Various Items Of Interest

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Molech Renewal Pt.1: Ableism Drives Protests & Laws For The Right To MURDER Babies

Deut 18:9-14 ~  9-When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. 10- There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, 11- Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. 12- For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee. 13- Thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy God. 14- For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee, the LORD thy God hath not suffered thee so to do.

Recently, I was brought to the edge of my seat reviewing a story of how multiple and sizeable protests broke out in Warsaw Poland when the Polish Supreme Court ruled against abortion in case of fetal defects. 

Hammered out in 1993 and for the last 27 years, Poles have had the right under law to abortion in case of fetal defect, rape, incest and life of the mother.

I was intrigued because there were over 100,000 protestors, mainly youth, who hit the streets immediately all saying that their "right" to kill a baby with a birth or material defect (which is in essence ableism) should be protected. This has led to multiple and ongoing protests, church vandalization and interruption of church services in many places as most people associate abortion restrictions with the church's position on a baby's right to life and "life at conception" doctrines embraced since Poland became a free country and apart from Communist rule.

Ableism & It's Practical Implications

Ableism ~ DISCRIMINATION in favor of those who are able bodied. It is the discrimination of and social prejudice against people with disabilities based on the belief that typical physical abilities are superior. At its heart, ableism is rooted in the assumption that disabled people require 'fixing' and defines the worth or value of people by their disability

Whether knowingly or unknowingly, these young people were not only promoting death of innocents, but also discrimination in the process. I would venture to say that if asked nearly all of them would  disagree with any form of discrimination. I also venture to say that many of them would also disagree with the killing or murder of any innocent person, but yet they are victims of their own logical inconsistency and irrational belief that children with birth defects such as Down Syndrome, or other physical defects in vitro, are less than human and not deserving of a right to live or exist. This is not only shocking but appalling! The mass appeal to kill babies made me shudder. 

Certainly this is not unique to Poland nor the EU. It seems that all around the world, in many "developed" countries under both Communist and Democratic rule, the right to kill babies is almost a non-negotiable, and in some cases, required part of life. 

For example, in Georgia, Pastor Rafael Warnock, who we have featured in our article,

"Politics, Abortion LUNACY & IGNORANCE" who is also running for Georgia US Senator, claims that the right to abortion, is not only consistent with biblical values, but also American freedoms and freedoms in general and he is willing to fight or that right. 

"I believe that healthcare is a human right, and I believe that it is something that the richest nation in the world provides for its citizens, and for me reproductive justice is consistent with my commitment to that. I believe unequivocally in a woman's right to choose, and that the decision is something that we don't want government engaged in. That's between her, and her doctor, and her minister..."

This man’s statement is much worse than it looks and he, surprisingly, is not ashamed. You mean to tell me that he doesn’t believe that the government should intervene in the murder of babies??? And that, a FATHER, y’u-know a MAN, that FATHERED the baby does not have any decisions in the rights and wellbeing of the child??? That a "doctor", and "minister", somehow become proxy director of the child’s life after fertilization??? 

This is COMIC-BOOK Christianity! Totally unworthy sentiments of a leader committed to the security and wellbeing of the innocents and preservation of the integrity of the gospel!

The good Rev-Rund can't have the spotlight all to himself, however. 

In a puzzling statement that misses the complete picture of the sanctity of life, destroys the biblical texts and that completely distorts facts, more than 5,000 pastors, calling themselves "Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden" who also “CLAIM”, to be against abortion and abortion politics, took time, prior to the election, to sign their name to their endorsement of Joe Biden.

Be clear, Joe Biden openly and unashamedly embraces not only abortion, but abortion in its most vile form (late term abortion) even up to the point of birth. Their SHODDY statement said the following:


In their borderline endorsement of socialism and full rejection of the biblical view of the sanctity of human life, these alleged "ministers" go on to rationalize that since a primary cause of abortion within the United States is associated with "economics" and concerns over financial welfare and wellbeing of the mother, and that since Joe Biden allegedly has a "plan" to address economic security, they felt that their endorsement of him would be well placed, even in disagreement over abortion. 

Not to be overly political here, but I don't know what planet these APOSTATES were living on! Prior to coronavirus, EVERY SEGMENT of America, including Blacks and minorities were at historic levels of employment, income security and financial growth. Under President Trump the country had not experienced such economic advancement and productivity since reconstruction. So, in essence, their narrative was and is a completely false and one undeserving of their title of leaders within the body of Christ.

