Various Items Of Interest

Friday, October 5, 2018

Andrea Kelly ~ The Story Of Domestic Abuse & Perversion

"You can't love your fans and not love your wife and your children" 
~ Andrea Kelly The View 10/4/2018 

 Andrea Kelly Pt. 1  

"Pedophilia is NOT an attraction to fully developed late teens or early 20s women. Women that most men are attracted to by the way."  ~ Robert Kelly The Dunamis Word Blog 9/15/2018 6:38PM HERE

Then what explains an alleged marriage to at least one 15 year old and an alleged "menage a trois" with two then 13 year old females as documented by your brother? Ages 13 (as alleged by his brother Carey Kelly HERE) and 15 do not sound like "fully developed late teens"

Andrea Kelly Pt. 2

The Dunamis Word Blog:  R. Kelly Expose


  1. I guess Faith Rodgers is still following up on her lawsuit as well. This is interesting:

  2. Again Rev, another high profile story involving prominent people. I'm quite sure Andrea Kelly got paid very well for sharing her story on THE VIEW. Never is there a story about the abuse of a black girl or woman molested or abused by the average Joe, although these type of ABUSE happens EVERYDAY. The devil always wants to GO BIG TIME on national TV, and of all places, the VIEW, his platform where he can spew his doctrine of WOMAN EMPOWERMENT using a bunch of his ungodly feminists. He uses the other side of his double-edged sword, a "strong-imaged power" man (R KELLY the SCUMBAG) to promote his propaganda MEN are ABUSERS who suffers from TOXIC MASCULINITY. All this is a part of his plan to destroy MEN, Fatherhood, Manhood, Masculinity, PATRIACHY, and Family. His ultimate goal is to hate anything and undermine all things associated with GOD the FATHER. He swings his two edged sword to empower women and emasculate men, using God's gift of sex to do so. He is a LIAR, and the father of LIES. He is subtle in his ways, and spins his many webs to bring about DECEPTION. Again, I view any type of sexual abuse as a crime and a sin, and I sympathize and empathize with anyone who has been violated this way. Let's keep in mind, there are many young boys sexually abused by females (may are school teachers, and these incidents RARELY, if EVER make the devil's PLATFORM, especially on his ONE_EYED TV device.

    I believe with all these #METOO stories, a dynamic is being created where men now feel guarded in the intent to even approach women, or be attracted to them overtly. My daughter and son-in-law took my 1 year old grandson to his first birthday party. My son-in-law joked, he told my 1 year old grandson not to touch any of the girl babies, because they may bring it up that he abuse them when he turns 21. I think because of this movement and men's apprehension, women will become more isolated and stand to lose the protection of a man. Men are wired to pursue and protect, and I believe the devil knows this. Satan is working overtime to make man become more docile, and women to stand in her rights of empowerment.

    I don't know appears Satan is trying to break down men, to have him believe the woman is above him. There should be NO battle of the sexes. In His image CREATED He them, male and female. They are designed not to compete for power, but to compliment each other. They are to love one another. "Women love by trusting. A woman GIVES her husband POWER, and he uses it to love her."


    Just MY 2Cents...

    1. LOL...I think when the #MEETOO movement decided that they would use their ability to seek justice and accountability to PUNISH and DEFAME, that's when the problem started.

      I support #MeeToo as it pertains to stating the case, seeking justice and all, but I DON'T support vigilante justice or that it is only women experiencing this problem. (as you say and continue to say) Men/boys have experienced the same sort of abuse. This is the inherent problem, that some believe this is only confined to women and that anything they say should just be believed and accepted as fact without examination of question. I think we saw that with Kavenaugh's confirmation process. Some women simply expected that Dr. Ford's testimony should be accepted as fact without any critical or otherwise examination.

      Yes, feminism may be driving some elements towards women's liberation and in the same vein of radical feminism, but you see radical and fringe elements in every group including groups that hold and promote so called conservative values. I have seen more crazy ideas and support for some lunacy from ultra conservative ideals more than ever before. Then we all know that ultra liberalism was alive an well during the Obama era and was equally if not more egrigious and harmful to America as well.

      So the extremism is not limited to #MeeToo...It seems to be a condition of humanity tantamount to the sin nature.

    2. Rev...

      LIKE - "So the extremism is not limited to #MeeToo...It seems to be a condition of humanity tantamount to the sin nature."

      Well Said Rev...



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