Various Items Of Interest

Friday, December 31, 2021

Your Invitation To Watch Night 2022

This year (2021) has been a year more than most that has taken us as a community of citizens and believers to places that many of us never thought that we would have to venture. It has been a challenge for many, with pandemic/endemic regulation, vaccine regulation, loss of jobs, inflation, social and political unrest, abortion revision, rise in crime and violence and many other things. 


“Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord, till He comes and rains righteousness on you.” – Hosea 10:12

Welcome to New Year Celebration 2022...It is TIME to seek the Lord for those who didn't already know.  Join us tonight at 11:00PM CST for a WORD from the Lord as we leave 2021 into the great, many, and manifold blessings that the Lord has prepared for us in 2022.

Here is the link to the ZOOM Invitation:

Pastor Harvey Burnett is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: New Bethel COGIC Watch Night 2022 "The Battle Is The Lord's"
Time: Dec 31, 2021 11:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 970 9585 9718
Passcode: p8FUyt

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

A Community Plan To Address Crime & Violence in Peoria, IL

 Violent Crime has been an issue in America for quite some time, but in recent years, especially through covid, violent crime has increased. Just up the road in in Chicago, IL, for example, there have been over 3,100 shooting victims and 535 homicides this year alone. 

The Non Essential Church

In part, I believe that the rise in crime and violence that we have experienced has been due to the
ineffectiveness of the church. This did not merely begin with covid...the church has not been effective and or relevant in the lives of many individuals for a number of years. For example, I would venture to ask, or better yet, ask your pastor, what are the main influences of crime and violence in your church's neighborhood and in your community?  Is crime and violence in your area due to drugs, gangs, poverty or a combination of each? How does the breakdown of the family structure factor into this? What is happening at the local school that effects the stability of the neighborhood and community? How is the church positioned to engage and address the issues?

Believe me when I say, I have received more emails regarding Marvin Winan's marriage (God bless him and happy for him) than emails regarding the violent murders that take place every week all over this country. 

This tells me that our mission and what gets out attention is misplaced at best...Violence in our communities and the disintegration of the family and destruction of the lives of your youth happen because WE are ineffective and have made ourselves irrelevant to solving the problems. This is not God's fault, nor is it The WORD'S fault. The blame belongs to US. This is why the world viewed the liquor store more ESSENTIAL than the church. While liquor and cigarettes were sold at the highest levels in history during the covid shut-downs, our churches were shut down, told not to worship and or told how to worship and when to worship, and in my opinion, RIGHTFULLY SO!

Off The Soapbox for a second...

I too the time to put together what I call is a topical plan to address crime and violence in my area and community. Although I do not outline "preaching the Gospel" it should be abundantly clear, that we do what we do BECAUSE of the Gospel and who Jesus is, because without HIM we can and will do NOTHING!

I have had this plan for a number of years but was recently sparked into action because the Violent Crime (VC) Rate in my area exceeds 10.4 per 1,000. This is against the backdrop that the State's median is 4.07 and the National avg. is 4.00 per 1, as one can see, WE have a problem!

If you are a pastor or leader, hopefully this can help you and encourage you to develop and implement a plan in your area that will allow you to minister to those hurting in our streets and PREVENT death from taking over our communities and neighborhoods. Remember, this is NOT about building a church name and or reputation, neither is it about promoting your "ministry"...This is engagement that you have to be ready for and directed of the Lord to do. I'll pray for you, and you pray for me...

Sunday, November 7, 2021

International Alliance Of Physicians & Medical Scientists Say "NO!" To Child And Cohersed Vaccination

The International Alliance Of Physicians and Medical Scientists met Saturday Nov. 6th in Ocala, FL to decry the complete mismanagement of covid both in the United States and in the free world.

Releasing a Declaration exposing the risks of covid vaccination for youth and those who have previously been infected, the DOCTORS,EPIDEMIOLOGISTS and VIROLOGISTS, whose livelihoods have been threatened and voices silenced, made a stand with a rank of over 13,000 strong physicians in tow, to declare the end of covid deceit, medical mismanagement, and the aspirations of big dollar pharma, who has gripped the CDC, FDA and NIH in the United states.

These doctors and medical professionals are those who actually treat covid patients during their line of medical services, and have a track record of healing the masses through the practice of medicine and cannot be overlooked. Be clear, WAR was declared  on mandates, forced vaccination and a host of other efforts to coherse adults and children into vaccination and subjugate individuals to ineffective treatments which neither reduce prevalence of disease, nor stop acquisition of disease. 

Why wasn't this on the news? Because the media is COMPLICIT with the lie! The LIE that everyone needs to be vaccinated to eliminate covid. Here are a couple FACTS associated with covid that you haven't heard on the news...

In the UK, for the last 4 weeks, slightly over 80% of deaths from covid 19 have been among people fully vaccinated...didn't hear that on the news did you? Last week, Nov 1st, 2021, in ILLINOIS, there were more fully vaccinated individuals hospitalized with covid than unvaccinated individuals. Did you hear that in the news? Nope...and you should as, WHY!


Global Covid Summit

Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance

Friday, October 22, 2021

Monday, October 11, 2021

Digital Identity. The Mark Of The Beast?

Read: The WEF & The Pandemic

Revelation 13: 16- 18 ~ 16-And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17-And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18-Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

The Great Reset

The Word Economic Forum (WEF) headed by its founder Klaus Schwab, the author of "The Great Reset: Resetting The World" claims that it has a goal of "improving the state of the world" and a mission of "shaping global, regional and industry agendas". From individual consumerism, employee health and mental wellbeing, to farming and how individuals purchase goods and services, the WEF is feverishly seeking to expand its global influence now more than ever in light of the covid pandemic. 

