But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.
Psalms 75:7
Psalms 75:7
The 2024 Presidential election garnered the shock and awe and outright surprise of any election since Donald Trump outposted electoral votes against Hillary Clinton in 2016.
In 2016, Hillary Clinton took the popular vote by over 2 million votes, but not in the most valuable electoral count States. Therefore, Trump's win of 304 electoral votes was considered anomalous or a matter of the "luck of the draw" and of course, (according to the conspiracy theorists) manipulated by Russia, which, along with a false dossier, paid for and promoted by the Clinton Campaign, (even though they KNEW it was fake and full of false information) fostered what is known as the "Russia Collusion Hoax" further sparking democrat and media hatred of Donald Trump and everything Trump related.
Similar to 2016 and both the 2008 and 2012 elections, Presidential candidates (Barack Obama) appealed to the Black church and found plenty of leaders who were excited to promote the nation's first Black President and enthused finding it "prestigious" that candidates would seek and solicit their attention. After all, it was the Black church, overseeing an ever dwindling Black population, due to the ravages of abortion policy and many other social ills, who were the "gatekeepers" of the Black community. The proposed key was/is, that if enough Black pastors and leaders can all speak a certain way about the issues that they can best convince their members that certain things are important or certain things are real and ultimately feel better about supporting certain agenda.
The Church Seduced By Political Secularism
The Church Seduced By Political Secularism
This secular seduction of the church has not ceased and is something that persists no matter what the issue is...As stated, the church wholesale endorsed Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and more recently Kamala Harris. All three of those candidates built their Presidential platforms on issues that the alleged church stood against. Remember, Barack would go on to be the President with the full and complete blessing of the Black church while being the champion for homosexual normalization and advancement through "marriage equality". Obama's abortion policy was no better. He would do what he had done in Illinois going on to promote late term abortion and demand no support for the fetus in the event of a botched abortion in which the fetus is alive. We remember, "No Ways Tired" Hillary would continue to promote the same things adding transexual normalization and of course, more recently, Kamala Harris, although stating that she didn't promote or endorse late term abortion, would chose a radical running mate, Governor Tim Walz, who blatantly lied denying that he had already endorsed late term abortion by promoting and signing a law upholding such ungodliness in his state Minnesota, under the lie and assertion of providing "women's healthcare".
ALL of these candidates, promoting some of the worst policies for the Black community, would receive the endorsement of the Black church and popular Black church leaders simply because they were part of the Democratic party and certainly the churches had to fall in line.
Against all odds, Donald Trump managed to not only win the 2024 election by electoral count, but this time, even against the blatant media attack against him and support for the Democrat candidate, went on to win also by popular vote in an historic landslide. In nearly every venue, including every so called "battleground state" President Trump TROUNCED Kamala Harris crumbling the so called "blue wall" that Democrats had identified as being an essential part Presidential election hopes. Trump would draw nearly 1 out of every 3 Black voters (both male and female) and almost 20% of the Black male vote alone. What's more is that nearly half of all Hispanic voters added their vote for Trump as well, leaving Black women as the primary voting block for Kamala, with liberal pundits claiming that Democrat White women were racist by not supporting a "Black female" Presidential candidate. In other words, they felt that everyone, especially those of their party, should continue "identity politics", disregarding candidate quality, policy or what the country has become over the last 3 years since Harris, through Biden, has been in power.
Did the Black church manage a breakout and come away from pulpit autocracy? Is the Black church and Black community out from under the hand and rule of the Black Boule church autocratic leadership, promoted by WEB Dubois? Is the "talented 10th", all of which was vital during the Civil Rights era, overcome by the truth of what and who the Democrat party is or has become?
Please be clear...I, my pulpit, and ministry have long been free...During President Trump's initial run, I was very skeptical...however, Barack had used the church so badly and set nothing in motion to really help the Black community, I decided to take a more earnest look at what Trump could do. After seeing his policies lead to a better and more prosperous bottom line for many Black families, including mine, and toward more effective service to the Black community, as well as a much better moral policy promoting family centered values, I was convinced, that if left alone, the world would be a safer place, and our country would be much better off than we would be under Democrat leadership. The fact is that as nearly all of the policies promoted by Democrat leaders were, and continue to be, far left leaning, many of those policies also undermine family and moral values and were/are not favorable long term and, in many cases, are a direct offence to anything taught in most bible centered Christian circles.
