER Koresh was a PEDOPHILE, ADULTERER, PHILANDERER, and among many other things a flat out DECEIVER.

For those to claim that he was not "damaging" anyone in his complex, or that he could have been dealt with more reasonably, have no understanding of the dangerous and flat out ungodly practices of this man.

Look, in the end, like Jim Jones, he, Koresh, KILLED men, women and children and led them all to hell! It was a false teacher and false prophet, a false Christ, such as Koresh that defiled children, wives, and subjugated grown men to follow and uphold him in his lies.

Those pointing to the intrusion of the government, are either oblivious to, or ignorant of the damnable acts of Koresh. He was a virus, and a cancer and met his fat in Hell. He will meet his maker and will pay for the multiple lives that he took, including the police that attempted to bring his evil and psychotic reign to an end.

For those looking on, don't confuse Koresh with anything Christian. He was NOT a Christian. He was a devil and false teacher and deceiver who quoted the bible while he hedged it to gain sex, and access to women and men.


  1. Pastor...I agree David Koresh was a nutcase who is the perfect example for what happens when Scriptures are misinterpreted. I'll admit I did not watch the ABC special, but I know how TV (one-eyed-devil) will propagandize to misinform through the lies it tells. I know many may absorb their intent to demonize David Koresh, but the real story they choose to omit, is the ATF used excessive force when initiating a search warrant for "illegal possession of firearm". All this initiated by none other than Ole SCUMBAG Chuck Schumer. (I don't know who is worse SCHUMER or KORESH).

    Bottom line is 22 children and more than 60 adults were murdered. This group, the BRANCH Davidian was made up of all races of people (blacks included). Now a good documentary for ABC to air was the TRUTH behind the BRUTAL and IMMORAL force initiated against these innocent people.

    I suggest the viewing of what really went down -

  2. Well the fact is that although the planning was bad, and the news certainly pointed that out, the effort was overdue...This creates a strange sense in which people that otherwise don;t support criminals or pedophilia (the church) suddenly support Koresh because it was "the government" that was intruding...

    We;;, THEY SHOULD have intruded. We have an active and open pedophile and swindler doing what he did, he deserved to be taken down much prior to what he was. So I would say believers, need to see this for what it actually was...a dispense(ment) of justice and that justice was in defense of the kids and families...

    we talk about the 22 killed. We;;l they were killed by their parents who refused to obey the law. In addition, do you know how many victims that the average young victim goes on to abuse during their lifetimes?

    The average pedophile is responsible for 148 additional victims during their lifetimes.

    22 children may have died, but the government was not to blame for trying to stop Koresh's atrocities!


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