Mr. Schwab has outlined that it is essential for its global corporate stakeholders (a term fashioned through this forum) be committed to reaching "Net Zero" (emissions), integrating concepts of globalization, regionalization and localization to create "meaningful perspectives" for world outlook. The agenda is strongly centered around religiously and systematically reverting the world's demand for fossil fuels to renewable sources at nearly any cost.

One would say, what does the world economic wellbeing have to do with individual identity? I'll show you here in a minute, just bear with me...

The Great Reset Agenda

According to Schwab there are 3 primary components to this Great Reset Agenda. Amazingly we can see the complete WEF agenda rife through President Biden's economic policy and agenda. Through this we can also see why President Donald Trump had to go or be removed from office one way or another, simply because he was not playing by WEF rules. Biden's policies and things that we see in the news just happens to be a variation of WEF policy and goals, including his "Build Back Better" slogan, which is also hailed by the WEF before Biden announced it as his campaign slogan.

Here are the 3 foundations of the WEF agenda:

1- Improve coordination of tax, regulatory and fiscal policy to produce "fairer" outcomes which include changes to wealth taxes, encourage reduction of fossil fuel subsidies and proliferation, change rules regarding intellectual property and trade regulations with the objective of creating a more free and open society and global community.

2- Insure that investments and stimulus center around shared goals of equality and sustainability and focus on "green Infrastructure", "human infrastructure", and incentivizing industries to improve their track record on environmental, social and governance (ESG) metrics 

3- Harness all resources of the 4th Industrial revolution to support the public good by addressing health and social challenges. (Which ultimately includes the coordination of verifiable health information)

In conservative news media there have been many questions raised concerning President Biden's "infrastructure" plan and why it includes the new "human infrastructure" at such high levels of contribution. Many have been questioning how infrastructure, which has traditionally focused on roads, highways and other non personal means of helping and making society run, now include  payments for daycare, a "living wage", advance tax credits, a resultant discouragement to marry, more money for social services and other forms of human and individually centered needs. The complete agenda is not an American inspired agenda. It is a globalist agenda inline with WEF goals and objectives. 

Digital Identity: Covid Credential Initiative

I have already pointed out in our article  "The New Covid ID Healthcare Certificate"  that due to the alleged covid 19 pandemic a "covid pass" was being created that would track the medical and health status of individuals all over the world. At the time I wrote that article, there were no mandates or proposed mandates requiring anyone to get a covid vaccine as vaccines for covid had not been created. Fast forward...since covid vaccines have been released under the EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) there is a push to vaccinate everyone on earth with these still under EUA (EXPERIMENTAL) vaccines. 

The notion of medical freedom and privacy has disintegrated before our very eyes. No matter the innumerable reports of failure, injury and death associated with the EUA vaccines, or multiple reported incidents and adverse reactions through the VAERS system, the push to encourage vaccination of everyone, even children and pregnant women exist.

In as early as 2018 the WEF was leading the charge for VACCINE ASSOCIATED IDENTITY through the recognition that "VACCINES ARE AN ENTRY POINT FOR DIGITAL ID" and that children were a valid target to bring about a change in the world vaccination and individual ID status. Through their ID2020 program (remember this was in 2018) the WEF envisioned expansive vaccination for kids and outlined many valid reasons for doing so. So to say that Covid ID is a new or novel idea, is certainly not true. This is simply an opportunist move and a move possibly planned when the partners of the Rockefeller Foundation and Gates Foundation (or entities associated with Bill Gates) are considered.

The WEF is a part of the development and promotion of the Covid Credentials Initiative (CCI). What is the CCI? Let's refer to their website and let the creators of the CCI tell us:

The COVID Credentials Initiative (“CCI”) is an open global community collaborating to enable the interoperable use of open-standard-based privacy-preserving credentials and other related technologies for public health purposes.

The community currently focuses on the application of Verifiable Credentials (VCs), an open standard and emerging technology, which could provide a close experience to physical credentials while offering additional benefits, the most important being privacy-preserving and temper-evident.
We joined Linux Foundation Public Health (LFPH) in Dec 2020 to work together on an open-standard-based open-source approach to COVID credentials. At CCI, we develop specifications (including governance frameworks and other documents), organizing activities and incubating ideas/projects for LFPH and other related communities.

What is a Verifiable Credential (VC)? Once again let's refer to their website for clarification: 

Much like a physical credential (e.g. the cards in one’s wallet), a Verifiable Credential (VC) is an issued assertion containing a set of claims about an individual or organization. The unique value of VCs is that they are digitally native and cryptographically secure, making them a great privacy-preserving alternative to other types of credentials, if used responsibly.

As shown in the illustration, after accepting a VC (e.g. a driver’s license) from a trusted issuer (e.g. a government body), holders can generate a proof with minimum information (e.g. over 18) needed to prove to a verifier (e.g. a liquor store) that they possess VCs with specific characteristics (e.g. age), qualifying them for certain types of access defined by the verifier. And there is no need for direct contact between the issuer and verifier throughout the process. This opens doors to a wide range of solutions to the social and economic challenges incurred as a result of COVID-19.

That is a lot of speak to simply say that this is a PERSONAL & INDIVIDUAL IDENTITY initiative that may begin by sorting out medical information but will ultimately include ALL of an individual's personal and private information which will be updated regularly by and obtained BY THE STATE! 

In other words, this is THE END of personal privacy, personal health information and individual determinism. It is the end of the 4th Amendment of the United States which is a hedge against "unreasonable" searches and seizures. According to WEF goals and objective, everyone will now be a member of the GLOBAL COMMUNITY by which the common language is a universal identity authorized, issued and maintained by a global alliance of government and ultimately and eventually eliminating all rights of privacy. 

