As I look back, I see that having embarked on the ministry of sexual abuse was very timely and continues to be life changing and eye opening.
It seems that the message was certainly not overlooked. God gave me a message that would sit right at the dinner table with many of the most vile abusers. I receive information, many times after the fact, of what was done and the impact of my work in helping to bring attention to the issue of church related abuse, and healing of those who survived. I am proud, in Christ, to say, THANK YOU JESUS for the opportunity to serve in this capacity!
While the young lady, whom I will bring focus to in this post, and I have never crossed paths in the City of Chicago, interestingly, her abuser and myself did. Unfortunately, we served in the same Jurisdiction, and at least on one occasion, even ate at the same table. As I reflect, God sent me to the right place at the right time with the right message. My last interaction in that jurisdiction, I was invited to this predator's church in the guise of a Jurisdiction function. I am proud to say, that I told my former Bishop, the Late Bishop Robert Sanders of Il. 3rd Jurisdiction, that I REFUSED to step foot in a known predator/pedophile's church. Although Bishop Sanders has gone on to his eternal reward, to this day, I haven't step foot in, not darkened the door of that church.
Now, you can say what you will...doesn't matter to me...nobody has paid my bills but me/us and to God be the glory!!! I wish that as a church we could make such a bold stance to put these sexual abusers out of business. Yes, they are everywhere, in every denomination and seemingly around every corner. Yes, they need to be in church...I would say on their face getting delivered, but they do not need pulpits, and no matter how vocally acrobatic they can be, they need to SIT DOWN and get saved and stop their abuse and molestation and REPAIR the damage that they have done by abusing, misusing and mishandling God's children. It is NOT a "special gift", as pedophile, serial abuser and demon filled
Evangelist Tony Levya once said...He abused and sex trafficked over some 700 boys in his ungodly lifetime. It is a damnable, despicable, pathetic sin worthy of the deepest and lowest parts of hell, and those who do not wish to part from their sins, can't go there fast enough in my opinion.
OK...I got that out...let's get on to the real story at hand...
In 2020, GerVaise Sarah Guyton, at one time, the alleged God-daughter of this particular pedophile freak minister, whom she calls "DIRTY MAN" and "DDM Sr" and titled her book after, was thankfully able to enter into her deliverance and expose the sins of this rejected and clearly unrepentant minister.
In an explicit and no holds barred manner, Mrs. Guyton reveals the truth and goes in depth to the nitty-gritty of the rape and molestation that she experienced and into the depts of the sins that she survived. In this book, "DIRTY MAN A MEMOIR OF HEALING AND DELIVERANCE FROM SEXUAL ABUSE" Mrs. Guyton uncovers this serial pedophile minister who preys on young girls, seeking to defile them, while telling them he is "teaching them" how to have sex and be a good young lady for their future husbands.
One may say...why isn't this person in jail? While he did go to jail for other offenses, these offenses somehow escaped the statute of limitations in Illinois somehow and he was acquitted of the charges similar to the other alleged pedophile, abusive Bishop I have featured both on this blog and in various related podcasts. Click HERE for the links to that information.
The amazing thing to me is that after having advocated for survivors of this terrible sin for years, and seen offenders exposed and judged by God, is that some offenders somehow yet believe that they will escape judgement. They believe that their acts of abuse will never be rehearsed. In other words, they are PULPIT ATHEISTS, who DO NOT BELIEVE GOD, nor do they believe that God's word is true, and that he will stand for the least of them, his children! These fakes seek to present themselves as heroes for one reason or another, but are really the scum scraped off the bottom of commercial garbage heaps.
Some say, "you don't sound like a preacher of redemption"...maybe not...but they didn't sound or look like preachers of redemption when they were raping, abusing, sexually violating and defiling these young ladies and boys now did they??? None of them, including the defiled, illiterate, ungodly and demonically bound parents, and church folk who knew the whole story, but stopped nothing, failed to sound the alarm, and supported these abusers neither sounded or acted like anyone "of redemption" did they???
We seem to offer more excuses for inaction, and tend to resist them bringing deliverance and re-abuse those who have survived these horrific acts of Godless men and in some cases women.
Victim's Advocacy Is Not Dead
While we get ready for yet another election in COGIC, I do need to remind you, that even though I know of no candidate who has undertaken a serious look at victim's advocacy, or taken serious action in support of survivors of church related abuse and sexual abuse, VICTIM'S ADVOCACY IS NOT DEAD YET!
What we will see from this blog, as long as it continues, is continued advocacy for those who have been hurt and abused and continued support for those who have suffered and survived this sin straight from the pit of hell.
Families, sons, daughters, wives and husbands need freedom from what sexual abuse and molestation has done to them. It has shaped some ideals that seem inescapable, some passions that seem to be to great to overcome and some depression that seems to be too low to move through from day to do...All I would say and continue to say is LOOK UP...because your REDEMPTION DRAWS NEAR!!!!
God WILL make a way for you. He will and can take the seemingly destroyed pieces that you have received, and build the most glorious place of refuge for you and your family...GOD CAN...AND GOD WILL!
Closing Prayer:
FATHER, I pray for all them that read this and participate in this blog, that you will strengthen them by your power and might. I pray that you will heal the pain of the soul that some have experienced with your stripes of redemption, and that you will lift hearts above and through the sin of abuse, rape and molestation and help these survivors find higher and greater hopes, aspirations and abundant life...I pray that you will activate the gifts of those holding, receiving and ministering to those who have been hurt, suffered and drained from these egregious sins. I pray that like a mighty DUNAMIS wind you would use us to charge, energize and call souls back to life and let them live free as never before! Replace despair with hope, strength, love and isolation with vibrant community. Let them know that God's children are blessed...that God's children shall be blessed and strengthened and God's children are in your hands, and you are a very present help and healer in this time of need...Heal them, love them, care for them, and raise them up again...and blaze a bright path of freedom and we enter into a new day filled with joy, laughter, freedom and PARAISE...We will be careful, to give you ALL praise, for YOU are the author and finisher of our faith and in you we are never alone. To you, all praise and honor.
Heal SOMEBODY today!!!