Various Items Of Interest

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Pastoral Call To Action For COGIC Victim's Advocacy/ Queen GerVaise Guyton Interview Pt. 4

For quite a few years, I have advocated and continue to advocate for a process of Victim's Advocacy within what I think could be the greatest Church on Earth, the Church Of God In Christ. 

Yes, basic processes have changed. A new system to educate leaders on sexual harassment and a requirement for universal background checks...however, NONE of those things address any sort of ministry to the hurting or towards those who have been victimized by pulpit and pastoral imposters, posing as angels of light within our church.

What is the problem?

Maybe it is implication of guilt...Maybe the church doesn't want to be on the hook for any more money than what they have delivered through NDA and what liberal news now calls "hush money agreements" ...The fact is the church currently spends money to investigate and even defend predators of sexual abuse within the church. In teh Dirty Man interviews, we find that the church used the money given to it to defend and help known sexual predators. Then we find that all too often, policies and practices are set forth that help the alleged CRIMINAL instead of addressing and helping the victims of these sexually perverted ministers of debauchery and shame. This MUST CEASE...and SOMEONE must be bold enough to call the church into account. 

Still Essential: 

NEW Policy, designed to help those who have been victimized...embraced, endorsed and approved within and by General Assembly. Sounds simple??? Well, the General Assembly consists of some of the offender class individuals. Bishops, Pastors and Elders making decisions on what policies the church should and will embrace. Needless to say that police policing themselves rarely works out positively or in favor of the public. The same is true of leaders, even Bishops who must hold one another accountable and Pastoral friends and associates of those people allegedly doing the same. In other words, until the QUID-PRO-QUO system is broken, change will only be incremental if any at all. 

This is why popular leaders within the church must get serious and openly address the condition of our church in this area and the need to be the church that we talk and sing about. It will take bold leadership making a stand, endorsing what we should endorse and moving forward leading the church into a new destiny. It is a contradiction, to say that we love God and cannot find conscience enough to defend and heal those who have been cut open and nearly, if not, destroyed within our midst. 

A Change Of Mindset:

Years ago, I was part of a local COGIC association of churches, when a particular pastor was found to have impregnated a 12 year old girl that was a member of his church. One of the Pastor's of that group said, "Well at least she was a daughter of the church and not outside of the church"...In his mind, although he realized the wrong, which ultimately destroyed what was left of that pastor's family and church, the commenting Pastor assumed that the sin was somehow made better because the victim had been raised in the church...Needless to say, I left that group, never came back and to this day, have no fellowship with them that hold such shallow ideology on the subject. 

It is a complete offense to God and what we could readily and easily call an abomination, to use and abuse anyone in the context of the church or otherwise, but to be a pulpit predator is extremely beyond the pale of anything considered moral. We should have an accountability to ALL people, but an even greater duty to them who are of the household of faith. (Gal.6:10)

As long as we believe that victimization is an "acceptable" part of our experience even to the smallest degree, nothing will change...Unfortunately, church politics will continue without a word of change being delivered on the subject. Men and women, will continue to step into their "destiny"...receive their "blessing" and flow under some form of anointing AND RAISE MONEY, all while overlooking the things that will forge us a path to heaven.  Serving those who have been victimized and preventing evil from spreading within the context of our churches should be of high priority, but seems to be of lesser importance than the "show" or display of church. 

Will the REAL LEADERS OF OUR CHURCH MAKE A STAND? Let's see. I really and sincerely want to see this.

CHALLENGE: For those willing to join this very spiritual battle to promote a revolutionary change within this church and be a part of a seed change within the Christian church in general, call us at (800)730-2990 x802


Supt. Harvey Burnett
New Bethel COGIC
I Am My Brother's Keeper Christian Advocacy Council


The Dirty Man. A Call To Action With Abuse Survivor Queen GerVaise Guyton Pt. 1, 2 & 3

My original post, "The Dirty Man...Is Not Hidden, Can't Stop God & Will Be Judged", featured author Queen GerVaise Sarah Guyton and how she survived sexual abuse at the hands of a predator, still yet in the pulpit in Harvey, IL. 

