Various Items Of Interest

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Vaccine Efficacy. The Challenge To Scientific Debate

  • Did you know that scientific peer-reviewed literature claims that over 150,000 individuals have died due to the covid vaccine?
  • Do you know what the VAERS system is, what it documents, and why it is important for all of us to know?
  • Did you know that there is a hot and robust scientific debate over requirements for  children to be injected with an EUA vaccine because there is a growing amount of evidence that they are especially harmful to youth?
If you believe the vaccines are safe Steven Kirsch says show proof, put-up or shut-up!

In the United States and elsewhere, millions have been vaccinated and millions more are being subjugated against their will to the vaccine and unanswered questions and scientific confusion abounds. In Australia, for example, the unvaccinated cannot be outside for more than 20 minutes without police intervention and arrest. Even the Vatican, no matter how effective your prayers, the Pope says you cannot work there without having been vaccinated.

We Destroyed Smallpox With A Vaccine

TRUE, however unlike the smallpox vaccine, which was neither under an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) or developed and created through the use of aborted fetal cells, the smallpox vaccine actually had efficacy, ie: in addition to treatment, the smallpox vaccine actually prevented and reduced disease prevalence by 99%. Although originally purported to do so, neither of the covid 19 mRNA vaccines or the J&J vaccine, reduce covid 19 prevalence nor stop its transmissibility. The whole world is nearly being forced to receive a EUA vaccine, which DOES NOT reduce the prevalence of Covid 19 and does not stop it from being transmitted. 

This vaccine is being forced upon the public while contrary positions are being censored, individuals including doctors and top scientists, silenced, safe and ethical treatments being avoided and restricted, and, in many cases, scientific opinions and conclusions removed from the general public and knowledge and information databases.

Not only should such actions present a problem to anyone claiming to be a "free-thinker" (as censorship should be) this has led to individual shaming, broken families, employees dismissal, businesses being shut down, and governments discarding and even redefining personal freedoms, while individual rights are diminished and dismissed all together. SEGREGATION and DISCRIMINATION have become acceptable again and promoted by political leaders. In all, it is a day that will not soon be forgotten upon history.

And The SCIENCE Says:

The scientific community is confused and in shambles over covid 19 vaccine, treatment and care. Leading authorities such as the CDC claim nothing is wrong and push full throttle for more vaccine distribution and mandates even though so called "breakthrough infections" are rising even among 100% vaccinated populations.


With an application to make sure individuals are qualified, and a $3,000 honorarium to medical professionals that wish to tote the line of vaccine efficacy, those who believe in vaccine efficacy have their chance to prove their position once and for all, based on the SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE.


  • 1- Kirsch and his team have asserted that over 150,000 Americans have been killed by the COVID vaccines and that they can defend that number using multiple methods. They also point out that the peer-reviewed scientific literature supports their assertion. The CDC says the vaccine hasn’t killed anyone. Which is correct?
  • 2- Kirsch and his team have asserted that the COVID vaccines kill more people than they are expected to save over a 6-month efficacy period and that this is true for all ages. Again, they point out that the peer-reviewed scientific literature supports their assertion. The CDC says the vaccine risk-benefit is justified for ages 12 and above. Which is correct?

The "Dream Team", those who believe the vaccines are problematic, are already assembled. Kirsch and associates are soliciting the nations top vaccine advocates to present their proof and convince the public of vaccine efficacy against increasing evidence to the contrary.

In our opinion, this could not happen soon enough. There is not an area of life unaffected by the vaccine and the so called "health mandates" regarding them. People are loosing their livelihood and retirements over what could be the greatest political and medical fraud in history and WE THE PEOPLE from all over the world deserve and demand to know the truth against government narratives, coercion and lies.

Who will take the challenge? 





  1. The powers that be will not allow a fair and honest debate because they know this plandemic is built on a house of lies. If I'm not mistaken the CDC at one time said that the majority of COVID deaths were from preexisting conditions not COVID itself.