Without doubt, NO ONE will be able to BUY/SELL unless one has this MARK, this NAME or NUMBER OF HIS NAME (sequence of numbers associated with personal identity)!

So Far As "The Mark" Or Number

I am not caught up in guessing the personal or individual identity of the "Anti-Christ". In my opinion, while this may be spearheaded and recognized by an individual, it certainly is a system or a method of operation by which the new state runs or conducts itself. However, for those who would like to be more technical biblically centered, I will point you towards and an article at entitled "What Is The Meaning Of 666" by Hank Hanegraaff from his book "Apocalypse Code (2007). Hank states this regarding 666 and 616 and who and what the passage may have been referring to:

"Furthermore, unlike today, transforming names into numbers (gematria) was common in antiquity. For example, in the Lives of the Twelve Caesars Roman historian Suetonius identifies Nero by a numerical designation equal to a nefarious deed. This numerical equality (isopsephism) is encapsulated in the phrase: “Count the numerical values of the letters in Nero’s name, and in ‘murdered his own mother’ and you will find their sum is the same.” In Greek the numerical value of the letters in Nero’s name (Greek: Nevrwn, English transliteration: Neron) totaled 1,005, as did the numbers in the phrase murdered his own mother. This ancient numerical cryptogram reflected the widespread knowledge that Nero had killed his own mother.

Finally, while “Nero” in Greek totaled 1,005, the reader of John’s letter familiar with the Hebrew language could recognize that the Greek spelling of “Nero Caesar” transliterated into Hebrew equals 666. Moreover, the presence in some ancient manuscripts of a variation in which 666 is rendered 616 lends further credence to Nero as the intended referent. The Hebrew transliteration of the Latin spelling of “Nero Caesar” totals 616, just as the Hebrew transliteration of the Greek, which includes an additional letter (Greek: “n”=50, English transliteration: “n”=50), renders 666. Thus, two seemingly unrelated numbers lead you to the same doorstep—that of a beast named Nero Caesar. Twenty-first-century believers, like their first-century counterparts, can be absolutely certain that 666 is the number of Nero’s name and that Nero is the beast who ravaged the bride of Christ in a historical milieu that included three and a half years of persecution. In the end, Peter and Paul themselves were persecuted and put to death at the hands of this Beast. Indeed this was the only epoch in human history in which the Beast could directly assail the foundation of the Christian Church of which Christ himself was the cornerstone."

If who John was referring to was Caesar Nero, it certainly WAS NOT confined to or restricted to concluding with the person of Caesar Nero. This was a double entendre and  SPIRITUALLY defined vision as opposed to solely naturally defined one. What we are dealing with and what the bible is pointing to is a principality, a "spiritual wickedness" or reigning idea, that has existed since the early church was founded, with an effort or purpose of diminishing the Church and Christ. The world's system is designed to weaken the church's influence, foundation and overtake it as an entity. 

Let me be clear...the FACT is that HIS CHURCH will not fail! We are overcomers and will overcome the world and the enemy of the church and our souls is ALREADY DEFEATED!

Has anyone wondered why, since the beginning of the alleged pandemic, all over the world, the FIRST restrictions were placed on the Church and Churches? In fact in the United States, in nearly all venues, whether they were overseen by Republican conservatives or liberal Democrats, the CHURCH was not mentioned or declared to be "essential". Bars and liquor stores were given rights to operate without restriction, while churches were driven to online operation and function and told they could not assemble. Church leaders further cowered down to health department regulations and in many cases health officials who redefined how churches should worship Christ. Many churches have not opened up yet, and are afraid to go against the political narrative even though God and the right of religious freedom is on their side.

The alleged covid 19 pandemic, was a complete DISTRACTION and an entry point for satan to deceive and subjugate the church and alleged believers. If you will put down your FAITH because people said so, or because you are fearful of a disease, that you perceive that even God cannot control, you will PICK UP ANYTHING and ACCEPT anything, thinking that your life is in danger. No, we are to walk in WISDOM, not tempting the Lord, but NOT live in FEAR!

Faith is under attack and is set to be driven out of world affairs as people are stripped of individual freedoms and rights. Jesus recognizes this asking with he find "faith in the earth" when he returns. (LK. 18:8) 

Political expediency and societal collectivism rooted in socialist values have replaced values of individualism and notions of personal and individual freedom that religion inspires. This new redefined set of collectivist/capitalistic values attempts to retain words such as "capitalism" but actually promote actions in the interest of the collective. In other words, what it means to be a free society is being redefined. A brief look at Australia and the atrocities that are occurring there in the name of "public safety" is proof of this. In my opinion,  much of what is happening around the world in response to covid 19 are human rights violations and must be addressed. 

Digital Identity is real and free people are the target and the only prohibitor of this new universal invasion of freedom. Is the idea a bad one. No, it is pleasing to the eyes and DESIREABLE for gaining wisdom. (Gen. 3:6) However, like in Eve's case what is actually being presented is something different. Do I believe that people associated with these ideas are evil? NO! Not all of them. However I do believe that there are evil people at the wheel in many cases. I believe we have others that are under the influence, whether wittingly or not, of powers and ideas that are not their own.

In my next article I will address the recent statements of world renown Psychiatrist Peter Breggin who calls the individuals involved in the covid 19 mitigations strategy that has been embraced by the world, EVIL and produces receipts to that effect. STAY TUNED

Until then, my only question...Where is the CHURCH and REAL church leadership?

