Various Items Of Interest

Sunday, November 7, 2021

International Alliance Of Physicians & Medical Scientists Say "NO!" To Child And Cohersed Vaccination

The International Alliance Of Physicians and Medical Scientists met Saturday Nov. 6th in Ocala, FL to decry the complete mismanagement of covid both in the United States and in the free world.

Releasing a Declaration exposing the risks of covid vaccination for youth and those who have previously been infected, the DOCTORS,EPIDEMIOLOGISTS and VIROLOGISTS, whose livelihoods have been threatened and voices silenced, made a stand with a rank of over 13,000 strong physicians in tow, to declare the end of covid deceit, medical mismanagement, and the aspirations of big dollar pharma, who has gripped the CDC, FDA and NIH in the United states.

These doctors and medical professionals are those who actually treat covid patients during their line of medical services, and have a track record of healing the masses through the practice of medicine and cannot be overlooked. Be clear, WAR was declared  on mandates, forced vaccination and a host of other efforts to coherse adults and children into vaccination and subjugate individuals to ineffective treatments which neither reduce prevalence of disease, nor stop acquisition of disease. 

Why wasn't this on the news? Because the media is COMPLICIT with the lie! The LIE that everyone needs to be vaccinated to eliminate covid. Here are a couple FACTS associated with covid that you haven't heard on the news...

In the UK, for the last 4 weeks, slightly over 80% of deaths from covid 19 have been among people fully vaccinated...didn't hear that on the news did you? Last week, Nov 1st, 2021, in ILLINOIS, there were more fully vaccinated individuals hospitalized with covid than unvaccinated individuals. Did you hear that in the news? Nope...and you should as, WHY!


Global Covid Summit

Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance


  1. Hey Rev. I'm gonna listen to the entire summit, But I heard a part of Dr. Malone's talk, and what was surprising to me that's kinda got me looking a lil side eye (I ain't gonna lie) was to hear him admit he took two doses of the vaccine. I would think all he knows about the damage those spike proteins could cause on the human body, he would not have taken those shots. Like I said I just got through a small part of the conference and the speakers. Could you briefly share your thoughts and opinion as to why you believe Malone decided to get vaccinated?

    1. Yea, that's true. Like Fox News being allegedly "pro medical freedom" and having a vaccine mandate for their employees. I would guess that sort of thought would be to not be shut out of certain circles to get information, but like you, I question the motive as well as i believe we should.

      I know some doctors I have spoken with on hold him out as a disgruntled player. They say he was looked over for certain positions and promotions and is simply grinding an axe. I don't think that is the case, but I can't put it past human nature.

      He gave a technical overview of vaccine technology and really took no position as to vaccine ineffectiveness except for as it pertains to kids.

    2. And Rev...I just read that a chief nurse of Russia who deals with the administration of vaccine vials and manages everything, quit her job, went in front of TV cameras and took out vaccine bottles.

      She showed the gathered journalists the codes on the bottles, each with the final number 1, 2, or 3 in the code, and then explained the meaning of these numbers:

      Number 1 is placebo, saline.

      Number 2 is the classic mRNA “vaccine”

      Number 3 is an RNA stick containing the ONC gene, related to adenovirus, which contributes, among other things, to the development of cancer.

      For these who get jabbed from vial whose code ends in the number 3, she says people who received them will have soft tissue cancer within 2 years.

      She said that she had personally witnessed the vaccinations of all politicians and tycoons and that they all received the preparation number 1.


      How demonic.

      It's not matter of CHOICE for me now. I'm TOTALLY AGAINST ANYONE TAKING the "vaccine".


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