    1. EXACTLY!

      All this demonic insanity where at first they reported a 99.8% survival rate of all who contracted this made up virus.

      And now the lies Satan drags on to define as "fully vaccinated", those who have as that poison in their system for at least 14 days.

      And even after that... the "BOOSTER".

      What A Joke!!!

      Thanks Rev for this Report!

      Keep on exposing these
      devils and all the LIES they tell. This indeed is the greatest medical fraud in history!

    2. If that wasn't enough, listen to this. A President issued and Executive Order, and the people in charge of carrying it out REFUSED to implement it as he ordered? We would have ALL had access to the hydroxychloroquine combination as a prophylaxis under Trumps order. I remember Dr. Estella Emmanual stating that she GUARANTEED that a blood test on Anthony Fauci would show he was using Hydroxychloroquine.

      Check this video out:

  2. Yes, it is obvious that they are afraid of the actual numbers and do attribute deaths to everything else but vaccine. On the other hand, they contribute deaths to covid, but non vaccine related or as a result of vaccine. So they are openly deceiving, but use their "power" to insulate themselves from correction.

    Look at this video with Sen. Rand Paul taking Xavier Becerra our federal HHS Director, to task over covid mandates. Now, Becarra states that he was not aware of the study and facts that all of us have read from Israel regarding sustainability of natural immunity after one has caught covid and recovered. When Paul brings things out further, Becarra states that he had seen and reviewed ALL research from Israel and everywhere else on covid ( at 4:35).

    In other words, he and his people and leaders have DELIBERATELY withheld information and they think we are all too dumb to know and if so, powerless in our efforts to stop them, at least so they think...

  3. Then check this out. It is very interesting.

    1. Great info from this attorney Rev.

      Of course many on Ann Brock site charge him to be a conspiracy theorist.

      For anyone who don't discern all the lies regarding this PLANDEMIC, from a virus leaked in a lab funded by a derilect named Fauci, to the fake COVID deaths, their cure using Remdesivir a drug that failed and killed 54% of its user for Ebola and their use of the good old ventilator that destroyed the lungs of many hooked up to then to "save" their lives, to their poisonous vaccines, to their new variants to in still more fear, to now a plan to vaccinate children, children who they mandate they wear masks knowing these masks decrease the amount of oxygen in your lung tissue, and that Wearing a mask increasesthe chances of developing an upper respiratory infection 13 times more than a person not wearing a mask, for ANYONE who can't SEE Satan's ugly hands all in the mix with deception, evil, wickedness and death, those who push the DEVIL'S ploy, I pray for God to bring about a rush judgment upon them ALL!!!

      Keep up the great work Rev. Thank you for your voice in this last and evil days!

    2. Yep. Certain medical facts aren't in dispute whether one believes this man is a conspiracy theorist or not. Remdesivir KILLED many people and destroys the kidneys. Yet it was approved for off label use to treat covid. The ventilators KILLED another significant set of people and the failure to provide early treatment using Z Pac, hydroxychloroquine, and ivermectin KILLED others.

      These folk listened to POLITICAL SPEAK and made medical decisions and still are making medical decisions based on politics. They have no credibility. All of the leading democrat politicians said they would NEVER take a vaccine that had anything to do with Donald Trump. Now they DEMAND everyone take the same ones that had everything to do with him.

      They are ignorant, and anyone that put lock, stock and barrel in them has been led down the same dumb path.

      Although evidence has existed from the beginning, they are hem-hawing around natural immunity. They denied it for so long. Then they said, "well we don't know how long it will last", until their vaccine was found to only last 6 to 8, it's "that needs to be studied"...We'll it has been studied and found that natural immunity last longer, and is 27 times better that any vaccine. It has also been found that these alleged boosters or shots DO NOT help or exceed natural immunity, but you know what? Natural immunity is FREE and they will never be settled with that.

      Then Merc, led by the guy who left President Trumps organization over the fake news of his racism, allegedly has developed a "covid pill" to prevent covid. Guess what? It costs more than hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Zync, Steroids, Vitamin C all put together...Those fools will promote that because someone needs to make money.