It seems that many, within the Black community have a similar view. We are sickened by being told that men, could ever be women and vice versa, or that we must change what we believe and how we believe, as both Hillary and Barack challenged. In addition, we are sicked by immorality being redefined. Abortion has been renamed "women's healthcare" and transexual mutilation has been re-termed "gender affirming care". What's more is that each of these ideals come along with values and views that are in direct conflict with scripture and matters of faith. For example, there is no way an individual can affirm transsexualism without setting forth ideas that God made a "mistake" or that HIS word is to be followed only as it fits our "conscience". Then, to affirm this in our children, is the ultimate sign of disdain for human life, religion and family. In other words we are sick and tired of being manipulated for votes through smiling leaders, and told that we, who stand against such manipulation and see these immoral values for what they are....immorality...are wrong for non agreement and noncompliance with what we can see as policies devastating our communities and families.
However, the recentering of moral values and the complete denial of the Democrat value system by the United States electorate nationwide, does not deter these blind leaders. At the COGIC 116th Annual Holy Convocation, leaders of the Conference Of National Black Churches, an organization and association of churches claiming to represent over 30,000 churches, 20 million people and over 80% of the Black church, committed to meet in the yearly annual meeting, with the intent of examining what a Trump Presidency means to the Black church. (as if he hadn't already been President before) Of course, this group was set and embracing a Harris Presidency, but since Harris was so soundly defeated, a "new way forward" must be addressed.
The group claims the following:
"CNBC is committed to a national strategy of Black Church intervention in four key areas: social justice/public policy, criminal justice reform, health (including supporting hunger initiatives) and education, especially the advancement of academic excellence for children in marginalized communities."
I find this interesting because NONE of the Democrat candidates have ever done a thing on Criminal justice reform, not even Barack Obama...The FACT is that President Trump placed criminal justice reform into place through his 1st Step Act during his first term. This program had a job element called the "Ready to Work Initiative" that linked employers with former prison inmates seeking employment.
It seems that too many of our alleged Black churches and organizations and most are clueless on the devastation that our youth, primarily Black youth, who have experienced failure in Public education. In fact, I may retract that, as many churches, because public education has been so horrible, have instituted and implemented private education through their churches, but yet, at every available opportunity, the same churches promote public education instead of private education and choice.
In addition, during his last administration, it was Donald Trump who authorized feeding initiatives as many churches around the country received meals, fresh fruits vegetables, milk and other items because of the devastation of COVID 19...
It seems that too many of our alleged Black churches and organizations and most are clueless on the devastation that our youth, primarily Black youth, who have experienced failure in Public education. In fact, I may retract that, as many churches, because public education has been so horrible, have instituted and implemented private education through their churches, but yet, at every available opportunity, the same churches promote public education instead of private education and choice.
In addition, during his last administration, it was Donald Trump who authorized feeding initiatives as many churches around the country received meals, fresh fruits vegetables, milk and other items because of the devastation of COVID 19...
When those suffering were being fed by a Trump initiative, experiencing employment after
prison and more, what did these Black pastors have to say?
When those suffering were being fed by a Trump initiative, experiencing employment after
prison and more, what did these Black pastors have to say?
The Real Deal
So why the sudden interest in making sure that churches are on an agenda now that Trump has been so overwhelmingly elected? In my opinion, it is clearly more of the same...to MANIPULATE, CONFUSE and CONTROL the Black electorate and create a stigma against those who dared vote against their proscribed plan!!!
Don't get me wrong...I love my church, HOWEVER, I DO NOT embrace many of the liberal positions that some in my church have embraced. Personally, I would have never received a message from Barack Obama, especially in his campaign for his 2nd term, when he had displayed his determination to expand the homosexual agenda and homosexual marriage. Then Kamala certainly made her rounds to the Black church and COGIC in particular, some even claiming that she "preached" a message. Be clear, NONE of the current liberal pundits would have ever had a microphone in any pulpit or otherwise in which I was commissioned to oversee. NONE! The stewardship of God's house, demands that we safeguard the message and endeavor to ensure that what we embrace privately and stand for publicly is as consistent with the word of God as it can possibly be.
Unfortunately, the church has delivered her pulpits, to people who promote views and set forth a moral agenda contrary to scripture in the name of ecumenism. This desire to "go along and get along" is destroying our communities wholly, but yet, we would rather "look good" and "be a part" rather than stand and make clear declarations that the path of the Black community has not been served by democratic leadership and that we are in an emergency situation in nearly every venue in which the Democrat policy experiment has taken hold without being checked by conservative values.
