Various Items Of Interest

Saturday, September 21, 2019

MAGA: TI, "When Was America Great"?

The political climate of America is so sick right now, I hardly know where to begin. We have political candidates asserting that the Constitution of the United States needs to be done away with...We have whole news organizations (CNN) dedicating all of their time to liberal left political ideology and propaganda, we have leaders promising monthly check for all Americans and then calling themselves "mathematicians" and, on top of all that, we have a President who announces America's political and social and even military positions by Twitter of all things...

Then, we have REVOLT! An event supposedly organized by Blacks, funded by Whites, (AT&T, probably doesn't have more Black stockholders than White ones for sure)  This was a forum seemingly heard all around the world featuring an assortment of Black liberals and conservatives. Some more popular than others to make public statements about the divide in the Black community over White Supremacy, American nationalism, and social justice and equality. 

In an exchange that seemingly got all the juices flowing renowned rap start TI also know as TIP on some occasions (whenever that alter ego kicks in to deal with certain things) asked Candice Owens, who has been accused of being a "Trump supporter" like many of us who have come off the democrat plantation to think for ourselves, "When was America Great?" as if to ask since President Trump is saying "Make America Great Again", what period of time would he be referring to?

Now, this is tricky because most people look for an era or a period of time in which America was "Great" for everybody within America. However, no such fiction exists. I would also say, if it doesn't exist within America, it certainly doesn't exist in any other country or nation on this earth, because all nations are filled with troubling past and history. So the utopia DOES NOT exist. However, TI in his zeal to flesh out sentiment against Trump was adamant to know how is America going to be MAGA and when was it ever MAGA to begin with which I believe is liberalism run amuck. 

Though Candace was a little taken back by the response of the audience and the treatment she received, immediately I had an answer for TI without question that I wish I could have said it right there on the stage. What amazes me is the very fact that Black folk could gather under a White owned and controlled corporate banner, AT&T, receive a stage to boost personal popularity and success, and deride White folk for being racist and White Supremacists, was clear fodder simply waiting to be devoured...but more than that, every one of those fine Black people on stage had come through a process in life where their very material success was directly connected to not only their personal efforts, but the efforts of White people from all parts of the country and even the world. I'll speak more on this as this is what I said:

"Now in this so called "REVOLT SUMMIT" sponsored by ATT through PDiddy (ATT need to save Direct TV instead of doing summits) TI asked, "during what period was America great?" As if this was some great startling moment...Candace Owens drove a message, but what she should have said was this...

"America was great when your Black behind got that first $500,000 check and took it to the bank and when you bought your first Bentley or first multi-million dollar home! America was great when you look at your bank account and set all your TI bills to autopay and don't have to miss a thang!!!! America was/is great when YOUR material success was delivered to you not just by Blacks, because truth is we don't pay a lot for music, but by the WHITE folk that promote you, and give you a chance to be this rich and successful mogul that you "said" that you are on this stage.

For you to question when America was/is Great and how it is great, is to question yourself, everything you do, and everything you have become or think you are because no single community has done for you what you think you've done for yourself.

To ask the question is like a 2 month old baby standing on his mother's lap and slapping her in the face and claiming, "you don't know what to do with a baby"...that baby hasn't done a thing for himself...somebody else has contributed to everything he is, has, and does and only displays ignorance and arrogance with the accusation.

Since you like to smoke...smoke that da nub!"

Don't put me on the REVOLT would proly be a real REVOLT!!!!"

The critic asserts that TI and others are somehow self-made people and that Whites aren't responsible for their material success. However, even if the most conservative numbers are used, it is White folk, by far and large that are responsible for financially supporting TI and many other Black artists. The music industry itself is supported and owned by companies controlled mostly by White individuals. Then consider publishing and distribution. This is nearly exclusively White controlled and owned. 

In other words, without green dollars delivered by White people, we would not hear of TI and many other Black artists. He and many of them would have a work a day job just like the rest of us. In addition, many of our leading artists realize that there are more talented individuals out there, but they received some type of break or opportunity themselves and in many cases, those breaks were given by White people and or organizations. 

What is the message...Like Killer Mike said of the era or reconstruction, America is GREAT when we all learn to work along with one another!

America WAS great and various periods of time during American history and I agree we need to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN as a whole, but if it never arrives, I KNOW I would not enjoy the success that I do enjoy in any other country in the world...No COMMUNISM did not afford, neither will it afford me this opportunity to speak freely and hold and share my personal beliefs and values. Neither is only one race of people responsible for any of my material success...So yes, lets MAGA!!!!


