Various Items Of Interest

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

In The Pulpit

Saints, I praise God for another opportunity to encourage and speak to you. Please don’t forget to visit the New Bethel Ministries page at I believe that you will continue to be blessed by even more personal and ministry specific information you’ll find there.

We are living in a day that is simply beyond belief. I am thoroughly convinced that the messages, allowances, and indulgences coming from many of our pulpits have helped turned our communities into hell.

Isaiah 9:15 ~ "For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed."

As a minister, I know the importance of speaking the right words. Moreover, I know the necessity of LIVING the WORD first and foremost. As a minister (servant) you must keep in mind that you may be the only message or sermon that many people will ever SEE. This is why there is such a great weight of accountability laid at the ministers feet. To handle the ministry gift frivolously is to deny the power of and importation of God into this world through you. Since Jesus, the greatest gift that humanity can experience is the life of a holy child of God. When God moves through the lives of HIS children, mountains will move, burdens will roll away, and the community will be blessed.

As you read many of you are saying, "yea, I know that." But I would challenge you in this…If we all know that living the standard is such an important part of serving God, then why are we forced into asking questions about our leaders such as:
  • Is he or she a homosexual or lesbian?
  • Is he or she a molester?
  • Is the Pastor stealing from the church?
  • Do they have a girlfriend or boyfriend on the side?
  • Is the Pastor on drugs?
These are only some of the questions that our pulpits present to many in their congregations each and every service. Unfortunately, many aren’t interested in knowing the truth, and whatever the minister does is either overlooked or explained away as not being relevant. The reason is because, like the devil, some pastors have learned how to tap into the emotional make up or soulish realm of many people in their congregations. This will often lead to inordinate affections and excuses for erroneous and misbehavior. Many members of the church will often fight for a "wrong" minister and persecute a righteous one.

Conversely, those that are spiritual and desire deeper truths, want a level of satisfaction that the vessel they are receiving the fresh water of the Spirit from is a vessel worthy of honor and one that is able to deliver the full council of God.

There are ministers all over this country who have what they describe as "personal issues" and "private" matters to work out.

With all of what needs to be worked out, it’s a wonder that God has not judged our churches and leadership before now…by the way, just in case you didn’t know, judgement against unrighteousness and unrighteous leadership is in the land.

What I am about to say is common knowledge as to what is going on around the country. Let’s look at the anatomy of some of the "personal" problems we can see from many popular ministry figures:
  • Domestic abuse
  • Homosexual deviance~ Down Low relationships
  • Effeminent behavior~ Pastors with feminine ways
  • Lesbianism~ women leaders who only date other women of the church. This behavior usually ranges from extremely feminine acting women to butch (men acting) women
  • Fornication
  • Adultery
  • Bisexuality~ married and dating men/women on the side
  • Molestation~ ministers who prey on children
  • Seduction and Impregnation of 16 and 18 year old congregants~ there is currently a rash of pastors having children by young ladies whom they’ve seduced. They usually try to "work things out" with their wives before the relationship is made public.
  • Abject hedonism~ multiple women and relationships in the church
  • Crossdressing~ many of our Gospel singers/ministers are flat out guilty
  • Self Worship and Stardom
  • Heretical and non biblical teachings and inspirations
This is happening in many churches all across the country right now. How many pulpits must God uncover before we come to know that God is real?

How do we expect the gang member or thug to trust the church when the church can’t trust itself?

I challenge any minister that is homosexual, lesbian or that has any other deviant and non-biblical lifestyle…COME OUT OF THE CLOSET before GOD SETS THE CLOSET AND YOU ON FIRE!

If you believe that you can do what you do and yet maintain your anointing, relationship with God and Power of the Spirit and still be biblically centered, COME OUT WITH IT. The world needs to see and hear your doctrine. If you feel that you are right why be ashamed? But, before you do, Please read Leviticus 10.

Nadab and Abihu thought similar thoughts and they mixed their "stuff" with what God had instituted at the brazen altar. The next thing you know is that LIGHTNING or the fire of the Lord came from heaven and consumed them both. Only burnt up remains and ashes were left.

God IS NOT interested in our excuses as to why we can’t get it right. He is only interested in our repentance and humbling ourselves to HIS presence and will.
  • I don’t know about you, but I am tired of reading gut wrenching tell all blogs written by the so-called "lovers" of in the closet homosexual preachers and ministers…
  • I’m tired of watching ministers preach in too tight, gay clothing and cuss during their messages.
  • I grow tired of hearing the excuses as to why ministers are having sexual relationships and babies by the young ladies of their churches.
  • I grow tired of hearing how missionaries and evangelists struggle with their very own sexual identity as soon as they get out of the pulpit.
We can say it’s all just an attack of the enemy, continue to make our excuses while our communities are torn further apart or we can take responsibility, bow before the Lord and ask him to take out of us what is on the inside.

God Will Purge HIS Church

God must purge HIS church so that HIS name will be glorified among the heathen. God will not allow his church to be overtaken by the devil. HE yet has a place of righteousness for the Saints and holy men and women of God are yet calling HIS name. Thank God for the countless, righteous pulpits all across America. It is my hope that this will merely strengthen you and reconfirm your importance as we endeavor to win our communities, schools and churches back from the enemy that has lulled so many to sleep.

In conclusion, God knows that we are miserable without Christ and without HIM, we can do nothing. Let’s put the right thing in our pulpits and demand the right atmosphere be created so that we can restore this generation as Christ has called us to do.


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