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Molech Renewal Pt. 3: A Biblical Historical Look At Molech Worship In Israel

The WORD of the Lord:

Lev. 20:1-8 ~ 1- And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, 2- Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones. 3- And I will set my face against that man, and will cut him off from among his people; because he hath given of his seed unto Molech, to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name. 4- And if the people of the land do any ways hide their eyes from the man, when he giveth of his seed unto Molech, and kill him not: 5- Then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off, and all that go a whoring after him, to commit whoredom with Molech, from among their people. 6- And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people. 7- Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I am the LORD your God. 8- And ye shall keep my statutes, and do them: I am the LORD which sanctify you.

Written prior to approximately 900BCE to 700BCE, and recording events as far back as 1400BCE, the word of God was clear in its admonitions against idolatry, but that did not dissuade the children of Israel from disobeying God. In fact, Jeremiah received a word as God spoke against it specifically:

Jeremiah 32:35 ~ And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.

As late as 626 BCE potentially and arguably some 700 to 800 years after God would tell his people to forsake idolatry, many of who would be called his “chosen people” would engage and continue in some of the most vile idolatry in history, which would involve child murder as a “right” and other illusive practices for which the people longed for. 

From The Top: Israel & Judean Kings Given To Child MURDER          

In the divided Kingdom, we also see a continuation of  idolatry in both Judah and Israel, so much and so until God brought judgement upon the entire nation and discarded them from his presence disbursing the nation even for a time.

Let’s start by observing King Rehoboam who, although he was a 41year old adult, yet seemed to be influenced in the idolatrous worship of his mother who was also an Ammonite:

1 Kings 14:21-24 ~ 21- Now Rehoboam the son of Solomon reigned in Judah. Rehoboam was forty-one years old when he began to reign, and he reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem, the city that the LORD had chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, to put his name there. His mother’s name was Naamah the Ammonite22 - And Judah did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, and they provoked him to jealousy with their sins that they committed, more than all that their fathers had done. 23 -For they also built for themselves high places and pillars and Asherim on every high hill and under every green tree, 24 - and there were also male cult prostitutes in the land. They did according to all the abominations of the nations that the LORD drove out before the people of Israel. (ESV)

As suggested, I am careful to note here that Solomon, out of all the over 700 wives, princesses and 300 concubines (1 Kings 11:3), married an Ammonite or at least fathered a son, Rehoboam, by an Ammonite woman. As I will go into detail shortly, the Ammonite worship system seemed to have included, not only Molechian worship and observance, but also observance of Asherim (Ashera “the queen of heaven”) and ultimately the worship of Baal which it appears to suggest worship and observance of “Molech” and other deities of the pantheon of  false and pagan “celestial” deities.

While trying to assert himself as King, opposing Rehoboam, Jeroboam thought to preserve his life and insert himself into power after Solomon’s death by promoting idolatry and appointing non-Levite Priests to office. He recreated the “golden calf” system claiming that the calves were representative of the God that had delivered Israel through the wilderness, similar to what Aaron did when he succumbed to the people’s request supposing Moses to be dead.

Jeroboam, who evidently was a polytheist, set idols at both Bethel and Dan. (1 Kings 12:29). When the judgment of the Lord came upon his family by his son’s sickness and eventual death, a prophet told him of his evil and what God was going to do by cutting off his seed in the earth. The prophet goes on to reveal this:

1 Kings 14:15-16 ~ 15- the LORD will strike Israel as a reed is shaken in the water, and root up Israel out of this good land that he gave to their fathers and scatter them beyond the Euphrates, because they have made their Asherim, provoking the LORD to anger. 16- And he will give Israel up because of the sins of Jeroboam, which he sinned and made Israel to sin.”

Interestingly enough, one can see that even in Jeroboam’s short tenure, he had begun to allow and encourage the Kingdom to pick up every idolatrous act which had preceded them. It is within reason to believe however, that this idolatry had begun prior to his tenure or aspirations to be king even if subtly.

God warned Solomon that “strange women” would turn his heart from God. (1 Kings 11:2) scripture validates that Solomon honored the gods and deities of many of the women he married and even bowed himself to worship them as well. The scripture points out that specifically that Solomon built worship centers for “Chemosh the abomination of Moab” [The Queen Of Heaven] and for “Molech the abomination of  Ammon”.  (1 Kings 11:7)

In other words, we can see a full bloom polytheism in practice long before Solomon’s death. (1 Kings 11:1-13) Therefore, it is not a wonder why and how the Kingdom slipped so quickly into idolatry once Solomon died. They were already engaged in idolatrous practices from top levels of leadership.

Idolatry Persists In A Divided Kingdom  

After Solomon’s death, among the Kings under whose tenure the nation of Israel would be divided and developed, we continue to see a debase worship system and  continued debaucheries endorsed and given an open door. It is therefore not difficult to believe that child murder was common under the regimes of both Israel and Judah.

Ripe Scriptural Evidence:

King Ahaz (Judah’s 12th King) was also dastardly and diabolically evil sacrificing children to Molech:

2 Chronicles 28:3 ~  and he made offerings in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom and burned his sons as an offering, according to the abominations of the nations whom the LORD drove out before the people of Israel. (see 2 Kings 16 to see the sins of Ahaz regarding idolatry)

King Manasseh (Judah’s 14th King) did not follow his father Hezekiah in keeping Judah’s God pleasing reforms:

2 Chronicles 33:6 ~ And he burned his sons as an offering in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, and used fortune-telling and omens and sorcery, and dealt with mediums and with necromancers. He did much evil in the sight of the LORD, provoking him to anger.

Additionally the scripture affirms:

2 Kings 21:7 ~ And the carved image of Asherah that he had made he set in the house of which the LORD said to David and to Solomon his son, “In this house, and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, I will put my name forever. (ESV)

And during the process Israel would not listen nor turn from their idolatry. They simply proceeded by their own will, into judgement.

