Various Items Of Interest

Monday, November 23, 2020

Molech Renewal Pt. 2: The Survival Of Child Murder Through Moab & Ammon

In my previous article, I outlined the political and social pressure that seems to have been renewed and accelerated across the world in the promotion of abortion. This is quite an interesting subject as it pertains to human value and utilitarianism.  

However, there is a theological gem within the mix here that I thought was astounding and something that I have not heard many expositors bring out to any degree as a matter or point of preaching.  So ministers and preachers who "steal" and or "borrow" this information, (just kidding, I know I am not unique here) I would appreciate a reference and believe me, if I hear you, I’ll know where it came from, and also I would encourage you to join me in study on this topic as I believe the Body of Christ will be enhanced greatly by such knowledge.

Ashera (aka: Chemosh) The "Queen Of Heaven" & Molech

When we read the Old Testament and narratives of God calling Israel to sanctity and union with himself, we quickly note that Israel nearly did everything EXCEPT what God commanded her to do. While I do not believe that polytheism was predominant among the “common folk” of Israel, I do believe that idolatry existed, was wide spread and was, many times, endorsed by the State, and was certainly the primary sin by which Israel experienced its diaspora.

My contention is that the people, led by their leaders (aka Kings) were consistently unfaithful and consistently hard hearted and "stiff-necked" towards HIS commands and instructions, and although the very first commandment of God was to "Have no other gods" either before his presence, nor observed in worship (Ex.20:3) Israel soon, within months of their liberation from Egypt,  became like, and in some cases, worse than other nations around them in adopting idols (Ex. 32:7) and other gods.

There were 2 deities however that scholars agree that many in Israel delivered themselves to worship from time to time. Anath or Astarte, or Ashera aka: Chemosh, who also became Ishtar, Aphrodite, Venus was known as "The Queen Of Heaven". She was also a Canaanite goddess of fertility. Her worship was revamped under various names in various ages and in various parts of the continent. In Israel she was represented by a golden pole, known as the wife of Baal among the Canaanites and touted by many in Israel as the wife of Yahweh himself in the name of Ashera.  Among the Moabites, who’s traditions would seem to persist, she was known as Chemosh. This “goddess worship” appeared to have plagued Israel severely bringing the nation into God’s hot disfavor. 

Even though I primarily deal with Israel’s idolatrous acts during the divided Kingdom, please note, that even prior to the divided Kingdom, Israel had a problem with this deity and her cohort Baal as well as the pantheon of gods from Canaan from time to time. Another of my contentions is that this Ashera was not only a product of Canaan, but primarily a product Moab and Ammon, and that the primary influence of idolatry upon Israel was not Canaanite, but of the Moabite and Ammonite culture and idolatrous religious practices.

The fact is that Israel was warned not to take up Ashera worship specifically:

Deut. 16:21 ~ “You shall not plant any tree as an Asherah beside the altar of the LORD your God that you shall make. (ESV)

However, it is clear that Israel severely disobeyed God and worshipped Ashera as a cohort to Yahweh and were judged for the very act and more. In fact, even during the course of their judgement her worshipers, particularly women, in Jeremiah’s day DEFENDED Ashera worship and pouring out libations to her, claiming that while they worshipped her, they were better off: 

 v. 17 ~ “for then had we plenty of victuals, and were well, and saw no evil.”

So this worship system, over generations, had its defenders even against the word of God which was clear on the subject. People did not care, they saw this system of idolatry which included libations to false gods and even child murder as an acceptable part of society and life.

Fear Of Societal Backlash

Many are surprised to understand that “cancel culture” is not a modern day invention. The ultimate way to get one “cancelled” and lose one’s life, was to speak against and campaign against the popular idols of the day, even in Israel. Before there was a Kingdom, though Gideon was a “mighty man of valor”, his father however, was a worshiper of Baal and Asherim (plural form of Ashera possibly indicating multiple types of cohort or female deities), and his community seemed to be so steeped in this type of idolatry that Gideon was afraid to obey the voice of God openly and tear down the alters made to the false gods during the daytime when he could be publicly seen. The bible says that Gideon snuck and tore down the alters and destroyed them at night according to the word of the Lord. (Judges 6:25-27). Clearly societal “cancel culture” was the reason that even Gideon, commissioned by God, would do such a thing where he could not be openly seen.

The Valley Of ben Hinnom & Tophet

The word “Hinnom” is of unknown origin. It is believed, that Hinnom, refers to a person and possibly the evil acts and or actions of a person or a group of people. For example, this could be similar to the phrase “son of belial” (Deut. 13:3, Judges 19:22, 1 Sam. 1:16) where it is clear that belial refers to “the devil” or “evil one” or those who are “worthless” and or “debase”. Without speculation we know that the place called “the valley of Hinnom” refers to death and evil, and all that is negative. This phrase is synonymous to the “Valley of Death” or “the place of burning”. In context it appears to be a derivative of actions performed there in the name of false gods and deities, and in particular Molech worship where, as stated, children are to “pass through the fire” or be sacrificed to false gods and deities. 