The Probability Problem Of Suffering Addressed

Some contend that because suffering exists, God doesn't exist. Then some say that even if one could say that God and suffering can exist, that it is more unlikely that God exists because there would be no good reason for suffering and evil to exist if God exists.

Yes, arguments along these lines make some great and fanciful leaps into a chasm of knowledge and understanding that baffles me, but the assumption yet exist that man is the center of the universe and that all things revolve around what he knows, as opposed to what God knows.

Here is a recent video produced by Reasonable Faith that addresses this alleged conundrum of the Christian faith:

Black Hebrew Israelite: Sorry, but HOMEY Don't Play Dat!

I recently undertook the opportunity to place a quip in our In Defense Of The Faith, Facebook forum regarding the Black Hebrew Israelites. Now to be fair, all of them claiming to be Black Hebrews do not hold to or mind the same thing, which makes it even more difficult to speak to them, however, there are some basics, or wide spread beliefs held in common by many of them. Some of those beliefs include a misunderstanding or even false belief of the nature of God through Jesus. ie: Some of them believe Jesus "became" God over time, similar to how I have pointed out in past articles that Creflo Dollar also teaches. Yes, this is heresy and certainly not what the bible teaches, but we see men and women all over the country sometimes  more committed to a man with false beliefs and doctrine,  than committed to the truth and fidelity of scripture. Sad but yet true. 

Before I get to far sidetracked, let me get to the original article:


It occurs to me that if the Black folk who claim to be the "true" Israelites are the true Israelites, according to the story we have in the bible from Exodus onward, they, the Black Hebrew Israelites are nearly some of the most obstinate, hard hearted and stiff-necked people that ever lived on the face of this Earth.

God gives them commands and tells them what to do, they refuse...

God sends Moses up to the mountain for 40 days, comes back, and thousands, close to the mountain are partying, committing fornication and adultery and all kinds of lasciviousness...

When they do get to the Land of Promise, A fella named Achan steals the Gold from a man's house and holds it under his tent bringing a curse on the whole tribe of Israel, his family and his household...

They kill every prophet that tells the truth...

They refuse to listen to the Prophets telling them that God was going to judge them and rebel and are dispersed among the nations for their rebellion...

OK, you claim that your Blackness is God's Blackness...YET you don't really believe in THE believe in A Messiah,, you're rejecting that Jesus IS both GOD and MAN and is more than a "name" but God himself amongst us...

Yet you want me/us to believe that because you think we should live by the Law (which is yet another impossibility) and that you supposedly "preach truth", downplaying who Jesus was and the veracity of his atonement on the cross, REVERTING US BACK TO 4,000 year old ancient moral codes and values that you are professing truth...

Let's just say that you are correct...How do you get around your ancestral angst? How do you separate yourself from the recorded sins and disobedience which caused you (your Black ancestors) to loose relationship with God?

Then, you "say" you're not Catholic, but venerate the books that all Catholics do called the Apocrypha. Now you say you believe in those books because they were mentioned in the Bible...Only guess what? At least 20 OTHER BOOKS were mentioned in the Bible too...The book of Nathan the Prophet, The book of Shemiah the Prophet, The Acts of Solomon, and The Story of Prophet Ido to name a few. Are we to say that God failed to communicate to us because we lost these books, or that the Bible is somehow incomplete?



Monday, September 16, 2019

Tufick REPENTS From The Material Gimmick Trap...HALLELUJAH!!!

Now, one can say what they wish to say about Pastor Benny (Tufick) Hinn, but I believe this man has repented. How and why? The signs are present. He wants to remove, eliminate, disassociate and otherwise correct his mistakes and obvious error of associating material wealth and prosperity with a give to get scheme.

 The critic asserts that he is only trying to expand his wealth. OK, let's see how that goes, but I will say this, he is CORRECT in speaking about the pressure that he came under as it pertains to offering and gimmicks to give...THAT is exactly how too many do it...

In many cases Preachers are expected to immediately after a message, raise and offering. I HAVE REFUSED such practice and WILL NOT engage in such. Not because I don't believe in giving...I simply don't believe in manipulation and preachers and ministries doing that kind of practice are manipulating the people at a time when their spirits are open and they are not thinking rationally...
How may mortgage payments, water bills and electric bills have ended up in the hands of some fancy car driving minister and or Bishop who wouldn't spend a SECOND on helping you when you are in trouble???
NO MORE...Like Susan Powter said years ago in her health and fitness commercials, STOP THE MADNESS!!!!