The State

Then there is the State, that seemingly loves the right to kill children. Look at Massachusetts which has consistently tried to expand abortion law unsuccessfully. Although 62% of MA citizens don’t want late term or expanded abortion to be legalized within their state when given the opportunity to respond. However, the majority liberals within MA legislature are bent on making sure that children can be killed all the way up until they are born by recently proposing to add late term abortion services and finances to the State budget through what is called Amendment 759. Supporting Bills have been presented such as Bill S1209 and Bill H3220. 

The proposed measures allows abortions when:

the patient is beyond 24 weeks from the commencement of pregnancy and the abortion is necessary to protect the patient’s life or physical or mental health, or in cases of lethal fetal abnormalities, or where the fetus is incompatible with sustained life outside the uterus.” 

Sounds reasonable to many right? However Pro-life advocates reveal the more in-depth issues associated with the Bills: 

“the bill would enable girls as young as 12 to obtain abortions without any adult, except the abortionist, knowing about it,” and would “remove life-saving medical equipment from rooms where abortions are performed, risking the lives of babies, Massachusetts citizens, who survive the procedure.”

 Then there is New Jersey who seeks to do the same using the Affirmation of Amy Coney Barrett, who personally opposes abortion, to the US Supreme Court as an opportunity to make a push to ratify the “Reproductive Freedom Act” which would make abortion at any point through pregnancy and for any reason, a fundamental right within the State.

Governor Phil Murphy recently said:

“As access to health care and the right to choose are under attack at the federal level, we will support, defend, and protect reproductive rights here in New Jersey,”…“The Reproductive Freedom Act will remove barriers to reproductive health, as well as expand access to contraception while reaffirming choice. Together, we stand unwavering in our commitment to work towards reproductive freedom for all New Jerseyans.”
Further and same old problems persist however. Although religious organization exemptions appear to remain in place, under New Jersey proposals the right of conscience that protects medical professionals from engaging in procedures to which they are profoundly opposed, would be repealed. Non-physicians will be allowed to provide or commit abortions, and children aka: minors, will also be able to secure abortions without knowledge or consent of parents. 

The right to kill babies and life in-vitro is seemingly a "right of passage" and option that humanity is not willing to live without.

Licensed To Kill 

Within America, since Roe v Wade in 1972, there have been an estimated over 50 million babies killed through the process of legalized abortion. Her Black community has been so devastated by abortion (some counting to the average tune of 757 children per day since 1973 or 13,000,000). Blacks are now the 2nd leading minority within the United States by sheer numbers and according to the CDC abortions of Black children are nearly 61% of all Black child births annually. Reporting in the most recent year (2018) there were 552,029 total Black individual (adult and child) births and 335,667 total Black (adult and child) deaths (2017). According to most recent available numbers from the CDC (2016) Black child abortions average 377 per day or 137,510 for 2016. Providing that the average number of abortions or trends are consistent, when estimated abortions of Black children are figured in (138,000/yr) Black adult and child deaths are nearly 86% of Black adult and child births at a 473,667 annual average. If these numbers are consistent, the Black community is growing at a net rate of 80,000 individuals per year. Hardly enough to continue as a "leading" minority, and at some point the death rate will eclipse the birth rate. 

This makes it an imperative to look at abortion and its effects upon the community and in this case, the Black community in particular. The slogan has been that “BLACK LIVES MATTER”, however, if we truly value lives within the community, and especially Black lives, and want the community to survive, be healthy and well, this issue cannot be overlooked and go without thorough and adequate examination and a demand for protections for the unborn, and greater care for women and families who decide that they cannot raise and or parent their newborn child. 

Conclusion Pt. 1

In Part 2 of this article, I will explore the theological dynamic of what we are seeing with a demand for abortion and the alleged link to "women's healthcare". We will examine how the practice of killing children pre and post birth has existed for thousands of years, is wholly inconsistent with Biblical Christianity, and has been part of the sin condition of mankind regardless of the governmental system under which these atrocities are regulated. 

Abortion and the murder of the innocents is NOT solely a political problem, nor is it solely a mere social problem. It is a spiritual problem. It is a problem that begins and ends with SIN and the resultant rebellion of man against the image in which he/she was created. The very image of God!


Additional Reading:

Full Statement: Evangelicals For Biden


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