Various Items Of Interest

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Vaccine Efficacy. The Challenge To Scientific Debate

  • Did you know that scientific peer-reviewed literature claims that over 150,000 individuals have died due to the covid vaccine?
  • Do you know what the VAERS system is, what it documents, and why it is important for all of us to know?
  • Did you know that there is a hot and robust scientific debate over requirements for  children to be injected with an EUA vaccine because there is a growing amount of evidence that they are especially harmful to youth?
If you believe the vaccines are safe Steven Kirsch says show proof, put-up or shut-up!

In the United States and elsewhere, millions have been vaccinated and millions more are being subjugated against their will to the vaccine and unanswered questions and scientific confusion abounds. In Australia, for example, the unvaccinated cannot be outside for more than 20 minutes without police intervention and arrest. Even the Vatican, no matter how effective your prayers, the Pope says you cannot work there without having been vaccinated.

We Destroyed Smallpox With A Vaccine

TRUE, however unlike the smallpox vaccine, which was neither under an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) or developed and created through the use of aborted fetal cells, the smallpox vaccine actually had efficacy, ie: in addition to treatment, the smallpox vaccine actually prevented and reduced disease prevalence by 99%. Although originally purported to do so, neither of the covid 19 mRNA vaccines or the J&J vaccine, reduce covid 19 prevalence nor stop its transmissibility. The whole world is nearly being forced to receive a EUA vaccine, which DOES NOT reduce the prevalence of Covid 19 and does not stop it from being transmitted. 

This vaccine is being forced upon the public while contrary positions are being censored, individuals including doctors and top scientists, silenced, safe and ethical treatments being avoided and restricted, and, in many cases, scientific opinions and conclusions removed from the general public and knowledge and information databases.

Not only should such actions present a problem to anyone claiming to be a "free-thinker" (as censorship should be) this has led to individual shaming, broken families, employees dismissal, businesses being shut down, and governments discarding and even redefining personal freedoms, while individual rights are diminished and dismissed all together. SEGREGATION and DISCRIMINATION have become acceptable again and promoted by political leaders. In all, it is a day that will not soon be forgotten upon history.

And The SCIENCE Says:

The scientific community is confused and in shambles over covid 19 vaccine, treatment and care. Leading authorities such as the CDC claim nothing is wrong and push full throttle for more vaccine distribution and mandates even though so called "breakthrough infections" are rising even among 100% vaccinated populations.


With an application to make sure individuals are qualified, and a $3,000 honorarium to medical professionals that wish to tote the line of vaccine efficacy, those who believe in vaccine efficacy have their chance to prove their position once and for all, based on the SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE.


  • 1- Kirsch and his team have asserted that over 150,000 Americans have been killed by the COVID vaccines and that they can defend that number using multiple methods. They also point out that the peer-reviewed scientific literature supports their assertion. The CDC says the vaccine hasn’t killed anyone. Which is correct?
  • 2- Kirsch and his team have asserted that the COVID vaccines kill more people than they are expected to save over a 6-month efficacy period and that this is true for all ages. Again, they point out that the peer-reviewed scientific literature supports their assertion. The CDC says the vaccine risk-benefit is justified for ages 12 and above. Which is correct?

The "Dream Team", those who believe the vaccines are problematic, are already assembled. Kirsch and associates are soliciting the nations top vaccine advocates to present their proof and convince the public of vaccine efficacy against increasing evidence to the contrary.

In our opinion, this could not happen soon enough. There is not an area of life unaffected by the vaccine and the so called "health mandates" regarding them. People are loosing their livelihood and retirements over what could be the greatest political and medical fraud in history and WE THE PEOPLE from all over the world deserve and demand to know the truth against government narratives, coercion and lies.

Who will take the challenge? 




Thursday, September 16, 2021

The Spiritual Blindness Of Abortion

"Let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind. 
And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch.”
~ Mt. 15:14

Retired Bishop Paul S. Morton recently tweeted the following regarding the newly ratified TX abortion law:

The full TEXT of the new Texas abortion law can be found HERE

For sure, abortion is THE watershed issue of modern times. Debate regarding abortion and abortion rights are full of issues over freedom and individualism of adults, but it seems that too many of those arguments fall short of outlining the rights of the unborn. That is, in part, because some wish to claim confusion over when a life is actually a life and when that life actually has a right to live. 

