Various Items Of Interest

Friday, July 5, 2024

The No "Jesus" Message From The Atheist In The Pulpit

"For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it hath no stalk: the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up." ~ Hosea 8:7

Not long ago I was engaged in a conversation in which I told someone that some of the people they rely on and who preach to them every Sunday only do so because of the ability to make money and earn a living and that they don't necessarily do it because they "believe" in what they are doing. Yes, some folk preaching about God, don't believe in the God they preach!

Yes, I understand that is shocking to some, but just look at what you are seeing. You are witnessing, and have been witnessing for quite some time, ministers, preachers and leaders, not just falling into sin and repenting, but actually wholesale living alternate lives and realities. 

Men fail. People fail. However, there is yet no failure in God!

Over some 14 years ago, along with many, I witnessed the ministry of Shane Perry. Shane was a White preacher who had and rehearsed all the sayings of whooping Pentecostal preacher...right down to his vocal inflections, preaching performances, entertainment and seemingly subject knowledge. In fact, Shane knew, and still knows, how to reproduce the gospel sound and make folk within Charismatic and Pentecostal circles, seem that they are hearing directly from the throne-room of God.

What The Problem Is???

Well, if that were all there was to it, everything would be good, but y-know that ain't it...recently, and I have no idea what sparked what, Shane took the time to not only announce his retirement, but to also briefly explain why. (Now, I will leave out all the Larry Reid beef etc...because I have no clue what was, or is between them and why they are cussing each other out on the internet...So, no story here on that)...However, I would like to examine what Shane, or Dr. Perry,. states in his video...Watch this: 

"They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us." ~ 1 John 2:19

Now, Dr. Perry declares that he is not a "traditional Christian" for many, many years, and has been a "Universal believer" or what we call a believer in Universalism, that was trapped in the traditional

environment...He says he does not quote a lot about Jesus, and does not believe that Jesus is the "only way" to salvation nor does he believe the Bible fully because it has so many errors, mistakes and he knows this because he has studied Hebrew and Greek to assist him in coming to those conclusions. 

Even though he joined the South African ministry of Alph Lukau, allegedly, the greatest and most accurate prophet he has even seen, none of that could stop and or change him from his path of apostasy and now, incessant cussin' and whatever else he has undertaken since and in his retirement. 

Now, this is reminiscent of the late Carlton Pearson. until his demise, Pearson was an adherent of Universalism as well, even stating that he believed that everyone was already saved, no matter what religion they were or what they were currently doing. According to him, even the atheist would be saved due to the acts of Jesus on the cross. The difference is that Pearson, yet claimed the supremacy of Jesus as Lord, among his many heretical beliefs. 

To paraphrase Perry (and listen to the video again for clarity) he says that Jesus is NOT the only way of salvation, the Bible is faulted, flawed and therefore does not house plenary inspiration, and further that he has taught a message successfully for at least the last 10 years, that avoids Jesus within the context of the church. 

Now, that is SHOCKING! Or is it???

You mean to tell me, that this man, who was given the COGIC Convocation pulpit, who regularly spoke at COGIC Bishop's churches, appeared on TD Jakes and Noel Jones stages and a host of other stages, conferences, revivals, TV shows etc...managed to avoid teaching the Bible and the gospel truth of Jesus, was not discerned as being an illegitimate teacher, but was accepted all over the kingdom because he could whoop, squall and "sound" like he was a fire born believer and Holy Ghost filled?

I mean, this was a Bart Ehrman deconversion. A total removal and separation of "common" from "sense". Shane delivered an atheistic message, one that did not honor the God of the bible nor reverence scripture, but a personality who was embraced until he fact, right now, many claim that Perry is only "under stress" or just needs to "clear his head", or that he simply needs "prayer"...

