Various Items Of Interest

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Righteous Exalted & The Mighty Humbled

Proverbs 14:34 ~"Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people"

Thank God for another opportunity to provide encouragement to those everyday, ordinary people who believe in and serve our wonderful, extraordinary Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To those of you who don’t know HIM; Jesus is historically verifiable, risen from the dead and alive today. All one has to do is repent of one’s sins and receive HIM, by faith to be saved.

Speaking of REPENT

Saints, I must do so. I was wrong----{at least I think???} OPRAH, please forgive me…I just "fount out" that you DIDN’T invite Juanita Bynum to your power excursion…According to BeBe Winans in an interview on Rejoice Musical Soul Food the week of Oct. 8th 2007, Juanita showed up at Oprah’s ranch along with 1699 other guests for Barak Obama’s fundraiser.{that was to shore up his policy on domestic violence}

According to BeBe, Juanita was excorted off the scene with the other 1599 guests when the Obama fundraiser was over. This left 100 guests to spend the weekend with Oprah while Juanita was on her way home…So for any misinformation previously posted, I apologize.

Wait a minute…IT WASN’T MY FAULT!

It was Juanita herself that said YOU (Oprah Winfrey) had personally invited her to the ranch so that she could talk and rub elbows with you about her domestic situation…I must have misheard the TELEVISION INTERVIEW in which she says this WITH HER OWN MOUTH. Shouldn’t JUANITA be apologizing in this case??? Maybe it was a prophetic utterance…Yea that’s right. We can’t "judge" the prophet for speaking a word. Even if IT WAS A LIE.

I said I wasn’t gonna do this anymore, and I am moving on but, it’s a shame that many individuals are YET singing this prophets praise. Even in the face of, lies, partial truths, flat out hypocrisies and such the like. What makes this so bad is that this is not an isolated incident. It’s just one of the more visible and well known ones.

Saints, we’ve been "hoodwinked", "bamboozled" and all the other things one can say when one gets "took" by a wanna be superstar. As I said in my initial blog, we must ask ourselves, why does this type of behavior appeal to many of us? Why do we tend to fight so hard for UNRIGHTEOUSNESS and unrighteous behavior?

It could be because many feel justified to see their "star" act like them. Then, it could be simply because "misery loves company". Whatever the reason God had called the Saint to emulate righteousness and mature godliness. Now, to them that are just coming to salvation and learning to place their lives in God’s hands, the provisions of grace and mercy are abundant but please keep in mind that MIRACLES are on par with the righteousness of God, and that HE will not allow the sincere heart to be separated from him because of sin or any human imperfection. God is eager to do the impossible and stop the unstoppable if we let him.

The alcoholic can STOP drinking instantly,
The smoker can STOP smoking instantly, and
The liar can STOP lying instantly.
The thief can STOP stealing right now
The Sodomite and Lesbian can STOP their gender bending ways and be set free

Please don’t feel that you have to live with sin "some of the time" and be saved "most of the time" NO! God has called you to righteousness and true holiness. {Heb 12:14, II Peter 3:11, I John 3:3-10}

Now, I’m afraid that these title and position seekin’ leaders are no help to the cause of Christ and righteousness. I’ve personally witnessed at least two major figures over the past few months try to manipulate and subvert the minds of true Saints as they try to reconcile the condition of the church. In both cases these leaders and Bishops told the people to not "judge" situations because they (you and I) don’t know enough to make accurate determinations about right and wrong, and even if we did, we were gonna face a similar judgement ourselves if we talk about it….If that isn’t mind control and unrighteousness, I don’t know what is.

No wonder the scripture said that the leaders have caused God's people to err, and the followers are destroyed together with them. {Isaiah 9:16} Seeking friends, acquaintances, and positions, I am convinced, has sent and will send many thousand to HELL, and will drag countless lives through bewilderment and further confusion. Jesus wants ALL to come to repentance and have life and it more abundantly. {John 10:10}

I am reminded of King Jehu as he tried to reform Israel and purge the country of the sins of Ahab and Jezebel in II Kings 10. One should however look closely at verse 31 of the same chapter.

"But Jehu took NO HEED to walk in the law of the Lord God of Israel with all his heart: for he departed not from the sins of Jereboam, which made Israel to sin."

Jehu wanted reformation, but did NOT want to depart from the evil, idolatry, lasciviousness and uncleanliness that Jereboam embraced. That is a major conflict, but it is indicative of exactly where many are comfortable in the modern church.

I hate to use this as a standard of anything, but I was overwhelmed when I viewed BET’s new show, "Sunday’s Best". I was amazed to witness one of the "Marys" (Erica Campbell) from the group "Mary Mary" tell one of the best singers on the show that she couldn’t "see her singing outside of the church" and that she would have to say "NO" to her advancing.

What IS GOING ON? When Gospel singers on a supposed "Gospel" show are penalized or rebuked for singing GOSPEL and trying to be what the show is about "SUNDAY’S BEST"... Not, "Nightclubs Best". I contrasted that with a young lady who admittedly came out of the club the night before the competetion, forgot the words to the song, MADE UP HER OWN WORDS, and sung WORSE than Mary J. Blige. She was told that she was "REAL" and moved on with no problems. What is that? Yet another contestant was told that what she was wearing was good for a "First Lady" but not good enough for "Sunday's Best"...THIS IS A MESS!

These are instructions and judgements from the same people that many of us have opened our hearts and wallets up to…and what do they do? Become STARS and CELEBRITIES, try to redefine our faith, hang out and promote one another's wrong, and provide new interpretations on the Bible which includes and makes allowances for their sins, self and unrighteousness.

What is this? It’s the same thing that Jehu had. SIN bound in the heart. Thankfully, the Sister (Shari Addison) was given another chance on the show, (She's my personal favorite to win) but how many people are never given another chance in their spiritual lives because of the unrighteous acts of the "Stars" and self appointed leaders?

Because we have not humbled our hearts God will cause us to be humbled. The leaders that WE have chosen are failing all around us. Our material posessions are even failing us. Our trucks are so big and guzzle so much gas that our heads are spinnin’ from frequent gas station stops, while gas prices continue to escalate. Our homes were so large and we were so proud of what we were able to gain, until now, we can’t hardly give homes away and many of us struggle to make adjustable mortgage payments which we once bragged about being so low.

The mighty must be humbled so that the power of God is made known among the people. The mighty must be humbled so that all men will know that there is only one God.

The mighty must be humbled so that our children will see the power of God and know that God DOES NOT endorse unrighteousness.

The mighty must be humbled so that society will know that there is none on Earth like the Holy One.

The mighty must be humbled so that the true people of faith can be strengthened in their knowledge and understanding of the WORD of God.

The mighty must be humbled so that the world will know what Egypt found out…That the God of Israel is the


Noone is worth worship but Jesus.

Let's keep it right there Saints and rebuild our families, communities, churches and schools with that Truth. The world needs us to serve God now like never before. Through righteousness we can rebuild with the power of God.


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