Abortion has effected the American landscape and society to the tune of an estimated 50 million abortions since 1973 and the SCOTUS decision of Roe v Wade. While abortion in the United States has certainly been horrible and often misinterpreted, other nations, such as China, have done no better and in many cases much worse of the issue of protecting the most vulnerable human beings.  According to a recent report from Al-Jazeera over the last 40 years, forced abortion has led to 336 million abortions or child deaths in China. Currently there are 30 million more Chinese men than women which has caused the government to reassess their child family limitation policy through the combining of its National Population and Family Planning Commission.

The Dunamis Word's View

At the Dunamis word, we are certainly PRO LIFE! From the moment of conception we believe that all human life is honored by God!
Our views on abortion can be found HERE in multiple articles. We believe that a baby in the womb, is a PERSON which has a right to LIFE and should be protected throughout the birth process because God is the ONLY creator of life, and as humans, we have been made and created in his image fearfully. In God's call to Jeremiah (Jer. 1:5) God stated that he knew him "before" he was formed. This superceeds the condition of what science has now identified as a "zygote" (a fertilized unattached cell). Therefore we believe that God is the ONLY giver of life and we therefore acknowledge life at conception.

Some Points Of The Texas Law

Aside from this, The TX law partially hinges upon a heartbeat of a fetus which usually occurs, according to most analysis, between 5 to 8 weeks after gestation. In Section 171.205 of the law, a Medical Emergency provision exists, which allows for abortion in the event of a medical emergency that threatens the life of the Mother.  However, under Section 171.204 of the law the following is stated:
b) A physician does not violate this section if the physician performed a test for a fetal heartbeat as required by Section 171.203 and did not detect a fetal heartbeat.
In other words, it seems that under TX law in certain circumstances, if there is no discernible pregnancy and until pregnancy is detected, procedures that would successfully rid a woman's body of an unwanted pregnancy would be allowed. We are CERTAINLY not attorneys and this point will certainly be challenged but since hearts don't beat from day one, it doesn't appear that this abortion ban is a full on abortion ban. As stated, we don't endorse termination of pregnancy at ANY time, but the law is what it is so far as the law is concerned. 

 The Bishop's Blindness Matches Secular Blindness  

Like all too many claiming to have spiritual insight, Bishop Morton is blinded as to the nature of abortion when it comes to life and rights of the unborn. 
Pointing out the alleged flaws of the TX law, Bishop Morton complains that the law, penalizes women who become pregnant as a result of rape or incest, by not allowing abortion. For the critic, this may sound reasonable as we will discuss, however noone wants the pain of rape or incest exacerbated. However, the Bishop has forgotten that although a rapist may rape and a family member may commit incest (which is another form of rape in our opinion), only GOD can give life.  

The secular world claims that this is an issue which cannot be forgotten or forgiven and that pro-life proponents are unfeeling and unkind because, for some reason, they wish to believe that most abortions are due to rape and incest.

A Word Regarding Rape
Nothing in this article should be construed as downplaying rape. Rape and abortion are two different horrible acts and a rapist is never justified in any manner. Unfortunately rape occurs. According to the US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS report it is estimated that 302,091 women and 92,748 men are raped annually. They also estimate that 32% of women who are raped are raped between the ages of 12 and 17 and only about 1/3rd of women who suffer violent rape ever seek help or treatment. So rape is an issue and a very serious one that we can address in another article, but by far and large, women seeking abortions as a result of rape are few on a comparative scale.  
The Abortion Rape/Incest Myth Exposed. Facts To The Rescue

Interestingly both Bishop Morton and the secular critic are pointing towards the same thing. An extremely small amount of annual abortions for which stats are kept "sometimes". You see, if figures are accurate, abortions as a result of rape and incest represent only 1.5% of abortions annually according to most statistics on the subject. 