Now, be clear, Perry admits to PTSD or some other mental, emotional, or neurological disorder as a result of military service. As the son of a military family, admitted to Air Force Academy myself and having see the results of Vietnam, Korea and even Afghanistan, up close and person, I understand and Shane has no criticism from me on those issues, and I hope he gets all the help and treatment he needs...BUT, with all that said, Perry has rejected Jesus, and that is abject apostasy. The only thing worse, is the church's inability to discern the message and her acceptance of it.

THE the real problem here. Like Juanita II, Shane was used and lapped up all over this land by the church and church leaders for $$$ and entertainment value. Shane put on a good show and did that for a long time. Unfortunately, he didn't believe much of what he was preaching. He devolved into becoming a "life coach" with a mission to bring people to their "blessing" and their "deliverance". The bible was a tool to get into high and holy places, to cajole others into accepting him. 

Ooh yes, we see it...satan, fashioned as a "serpent" in the Garden who deceived Eve and caused Adam to be subject to evil (Gen. 3:12-13, 2 Cor.11:3); satan himself showing up in the heavenly procession of the "Sons of God" (Job 1:7) stating his mission was to devour all of mankind; then Paul warns us that satan himself appears as an angel of light ( 2 Cor. 11:14). We are warned of his ability to deceive and his ultimate fate (Rev. 20:10) and that he is the "father of lies" and all deceit (John 8:44)


In roughly 2010, some 14 years ago, our church was bilked out of $30,000 as we were in the process of securing a church location. The liar and thief, one Kenin Edwards, was sentenced in Federal Court for another violation just this week. During his sentencing he was told by the judge that he was a "fraud" and one that was given to "manipulation" and one that deserved to be stopped. In our case, I knew something was wrong when this liar met us at the bank to collect his first $5,000. I was personally never inspired, encouraged or moved by his alleged scriptural encouragements and saw him for what he was, a LIAR! I asked, my superiors, prior to loosing the additional $25,000, to immediately discontinue doing business with him, all to no avail...because he had tapped into our desire to do something "special" and deliver help to the community, as well as secure a premium facility. 

Although we were all deceived about his business dealings, we were not deceived about his spirit or character. He was evil then, and hopefully his prison stay will help him to repent of his evil and truly change. 

I am not sure that The TRUE CHURCH and true believers cannot be deceived when it comes to hearing God and knowing the truth. We should be able to hear the message and take heed to the warnings that Christ sends us.

However, some lessons we are subject to for one reason or another. However, I believe that when we magnify the process of church and the church aesthetic, greater than magnifying the Lord of our souls, we are in trouble. Yet, that is the plight and condition of the modern church. We like it to sound, look and act like church, rather than demand that it is JESUS and be ordained by God.

I am saddened that Dr. Perry is struggling to receive his deliverance. He is an atheist or at very best and agnostic, seeking to find out who God is. I am saddened that those who invited him were more interested in drawing a crowd and receiving an offering more than they were interested in Perry's doctrine, teaching and obviously his lifestyle (which from all that cussing, drinking and whatever, says, this man ain't been saved in a long time!)

This is why our children as still being abused...families are still being broken...folk are still not delivered...we have admired and promoted the wrong thing. Lord help us JESUS!



  1. Why are we so THURSTY???? We take anything that shines and glitters...we like shiny stuff like that....We had good COGIC preachers can't even hardly touch the stage at Convocation, yet the pulpit and leadership is wide open to things like this...Well I guess if we can accept, endorse and promote folk who were on "Cheaters" and others who have molested folk, been caught and remain unrepentant, then I guess we can accept folk who don't preach Jesus too...

  2. Garry J. AndersonJuly 6, 2024 at 8:42 AM

    I posted something brief on my wall about this, and only a few wanted to touch it. That’s because it’s hard for people to admit they got took. A Caucasian man that “sounds black” is a novelty in many a predominately “black” assembly. They can whoop a nursery rhyme for 45 minutes and sadly many would be enamored and call it “anointed.” That’s because many are in love with the idea of “church,” and not the Head of it, which is Christ.

    1. Absolutely right Pastor! These folk are given to idols and idolatry and they don't even know it. They venerate everything but Jesus. Very sad.


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