Tophet which literally also means “the place of burning” is believed to be the extreme southeast part of the “Valley of Hinnom”, is not mentioned as a literal place in the New Testament but appears to be synonymous with Gehenna or HELL or death in wordplay. This place was said to be a place where garbage and that which was unwanted was taken to burn and be consumed by fire. Interestingly, Gehenna is a transliteration of the Aramaic form of the Hebrew word Hinnom. The “fire” associated with Gehenna, never ceases (Mark 9:43-44) and the fire consumes ones “body and soul” in judgement. (Matthew 10:28)

The concept of “passing through the fire” was known from Old Testament to New Testament and was not an appealing circumstance, but was known as a literal reality.

Details Of Molech "The Child Killer"

Although the bible leads us to believe that that Molech was an Ammonite pseudo-spiritual deity, language however displays that Molech (mlkm in Hebrew text translated as "their king") could have also been a kingly leader's title or epithet for someone who was fully human, but given divine attribution. (see 2 Sam. 12:26-31) This was not uncommon among ANE leaders as exampled by Egypt, who held their Pharaohs to be “divine” men with divine powers, invoking fear among people, even in their deaths.

Although it is not clear whether the Molech deity originated or was solely created by the Ammonites, it is clear that Molech, was at least a main or primary god among the Ammonites and was worshipped to whatever degree. This worship, under various names, even the name of Baal, predated 900BCE and ran through 2nd Century ANE as referenced by Justin Martyr in his treatise to Trypho. So it would seem that the Ammonite people continued to survive and thrive for generations. So although the origin of this deity is effectually unknown history the customs regarding it is much  more widespread and longer lasting than originally thought. 

One may ask why and how did this deity and the other female deity associated with Molech, thrive? Well remember The Moabites, who seem to have popularized “Asherah” worship and the Ammonites, who seemed to have popularized Molechian and Baalistic worship, were cousins of Israel by blood and descendants of Lot by incestuous and dastardly plot of Lot’s daughters to continue “his seed” after they had been delivered from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. (Gen. 19:30-38) It seems that the daughters of Lot ignorantly “thought” that ALL men had been destroyed when Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed and sought a plot to preserve mankind. Nevertheless, the older daughter bore Moab who would found the Moabite people and the younger daughter bare Ben Ammi, who would go on to found the Ammonite people.

Molech  & Chemosh Survived

Although neither the Moabites, nor the Ammonites were friendly or supportive of Israel nor her plight (Jg. 10:9, 2nd Chronicles 20, and remember Balaam who was hired to curse God’s people but could not [Numbers 22-24]) God decreed that Israel was NOT to destroy them:

God’s Command Concerning Moab:

Deut 2:9 ~ And the LORD said unto me, Distress not the Moabites, neither contend with them in battle: for I will not give thee of their land for a possession; because I have given Ar unto the children of Lot for a possession

God’s Command Concerning Ammon:

Deut. 2: 19 ~ And when thou comest nigh over against the children of Ammon, distress them not, nor meddle with them: for I will not give thee of the land of the children of Ammon any possession; because I have given it unto the children of Lot for a possession.

From the evidence of scripture, God’s people WERE NOT to destroy and or take for a possession of any of the land of either Moab nor Ammon. Interestingly, God did not say to vanquish their worship systems, he merely said to NOT practice their worship not be intermingled in marriage with them. This is contrasted to the 6 Nations (and the 7th being Amalek) of Canaan that God commanded Israel to “utterly destroy” which would include destroying and vanquishing their gods and idols.

Deut. 20:17 ~ But thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee:

Known as Milik, Muluk, Milcom, Milkom, Adad, Adadmelek, Adrammelech, Baal-Hadad, Shamash, and even Baal, with a root word of "sacrifice" and "their king", the deity was worshipped by either one of 2 ways as argued by modern scholars:

1-     By delivering the 1st born child to the priest of the cult for service to ultimately intermarry with other individuals or what would be considered pagans (this is a form of what we would call child trafficking today as found in the Book of Jubilees 30:7ff) or

2 - By literally and physically killing a child and or young person, again a required first born to be placed in literal fire, therefore sacrificing the child to this alleged god (or king leader) for whatever purpose. 

We believe that the scripture is clear. Child murder was demanded by Molech and possibly even Ashera or Chemosh as well, and that the murder of children was a way to worship these idols. 

In part 3 of this study, I will sum up the discussion as well as expand on the implications made in these articles as it pertains to the world's lust to murder children under the certain confusion of concepts of freedom and women's health, which abortion has nothing in the least bit to do with. 



Other Parts Of This Series:

Molech Renewal Pt. 1: Ableism Drives Protests & Laws For The Right To MURDER Babies

Molech Renewal Pt. 3: A Biblical Historical Look At Molech Worship In Israel

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