In our article ABORTION ISSUES & MYTHS, I point out the following:

To the heart of this post and as not to add additional confusion to the fiasco that we are witnessing, it is interesting to note that only 1% of women in the 2004 survey-based U.S. study became pregnant as a result of rape and 0.5% as a result of incest. These statistics are according to Finer, Lawrence B., Frohwirth, Lori F., Dauphinee, Lindsay A., Singh, Shusheela, & Moore, Ann M. (2005). Reasons U.S. women have abortions: quantative and qualitative perspectives. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 37 (3), 110-8. Retrieved 2006-01-18. This information offers startling insight into the myth that a high representative amount of abortions are due to rape or incest therefore condoning abortion.

To place this in perspective, of the estimated 50,000,000 abortions that have occurred since 1973 only 1.5% were due primarily to rape or incest. This would bring the figure to approximately 750,000 abortions in which the killing of a fetus was decided based on morally subjective terms. As it relates to the black community, assuming the same 1.5% rate of rape and incest, (which may be more or less) the numbers would shrink from 13,000,000 since abortion legalization in 1973 to 195,000. The average number of abortions per day would go from it's current level of 1,450 to approximately 22 per day.

A website called examines the state of Florida, which just happens to keep statistics in a more diligent manner. Figures state that in 2018 Florida recorded 70,083 total abortions. Out of that, only .14% were due to rape. Although this is very serious, it only represents about 98 abortions.

So Bishop Morton and abortion law critics are bringing somewhat of a mythical argument to the forefront as if most abortions are due to rape and incest, when solid evidence exists to the contrary. It is clearly a fallacious argument to ENDORSE abortion, as the Bishop is doing whether he believes that he is doing so or not, based on the abortion rape/incest myth. 


I would first agree with the Bishop that rape and incest are serious issues and one that deserves our concern, intervention and prayers. However, I would ask the Bishop, who can be fed if they are killed in the womb? Who can be clothed, if they are murdered before they begin life? Why is the voice of the unborn stymied, and their right to life ignored and overlooked? Is that at all "Christlike"? Would JESUS deny a baby born of rape and or incest their right of life? What has the baby done to deserve death? How and why are the INNOCENT, punished for the sins (rapist) of an abuser or criminal?

I question whether this Bishop's sentiments are at all Christlike in any manner when the complete picture is considered. How can scripture be quoted, while simultaneously sacrificing children at the alter of Molech? Rape is certainly wrong, but how does murder of the innocent make it any better?

This leads me to the conclusion that THIS CHURCH, or this SO CALLED church, has not learned the lesson that covid came to teach it. If we are not valuing EVERY life and seeking to protect the most innocent in a unified fashion, I am not convinced in any manner whether we even know the message of Christ.

I often used to wonder why Christ said:

"And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." ~ Mt. 7:23 

Listening to people who butcher scripture such as this, I know why. To "never know" someone is to not identify them in nature and or demeanor and or agree with them in any manner. Yes we know the woman and man who suffers sexual abuse, rape and incest must be ministered to and healed, but how can we help through and by recommending murder in its place?

This is not merely a matter of a "flaw" or a "fault". This is a total about face from who the person of Christ is. You mean to tell me, that people can preach HIS name and not IDENTIFY with Christ so much and so until Christ says, "I don't know you!"?

After feeding the poor, sacrificing ones body and whole self for HIS cause, it is possible that HE does not know "you". I am convinced that as a minister, if you don't know or care about the quintessential issue of baby murder and further gravitate towards the world in the misrepresentation of facts such as Bishop Morton, CHRIST doesn't know you! How can he? There is no IDENTITY of HIM in your beliefs as you set them forth.

I am sure, some have been faced with things in this presentation and believe me, I am not one to minimize your struggle or situation. However, I am here to declare that GOD is yet in control of all things and the way that is committed to HIM, though it may be difficult, can be trodden with Christ who is WITH us and IN us as the hope of glory. He can heal and he can fix every broken piece.


Tuesday, September 14, 2021

A Dangerous Trajectory ~ Top North American Doctors & Researchers Speak Out

"You must recognize and acknowledge the problems our country faces with our media and with our supposed leaders. We are on a dangerous trajectory and we must STOP —NOW!"

n an OPEN LETTER to Canadian political leaders and health officials, top Doctors are making a stand for freedom and dispelling myths being pursued, pushed and swallowed by mainstream media and public health services that are not only filled with misinformation, but that are creating an air of a false sense of security and ultimately placing the world in possibly a worse situation as a result of covid mistreatment, than it is today.
"Groups of doctors are forming international networks to investigate public health measures and to raise questions and concerns. We call on all Canadians to join the rapidly growing movement of ordinary citizens who are standing up against tyranny and violation of our human rights and freedoms!"
Asking 12 questions and providing adequate background facts to dispell lies upfront, these professionals have decided to take on the bankrupt political, social and medical narratives surrounding covid 19 and its treatment. 

