From the Facebook group In Defense Of The Faith:
Language, Culture, Barbaricism, & Abortion. What is the historical relationship if any?
Luke 10:13-14 ~13-Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and Sidon, which have been done in you, they had a great while ago repented, sitting in sackcloth and ashes. 14-But it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment, than for you.
The progenitors of the alphabet and systems of modern learning and education, the Phoenicians (literally "purple people" indicating wealth), were a people who influenced world culture, education, language and learning greater than even Alexander the great and the Greeks who shaped much of the world today.
These Semites, and ship builders and masters of the sea, known as the people of Tyre, Sidon and precursors to those whom we know as the inhabitants of Lebanon were people whom the bible (which is a word derived from a Phoenician city Byblos) were lumped in with those the bible called Canaanites. They were tradesmen providing valuable wood, wood working services and even naval ships to Israel and other nations during the era before and after the unified kingdom, and were called people of "terror" (Ezek. 27) in recognition of their monetary dominance in controlling commerce and the seaports of the ancient world.
Out of all the things they did well, one thing they did that I believe nearly wiped their memory from the face of the earth was the practice of child sacrifice or what I call "post birth abortion".
Leaving a wealth of evidence of their lust and zeal to kill children, one article states the following regarding Phonecian practices:
"The most notorious characteristic of Phoenician religion was the practice of child sacrifice.
The area around the western Mediterranean (Carthage, Western Sicily, Southern Sardinia) is littered with burials of sacrificed children, but in truth, the practice was commonplace in the Phoenician cities all over the Levant.
Diodorus Siculus reports that in 310 B.C.E., during an attack on the city, the Carthaginians sacrificed over 200 children of noble birth to appease Baal-Hammon.
During excavations in Carthage, archaeologists discovered what came to be called the Tophet, after the Biblical expression used at 2Kings 23:10 and Jeremiah 7:31. Digs revealed multiple levels of urns containing the charred remains of animals (used as substitute sacrifices) and young children (1-2 months old), buried under stelae with votive inscriptions. It is estimated that the Tophet contains the remains of over 25,000 children who were sacrificed during just one 200-year period."
I believe that this practice, the practice of child sacrifice, along with their idolatry is why the Bible writers do not distinguish the Phonecian culture any differently than that of Canaanite culture who also defiled the land with the blood of children through sacrifices to their idols.
What of America? A culture who has aborted over 50 million children since 1972. The story of Kermit Gosnell, "3801 Lancaster: American Tragedy" details the sickness and horror of late term abortion and even the murder of children born live but who were murdered by this doctor.
What many don't know, or at least refuse to hear, is that our former President Obama, along with many of his political counterparts, were advocates of this type of murder and baby killing, even promoting legislation in Illinois which prevented medical assistance for babies who survived the murderous practice and were born alive. This is what I call post birth abortion which I also contend is tantamount to child sacrifice.
Jesus says that if even the Phonecians had seen what we see and experience in the miraculous power of Jesus, they would have repented and turned from their murderous ways. However, what we do as a society is equivocate and worry about who has "power" instead of recognizing that life is a privilege and that all of us owe God for whatever life we have and have been given.
I simply thought the relationship between a progressive society and barbaric practices of state sanctioned murder was all too canny and could not be overlooked. Although not a popular message I believe that the true message points out the fact that God sits high, looks low and will judge all unrighteousness...even the unrighteousness that we claim to be "legal".
Language, Culture, Barbaricism, & Abortion. What is the historical relationship if any?
Luke 10:13-14 ~13-Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and Sidon, which have been done in you, they had a great while ago repented, sitting in sackcloth and ashes. 14-But it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment, than for you.
The progenitors of the alphabet and systems of modern learning and education, the Phoenicians (literally "purple people" indicating wealth), were a people who influenced world culture, education, language and learning greater than even Alexander the great and the Greeks who shaped much of the world today.
These Semites, and ship builders and masters of the sea, known as the people of Tyre, Sidon and precursors to those whom we know as the inhabitants of Lebanon were people whom the bible (which is a word derived from a Phoenician city Byblos) were lumped in with those the bible called Canaanites. They were tradesmen providing valuable wood, wood working services and even naval ships to Israel and other nations during the era before and after the unified kingdom, and were called people of "terror" (Ezek. 27) in recognition of their monetary dominance in controlling commerce and the seaports of the ancient world.
Out of all the things they did well, one thing they did that I believe nearly wiped their memory from the face of the earth was the practice of child sacrifice or what I call "post birth abortion".
Leaving a wealth of evidence of their lust and zeal to kill children, one article states the following regarding Phonecian practices:
"The most notorious characteristic of Phoenician religion was the practice of child sacrifice.
The area around the western Mediterranean (Carthage, Western Sicily, Southern Sardinia) is littered with burials of sacrificed children, but in truth, the practice was commonplace in the Phoenician cities all over the Levant.
Diodorus Siculus reports that in 310 B.C.E., during an attack on the city, the Carthaginians sacrificed over 200 children of noble birth to appease Baal-Hammon.
During excavations in Carthage, archaeologists discovered what came to be called the Tophet, after the Biblical expression used at 2Kings 23:10 and Jeremiah 7:31. Digs revealed multiple levels of urns containing the charred remains of animals (used as substitute sacrifices) and young children (1-2 months old), buried under stelae with votive inscriptions. It is estimated that the Tophet contains the remains of over 25,000 children who were sacrificed during just one 200-year period."
I believe that this practice, the practice of child sacrifice, along with their idolatry is why the Bible writers do not distinguish the Phonecian culture any differently than that of Canaanite culture who also defiled the land with the blood of children through sacrifices to their idols.
What of America? A culture who has aborted over 50 million children since 1972. The story of Kermit Gosnell, "3801 Lancaster: American Tragedy" details the sickness and horror of late term abortion and even the murder of children born live but who were murdered by this doctor.
What many don't know, or at least refuse to hear, is that our former President Obama, along with many of his political counterparts, were advocates of this type of murder and baby killing, even promoting legislation in Illinois which prevented medical assistance for babies who survived the murderous practice and were born alive. This is what I call post birth abortion which I also contend is tantamount to child sacrifice.
Jesus says that if even the Phonecians had seen what we see and experience in the miraculous power of Jesus, they would have repented and turned from their murderous ways. However, what we do as a society is equivocate and worry about who has "power" instead of recognizing that life is a privilege and that all of us owe God for whatever life we have and have been given.
I simply thought the relationship between a progressive society and barbaric practices of state sanctioned murder was all too canny and could not be overlooked. Although not a popular message I believe that the true message points out the fact that God sits high, looks low and will judge all unrighteousness...even the unrighteousness that we claim to be "legal".