      So I believe ANYONE who is trusting the media narrative is deceived, anyone that hears the real science behind our condition and still chalks it up to conspiracy, is unstable and doesn't know how to interpret facts and factual information.

      We are hearing now that the VAERS system has received over 700,000 adverse reaction reports and the death count is steadily increasing. If that doesn't signal an emergency, I don't know what would.

    3. Hey Rev, what is the general feeling within COGIC, especially the leader and the Board, about all this COVID? Are they aware of all such truths as you have presented? When you cite these things you post here, how do they respond to you in general? I think of all the people in the world who should be able to discern all the matters of the times we are living in, it should be the saints. I know when Blake was Bishop, he acted according to the lies the CDC put out. What is the general consensus of just the laity? Are they giving in to taking the jab most of them? I'd say at my church it's about 50/50. Our leadership leave it up to the individual to wear masks during our physical fellowship. We do Wednesday Night Bible Study online. I wish we would go back to the building even for that.

    4. Does this answer your question?

    5. And the reason I say it's a SHAME is because of the tons of people they influence. One would at least think that with the number of people on their board, at least a handful of them would provide some alternative views given the amount of information provide by peered reviewed medical health care professionals, doctors and nurses and people who have worked in the pharmaceutical industries. If not these people, maybe at least consider the testimonies from everyday people who have suffered at the hands of the procedural ploys of Fauci WHO CDC and the NIH. My oldest brother was put in the hospital and allowed to die on their ventilator. His common law wife simply went along with their protocol.

      Well I know you may not be at liberty to speak all your mind about COGIC. I get that. But I encourage you to keep up your great work here. You do do an EXCELLENT job and I get your heart regarding these issues of life and death.

      But it's a SHAME that entire board present such spiritual laziness just going along. Or is it that some in the high chambers of COGIC are given 30 peices of silver push this propaganda?

      Even as you say about IVERMECTIN and its effectiveness, the use of it in Uttar Pradesh, one of the largest providences in India, administrating IVERMECTIN to the population reduced COVID by 97%.

      And just recent analysis of data shows the effectiveness the Phizer vaccine fell below 50% after 5 months.

      Not to mention that although America it 4.2% of the world's population, it accounts for 16% of COVID deaths.

      I mean...just all the lies they tell through their Satanic media, and these COGIC leaders fall right into the devil's trap? And I'm not personally attacking COGIC, but I hope there are others like you within COGIC speaking the TRUTH the matters that occur into people's lives everyday.

    6. You get no argument from me. I don't hold a "position" in this church and certainly am not renown. Your opinions and admonitions are welcome and neither of us are beholden to authority.

      In general like too many churches, we like to follow societal authority, so we won't feel left out of being "favored". I mean, I have seen folk follow the governmental narrative to a hurt, then they try to blame it on GOd by saying, "the bible says obey them that rule over you"...while that is a true scripture, you should never obey an unjust rule or methodology.

      So far as covid, nobody wants to be seen as "responsible" for people's deaths. The fact is that the medical profession and story-line(ers) don;t feel the same sense of shame. They KNOW their protocols and standards of care, rejections of medical treatments and promotion of vaccine have KILLED thousands of people, but none of them are embarrassed.

      instead of balanced advice, we succumb to what they say. Yes, COGIC was assaulted by covid. Many lost their lives even our Presiding Bishop's mother was called home. I guess nobody is asking anyone to defy mandates of requests, but I think things should be addressed, discussed, not just from one side, but from all sides and all PEOPLE to make decisions.

      It seems NOBODY, whether secular or in the church, trust people to make sound decisions based on their situation. I think that is the sad part. The feeling that you've just got to demand some people to do some things, rather than inform them and allow them to follow the dictates of their heart.

      I have no clue if COGIC corporate demands vaccine for employment, but that would be interesting to know as well.

  4. Check this information out. No embed so far or I would have made it a post.


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