Here are some of them:

#1 ~  Why are you aggressively pressuring 12 through 19-year-old children to get the experimental COVID-19 vaccine when NO DEATHS have occurred in this age group due to COVID-19 in B.C. to date, according to the B.C. Centre for Disease Control? 

This is in light of the FACT that out of 43 million people, there are currently ZERO covid 19 deaths among youth ages 12-19 in BC and only 12 deaths among youth ages 19 and under in Canada

#2 ~ Why are we still using PCR tests to check for covid? 

FACT: "PCR test is not an accurate diagnostic tool, and is in fact recommending a completely different testing protocol7. Also, the U.S. Centre for Disease Control (CDC) has said that it will ask the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to withdraw its emergency use authorization (EUA) of the PCR test as of December 31, 2021."

#4 & #5 ~ Covid SPREAD, Discrimination Against The Unvaccinated & Truth On Variants 
"Why are we discriminating against unvaccinated people, when the spread is clearly happening also amongst vaccinated individuals. Furthermore, those that have had a natural COVID-19 infection have been proven to have longer-term and more robust protection compared to those with the vaccine."

The doctors and researchers go on to say:

"Dr. Byram W. Bridle (Professor of Viral Immunology at University of Guelph) explains that similarly to antibiotic resistance, COVID-19 variants are caused by not fully killing the virus, allowing for mutation.19 Therefore, only individuals who are vaccinated can be creating the variants. As with any variant, as the CDC and WHO also state, mutations lead to a weaker and more transmittable viral strain."
#6 ~ Why was the lie of 94 % effectiveness of the vaccine perpetuated when researches knew this was a false narrative?
"The ARR data directly from Pfizer and Moderna was calculated as 0.7% and 1.1% respectively. In contrast, the RRR calculated as 95.0% and 94.0% for Pfizer and Moderna, respectively. See the Abstract in this NIH document that presents the vaccine RRR/ARR data direct from Pfizer and Moderna.23

If individuals knew that the current vaccinations only confer a 0.7% to 1.1% reduction in chances of getting ill with COVID-19, would they have still have taken the vaccine given its risks?"

#9 ~ Why haven't better home and inpatient treatments, which exist, been released to the general public and endorsed by hospitals?

"Doctors are avoiding or being prohibited from prescribing pharmaceuticals that are known to help with COVID-19 symptoms that are safe, such as Ivermectin. The negative spin being put on Ivermectin by mainstream media, that it is only used in horses, is not true. These statements being made about Ivermectin are malicious and false as it has been safely and effectively used for years in humans"


"Simple home remedies such as zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C, N-acetylcysteine, and quercetin are also well known and effective at helping COVID-19 patients to recover43. Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko has led the way with these treatments. In contrast, many doctors are still sending patients with COVID-19 home without any of these treatment options."

#11 ~ Testing of only the unvaccinated. 

Like in America, there are no indications that testing one group without testing everyone is effective or provides any relative safety and assurance that one will remain free of covid 19. The Doctors and researchers question this:
"In light of the evidence and scientific research showing that vaccinated individuals are significantly more likely to contract the Delta variant than unvaccinated individuals"

Yes, somebody else is saying it aside from the millions of us who have already said it. This is not a pandemic of the unvaccinated. It is a pandemic of them that are vaccinated as well, and we are leading ourselves, or allowing many of our political and public health officials who, are mere conformists by and large, to lead us wrongly and possibly into greater trouble. 

For those who missed the link above the complete OPEN LETTER and related links can be found HERE

What should believers do?

We should continue to pray that God's will be done. God has certainly used covid to help us get refocused and recentered, but as we can see in may ways, we have not learned the lesson yet. In addition, we should make a stand and continue to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness and preach his word above all so assway the fears of men's hearts as they view this and other evils befalling mankind.  