2 Kings 17: 14-18 ~ 14-But they would not listen, but were stubborn, as their fathers had been, who did not believe in the LORD their God. 15-They despised his statutes and his covenant that he made with their fathers and the warnings that he gave them. They went after false idols and became false, and they followed the nations that were around them, concerning whom the LORD had commanded them that they should not do like them. 16-And they abandoned all the commandments of the LORD their God, and made for themselves metal images of two calves; and they made an Asherah and worshiped all the host of heaven and served Baal. 17-And they burned their sons and their daughters as offerings and used divination and omens and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the LORD, provoking him to anger18-Therefore the LORD was very angry with Israel and removed them out of his sight. None was left but the tribe of Judah only.

The deity known as Molech, is believed by many to have been stamped out and practices honoring him died in the wilderness, or at the very least when Israel began to settle in the Land of Promise. From scriptural evidence, both preceding, postdating and concurrent with Israel’s travels and mission to settle the “Land of Promise”, it is my contention that the deification, worship and observance of both Molech, by many names and even under the name Baal, and Ashera worship, under various names and even under the name Chemosh, as it were known in Moab in particularly, never completely died out.

I contend that worship to these false deities simply evolved, changed, cloaked and revised itself like other such ANE deity cults, adapting into various and alternate cultures even up until modern times. Further, I contend that Israel, even during the 1st Century, a time at which scholars have said that there is ample evidence that Jews were particularly observant of their national theme in Deut. 6:4 “the Lord OUR God is ONE” , the Hebrew Shema, that the culture was well aware of the concept of Hinnom, child sacrifice and murder of the innocents at the alter of Molech and Ashera.


The Tel-Dan Inscription
Approximately 870BCE

Archaeology at Dan (Tel-Dan) has rendered many finds in recent times. An artifact called the Tel-Dan inscription, is the first historical evidence of King David and Israel’s kingdom outside of the biblical text. The Stela notes the “King of Israel” and the “King of the House of Israel”, and referring to two nations (both Judah & Israel, Southern and Northern Kingdoms) that Hazael, King of Aram, defeated ie: Jehoram of Israel and Ahaziah of Judah (2 Kings 8). Prior to this discovery it was speculated by many biblical critics, that both David and Israel as a kingdom was a myth or tall tale.

Dan is an over 6,000 year old city described in the bible as being one of the places where Jeroboam set up one of his “golden calves” as a symbol of veneration in order to attract attention away from Rehoboam’s Jerusalem (who, as stated, set up idols as well).

 Among some of the other finds at Tel-Dan include a scaled down version of the Temple in the North and miniature figurines, apparently present throughout Israel, that archaeologists believe were used to represent false gods such as Molech and Ashera or Chemosh.

In an article discussing the excavations and findings at Tel-Dan, the website states the following:

Archaeologists have found hundreds of figurines in Jerusalem and Judah, mainly in the ruins of private homes. Most were depictions of a nude female with exaggerated breasts. Scholars identify these figurines with the fertility goddesses Ashtoreth and Asherah, talismans to help conception and childbirth.” 

Although much evidence exists that Israel was into idolatry and various practices including worship of Ashera and even revised, if not out right worship to Molech and Chemosh, archaeologists have concluded that Dan was not “wholly” given to idolatry, but was such a place where dual worship (worship of both idols and YAHWEH) took place and existed.

The Mesha Stele aka: The Moabite Stone
Approx 840BCE

According to to the Mesha Stele, which is an amazing archaeological discovery, and as confirmed in 2 Kings 3, after King Ahab died, the King of Moab, Mesha, rebelled against Israel (2 Kings 3:5). The stele contains a favorable history in which Moab was basically punished punished by their god Chemosh, but was forgiven for past indiscretions and told to take Nebo from Israel. According to the stele, Chemosh, gave Moab the strength to overcome Israel. 

Although the Stele never revisits the latter parts of the incident other than to say that Chemosh had directed Moab into victory over Israel as stated. The scriptures however paint a much more broad picture and gives us the conclusion of this particular incident.

Scripture outlines a league of nations (Israel, Judah & Edom) as they went up to fight the Moabites. Although they encountered trouble, such as having to travel the long way around, and running out of water, the scripture outlines that in the end the victory was directed by God through the Prophet Elisha. He was given a message of God's deliverance which centered around telling the alliance to dig as many ditches as they could so that water, not from rain and or from seas, could be retained (2 Kings 36:16-17). The water, which was interpreted as blood by the Moabites led them into a trap (2 Kings 3:23-24), and the Moabites were defeated. 

What is interesting, is that the initial defeat wasn't satisfactory with Mesha. He mounted another attack using 700 of his best soldiers only to be defeated again. In light of his defeat he then took his oldest son and sacrificed him to Chemosh:

2 Kings 3:27~ Then he took his eldest son that should have reigned in his stead and offered him for a burnt offering upon the wall. And there was great indignation against Israel: and they departed from him, and returned unto their own land.

Once again, we view child sacrifice associated with the worship of Chemosh (aka Molech) as in direct relationship to Moab.

Additional Biblical History

In 2 Kings 17 a scenario unfolds regarding Assyria and the re-population of Israel after captivity. It seems that Assyrians brought their systems of worship to Samaria, which of course, displeased God, causing judgment to come upon the citizens through an attack of lions.

In response, the Assyrians recognized these attacks to be a result of dishonoring the “God of the land” (2 Kings 17:27) and that the people needed to better know how to honor the God of the land. The King of Assyria commissioned a former Danite priest to teach the people how to worship and honor God.