I would like to say, that it is on record that this man confessed to his deeds, saying that he didn't know what he did was wrong. Although this is hardly believable, it does show the extent and depth to which demons and devils in pulpits across the land will go to perpetuate their sexual perversion and deceive the masses. 

My church, COGIC, has come a long way in requiring Pastor's & various ministerial staff to obtain sexual harassment training and background checks, but still has miles yet to go as it pertains to the creation of a truly Safe Church environment as promoted by I Am My Brother's Keeper Christian Advocacy Council, this blog and my personal work in ministry within this church.

To Date The Church Of God In Christ Has

Hearing the experience of Ms. Guyton will open your eyes to the urgency of greater accountability within our church and the Christian church in general, and create a greater sense of urgency for victims advocacy. In my opinion, the predatory crimes of these pulpit criminals is a pandemic of epic proportions within our church and must be addressed. 

Although this is election year, and the church is currently "in prayer" for the success of our Holy Convocation, I sincerely believe that GOD is speaking clearly that we must better protect and serve his little ones and the innocent and those who have suffered amongst us. I really don't care for church politics, especially when I see none willing to make a public and open stand for the innocent and most vulnerable and those who have suffered abuse at the hands of predators that we have licensed at one time or another. 

YES...we're back at it and we're making as much noise as we can.

This post features part 1 and 2 of a recent interview done with Queen GerVaise. May the lord grant you strength and courage to stand along with us and a growing number across the country is saying, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and WE MUST SERVE THE HURTING!

Pt. 1

Pt. 2

Pt. 3


Tuesday, October 22, 2024 Longer Dumb & Seduced By Margaret Sanger

I've written and spoken about abortion heavily on this blog for a number of years. Some time ago I wrote about THE NEGRO PROJECT and the subsequent foolishness of the abortion industry. As I have pointed out, the facts of abortion and the numbers just don't hold up and over the years, those numbers have changed only slightly...well, as Kat Williams said....EVERYTHING IS COMING OUT and the lines of TRUTH and ERROR are being drawn. 

The fight is on for the life and health of a community seemingly bent on its own destruction. The Black population, once nearly 20% of the demographic of the United States, is now less than 13% of the population and accounts for nearly HALF of all abortions in the United States. What's equally as bad, is that we have politicians committing to promote abortion and alleged and so called Christian church leaders either silent or promoting of the ideals associated with abortion and Black genocide. 

Thank God for the Bishop, but sadly many leaders within Black Christian circles, and some even within the Grand Ole Church itself, continue to promote abortion policy by promoting political officials committed to abortion. The fact is that, as I have stated on this blog, abortion is outpacing the murder and death of more Black people than deaths during the Transatlantic Slave trade. 

TODAY Oct. 22nd, 2024 on X, formerly known as Twitter, will present an expose on abortion and the historic and devastating damage that it has caused to our society. 

While We know this certainly won't be the last word on an issue that people are so readily and eagerly deceived regarding, hopefully the Black community and society in general will awake and see what the abortion industry has done to us, by promoting and encouraging the lack of individual responsibility and the devaluation of life. We can do better. We MUST do better.  


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Analysis Of The Book Of Enoch...A FREE Live Event

What does the Book Of Enoch have to say about "The Watchers", "The Luminaries", God, Heaven and the End Times? Have you ever wondered why the Book Of Enoch is NOT included within what we know as "scripture" either by Judaism or Christianity? This broadcast will seek to give an orderly, simple and understandable analysis of the Book Of Enoch and some of the good things it brings to light as well as some of the problems that it poses. Bring your notebook...this is bound to be a good one.

Click the picture for the link to the LIVE EVENT on OCT. 17th, 2024 at 7:00PM CST

Broadcast REPLAY