Thank you Pastor Benny for taking the lead and coming out and back to the cross. I am certainly with you in that mission and on that journey!

Monday, September 9, 2019

Tufick "Benny" Hinn...The Gospel, Miracles & Prosperity Is "Not For Sale"

It what is a startling turn of events, it seems that long time televangelist, Tufick Hinn, better known as "Benny Hinn" has had a turnabout of his own encouragements of wealth enhancement or prosperity preaching and teaching. In a segment blazing on the internet Tufick declares his own personal disdain with doctrines and teaching that imply that monetary gifts can buy or purchase god's favor.

"The Gospel is not for sale. Miracles are not for sale. Prosperity is not for sale"

Already, Benny's commentary is garnering all kinds of critique, from those who declare his insincerity. From televangelists rising to "rebuke" Benny because they are afraid that their shoddy house of "prosperity manipulation" will be effected, to people just suspicious of Benny's motives, thoughts are all across the board.

Hear Tufick for yourself in this video:

Of course, one would know that the televangelism and media elite, who nearly solely make their livings off of "fleecing" the TV faithful, have plenty to say about Tufick's "repentance" and turning from the prosperity trap of the "give to get" scheme...

Hear Bishop George Bloomer's response. Remember, this is the same George Bloomer that recovered the "blood money" of his former illegal drug trade to begin his church. (That is according to his own testimony, not mine)

A Dunamis Word On The Issue

One thing is for sure, the words of Tufick Hinn and anything else he says regarding his former misguided teachings (and the teachings are misguided, no matter how much Bloomer or anyone else trues to string scriptures together to support his practice) are bound to set the televangelist and money abuse church crowd on their ears.

The problem is simple. There is NO SCRIPTURE that teaches either explicitly or implicitly, that any person should have to PAY for a miracle or a blessing.

Please understand this, a person may act in faith. One may "consecrate" an amount of money or anything else, as a petition for the blessing of the Lord. Some do this through "fasting and prayer", to specifically seek the Lord for purpose or clarity on an issue or multiple issues. We must admit that money cannot be excluded from that purpose as well, however, to manipulate the circumstance, by asserting that an amount of money, manipulates or constrains God to "do something" is and has always been no more than slight of hand.

Now, Bishop Bloomer, asserts that people have been healed as a result of committing a certain amount of money in certain circumstances. However, can we consider that the money had nothing to do with the healing, and that faith, trust and belief in God did? Some say, in that case, use money as a "point of contact" as Oral Roberts and Sr. Kenneth Hagan so abundantly taught in the hay day of their heresy...But what if money, or anything material, had nothing to do with it? What if it were simply God doing what he does in response to prayer and petition?

Recreation Of Idols
"Just as the nation of ancient Israel, this generation has followed idols and quickly makes idols out of nearly any and everything within its reach."
Some of the same one's claiming to Love God and claiming to have a ministry (at least on TV) to call all men to repentance, are breathing condemnation on Tifick for turning from his false doctrine and teaching of associating monetary and material wealth and wealth transfer with the blessings of God. One would think that these would be happy when anyone repents from their sin, and especially sins such as this which has damaged so many and promoted some of the worst and most spurious teachings in the name of "God" on earth. I would ask is there no room for Tufick to change? Can God not deliver him from sin and false doctrine?

I no more hold my breath for him than I do for anyone that says they want change and are willing to repent.

Hopefully,  ALL of the rest of the televangelists and "entertainment" preachers will follow suit. Instead of trying to string together a theology, to keep themselves on the air, to attain popularity and make people believe that they are special, I pray that they too will repent from "fleecing the flock" and causing shame within the body of Christ.

From Gulf Stream airplanes, to Bentleys; from fashioned, tailored suits, red bottom shoes and all kinds of excess...I ti my prayer that those that hold any of those things as signs of the "arrival" of ministry and God's favor, would have a shaking in their souls and open themselves up to experience the true nature and power of God that is present upon men and women in the deepest impoverishment and in the deepest chasm of the soul and spirit.

The anointing is not birthed in luxury. It is always birthed in difficulty and adversity. i would hope that all of these multi-millionaire so called "preachers" and "teachers" would remember the words of Jesus regarding HIS house...

Mt. 21:13 ~ And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
(from Is. 56:7)