The interesting part here is that even after the people received instruction, they continued to worship their own idols and gods brought into the land:

2 Kings 17: 29-33 ~  29-Howbeit every nation made gods of their own, and put them in the houses of the high places which the Samaritans had made, every nation in their cities wherein they dwelt. 30-And the men of Babylon made Succothbenoth, and the men of Cuth made Nergal, and the men of Hamath made Ashima, 31-And the Avites made Nibhaz and Tartak, and the Sepharvites burnt their children in fire to Adrammelech and Anammelech, the gods of Sepharvaim. 32-So they feared the LORD, and made unto themselves of the lowest of them priests of the high places, which sacrificed for them in the houses of the high places. 33-They feared the LORD, and served their own gods, after the manner of the nations whom they carried away from thence.

2 Kings 17:41 ~ So these nations feared the LORD, and served their graven images, both their children, and their children's children: as did their fathers, so do they unto this day.

As stated in our previous article on the subject, the confirmation of the survival of these false deities existed well into the 1st century New Testament in both a Jewish and a Hellenized or secular world. In reference I previously said this:

"Tophet which literally also means “the place of burning” is believed to be the extreme southeast part of the “Valley of Hinnom”, is not mentioned as a literal place in the New Testament but appears to be synonymous with Gehenna or HELL or death in wordplay. This place was said to be a place where garbage and that which was unwanted was taken to burn and be consumed by fire. Interestingly, Gehenna is a transliteration of the Aramaic form of the Hebrew word Hinnom. The “fire” associated with Gehenna, never ceases (Mark 9:43-44) and the fire consumes ones “body and soul” in judgment. (Matthew 10:28)"

At Mars Hill (Acts 17), in a Greek cultural setting, Paul was confronted with all manner of idolatry and false worship and proceeded to preach and teach about the alter dedicated to “the unknown god” (Acts 17:23) Though no specific deity is pointed out here, it is not beyond the realm of believability that among the gods venerated at Mars Hill were revised versions of not only Baal, but also Ashera and Molech.

In Conclusion

In a recent debate on abortion and abortion rights, Dr. Willie Parker, who actively aborts children for a living, acknowledged that although a baby in a mother’s womb was a “human being” he or she was  NOT a “person”. He then went on to state that under our system of law and justice that “persons”  have rights and a right to live, but human beings don’t necessarily have the same. Yes, it was really an experience and an amazing expenditure of intellectual currency in effort to rationalize his actions of murder on demand, but the point is that many, no matter their education level and exposure, are doing mental gymnastics in order to make baby murder more palatable.  

I simply do not believe that our current actions and even actions and the desire to murder the unborn whether for hire or organically, even prior to Roe v Wade, are simply novel ideas. Our current experience is simply a repackaged and updated version of an age old desire to kill mankind, youth and in this case, the unborn.

Sin Packaged As A Good Idea

Amazingly, the current covid 19 vaccines, which are being mandated, and in some cases forced into people’s arms from place to place all over the world, were tested and developed using aborted fetal cells as I have pointed out in THIS ARTICLE.

I have heard people attempt to defend abortion related to vaccine by saying that many medications were developed similarly using HEK 293 fetal cells. Amazingly, the reports regarding HEK 293 range from “miscarriage” to “elective abortion”, therefore, whether abortion or baby murder was invoked to develop HEK 293 is ambiguous depending upon who you are talking to. What is not ambiguous is the fact that the vaccines were developed also using PER.C6 which is also a fetal cell line definitively and clearly obtained by ABORTION. Many argue that there are no aborted fetal cells in the vaccines, so their development should be of no consequence. But is any of that true?

Should we only value results with little regards to the means or the path taken to those results? Should we only value our societal conveniences as opposed to the methods that are implored to achieve those conveniences?

Historically, and biblically, we can see that since sin entered the world and the first murder committed by Cain, the murder and killing of humans has been an issue. It is a wartime strategy as far as I am concerned. If I were in an extended war against anyone, the best path is to reduce their numbers. Reduce their reinforcements. Don’t let them out of the gate.

Abortion is a wartime strategy of disinformation and misinformation at the highest level. It is simply about  number reduction and ultimately control. These are the same elements that were in these ancient systems of worship of molech and chemosh and ashera that demanded parents to agree in a solemn fashion without emotion and certainly without a willingness to intervene.    

Could it be that society’s need to promote abortion is, at root, not about anything other than “worship”? Not women’s health, not about personal choice, not about “my body, my choice”, but about WORSHIP?

With our bodies and minds we glorify God. We do the same when we glorify the devil!

 When all 3 of these articles are considered and held against modern society, I pray that it can be observed that this issue is one of epic concern to every believer. The unfortunate part is that within the context of the church this subject is probably one of the least spoken about and least taught. The fact is, teaching and showing those how to save life and especially innocent life, is the root of ministry and service to the living God we serve.
Jesus said,

"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:
I am come that they might have life, and that
they might have it more abundantly."

~ John 10:10


Additional Resources & Info:

CDC: Birth: National Vital Statistics Report Volume 68 #13

CDC: DEATH: National Vital Statistics Report Volume 68 #9 

The Dunamis Word:

Molech Renewal Pt. 1 : Ableism Drives Protests & Laws For The Right To MURDER Babies

Molech Renewal Pt. 2: The Survival Of Child Murder Through Moab And Ammon

Additional Historical Resources

The Mesha Stele

The Tel-Dan Inscription

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Religious Exemption Temporary VICTORY In New York

In what is appearing to be one of the most TYRANNICALLY led states in the United States, both at the Governorship and Mayoral level, the COURTS have agreed to entertain further deliberation on RELIGIOUS FREEDOM as it pertains to vaccine mandates and employment for Nurses and other Healthcare workers and related employees in NY's healthcare system in including NY City.

What Is At Risk?