Propaganda & Liberalism REJECTED
What the American people have thoroughly and overwhelmingly rejected this election cycle is out of control immigration policy in which over 12 million individuals have entered illegally and over 300,000 children are missing or unaccounted for and much of the following...
- WE have thoroughly rejected wars, funding of wars in foreign territories, and misuse of tax dollars associated with it...
- WE have thoroughly rejected anti-semitism and a tepid relationship with Israel
- WE have thoroughly rejected gender confusion and diminished rights of women by men who "believe" they can best live as a woman. We know that there must be a distinction. Our women must be protected in their spaces, activities and children must be helped psychologically and protected instead of mutilated under the guise of "gender affirming care"...
- WE reject ideals that States and municipalities' interest in our children is greater than parental interest and our rights to raise and train our children appropriately.
- WE reject public school systems that have failed and continue to fail our children and being told we must support them anyway with more and more money
- WE thoroughly reject the takeover of our ability to purchase houses and cars that we chose whether they conform to "green" agenda" standards or not...
- WE reject unfair and biased news reporting and perpetual lies that stir grief and anger
- WE reject leadership who tells us that nothing is wrong in our communities, when we can obviously see that something is very wrong morally, spiritually, socially and economically
- WE reject leadership who think they can seduce us through "star power" and otherwise trick us into not believing what we see and or experience in the name of some form of perverted "allegiance"
- We reject the lie that because inflation is only 2.4% this month, that the 19% inflationary rise in prices over the last 3 years means nothing...I could go ON AND ON
The fact is that we are tired of being pissed on and told that it's only rain....
Yes, I know, to some, this doesn't sound too "spiritual" as many people count being spiritual today. And Yes, I already know this makes me an outcast as I am not the "ordinary" "quite", and "subdued" COGIC Pastor...For many, I am not to be too bold in proclaiming my secular oriented propositions and basis because "people may not like it"...WELL, I am proudly a COGIC Pastor and one of those "in the pulpit" but just in case you didn't know, I DON'T CARE what anyone thinks about me or the issues. I am still yet engaged in a fight FOR people in this church and in my community and shall do so until the Lord either tells me to stop or calls me home...and my most recent checkup, was remarkable...so I can only pray HIS will be done and you can either stop reading this blog, or understand what I am saying, as I am not soon to quit.
Further, the word of God and HIS direction and revelation to me regarding the ministry in which HE has given me oversight, is in HIS hands and those hands have brought us a long way...So, I repeat, just in case you didn't know...Now YA KNOW!
My intent is to not cause or spark a rebellion...The issue that I speak of here is greater than COGIC and involves all churches that serve the nation's Black population. My intent is to make a stand for righteousness, truth and our community no matter what church is involved.
Unfortunately, I have been the conductor of street and prayer vigils for far too many young people, paid more than a few utility bills and provided food and clothes to too many that needed help. Where were these Black leaders and churches? Many of them were doing the same thing, but some were and continue to be disconnected. For the last 3 years, they have lived in comfort while telling distressed members and others in the community that it's not all that bad. Most of these Black leaders are silent about the over 300,000 missing children of illegal immigration wany of whom have been sex-trafficked. These leaders are silent about the rape and murder of women and men seeking asylum in the United States illegally. Silent about the proliferation of drugs and gangs within our cities and social unrest due to an out of control border and inept social policy.
WHY SPEAK UP NOW that America has decided to chose someone who has the will, and means to address and stop those injustices?
What are we willing to do to HELP? Continue to do the same thing over and over expecting a different end result??? I certainly hope not. The Black church has been irrelevant to a large degree over the last 3 and a half years and has sank deeper and deeper into irrelevance and obscurity as our streets and families have imploded with unrighteousness and more and more hopelessness. Now that their chosen political candidate has been totally rejected, now they see a need to "act" and contribute to the public space...
Contribute...DON'T manipulate...get in, roll up your sleeves and get on board...Just in case you didn't know, a new train is rolling and that train is politically led by a man whom they couldn't jail, they couldn't kill and one whom the world respects, as even prior to his inauguration, our enemies are bowing down and preparing themselves to realign with America.
Why does God do what he does? I don't know. I only know that when he does something, it's done and we can only submit to HIS will.
Why does God do what he does? I don't know. I only know that when he does something, it's done and we can only submit to HIS will.
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