Various Items Of Interest

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

A Dangerous Trajectory ~ Top North American Doctors & Researchers Speak Out

"You must recognize and acknowledge the problems our country faces with our media and with our supposed leaders. We are on a dangerous trajectory and we must STOP —NOW!"

n an OPEN LETTER to Canadian political leaders and health officials, top Doctors are making a stand for freedom and dispelling myths being pursued, pushed and swallowed by mainstream media and public health services that are not only filled with misinformation, but that are creating an air of a false sense of security and ultimately placing the world in possibly a worse situation as a result of covid mistreatment, than it is today.
"Groups of doctors are forming international networks to investigate public health measures and to raise questions and concerns. We call on all Canadians to join the rapidly growing movement of ordinary citizens who are standing up against tyranny and violation of our human rights and freedoms!"
Asking 12 questions and providing adequate background facts to dispell lies upfront, these professionals have decided to take on the bankrupt political, social and medical narratives surrounding covid 19 and its treatment. 

Here are some of them:

#1 ~  Why are you aggressively pressuring 12 through 19-year-old children to get the experimental COVID-19 vaccine when NO DEATHS have occurred in this age group due to COVID-19 in B.C. to date, according to the B.C. Centre for Disease Control? 

This is in light of the FACT that out of 43 million people, there are currently ZERO covid 19 deaths among youth ages 12-19 in BC and only 12 deaths among youth ages 19 and under in Canada

#2 ~ Why are we still using PCR tests to check for covid? 

FACT: "PCR test is not an accurate diagnostic tool, and is in fact recommending a completely different testing protocol7. Also, the U.S. Centre for Disease Control (CDC) has said that it will ask the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to withdraw its emergency use authorization (EUA) of the PCR test as of December 31, 2021."

#4 & #5 ~ Covid SPREAD, Discrimination Against The Unvaccinated & Truth On Variants 
"Why are we discriminating against unvaccinated people, when the spread is clearly happening also amongst vaccinated individuals. Furthermore, those that have had a natural COVID-19 infection have been proven to have longer-term and more robust protection compared to those with the vaccine."

The doctors and researchers go on to say:

"Dr. Byram W. Bridle (Professor of Viral Immunology at University of Guelph) explains that similarly to antibiotic resistance, COVID-19 variants are caused by not fully killing the virus, allowing for mutation.19 Therefore, only individuals who are vaccinated can be creating the variants. As with any variant, as the CDC and WHO also state, mutations lead to a weaker and more transmittable viral strain."
#6 ~ Why was the lie of 94 % effectiveness of the vaccine perpetuated when researches knew this was a false narrative?
"The ARR data directly from Pfizer and Moderna was calculated as 0.7% and 1.1% respectively. In contrast, the RRR calculated as 95.0% and 94.0% for Pfizer and Moderna, respectively. See the Abstract in this NIH document that presents the vaccine RRR/ARR data direct from Pfizer and Moderna.23

If individuals knew that the current vaccinations only confer a 0.7% to 1.1% reduction in chances of getting ill with COVID-19, would they have still have taken the vaccine given its risks?"

#9 ~ Why haven't better home and inpatient treatments, which exist, been released to the general public and endorsed by hospitals?

"Doctors are avoiding or being prohibited from prescribing pharmaceuticals that are known to help with COVID-19 symptoms that are safe, such as Ivermectin. The negative spin being put on Ivermectin by mainstream media, that it is only used in horses, is not true. These statements being made about Ivermectin are malicious and false as it has been safely and effectively used for years in humans"


"Simple home remedies such as zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C, N-acetylcysteine, and quercetin are also well known and effective at helping COVID-19 patients to recover43. Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko has led the way with these treatments. In contrast, many doctors are still sending patients with COVID-19 home without any of these treatment options."

#11 ~ Testing of only the unvaccinated. 

Like in America, there are no indications that testing one group without testing everyone is effective or provides any relative safety and assurance that one will remain free of covid 19. The Doctors and researchers question this:
"In light of the evidence and scientific research showing that vaccinated individuals are significantly more likely to contract the Delta variant than unvaccinated individuals"

Yes, somebody else is saying it aside from the millions of us who have already said it. This is not a pandemic of the unvaccinated. It is a pandemic of them that are vaccinated as well, and we are leading ourselves, or allowing many of our political and public health officials who, are mere conformists by and large, to lead us wrongly and possibly into greater trouble. 

For those who missed the link above the complete OPEN LETTER and related links can be found HERE

What should believers do?

We should continue to pray that God's will be done. God has certainly used covid to help us get refocused and recentered, but as we can see in may ways, we have not learned the lesson yet. In addition, we should make a stand and continue to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness and preach his word above all so assway the fears of men's hearts as they view this and other evils befalling mankind.  



  1. The problem is the the powers that be know this information. They have an agenda to push. They have used this plandemic to push our economy to the brink, cause division between people and us to rely on the government even more and continue to strip us of our God given rights. The craziest thing about it you have preachers tell their congregation to get the jab. I feel it is a personal decision whether or not you get the jab and you shouldn't be forced to do something you're not comfortable with. To be honest it makes sense that the variants would more than likely come form the vaxxed. That is why the CDC started recommending masks for the vaccinated. The media pushed it to say it was to protect them from the unvaxxed. My nephew recently had Covid and he was not around anybody who was not vaxxed. This is all about Satan slowly tightening his grip over this world and unfortunately there are a lot of believers who deceived and just following long with his plans unwittingly. We have pray and stay in the WOrd like never before. Our Messiah Jesus is soon to come and TBH He can't come soon enough.

    1. A very strange agenda too. I am also convinced that the variants are coming from those who are vaxxed and in whom the disease yet exists. The vaccines don't kill or diminish the virus and that is the problem. Unlike the smallpox vaccine which decreased smallpox 99%, with this vaccine, you can still catch covid and still be contagious.

      These epidemiologists know this. They are being dishonest. Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Mccollough coined it Plato's "noble lie". A lie told to motive someone to do something "good". In this case they are flat out lieing about vaccine effectiveness in order to get people vaccinated and I say to do what??? I simply say, tell the truth! Tell people that we are using the vaccine as something to help decrease severity of covid but that this will not stop someone from catching it.

      When truth is told, people can reason, make up their minds and proceed to the best solution, but these alleged leaders are really showing their evil hearts and intents and bringing a lot of people down with them and the religious leaders are in no better condition or position, which really is telling about the overall spiritual insight of the church in general.

    2. I agree with your assessment. There are far too many church people who are just that church people. No relationship with Jesus.Can't judge a spirit if you have no Holy Spirit.


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