The livelihood, professional status and family financial security and wellbeing of an estimated 650,000 healthcare professionals is at risk due to a OVERREACH and apparently PERVERTED interpretation of civil rights and religious and personal freedom in America due to covid 19 and its delta variant. Remember, this is the same covid 19 from which there was a 99+% recovery rate BEFORE there was an alleged vaccine to address it, even with inadequate medical prevention which still yet exists in many places. By the way, as of this writing, last year, without a vaccine, the INFECTION numbers were actually LESS than they are now. 

So What's The Deal?

Although an appellate court 3 judge panel has upheld the TRO (Temporary Restraining Order) against the mass firing of hospital workers and employees who refuse to vaccinate under the Governor's EO, by simply refusing to take any action at all, these shoddy political officials continue to bully and vow that their intrusive, and dictatorship inspired reign of terror will not be stopped.

That information can be found HERE

Looking like a modern day, JIM JONES IN A SKIRT, NY Governor Kathy Hochul has even gone so far as to say getting the vaccine is "God's will" for everyone...

She further says this HERE
“ know there’s people out there who aren’t listening to God and what God wants. You know who they are.”
THEY are YOU Governor "Jim Jones" Hochul!

At the same time, hospital workers refusing vaccine, are yet being confronted with a "vax or else" mandate with no option for weekly testing and further disciplinary actions such as suspension or even termination. In the event of termination, NO UNEMPLOYMENT insurance compensation will be available to these employees, once hailed as HEROES! Boy...that sounds like the Governor is sure hearing from god??????

Remember, this is from some of the same people who talk about they want to keep everyone "safe" and do "God's will". In other words these idiots BLEED HYPOCRISY and reveal that their only intent through and by deception, is self exaltation and yielding of "God Like" power to extend rights when they feel rights should be extended. In other words, the actions of these leaders are totally out of an Orwellian NIGHTMARE where citizens have no INALIENABLE RIGHTS which are guaranteed protected, not established, by the Constitution Of The United States, but guaranteed to be protected at all costs by our government. These modern day mini-tyrants and dictators set aside Constitutional rights protected for each individual, to establish a new set of principles based on collectivism and what, in their opinion, without restraint, is best for everyone. Whether realized or not, their views are  DYSTOPIAN to say the least and the epitome of ignorance and selfishness at best.

Now, as I have read the critics, two things are clear. 1- They have NO CLUE what this vaccine is, where it came from, how it was derived and why that is important to those of us committed to our faith who value LIFE at all stages of life, and 2- They have NO CLUE as to what religious freedom actually means and what the Constitution of The United States actually protects. Even in the article I referenced above, the author suggests that there there is only a "slight" relationship between the vaccine and abortion and that there is a "consensus" among religious faiths that vaccination is acceptable. Neither statement is true however.

Beginning with the latter...

  • 1st Amendment Of The United States Constitution:
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

  • 14th Amendment Of The United States Constitution
    Section 1:
    All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.



Be clear, no matter what the Catholic Church may say or do, a Priest is not necessary for a religious exemption in the United States.

In addition, any commentary from anyone claiming "the consensus of churches" is untrue, and has no basis for truth. When people were putting together "consensus" statements none of them asked me and I have been a part of the Christian church and faith for nearly 40 years, and I can name countless individuals who have never been asked to be a part of this "consensus" as who are "they", whoever these consensus takers are, asking???

The CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES protects our rights as AMERICAN citizens to religious belief and personal freedoms. Please note, the government DOES NOT GIVE us rights. Our Government recognizes that these rights already exist. Unlike the communist and socialist nations that many of our governing individuals admire, they, either through by or through health and safety measures or otherwise, have no right to ABRIDGE our FREE EXERCISE of religion or deprive us with life's pursuit of happiness, life, liberty or property, without due process.

What of 1905 Jacobson?...You're wrong preacher!

I am NOT a lawyer...HOWEVER, Jacobson, in which there was ultimately NO FORCED VACCINE upon the defendant, only a $5 fine (1), was NOT based on an mRNA vaccine under an EUA (2), was NOT based on a disease from which there was a 99%+ recovery rate PRIOR to the vaccine (3), was based on a vaccine which actually reduced prevalence and transmission of the disease, decreasing infections by some 99%[which NONE of the current vaccines do] (4), was based on a vaccine which was thoroughly tested PRIOR to distribution(5) and (6) was NOT developed using aborted fetal cells.

I don't know how much any of these points argued individually are persuasive or compelling enough to display that Jacobson is inapplicable, but I am interested to find out how such a dramatically different case, with a dramatically different disease with startlingly different outcomes can be used as a basis for mass mandatory vaccination in the United States, in spite of protected freedoms and personal liberties that are outlined within the AMERICAN CONSTITUTION, which is not some simple legal code that can be dispensed of at convenience or even during a pandemic as many legal authorities have already said. NOPE, not engaged in the practice of law, neither do I give legal advice, so I DIGRESS!

To The Latter

The mRNA vaccines were developed through the use of ABORTED FETAL CELLS taken from the kidneys of at least an aborted child.

I state the following in our article, "Mandatory Vaccines, The Religious Exemption

FACT: All three current mRNA vaccines were tested and developed using ABORTED FETAL CELL lines. Even the Phizer (whichever one was allegedly approved or not approved by the FDA) was TESTED AND DEVELOPED using ABORTED fetal cell lines. Although none have aborted fetal cells in them, they were TESTED and DEVELOPED using aborted fetal cells. In other words, someone wanted to abort their child, they did and certain of the baby's cells were used for vaccine research, and in particularly, the research for these 3 mRNA vaccine.  

Got Proof? YEP...See HERE, HERE and HERE

Yes, the vaccines were developed using cells from a human being...A PERSON...killed due to elective abortion, not some inconspicuous emergency procedure. To REJECT such vaccines on this basis alone, not to mention rights of personal autonomy and self direction, are perfectly acceptable not only within the Christian faith, but many other faith's and beliefs which also reject the killing of innocent beings for the purpose and sake of scientific research or otherwise.

