Various Items Of Interest

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Analysis Of The Book Of Enoch...A FREE Live Event

What does the Book Of Enoch have to say about "The Watchers", "The Luminaries", God, Heaven and the End Times? Have you ever wondered why the Book Of Enoch is NOT included within what we know as "scripture" either by Judaism or Christianity? This broadcast will seek to give an orderly, simple and understandable analysis of the Book Of Enoch and some of the good things it brings to light as well as some of the problems that it poses. Bring your notebook...this is bound to be a good one.

Click the picture for the link to the LIVE EVENT on OCT. 17th, 2024 at 7:00PM CST

Broadcast REPLAY


1 comment:

    In this I refer to the differences between Enoch vision of the Messiah and the NT author's description of Messiah. Not only is Enoch's Messiah or Elect One not known by any name which indicates that God would be "with us" in Enochs writing, as I point out, the Elect One is in a different location as it pertains to the Father or as Enoch calls him the "Lord of Spirits".

    Enoch describes an Elect One that was under the "wing" of the the "Lord Of Spirits". Whereas the Biblical text describes a Messiah that proceeds from the "bosom" (Gk: Kolpos ~ heart or hearts pocket, mind frontal or preeminent part )of God and that is one WITH God and as I point out, is in the "midst" of the throne in the book of Revelation.

    I referred to John 1:14...however, I meant John 1:18 for additional support, which states:
    "No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him."

    In addition, Enoch does not describe his Messiah as a "Lamb" that "takes away the sins of the world" at any point.
    These are huge and significant issues when it comes to Christology and who Jesus, our Messiah, is as it pertains to the biblical writing. In the OT, HE, Jesus, takes away our sins and transgressions as we see in Isa. 53. Enoch does not show us an Elect One that does that, nor an Elect One that proceeds from the heart, mind or preeminent position of God.

    These thing lead to the conclusion that although some descriptions and appellations to the Elect One are great and encouraging to a degree, the description is NOT of the same Jesus as delivered by the Apostles and is, as a result, unworthy of being placed on the same level of consideration with the God as revealed within Holy Scripture.

    These differences make all the difference.


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