This is an article that I wish had not to be written. Believe me, I understand and believe covid is real and do not wish it on my worst enemy! I disdain human suffering. However, it is clear that these vaccines DO NOT stop infection (though many claim the reduction in severity of disease) and does not stop transference or shedding of the virus to others. In fact, many indicators are currently pointing out that the vaccine, in those who have been vaccinated, may actually increase a person's ability to infect others with covid. IF information is not suppressed, as much information currently is being suppressed, we should know much more on this phenomenon in the coming days, but one only need look at the results of a highly vaccinated Israel to conclude, there is much more to the story than what we are being told and or led to believe.

Final Thought

Recently Attorney Allan Dershowitz, who has written a book, "The Case For Vaccine Mandates" stated on Fox News, that "an individual only has liberty to swing their fist as far as my nose". While that sounds true, I would counter with the opinion that if an individual must stop at one's nose, then they aren't free, but restricted.

One would say, "Pastor, I knew you were jacked up, but I just didn't know how much until now." I'll say, OK, but let's just see "how jacked" up I am...

While I would AGREE that hitting your nose, without cause is WRONG and more than likely immoral, LIBERTY makes the option of hitting it a possibility. I may have to pay a strong penalty for hitting it. You may do some damage to my posterior and other regions of my person for doing so, but FREEDOM does not restrict me for taking the action.

WELL...FREEDOM gave ADAM the ability to sin, although he was SINLESS! His ability to choose sin, therefore actualizing sin, displays that he (both Adam & Eve) were FREE! Certainly he and his wife paid the ultimate cost for sin and there was a consequence of death, but his ability to swing (chose sin)  WAS NOT restricted to our ability to feel the pain as a result of his choice! (death from which we all need to be saved figuratively OUR NOSE)

I'll leave it there and take up dissent in the comments...


Thursday, September 30, 2021

Vaccine Efficacy. The Challenge To Scientific Debate

  • Did you know that scientific peer-reviewed literature claims that over 150,000 individuals have died due to the covid vaccine?
  • Do you know what the VAERS system is, what it documents, and why it is important for all of us to know?
  • Did you know that there is a hot and robust scientific debate over requirements for  children to be injected with an EUA vaccine because there is a growing amount of evidence that they are especially harmful to youth?
If you believe the vaccines are safe Steven Kirsch says show proof, put-up or shut-up!

In the United States and elsewhere, millions have been vaccinated and millions more are being subjugated against their will to the vaccine and unanswered questions and scientific confusion abounds. In Australia, for example, the unvaccinated cannot be outside for more than 20 minutes without police intervention and arrest. Even the Vatican, no matter how effective your prayers, the Pope says you cannot work there without having been vaccinated.

We Destroyed Smallpox With A Vaccine

TRUE, however unlike the smallpox vaccine, which was neither under an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) or developed and created through the use of aborted fetal cells, the smallpox vaccine actually had efficacy, ie: in addition to treatment, the smallpox vaccine actually prevented and reduced disease prevalence by 99%. Although originally purported to do so, neither of the covid 19 mRNA vaccines or the J&J vaccine, reduce covid 19 prevalence nor stop its transmissibility. The whole world is nearly being forced to receive a EUA vaccine, which DOES NOT reduce the prevalence of Covid 19 and does not stop it from being transmitted. 

This vaccine is being forced upon the public while contrary positions are being censored, individuals including doctors and top scientists, silenced, safe and ethical treatments being avoided and restricted, and, in many cases, scientific opinions and conclusions removed from the general public and knowledge and information databases.

Not only should such actions present a problem to anyone claiming to be a "free-thinker" (as censorship should be) this has led to individual shaming, broken families, employees dismissal, businesses being shut down, and governments discarding and even redefining personal freedoms, while individual rights are diminished and dismissed all together. SEGREGATION and DISCRIMINATION have become acceptable again and promoted by political leaders. In all, it is a day that will not soon be forgotten upon history.

And The SCIENCE Says:

The scientific community is confused and in shambles over covid 19 vaccine, treatment and care. Leading authorities such as the CDC claim nothing is wrong and push full throttle for more vaccine distribution and mandates even though so called "breakthrough infections" are rising even among 100% vaccinated populations.


With an application to make sure individuals are qualified, and a $3,000 honorarium to medical professionals that wish to tote the line of vaccine efficacy, those who believe in vaccine efficacy have their chance to prove their position once and for all, based on the SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE.


  • 1- Kirsch and his team have asserted that over 150,000 Americans have been killed by the COVID vaccines and that they can defend that number using multiple methods. They also point out that the peer-reviewed scientific literature supports their assertion. The CDC says the vaccine hasn’t killed anyone. Which is correct?
  • 2- Kirsch and his team have asserted that the COVID vaccines kill more people than they are expected to save over a 6-month efficacy period and that this is true for all ages. Again, they point out that the peer-reviewed scientific literature supports their assertion. The CDC says the vaccine risk-benefit is justified for ages 12 and above. Which is correct?

The "Dream Team", those who believe the vaccines are problematic, are already assembled. Kirsch and associates are soliciting the nations top vaccine advocates to present their proof and convince the public of vaccine efficacy against increasing evidence to the contrary.

In our opinion, this could not happen soon enough. There is not an area of life unaffected by the vaccine and the so called "health mandates" regarding them. People are loosing their livelihood and retirements over what could be the greatest political and medical fraud in history and WE THE PEOPLE from all over the world deserve and demand to know the truth against government narratives, coercion and lies.

Who will take the challenge? 


